Improving social protection measures for minors in modern Russia. Improvement of the system of social protection of family, motherhood and childhood in the municipality Proposals to improve the social protection of orphans

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Kalimullina Elza Ramisovna. Problems social protection disabled children in the conditions of modern Russian society: dissertation ... candidate of sociological sciences: 22.00.04 / Kalimullina Elza Ramisovna; [Place of protection: Bashkir. state un-t] .- Ufa, 2007.- 151 p .: ill. RSL OD, 61 07-22 / 696


Chapter 1. Theoretical and methodological foundations of the problem of social protection of disabled children 21

1.1 Social characteristics modern child disability 21

1.2 Social protection of disabled children: essence and main directions 43

1.3 Social protection of disabled children in modern Russia: state and development prospects 61

Chapter 2. Improving social protection of disabled children in the context of the transforming Russian society 68

2.1 The main directions of social policy in the Russian Federation in relation to children with disabilities 68

2.2 Improving social protection of children with disabilities at the present stage 75

2.3 Reforming the activities of state and public organizations to improve social protection of children with disabilities at the federal and regional levels 84

Conclusion 126

List of used literature 132

Introduction to work

Relevance of the research topic. The radical transformation of economic and social life taking place in our country has led to an extraordinary actualization of the problem of social protection of disabled children.Total denationalization, market transformations, on the one hand, contributed to the formation of a whole social group of children with disabilities, in respect of whom it is necessary to create a special system of social protection in general and a specific state social policy in particular.According to statistical information, in the last decade alone, the frequency of child disability in Russia has doubled, amounting to about 600 thousand by 2005 people 1 According to some other data, over the past twenty years the number of disabled children in our country has increased 12 times, and according to forecasts, in the next ten years their number will reach 1.2 - 1.5 million 2

As you know, in accordance with the 1993 Constitution, the Russian Federation is proclaimed a democratic social state that ensures equality of rights and freedoms of citizens, that is, it combats discrimination based on health status.Thus, the social policy of the Russian state should be based on the full social protection of disabled children , passing to varying degrees under his guardianship It is not by chance that since the end of the 1990s, social policy in our state has been carried out on the so-called “social model of disability,” which involves not only the social rehabilitation of a disabled child, but also his social integration. At the same time, social protection of children with disabilities is not only a state task, but also one of the main problems of the emerging civil society.In this sense, social protection of children with disabilities is the most important social function of society as a whole

In modern conditions, social protection of children with disabilities grows from the category of a socio-medical problem into a general

"Federal Target Program" Social Support for Disabled People for 2006-2010 ", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 832 of October 29, 2005

2 Kulagina EV Adaptation of families with disabled children to modern economic conditions Abstract of the thesis for the day of economics - М 2004, p. 5

social task, which presupposes, firstly, systemic interaction to optimize this process of the entire sociocultural environment of a person (family, boarding school, school, etc.), and secondly, the active use of all areas of socio-regulatory impact (medical, financial and economic , psychological and pedagogical, etc.) That is why today an urgent scientific and practical problem is a sociological study of both the system of social protection of children with disabilities and - directions for improving this phenomenon in relation to various levels of public organization (federal, regional, local) Paraphrasing a well-known figurative expression of one of the classics of science, we can say that largely by the way society treats disabled children, how the social protection system of this social group is organized, one can judge the state and social health of society as a whole

Thus, the relevance of a sociological study of the problems of social protection of children with disabilities is predetermined to a large extent not only by scientific tasks, but also by the needs of the practical improvement of the mechanism of social protection in our country in the context of the ongoing social transformation. view, no less urgent task than such global problems as the building of the rule of law and the formation of civil society

The degree of elaboration of the problem. Interest in the problem of social protection of children with disabilities, in social problems, as well as in the difficulties faced by a family raising such a child is constantly growing, which is confirmed by an increase in the number of studies, monographs, books, articles devoted to these topical problems in everything. the world

The issues of social protection of children are considered both in numerous works of foreign and domestic researchers.

Among foreign authors, it is necessary to mention Maller A, Gomien D, Werner D, Borovsky R, Bilson E, Y Soba, whose publications covered general theoretical issues of social protection of children in general, and children with disabilities, in particular The most complete and of practical interest for specialists dealing with children with disabilities are publications by D Werner

The scientific development of the problems of social protection of disabled children in the latest Russian studies largely reflects the evolution of the assessment of the social significance of this issue in our country as a whole. with disabilities, work of a medico-social nature prevailed This direction of research continues to develop within the framework of special medical work and publications of the sanitary and hygienic direction At the second stage, in connection with the deployment of the study of social protection problems and social policy in general, in the scientific study of the problems of protecting child disability a significant part of it began to be composed of works of a sociological nature, in particular - on the problems of lifestyle and social regulation of its development both special sociological research and fundamental development of the economic, socio-psychological, pedagogical and legal aspects of the problem.

Thus, in the domestic sociological literature, the problem of social protection of children with disabilities, its essence and content, the influence of social factors on the development of disabled children has not been sufficiently developed.The weakest point of sociological research of this problem is the lack of works that develop this topic systematically, in conjunction with various aspects of social development The existing works mainly consider only certain aspects of the lifestyle and development of children with disabilities

The problem of improving the system of social protection of children with disabilities in general and other aspects of the topic under consideration is also insufficiently studied.There are few works devoted to regional aspects of social protection of children with disabilities and the optimization of management of this process

Thus, the relevance of the chosen topic of the dissertation research is determined not only by its social significance at the present stage of development of our country, but also by the insufficient scientific elaboration of the problem.

At the same time, as the analysis of the literature shows, the origins of the study of the social protection of disabled children were laid in the works of such famous scientists as P. P Blonsky, P F Kapterev, I AM Korczak, K Zabloskiy, K Kireichikidr

The works of VM Astapov, OI Lebedinsky, B Yu Shapiro, LK Grachev, NF Dementieva, EF Ustinov, EI Kholostova, AI Osadchikh, OV Pavlenko, are devoted to issues affecting the theory and practice of social protection of children with disabilities. D A Tuboleva, L P Khrapplin and others

The problems of the prevalence of disability among children, its structure, organizational problems and regional features of this phenomenon were partially reflected in the works of MN Nikitina, RK Ignatieva, EI Tanyukhina and AL Svintsov, AA Baranov, GV Tarasova, A Akhmedov and other scientists

Medical and social features of child disability in general, the issues of their rehabilitation are reflected in the works of VS Anisimov, VL Martynov, OV Grinina, DI Zelinskaya, IP Katkova, GS Okuneva, NI Gurvich and IA Kamaev Selected aspects of comparative analysis morbidity of children with disabilities, their medical support, the need for certain types of medical and social care are presented in the works of TM Maximova, GS Okuneva and other researchers

Certain traditions of scientific, including sociological research of the problem of disabled children have been accumulated in the Republic of Bashkortostan. In a medical and sanitary sense, they touch upon the problem we are investigating 3 A Khusnutdinova, S V Shagarova, who focused on the social and psychological problems of families raising disabled children with cerebral palsy Finally, in the works of E And Etkina, AG Baiburina, 3 K Davletbaeva children's disability in the Republic of Bashkortostan is examined in detail, and a medical and social characteristic of a disabled child with cerebral palsy is given

Fundamental studies of well-known sociologists of Bashkortostan, devoted to the problems of social policy, social regulation and social development in general, form a kind of scientific basis for the sociological study of child disability and the improvement of its social protection. Gallyamova, VD Golikova, GA Kabakovich, MD Kiekbaev, FU Mukhametlatypov, RT Nasibullina, MM Sadriev, RB Shaikhislamov, FS Fayzullin and other authors

Various aspects of the development of the process of social protection of children with disabilities were reflected in numerous periodicals, including various regulatory documents concerning the social, economic, legal, spiritual freedom of a disabled child, the experience of various institutions specializing in working with children with disabilities. development and at work with children left without parental care, parental feedback, discussion of urgent problems - all this is constantly published in publications such as the Healing Almanac, Social Protection magazine, Social Work, Social Workers Magazine

In general, an analytical review of the literature, periodicals and dissertation research shows that over the past 20 years, the emphasis in the study of the problems of children with disabilities has shifted from an in-depth study of more medical aspects to the analysis of the problem of the development of a disabled child as a person. , and for legal, as well pedagogical work on this issue Now the issue of a social approach to children with disabilities and the families in which they are brought up is put on the agenda, the activities of social workers, sociologists, economists, statesmen, doctors, teachers, psychologists, defectologists are analyzed - that is, carriers of social work

Unfortunately, to date, Russia has not developed an integral, effective system for including children with disabilities in social life and guaranteeing them full social protection, opportunities to meet basic needs, the realization of interests. public policy perspective

Thus, there is a contradiction between the objective needs in the creation of an integral effective system of social

protection of children with disabilities with the inclusion of various social institutions in this system and the absence in sociological science of a sufficiently substantiated theory, and in practice - an effective technology that ensures the solution of issues of social protection of children with disabilities in Russian society. social protection of disabled children in Russia

The relevance and insufficient research of the above problems determined the object, subject, goals and objectives of the study.

Object dissertation research is the system of social protection of disabled children as a specific social group

Subject dissertation problems of social protection of disabled children in our country at various levels of public organization

The purpose and objectives of the study. The purpose of the dissertation is to study the state of the mechanism of social protection of disabled children in Russia and to develop the main directions for improving this system in modern conditions.In accordance with this goal, the following research tasks are put forward in the dissertation

identify and reveal the factors of the state and causes of child disability as a special sociological problem,

to study the essence, structure and main directions of the system of social protection of disabled children,

to formulate the main directions of the society's activity in relation to the organization of the system of social protection of disabled children in modern conditions,

work out theoretical basis and specific proposals for improving the system of social protection of disabled children in modern Russian society

Theoretical and methodologicalbasis dissertation

the research is the complexly used dialectical-logical, structural-functional methods of cognition, the methodology of systems analysis. Of particular importance is the institutional approach, which makes it possible to study the key social phenomena in the subject area chosen by the candidate for the dissertation and show their fundamental nature for the development of society. R Borovsky, D Werner, L V Druzhinin and others

Of particular importance for the study were the provisions of the scientific theories of social policy, social protection, social work, modern social technologies.

The analysis of the problems highlighted in the dissertation is based on the use of methods of logical, comparative, systemic, institutional and functional analysis. Among the theoretical and methodological principles, the leading were the unity of theoretical and empirical approaches to the study social phenomena, historicism, the ratio of the objective and the subjective and some others

The issues studied in accordance with the conceptual intent of the dissertation are considered taking into account specific historical conditions, changes in the socio-political system and the socio-economic reforms carried out in the country.

The empirical basis of the dissertation work are several groups of sources

First Legal materials were analyzed at both the federal and regional levels, affecting the problems of social protection of children with disabilities, including federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, government decrees, departmental documents, etc. directly on the relevant act documents, this group of sources was of the greatest importance for the analysis of the role and function of the state r organizing the social protection of children with disabilities.In addition, the official documents of the Ministry of Health and Social Development were studied Russian Federation, current documents of the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Bashkortostan,

Second To characterize the quantitative indicators of the development of child disability and the evolution of the social protection system for children with disabilities, materials of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus were used, both published in statistical collections and available on the official websites of this fiscal organization on the Internet.

Third The main part of empirical information is presented by the results of the author's sociological research conducted by the method of polls in 2005-2007 in Ufa, including

1 Expert survey of specialists employed in the system of social protection of children with disabilities The sample was based on the principles of positional analysis and covered about 300 people Of these, one third of the respondents were psychologists, speech therapists,

Republican rehabilitation center for disabled people, one third of social teachers and psychologists of the Republican psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation, one third - heads of rehabilitation centers and administrations in Ufa and employees of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Bashkortostan working with disabled children

2 Results of a survey of parents of children with disabilities
opportunities 450 respondents were interviewed The questionnaire included three
a block of questions about the level of information about the work that
carried out by various organizations with children with disabilities, about the needs
in various types of assistance, on the organization of medical and social assistance

3 Results of a focused interview of young (up to 30 years old) people with disabilities,
disabled for various diseases (including
disabled since childhood) The interview was conducted in the Republican
rehabilitation center for the disabled in 2006, the survey sample was
over 80 respondents The structure of the interview included the results
discussion of the following problems volume and sources of income, expenses,
the quality of medical care, the possibility of obtaining
education, employment problems, lifestyle, social assistance,
awareness of disability issues

Fourth The work uses the results of a repeated analysis of similar studies on the problems of child disability conducted in Bashkortostan and some other regions of the Russian Federation, both published in print and extracted by the author from dissertation research

In the dissertation work, the provisions developed on the basis of the research carried out are formulated, which constitute it scientific novelty and can be presented as the following theses

the content of the basic concepts of the dissertation research was clarified and concretized, their author's interpretation was developed and proposed, including the author's meaning of such phenomena as "childhood", "children's disability", "disabled children", "social adaptation of a disabled child", "social protection of disabled children ",

the theoretical and methodological foundations of the organization of social protection of disabled children have been developed Including the principles of this protection, including the principle of personification of social protection, the principle of integrating the actions of all subjects of social protection of children with disabilities, the principle of subjectivity of the social protective process, the principle

Integrity At the same time, the organizational conditions of modern effective social protection of children with disabilities are presented and argued, these include the reliance in the process of providing social protection for children with disabilities on a differentiated approach, focus on the adequate subject inclusion of a disabled child in the process of social protection, integration of a disabled child in the process of learning in a mass school together with healthy children, orientation towards receiving children with disabilities vocational education and their inclusion in certain activities, as well as the organization of leisure activities for various groups of people with disabilities,

Based on a comparative analysis of social protection systems in
different countries of the world, it is determined that world practice has formed
three types of organizations that solve problems on a different basis
social protection of disabled children, state or
governmental, entrepreneurial or private initiatives,
non-profit, including volunteer movements They are all different
structure, the amount of funds spent, the number of people employed in them
people But any of them is largely dependent on the other two
It has also been proven that etatic forms dominate in our fan
social protection of disabled children, the development of
civil initiatives in this area,

It has been proven that a special and multi-level system
state protection of children with disabilities, created at the present stage
development of Russian society, needs improvement in
following the main areas of focus, social protection should
be focused on the most complete adaptation of children with
limited opportunities for life in society as its full
members, secondly, state and municipal bodies should
act on the basis of special government standards, with high
the level of coordination of their actions, thirdly, social protection itself
should be, on the one hand, as targeted as possible, and on the other -
focused on different, from the point of view of social perspectives and
rehabilitation potential, a group of children, fourth, social
protection of children with disabilities must be organized systematically as from the point of
of the applied methods and services (material, medical and social,
educational, recreational, professional and psycho
social), and in the sense of the relationship between state, municipal and
public entities, from the standpoint of creating an appropriate
informational and socio-psychological climate,

Recommendations for improving the social protection of disabled children in Bashkortostan have been developed and proposed, its basic block diagram has been proposed.The developed scheme indicates that a fairly harmonious system of social protection bodies has developed in the Republic of Bashkortostan It consists, on the one hand, of government departments and institutions On the other hand, the social protection system includes a number of non-governmental, public organizations

The theoretical and practical significance of the dissertation research is that it develops the essence of social protection of children with disabilities and identifies all the main modern problems.Scientific analysis of the state of social protection of children with disabilities will develop an up-to-date vision of these problems and will contribute to the improvement of the social protection system in modern conditions The results of the dissertation research can also be used in the development of social programs for the social protection of children with disabilities.They can be used in the development and evaluation of regional and local programs and projects in the field of state social policy regarding children with disabilities.

The research results can be used in the development of social policy and social protection of children with disabilities in the context of the socio-economic transformation of Russian society, as well as regional forecasts and programs for the development of social protection of children with disabilities. In addition, the findings of the study can be used in teaching courses on social politics, sociology, social work, as well as when reading special courses, individual lectures on the problems of child disability

In addition, they can be used in the work of educational and specialized children's institutions, in the organization of work with disabled children, as well as in the development of specific social programs to help families, mothers and children.

Approbation of the research results The main theoretical provisions and results of the dissertation research were reported and discussed at a number of international, all-Russian, interregional and regional scientific-practical conferences, including at the Republican scientific-practical conference "Political parties and movements of Bashkortostan theory and practice" (Ufa, 2004 ), The International Scientific and Practical Conference "Social and Institutional

factors of economic development "(Saratov, 2005), the International Scientific and Practical Conference" Problems and Prospects for Improving the Management of National Economic Potential "(Saratov, 2006), the International Scientific and Practical Conference" Social Work State, Problems, Prospects "(Kazan, 2006 ), Republican Scientific and Practical Conference "Environment and Human Security in the Modern World" (BSU, 2006) On the topic of the dissertation, the author published 7 articles and abstracts with a total volume of 2.7 printed pages, including one article in the journal recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation for the publication of the results of candidate dissertation research (Bulletin of BSU)

Structure and scope of work. The dissertation work consists of an introduction, two chapters, including six paragraphs, a conclusion, a list of used literature.The volume of the dissertation is 149 pages of text, a list of used literature includes 240 titles

2Social protection of children with disabilities: essence and main directions

It is generally recognized that people suffering from serious ailments and having limited opportunities for life and work in Russia have traditionally been one of the objects of charity and mercy. Children and adults, whose development significantly differed from the generally accepted norm, always evoked feelings of pity, compassion and sympathy. Therefore, active compassion and participation in their fate was a phenomenon of the moral order that has always distinguished the culture of Russian society. Today's Russian legislative acts on caring for and helping people with disabilities are close to the laws and principles adopted all over the world, which affirm a non-discriminatory attitude towards people with disabilities and call on the world community to create conditions for the integration of sick children into society, providing them with equal opportunities in services, services, information, education and labor activity... And although people with disabilities and their families still encounter barriers in understanding and communicating with others, there is much evidence that, in general, the attitude of society towards people with disabilities is gradually changing, going from inattention and rejection to accepting their rights, their dignity and usefulness to society. The crisis phenomena in Russian society could not but affect the health of the population. The decline in the standard of living and the lack of adequate compensation for the negative factors of the natural and social environment lead to the accumulation of chronic patients in each generation. The health of children is of particular concern: the incidence of childhood infections is growing, the prevalence of congenital anomalies and malformations is increasing, and according to all forecasts, the indicator of child disability will grow. Caring for abnormal children is a humane and socially significant function of the state, which meets the interests of both the individual suffering from an illness and the whole society.

Consequently, there is a need to improve the system of social protection for disabled children. It is known that in the special literature, social protection, in general, is understood as a purposeful, consciously regulated system of practical, social, political, legal, psychological, pedagogical, economic, medico-economic and spiritual measures that provide normal conditions and resources for physical, mental, spiritual and moral formation, functioning and development of children, as well as prevention of infringement of their rights and human dignity. We also agree that the social protection of disabled children is understood as a purposeful, coordinated system of psychological, pedagogical, medical, legal and spiritual measures that ensure the full inclusion of disabled children in social life based on the formation of their attitude towards certain restrictions, given by the disease, not as an aggravating circumstance, but as a certain way of LIFE. At the same time, one of the newest specialized dictionaries "Social policy, level and quality of life" (2001) offers the following definition of the concept of social protection: "Social protection is an integral part of the social policy of the state, a system of measures aimed at observing social human rights, meeting his social needs ".42

A somewhat different definition of social protection is offered by a glossary prepared by a group of researchers from the Institute of Socio-Economic Problems of Population of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2002): “Social protection is a complex of programs implemented to meet basic needs and realize the fundamental rights of citizens guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation: the possibility of obtaining funds for existence, availability of work, education, housing, medical services, that is, ensuring a socially acceptable standard of living for the population. " It is known that today a special legal concept of basic definitions of our problem has already been formed, including the 1995 Law "On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation". definitions of the concepts of "disabled person", "social protection of disabled people", "rehabilitation", "medical and social expertise" have been introduced, a wide list of types of life support for disabled people has been established: the consequences of injuries or defects, leading to limitation of life activity and necessitating his social protection. Social protection of people with disabilities is a system of state-guaranteed economic, social and legal measures that provide people with disabilities with conditions for overcoming, replacing (compensating) disabilities and aimed at creating opportunities for them to participate in society on an equal basis with other citizens. Rehabilitation of people with disabilities is a system of medical, psychological, pedagogical, socio-economic measures aimed at eliminating or as fully compensating for the disabilities caused by health problems with persistent disorders of the body's functions.

The goal of rehabilitation is to restore social status disabled person, his achievement of material independence and his social adaptation. Medical and social examination - determination in the prescribed manner of a person's needs in measures of social protection, including rehabilitation, based on an assessment of the disabilities caused by persistent disorder of the body's functions. The study of the problem of social protection of disabled children in this dissertation requires identification of patterns and substantiation of the principles of organizing social protection. When identifying and forming regular connections of the process of social protection of children with disabilities, the most obvious, stable and repetitive connections that characterize the process under study were recorded. The process of social protection of a disabled child is ensured on the basis of the active inclusion of the child himself in this process in the course of his interaction with the surrounding social environment; the second pattern suggests

Social protection of disabled children in modern Russia: state and development prospects

A specific factor in the protection of disabled children is the social policy of the state. The state implements a social policy in relation to persons with disabilities through a network of state bodies and organizations (institutions of social protection, education and health care), regulatory legal acts, etc. The state provides material, legal, political, technical and organizational conditions for the protection of disabled children, through the leadership of the press, takes measures to form public opinion. For what purpose it does this, it is understandable - so that healthy people are confident in their future - if the misfortune of becoming disabled befall them, then society will not leave them alone with their problems. The history of social policy in the field of disability over the past 100 years knows, as you know, two dominant basic doctrines: 1) The doctrine of "social utility", according to which a person with a physical or mental disability, under appropriate conditions, is able to benefit society and pay part of the costs of its content. 2)

The doctrine of "equal opportunities" proceeds from the fact that society is obliged to ensure equal rights for persons with disabilities with healthy rights in all areas of life. In recent years, a third, so-called “market” doctrine has been rapidly emerging in Russia. As stated in the State Report “On the Situation of Persons with Disabilities in the Russian Federation” (2004), “old principles must be revised, and new interpretations of the concepts of social justice, equality, and new ideas about the necessary scale of social guarantees, fundamental for social policy, must be politically and ethically legitimized. on the relationship between the responsibility of society and the individual for the welfare of the latter. ”57 Another concept dominated in Soviet Russia, called the concept of“ social utility ”. Moreover, in practice, there is a separate residence of the disabled and the healthy. Children with disabilities were brought up in boarding schools, adults lived in special institutions of social protection, worked at enterprises of the Ministry of Social Protection, united in organizations, according to the nature of the disability. It seemed natural that healthy people lead the lives of people with disabilities and solve their problems. All these circumstances, along with the policy of benefits, led to the following state: the passivity of some of the disabled in relation to rehabilitation measures, social infantilism; the lack of communication experience among the disabled and, as a consequence, the lack of social skills (the ability to "present" oneself, the ability to listen to the interlocutor, to get along with people); sometimes inability to adequately behave in a specific situation; negative attitudes of healthy people towards disabled people, suspicion combined with pity, a desire to stop contact. The doctrine of “equal opportunities” in Russia is not only not present in the public consciousness, but only recently began to be realized by people responsible for social policy. The market transformations of the last decade have significantly aggravated the situation - the living standards of not only disabled people, but also the population as a whole, have dropped.

In a crisis, the policy of privileges causes irritation and ill-concealed hostility among a part of the population. Commercialized media are actively involved in shaping public attitudes. In these conditions, another factor that influences the course and success of social protection of disabled children - the socio-psychological one - acquires special significance. As studies carried out by L.A. Shabalina and N.G. Dobrovolskaya show, disabled people, even having all the potential opportunities to actively participate in the social life of society, cannot realize them simply because healthy people do not want to communicate with them, entrepreneurs - to take on work. When measuring social distance, it is found that healthy people prefer situations that do not require close contact with a disabled person or contacts "on an equal footing." These attitudes are complex in nature. Healthy people often consider disabled people “sad, angry, unhappy, suspicious and envious”, they are credited with such qualities as “distrust of healthy people, increased feeling of self-pity, lack of initiative, increased demands.” 59 On the other hand, 97.7% of respondents recognize disabled people as weak and vulnerable groups and believe that society should help them. Thus, the attitude of healthy people towards disabled people can be assessed as ambiguous: on the one hand, they are assessed as different for the worse, which gives rise to hostility and hostility; on the other hand, they are perceived as deprived of many opportunities, "unhappy", which engenders sympathy and empathy.

The State Report "On the Situation of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation" (2005) states that this duality "gives hope for improving relations between disabled and healthy people, as a guarantee of social integration." 1 In our opinion, this situation in the public consciousness is the best illustration of the model of "social apartheid" - a combination of pity and hostility, social assistance and separation, the domination of the healthy over the disabled. Thus, the transition to the doctrine of "equal opportunities" is associated not only with economic difficulties, political problems, but also with social and psychological obstacles. Any program for the social protection of disabled children must have a solid material base. In order to ensure the accessibility of the architectural environment, make a sufficient number of prostheses, means of transport and special devices that ensure the child's physical independence, create jobs and adapt them to the physical capabilities of a disabled child, provide high level medical, pedagogical, psychological, professional, social rehabilitation, to organize leisure, creative, sports centers, significant investments are needed. The level of the material base for solving the problems of child disability is determined by: the level of national income per capita, the growth rate of GNP; the share that society is ready to spend for the rehabilitation of disabled children and the nature of the investment of the allocated funds. Currently in Russia social protection of disabled children and their

Improving social protection of children with disabilities at the present stage

Our consideration in the previous paragraph of the main directions and contradictions of the state's social policy as a factor in the social protection of children with disabilities, allows us to move on to the formulation of more specific policy directions in relation to children with disabilities. In our opinion, the most problematic, "key" places of social policy in relation to children with disabilities are "grouped" around the following factors: First. Financial payments to families of disabled children are completely insufficient and optimally disorganized. So, as a simple analysis shows, the value social pension paid to children with disabilities is only 57% of living wage child and is not divided into disability groups. As a result, disabled children with particularly severe forms of illness and low rehabilitation potential remain less protected. At the same time, the amount of compensation payments for non-working parents caring for disabled children under 18 years old, set at 60% of the minimum wage, is only 15% of the subsistence minimum.

Thus, unemployed parents in caregiving are left without a livelihood. By the way, the results of our surveys showed that parents of children with disabilities want to work fully and agree to bear full civil responsibility for the social rehabilitation of their children if the state creates a system of measures of appropriate labor benefits (part-time work with compensatory wages, additional leave, etc. etc.). Second. Unfortunately, even the currently existing legislative norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in relation to parents of disabled children are not provided with executive mechanisms. Thus, according to the results of a representative study conducted by O.M. Zdravomyslova and M.Yu. Harutyunyan, only about 15% of workers use the rights assigned to working parents of disabled children. Third. The main assistance of the state to families with disabled children is to provide monetary compensation (for travel in public transport, to pay for utilities, telephone, electricity, heat and medicines for disabled children), and not in stimulating the economic activity of parents through fuller use of their adaptive potential. In our opinion, it is possible to increase the effectiveness of the adaptation of families, to make fuller use of their socio-demographic resource and the adaptive potential of parents, provided the positive influence of political, legal, institutional, and regulatory factors.

Depending on the degree of elaboration of the problem at the legislative level, a social infrastructure is formed, executive mechanisms are brought into action, which have a positive effect on the socio-economic adaptation of families. This includes social service institutions that provide medical, social, educational, legal and economic services to families with disabled children, as well as special education and upbringing systems for disabled children, public organizations of disabled people and parents of disabled children. Assessment of the impact of these factors on the processes of social and economic protection of families in modern economic conditions leads to the conclusion that it is necessary to improve the existing social policy, including monitoring the mechanism of its implementation, as well as strengthening the interaction of families with social institutions. As a result of the analysis of the most pressing problems of children with disabilities and their needs for various types of assistance, we have developed and proposed practical advice, which provide for the improvement of the system of social protection of families with disabled children, including the preservation of the economic activity of parents, support of the processes of social and economic protection of families, and an increase in their adaptation resources. They contain proposals in the field of: social security and social services for families with disabled children; employment of workers with disabled children; pension provision for disabled children and their parents; education of children with disabilities, as well as proposals to ensure the availability of information on social issues for parents and the openness of family records in official materials on a number of socio-demographic characteristics. If we consider each of the areas of social protection of children with disabilities that we have identified, then, in our opinion, they involve the implementation of the following types of social activities, which have appropriate organizational, financial, legal and informational elements: 1) In the field of social security of families with disabled children ,

In order to equitably distribute social assistance and increase the adaptability of families in modern economic conditions, it is necessary to: use a differentiated approach to the provision of pensions for disabled children; to the amount of compensation payments for non-working parents; to the content of social benefits for families based on data on the socio-demographic resources of families, the age and rehabilitation potential of disabled children; to strengthen social assistance programs for families forced to use paid medical treatment for disabled children; ensure state control over their implementation. Create a mechanism to support the employment of parents of children with disabilities on the basis of the principles of equal treatment and equal opportunities for workers with family responsibilities, including: the development of legislative acts providing for economic incentives and benefits aimed at increasing the interest of employers in hiring citizens with family responsibilities, including including part-time, flexible or home-based; introduction of state control and supervision over the observance of legislation on the rights of working parents of disabled children and a system of sanctions for its violation; development of employment programs for employees with disabled children, taking into account data on the socio-demographic resources of families, the age and rehabilitation potential of disabled children and the adaptive potential of parents; creation of databases in municipal employment services providing information on flexible workplaces for workers with disabled children; development of programs for retraining and retraining of employees with disabled children; introduction of alternative types of employment for parents of children with disabilities, including the use of computer technology to provide home-based employment; providing parents in need of home work with the necessary equipment on the terms of temporary free use or payment through a system of loans.

Reforming the activities of state and public organizations to improve social protection of children with disabilities at the federal and regional levels

Currently, our country is undergoing significant changes not only in the legislative framework, but also in the forms and methods of managing social protection of the population, in the organizational structure. public services engaged in social protection of disabled children. This is due, firstly, to an increase in the scale of social management tasks, an increase in the number of elderly and disabled people in the country, a catastrophic deterioration in all living conditions for their existence, a meager level of pensions, a sharp rise in the cost of medicines, food, clothing, etc. The new conditions require the creation of a much more ramified and all-encompassing network of social assistance institutions. It requires the adoption of special social programs for disabled children, a change in the attitude of society towards their needs. Secondly, the change in approaches to state policy in relation to disabled people and the corresponding changes in the organization and activities of social services are associated with the development of advanced foreign experience in working with disabled children. With the advent of publications about this experience and the practical activities of Russian social assistance services for disabled people, new guidelines and attitudes are being built.

In this regard, the question of an individual, targeted approach to a disabled child is being raised more often and more persistently. In the new conditions, the most acute problem has become the rehabilitation of disabled people. It should be noted that this aspect has long been the most important area of ​​work with people with disabilities abroad. All this requires the expansion of the scale of the activities of social services, the development of new units, the improvement of their structure, a change in the concept of assistance to disabled children and their families. As you know, after the legislative basis for the social protection of disabled people in the country as a whole was formed, they had legal grounds for claims against the activities of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population. A huge number of letters and complaints were sent by parents of children with disabilities to various authorities. One of the main reasons for the dissatisfaction of citizens with the activities of the ministry is, as the analysis carried out by some specialists shows, the low levels of pensions, benefits, compensations, which are not able to guarantee people a normal standard of living, since their size is far from the subsistence level. Due to the difficult economic situation, many legislatively established monetary compensations, privileges were not provided with sufficient financial resources. A similar situation was typical both for Russia as a whole and for its regions. It is known that in November 1991, by order of B.N. Yeltsin under the President of the Russian Federation, a coordinating committee for disabled people was formed.

Before the creation of this committee, the problems of people with disabilities were mainly dealt with by public organizations. At the state level, such a committee emerged for the first time in the history of Russia. The structure of the coordinating body for the disabled, created experimentally, looked as follows (see table 1). As you can see, the structure of the coordinating committee was maximally focused on improving the coordination work of all organizations of people with disabilities, raising medical care and prevention, rehabilitation of people with disabilities to a higher level. The area of ​​cooperation with foreign countries and international organizations was completely new. The Committee includes prominent scientists and specialists in the field of law, medicine, social and labor rehabilitation, people's deputies, and people with disabilities. The Steering Committee has done a lot to create community organizations on the ground. In addition, the staff of the Coordinating Committee on the Affairs of Persons with Disabilities under the President of the Russian Federation took an active part in the development of decrees and orders of the President of the country. At the same time, his activities proved to be insufficiently effective. In July 1994, the Coordination Committee for Disabled Persons under the President of Russia was abolished. The main state body dealing with the issues of social protection of the population was the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation, in which, by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of Russia dated July 23, 1993, the Department for Disabled People was created. It was organized in order to improve the management of social protection of this category of the population. The Department of Disabled Persons has received a large amount of authority. The responsibilities of this new body included the development of a comprehensive system of social protection for disabled people, that is, in fact, the formation of the main areas of social assistance (including the organization of rehabilitation, direct social assistance and support for disabled people). The department was also involved in organizing medical and social expertise nationwide, by coordinating the activities of state, public and other organizations of people with disabilities. The Department has created a network of rehabilitation and social services for disabled people, prepared proposals for improving legislation on social protection of disabled people and the activities of their public organizations. The organization of training in the field of social protection of disabled people was established.67 However, despite the work being carried out, which is of great importance for the social protection of disabled people, much of what was planned remained on paper, mainly due to the lack of adequate funding for the entire sector of social protection.

A new important organizational structure, created by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 13, 1996 No. 901, is the Council for the Affairs of Disabled Persons under the President of the Russian Federation. It was formed to ensure interaction of federal government bodies dealing with the problems of disabled people with government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and public associations of disabled people. The Council was an advisory advisory body, but its decisions were binding on all participants in this process. Cases of disabled people were taken under personal control by the President of the country for a reason. Thus, the solution to this problem was elevated to the rank of the paramount issues of state policy. By Decree of the President of Russia No. 1 427 of October 10, 1996, the personal composition of the Council was approved, which included the leaders of the All-Russian public associations of disabled people, deputy heads of Federal Ministries, deputies of the State Duma. On the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation adopted in December 1993, the principle of joint management of issues of social protection of the population, executive bodies of Russia and its constituent entities began to operate. At the federal level, the authorities mainly began to deal with general issues of social protection. Namely, the development and formation of a regulatory framework for social protection, the development of uniform state standards and regulations, coordination and organizational management of the entire industry, strengthening

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E.F. Shimorin

"_______" _______________ 2014


Improvement of the system of social protection of orphans and children left without parental care

(on the example of MBOU Sofya orphanage)

Completed: 6th year student of the correspondence department

Kyazhina Margarita Alekseevna

Scientific adviser: Ph.D., associate professor

Shimorin Stepan Vladimirovich

INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………… ... ……… ..3


1.1. The concept and origins of social orphanhood ………………… ... …………… ..7

1.2. State policy to overcome social orphanhood ... ..16

1.3. The main forms of arrangement of orphans and children left without parental care ……………………………………………………………… .22


2.1. Types of organizations for orphans and children left without parental care …………………………………………………………………………… 31

2.2. Policy of deinstitutionalization of orphans and children left without parental care …………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Chapter 3. Organization of the activities of a separate structural unit for the preparation of foster parents AND ACCEPTANCE OF CHILDREN RAISING IN FUTURE FAMILIES (on the basis of MBOU Sofyinsky orphanage) ………… ... ………………… ... …………… 48

3.1. General provisions of the organization of the division's activities ...................... 48

3.2. Training program for foster parents ………………………… 56

CONCLUSION ……………………… ... ……………………………………… ..71

REFERENCES ……………………………………………………… .75


The role of the family in human development is incomparable in its importance with any other social institution. The transformations of recent decades in Russia, which entailed a decline in the standard of living of a significant part of the population, a change in the usual way of life and moral and value orientations, a deterioration in the psychological climate in the family and a weakening of its educational capabilities, increased aggression towards children, are the main reasons that cause large scale of orphanhood among children.

Relevance of the topic... In any state and in any society, there have always been, are and will be orphans and children who, for various reasons, remain without parental care. This is not the first time this problem has arisen in our country. They remained orphans both after the revolution and after the Great Patriotic War. Cataclysms occurring in society hit, first of all, the most unprotected social strata, the least adapted to life. According to statistics, the number of orphans in Russia at the beginning of 2013 is 118 thousand people, as Interfax reports, 44 thousand of these children are children who have living parents, but they are deprived of parental rights http: //www.interfax .ru / russia / news. (date of treatment 11/05/13).


Social orphan- this is a child who has biological parents, but for some reason they do not raise the child and do not take care of him. In this case, the society and the state take care of the children.

The most significant feature of recent years has been a significant increase in the size of social orphanhood, the emergence of its new characteristics. Hidden social orphans are children with parents who, for a number of reasons, do not raise them.

Children become orphans with living parents and "thanks" to the crisis of the institution of the family, as such, because of the banal inability to live on some parents and the inability to be responsible for the preservation of the family - without outside help. The statistics are terrifying, every year 50,000 parents are deprived of parental rights, and their children end up in orphanages http: //monitoringnsid.rf/news/71 (date of treatment 02/28/14).

These facts cannot but worry any person interested in the prosperous organization and development of their state. Years of institutionalization practice have shown that the number of orphans is not decreasing. The budgetary costs of keeping children in institutions are colossal. And children leaving the institutions receive a bunch of psychophysiological problems, which are rooted in the very system of collective education in a closed institution, in the absence of stable relations with a significant adult and a positive emotional background.

The topic of family, childhood, orphanhood has been sufficiently developed both in foreign and in Russian science and literature. The problems of disadvantaged children have attracted the eye and pen of researchers and publicists. The history of the care of abandoned children in Russia is considered by E.D. Maximov, M.O. Oshanin, N.V. Yablokov.

Research of such authors as S.I. Grigoriev, L.G. Guslyakova, Yu.S. Erokhin, V.I. Zhukov Experience and problems of the life of orphans and children left without guardianship, in modern conditions: electronic scientific and educational publication / count. authors; ed. V.I. Zhukov. - Electron. Dan. - M .: KNORUS, 2010., T.B. Kononova, A.M. Nechaev, P.D. Pavlenok Pavlenok P.D. Technologies of social work with different groups of the population. - M .: Infra - M, 2012. L.I. Starovoitova, L.V. Topchiy and E.I. Kholostova, T. I. Shulga Shulga T. I. Working with a dysfunctional family [Text]: [textbook. manual for universities in the direction and special. "Social work": textbook on the course "Family studies" - 2nd ed., Erased. - Moscow: Bustard, 2007 .-- 25.

Social problems and social well-being, issues of social protection of orphans, problems of their education, employment, housing and other social aspects of their life are investigated within the framework of family sociology: M.P. Arakelova, A.S. Barashkova, T.A. Gurko, A.N. Elizarov, S.V. Kochetkova, L.V. Kuznetsova, M.I. Nesmeyanova, G. I. Osadchaya, E. M. Rybinsky, E.R. Smirnova, V.V. Forsova.

Object of this study are candidates for foster parents, orphans and children left without parental care.

Subject research: training system for foster parents.

Purpose of thesis- research, study of the state's activities to solve the problem of placing orphans and children left without parental care in families.

In accordance with the goal, the following can be distinguished tasks:

Consider the reasons for social orphanhood in Russia;

Consider the main forms of the placement of orphans and children left without parental care;

Analyze the policy of deinstitutionalization of orphans and children left without parental care;

To study the activities of a separate structural unit for the preparation of foster parents (on the basis of the MBOU Sofyinsky orphanage).

The solution to the problem of orphanhood is assumed by the state, which is considering the stabilization of social and economic processes in society, social support for families, motherhood and childhood. The whole community should be involved in this problem, which is able to create comfortable conditions for orphans to live in society.

Research methods: analysis of theoretical literature and Internet resources, analysis of the legislative and regulatory framework, as well as analysis of the key principles of the program "National Strategy of Action for Children for 2012-2017".

The legal framework for the study was the federal law"On guardianship and trusteeship" dated 24.04.2008 No. 48, Federal Law dated 29.12.2012 N 273-FZ (as amended on 25.11.2013) "On education", Federal Law dated 21.12.1996 N 159 "On additional guarantees for social support for orphans and children left without parental care ”, as well as documents regulating the norms of helping children in difficult life situations.

Work structure: the work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion and a bibliography.


1.1. The concept and origins of social orphanhood

orphan organization program parent

“Children of the street”, “extra children”, “children with a difficult fate” are the most acute problem of our time. In any society, there have always been, are and will be orphans and children who, for various reasons, remain without parental care. Orphanhood as a social phenomenon exists as long as human society, and is an integral element of civilization. Orphanhood is an inevitable companion of military conflicts, radical reforms and revolutions. And in this case, society and the state take care of the socialization and upbringing of such children.

The first literary mentions of orphanages for abandoned children date back to the 4th-5th centuries. Orphanhood has a long history, and it is associated with the period of the formation of the feudal state. Since then, state decrees have dealt with the institutional form of the arrangement of children left without parental care. Peter I also carried out a reform aimed at protecting children in distress, without a family, without a livelihood. It consisted of measures aimed at placing children who were unnecessary to the family in state institutions.

The problem of social orphanhood is today a problem that is typical for many developed and developing countries. All over the world, hospitals, maternity hospitals, special institutions are filled with abandoned babies. In different countries and different experts call them differently: "abandoned children", "state babies", "born to be abandoned", "eternal newborns", etc.

The spread of the phenomenon of social orphanhood in our country is due to a complex of special conditions and processes in society that characterize the development of Russia throughout the 20th century and are linked by the revolution of 1917, three destructive wars (World War I, civil, Great Patriotic War), terror of the 1920s - 1930s. years, as well as the consequences of perestroika in the late 80s - early 90s. In the 1920s and 1930s, marriage registration and dissolution were so simplified in Russia that they took several minutes. At the same time, one of the spouses could conclude or dissolve the marriage, without even informing the other. The attitude towards marriage as the greatest sacrament and act of responsibility has disappeared, and frivolity has replaced it. As a result, over the decade of the civil war and the first years of building socialism, a powerful blow was dealt to the patriarchal structure of Russian society and relations between generations. At the same time, the nobility, the merchants, the intelligentsia, the clergy, the peasantry, who considered the continuation of the clan, family ties and ties, and respect for older generations, were practically destroyed. So, the basis of the relationship between generations in a Russian peasant family has always been respect for the elders - for parents, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, for the elderly in the community. Peasant morality, all norms of behavior demanded the unconditional respect of parents throughout their lives. Public opinion sharply condemned persons who indulge in a disrespectful attitude towards their elders. The peasant family, first of all, was a collective of people who managed jointly, and this trait determined a lot in family relations. But the family and community served as the organizing principle in many phenomena of the spiritual life of the peasants. The family not only raised children and ran a joint household, being the primary and main production team. She was the bearer of deep traditions connecting a person with the world around him, the keeper of collective experience. According to Orthodox concepts, the family was a "small church", that is, was called to keep the basics

the Christian life of each of its members.

With destruction Orthodox culture and the church (remember the slogan "Religion is opium for the people"), one more support of the Russian family has disappeared. With the change in the 50s of political guidelines in the country, there have been changes in family politics. The government has taken a number of measures to strengthen the institution of the family. However, the "evil of destruction" bore fruit: for the first time in its centuries-old history, so-called "abandoned" children appeared in Russia, whom mothers, not wanting to take responsibility for upbringing, handed over to the state against a receipt, forever renouncing their rights to a child. Such children replenished children's homes, and later - orphanages and boarding schools. Social orphanhood in Russia.http: // (date of treatment 10/20/13)

Today, the problem of orphans is gaining even greater urgency and urgency, since their number is not decreasing, but is constantly growing. Complex and ambiguous processes are taking place in today's society.

The beginning of reforms led to the virtual liquidation of the centralized economy, and with it the centralized system of social protection began to perish, including the system of support for families, mothers and children.

An unprecedented spiritual, economic, political, social crisis that shook Russia has led to an increase in the number of families with one or another level of social, psychological or structural disorganization. The sharp drop in the living standards of the population for the first time caused such a phenomenon as the abandonment of a child due to the lack of an opportunity to feed him. The crisis in Russian society has caused an increase in crime, drug addiction, alcoholism, mental illness, expanding the origins of childhood ill-being.

The crisis of the modern family, ascertained by experts, had a negative impact on the state of childhood in the country, leading to an increase in social orphanhood and an increase in the number of such specific institutions as orphanages and boarding schools. For the first time, their overconsolidation became a problem.

In the context of the continuing instability of the socio-economic and political life of the country, the number of children in especially difficult conditions continues to grow. Among them are orphans, socially maladjusted children and young criminals, disabled children, refugee children and internally displaced persons, children living in unfavorable environmental conditions.

There is a very wide range of causes of childhood ill-being. Among the essential factors, one should single out crisis phenomena in the family: disruption of its structure and functions, an increase in the number of divorces and the number of single-parent families, the asocial lifestyle of a number of families; a drop in living standards, deterioration of conditions for keeping children, an increase in psycho-emotional overload in the adult population, directly affecting children; the spread of cruel treatment of children in families and residential institutions with a decrease in responsibility for their fate.

A sharp change in value orientations taking place in society, psychological maladjustment of a significant part of the population, and a decrease in moral standards have a negative impact on the process of socialization of children and adolescents.

The growing scale of antisocial behavior among adults stimulates the development of similar processes in the children's environment. Modern Russian society is faced with the objective need to solve the problem of social orphanhood in connection with the intensive increase in the number of social orphans. Vasiliev A.Yu. Social orphanhood as a phenomenon of modern Russian society. - Author's abstract. for a job. uch. step. Ph.D., Ufa, 2010.

Children raised in a normal family, from childhood get used to feel like favorites first of their parents, and then of fate. Should they want to go to the circus - please, they should want a new ball or tennis racket - for God's sake! And for all these pieces of childhood happiness, you just need to be the way your parents love you, more often just yourself. A growing person seems to bask in the rays of the blessed sun, getting used to the fact that everything will always be fine with him. He grows up to be a strong, self-confident person.

A child whose childhood and adolescence was spent in a dysfunctional family, or, as we now say, in a family in a socially dangerous situation, is absolutely different. If a person in childhood did not have enough love, and he did not have what he sincerely dreamed of, then complexes dictated by the fear that he will certainly be deprived of the blessings of life will live in him, as during his childhood, when he was deprived opportunities to have a good doll or roller skates. Becoming an adult, a person transfers childhood fears into adult life... Myachina G.M. A saved family is a saved future. Orphanage. (date of treatment 11/17/13)

A child who has lost his parents is a special, truly tragic world. The need to have a family, a father and a mother is one of the strongest needs of a child.

Currently, in everyday speech and in theoretical research, two concepts are widely used: an orphan (orphanhood) and a social orphan (social orphanhood).

Orphans- these are children under the age of 18, in whom both or a single parent died.

Social orphan- this is a child who has biological parents, but for some reason they do not raise the child and do not take care of him. In this case, the society and the state take care of the children. These are children whose parents are not legally deprived of parental rights, but in fact do not take care of their children. Social orphanhood is a social phenomenon caused by the presence in society of children left without parental care due to the deprivation of their parental rights, recognition of parents as incapacitated, missing, etc. Social and biological orphanhood is a pressing problem of our time.

The most significant feature of recent years has been a significant increase in the size of social orphanhood, the emergence of its new characteristics. A qualitatively new phenomenon was discovered - the so-called "hidden" social orphanhood, which spreads under the influence of the deteriorating living conditions of a significant part of families, the fall in the moral foundations of the family, which results in a change in attitudes towards children, up to their complete displacement from families, homelessness of a huge number of children and adolescents.

Hidden social orphans are children with parents who, for a number of reasons, do not raise them. This leads to the fact that most of these children fall into the antisocial group.

An additional risk factor for the development of a child is parental unemployment.

The number of children orphaned at an early age continues to increase. The number of identified children without parental care is growing. Most of them are placed under guardianship (guardianship) and for adoption, about 30% of them are settled in children's homes, orphanages, boarding schools and other educational institutions. Despite the increase in the number of children placed in a family, the number of children placed in boarding schools has not declined.

According to experts, today Russia is experiencing the third (after the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars) wave of social orphanhood. Research-Orphanhood-in-Russia.pdf (date of treatment 11/01/2013)

Fig. 1 Comparative analysis the number of children left without parental care.

In list direct causes of social orphanhood the following can be named:

1. Voluntary refusal of parents(more often the mother) from her minor child, most often it is the abandonment of the newborn in the maternity hospital. From a legal point of view, abandoning a child is a legal act that is officially confirmed by a special legal document. Within 3 months, the parents (mother) can change their mind, and the child can be returned to the family.

2. Forced removal of a child from the family when, in order to protect the rights, life and interests of the child, parents are deprived of parental rights. This mainly happens with dysfunctional families in which parents suffer from alcoholism, drug addiction, lead an asocial lifestyle, are incapacitated, etc. Deprivation of parental rights from parents is also a legal act that is carried out by a court decision and is formalized in a special legal document.

3. Death of parents... This may also include children lost due to any natural or social cataclysms that force the population of the country to chaotic migration.

Social orphanhood is one of the key social problems of modern Russian society. This is indicated by the statistics of family placement of orphans and children left without parental care in the period from 2007 to 2012. Further, the dynamics of the placement of children in upbringing:

Fig. 2 Dynamics of the placement of children in families in Russia Adoption in Russia. Internet project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Department of State Policy in the Field of Protection of Children's Rights. Statistics.

Of the total number of identified children, a significant part was transferred to the families of citizens. The predominant form of family arrangement in 2012, as in previous years, was guardianship (guardianship).

In 2012, 58.8 thousand children were transferred to family forms of placement in families of Russian citizens, of which 6.5 thousand - for adoption, 37.3 thousand - for a free form of guardianship (guardianship), 15 thousand - for paid form of guardianship (guardianship), including 13 thousand - in foster families, 0.2 thousand - for foster care Internet project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Department of State Policy for the Protection of Children's Rights. Statistics (date of treatment 11/05/13).

Fig. 3 Structure of family placement of children Adoption in Russia. Internet project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Department of State Policy for the Protection of Children's Rights. Statistics.http: // (date of treatment 11/05/13)

According to statistics, the number of orphans in Russia at the beginning of 2013 is 118 thousand people, Interfax reports 44 thousand of these children are children who have living parents, but they are deprived of parental rights, "she commented on the figures just announced. Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Olga Golodets (date of treatment 11/05/13). Golodets stressed that the overwhelming majority of the identified children - namely, 44 thousand - have living parents and, thus, replenish the base of the so-called social orphanhood. She also added that in 2012 in Russia the number of families waiting in line for adoption decreased from 18 thousand to 16.5 thousand. At the same time, in 2012, adoptive parents abandoned 4.5 thousand adopted children, returning them orphanages.

Orphanhood as a social phenomenon exists as long as human society itself, and is an integral element of civilization. Wars, epidemics, natural disasters, and other reasons led to the death of parents, as a result of which children became orphans. With the emergence of a class society, the so-called social orphanhood also branched off, when children are deprived of parental care due to the latter's unwillingness or inability to fulfill parental responsibilities, when parents abandon the child or are removed from his upbringing.

Attention is drawn to the fact that the qualitative composition of orphans has changed. If earlier these were children whose parents died at the front, today the overwhelming majority of children brought up in children's homes, orphanages, boarding schools have one or both parents, i.e. are social orphans with living parents.

The problem of social orphanhood against the background of a constantly decreasing birth rate in the country as a whole has acquired alarming proportions in the Russian Federation and has been identified by the government as one of the priority tasks of the federal level.

1.2. State policy to overcome social orphanhood

Orphans and children left without parental care represent one of the groups at the highest risk of social exclusion. The conceptual concept of "social exclusion" became widely used in the expert community after the adoption by the United Nations in 1995 of the Copenhagen Declaration on Social Development Copenhagen Declaration on Social Development on March 12, 1995. As a rule, social exclusion is understood as the inability of an individual or a group of persons to participate in the social, cultural and economic life of society in the field of civil rights, the labor market, public and private services and social networks.

Unfortunately, orphans with no positive experience family life brought up in state institutions, educational systems who are far from perfect, often repeat the fate of their parents, just as they later lose their parental rights, thereby expanding the field of social orphanhood.

What are the ways to overcome this tragic, which has become large-scale, social phenomenon? Let's name the main ones:

Stabilization of socio-economic and political processes in society.

Revival of the spiritual culture of the nation.

Economic, legislative, social support for families, mothers and children.

Revival, development and promotion of the best educational traditions based on humanism, love and respect for the child; the return of "education" to educational institutions.

Reorganization of the life of the system of institutions for orphans, including the educational systems of these institutions.

Improvement of the system for the placement of orphans.

In the Russian Federation, the task of state importance is to create conditions for the full physical, intellectual, spiritual, moral and social development of orphans and children left without parental care, preparing them for an independent life in modern society. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2012 N 1688 "On some measures to implement state policy in the field of protecting orphans and children left without parental care."

For this, a comprehensive implementation of reforms, both at the federal level and at the level of the constituent entities of the Federation, is envisaged, aimed at the formation and implementation of state policy in relation to children left without parental care, and ensuring their social security, vocational training, employment and full integration into society. Vasiliev A.Yu. Social orphanhood as a phenomenon of modern Russian society. - Author's abstract. For a job. uch. step. Ph.D., Ufa, 2007.

Adopted by the UN General Assembly on November 20, 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child Convention on the Rights of the Child Adopted by General Assembly Resolution 44/25 of November 20, 1989. , recognizes every person as a child until he reaches the age of 18, considers children as a special socio-demographic group of the population in need of a special protection system, considering it necessary to create favorable conditions for the survival, healthy and harmonious development of each child as a person, considering him an independent subject rights. The Convention on the Rights of the Child not only emphasizes the priority of the interests of the child over the interests of society, but also specifically emphasizes the need for special care of both the state and society for socially deprived groups of children: orphans, social orphans, disabled people, refugee children, street children, and delinquent children. In the Russian Federation, in accordance with the requirements of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, a number of legislative acts, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation have been adopted. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 942 of August 14, 1996, the National Action Plan in the interests of children was approved up to 2000 recent history Russia has laid the real foundation for the formation of state social policy in this area. On October 3, 2002, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted Resolution No. 732 "On the Federal Target Program" Children of Russia "" for 2003-2006, which included the subprograms "Healthy child", "Gifted children", "Prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency", “Orphans” and “Disabled Children”. The main activities of this program were: creation and implementation of an electronic information system for identifying and recording children in difficult life situations; development of new technologies and forms of prevention of neglect; strengthening the material and technical bases of children's institutions. The federal target program "Children of Russia" for 2007 - 2010, including the subprograms "Healthy Generation", "Gifted Children", "Children and Family", was a continuation of the federal target program "Children of Russia" for 2003 - 2006. Guided by the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed the Decree "On the National Strategy for Action for Children for 2012-2017" Decree "On the National Strategy for Action for Children for 2012-2017" dated 01.06.2012. ... Thus, the first of the key principles of the National Strategy of Action for Children for 2012-2017 is realization of the fundamental right of every child to live and be raised in a family, which in relation to orphans implies a policy aimed at placement of children left without parental care for education in families of citizens. The second section of the strategy emphasizes the need to create a system for early detection of social disadvantage of families with children and the organization of comprehensive work with them in the early stages of the crisis, focused on preserving the family and avoiding the practice of deprivation of parental rights without preliminary social rehabilitation work. It is noted that in order to increase the efficiency of the system of preventive measures, it is important to ensure interdepartmental interaction and coordination of the activities of various groups of specialists and other participants: bodies of social protection of the population, education, health care, employment services, commissions for minors and the protection of their rights, guardianship and guardianship bodies.

The legislative basis for the prevention and overcoming of orphanhood is represented by a number of basic documents. The most important among them are: the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation of 11/30/1994 as amended on 08/01/2007, the Family Code of the Russian Federation of 12/29/1995 as amended on 06/30/2008, the Housing Code of the Russian Federation of 12/29/2004, the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation of November 14, 2002, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation of June 13, 1996, the RF Code of Administrative Offenses of December 30, 2001, the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation", Federal Law No. 120 of June 24 .1999 "On the foundations of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency", Federal Law "On Additional Measures of State Support for Families with Children", Federal Law "On Additional Guarantees for Social Support of Orphans and Children Left without Parental Care", Federal Law "On guardianship and trusteeship" of 24.04.2008 No. 48, Federal Law of 15.03.2001 "On the State Data Bank on children left without parental care "Federal Law of 21.12.1996 N 159-FZ (rev. from 22.08.2004) "On additional guarantees for social support of orphans and children left without parental care" Legal framework for the prevention of homelessness and neglect of children: Collection of regulations of the Russian Federation. - M., 2012. , Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2013 N 116 "On measures to improve the organization of medical care for orphans and children left without parental care." Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 7, Art. 660

An important direction of the policy in the field of orphanhood is the development of a system of measures to prevent secondary orphanhood. Refusals from children adopted into a family often occur due to the incompetence of adoptive parents, foster parents, guardians and trustees, as well as due to an insufficiently careful approach to the selection of substitute parents. Amendments have been made to the legislation, according to which adoptive parents (adoptive parents), guardians, trustees, foster parents may be persons who have undergone appropriate training in the prescribed manner. The introduction of training for adoptive parents and guardians is intended to ensure the psychological, pedagogical and legal readiness of citizens to accept children without parental care into their families, which is extremely important in the context of the increase in the number of returns of children from families of substitute parents to boarding schools observed in recent years.

The goals of the reforms are to reduce the volume of social orphanhood to a certain natural minimum, to maximize the humanization of the situation of children left without parental care, to create conditions that allow children without parental care to become full-fledged members of society.

The main objectives of the reforms in the field of orphans are:

Creation of a new interdepartmental system for the prevention of social orphanhood;

Ensuring the priority of family forms of placing children. Development of a foster and foster family;

Increasing the responsibility of state and local authorities for the development and fate of a child in need of state protection. Introduction of individual development plans for the child;

Ensuring full-fledged socialization of boarding school graduates and pupils in foster families. Implementation of the post-guardian patronage system;

Reform of the guardianship and guardianship authorities. Establishment of authorized services by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

An increase in the number of orphans with living parents is a decline in the social prestige of the family, its material and housing difficulties, interethnic conflicts, an increase in illegitimate births, a high percentage of parents leading an asocial lifestyle. In this regard, the protection of the rights and interests of orphans and children left without parental care becomes extremely important in the Russian Federation.

In the Russian Federation, the task of state importance is to create conditions for the full physical, intellectual, spiritual, moral and social development of orphans and children left without parental care, preparing them for an independent life in modern society. For this, a comprehensive implementation of measures is envisaged, both at the federal level and at the level of the constituent entities of the Federation, aimed at the formation and implementation of state policy in relation to children left without parental care, and ensuring their social security, vocational training, employment and full integration into society.

1.3. The main forms of placement of orphans and children left without parental care

Every person is worthy of love and care, every child wants to have a mom, and better both mom and dad at once. Unfortunately, for a variety of life circumstances in our time, children continue to be left without parental care. Unlike adults and fully capable citizens, a child, due to his age, is not able to independently protect his rights and interests in the "adult" world, he is unable to feed himself, clothe himself, and, moreover, educate himself. Absolutely all children left without parental care find protection in the guardianship and guardianship authorities at their place of residence (registration), which assume the function of legal representation of the child and take measures to accommodate the child.

There are the following family forms of arranging children, all of them, except for foster care, are enshrined in the federal law A. Kachurovskaya. Turn from orphans // "VLAST" No. 39 (743) FROM 08.10.2013 y.aspx? DocsID = 811851:

Guardianship (guardianship);


Foster care;

Foster family.

1. Guardianship and guardianship - Adopting a child into a family as a foster child remains the most common form of orphans' placement. Guardianship is established over children under the age of 14; guardianship is established between the ages of 14 and 18.

Personal information about orphans and children left without parental care is collected and stored in the state data bank on children left without parental care FZ RF No. 44 "On the state data bank on children left without parental care" dated April 16, 2001 ., which represents a set of information resources formed at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - regional data banks about children, and at the federal level - a federal data bank about children, as well as information technologies that ensure the provision of documented information about them.

To form a regional bank, the guardianship and trusteeship authorities are obliged to provide the regional operator with information about each child left without parental care and not placed in a family at the place of actual location within the period established by Art. 122 of the RF IC. To form a federal bank, regional operators are required to provide the federal operator with information about children, within the time period established by Art. 122 of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, if they failed to organize the placement of children in families of Russians permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Providing information about children to regional or federal operators does not relieve the guardianship and guardianship authorities, the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation from the obligation to arrange or organize the placement of children in Russian families.

The issues of the organization and activities of local self-government bodies for the implementation of guardianship and trusteeship over minors are determined by them independently on the basis of the charters of municipalities in accordance with the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law of October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ " On the general principles of the organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation ", Federal Law of July 24, 1998 No. 124-FZ" On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation. "

According to the results of the study of the laboratory of social orphanhood of the Research Institute of Childhood RDF, which was carried out for a number of years in different regions of Russia, the overwhelming majority of the guardians were the grandmothers of the child (88%), to a lesser extent (12%) - grandfathers, and outsiders among the guardians were no more than 2%. Thus, guardianship has developed as a form of placing a child in a family of relatives. There are no more than 2% outsiders among guardians. Research on the functioning of guardians' families. Adoption in Russia... Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Retrieved on May 12, 2012 (date of circulation 11/26/13). The legal relationship between guardians and children ends when the wards reach the age of majority, that is, 18 years. Guardians receive child support, but do not have additional government salaries for raising children. For the maintenance of children under guardianship (guardianship), namely: for food, the purchase of clothes, shoes, toys and other necessary items, a monthly payment of funds is established. From January 1, 2012 it is 6717.61 rubles.

Every year, guardians (curators) submit to the guardianship and guardianship authorities at the place of residence of the child a report in writing on the storage, use of the ward's property (including funds) and on the management of the ward's property.

Guardianship and trusteeship on a reimbursable basis ( foster family) - adoption of a child into a family as a foster child. A foster family differs from guardianship (guardianship) in that it has a contractual way of formalizing relations, i.e. citizens accepting someone else's child for upbringing in their family, draw up an agreement with the guardianship and guardianship authority, which spells out the responsibilities of the parties and the terms of the child's stay in the family. The number of children placed in a foster family, including blood-born children, as a rule, should not exceed 8 people. At the same time, a child, according to the law, cannot claim property (housing, vehicles, cash, etc.) of his adoptive parents, is not their heir. The following is a table for the Moscow region about the number of foster families from 2004 to 2013:

The child retains his previous full name, the payment of pensions and alimony continues. The upbringing of a child in a foster family is carried out by both spouses, who are the legal representatives of the child. However, a lonely person may well replace an orphaned child's family and give everything you need in life. Placement of a child who has reached the age of 10 into a foster family is carried out only with his consent. Money is paid monthly for the maintenance of the child, in addition, the foster parent is paid remuneration for raising a child in a family. From January 1, 2012 payments are: for child support - 6717.61 rubles.

parent's remuneration: (the amount depends on the number of children in charge)

For one ward child - 6948 rubles,

For two children under guardianship - 10,422 rubles,

For three children under guardianship - 13896 rubles. etc.

In the event that a child under 3 years of age or a disabled child is brought up in a foster family, an additional payment is made to the foster parent's remuneration in the amount of 50% of the salary.

Preliminary guardianship (guardianship) - in cases where a minor child needs to immediately appoint a guardian (curator), the guardianship and trusteeship body has the right to decide on the temporary appointment of a guardian (curator) for up to one month. The preliminary guardianship (guardianship) shall be terminated if, before the expiration of the month, the guardian (curator) is not appointed guardian (curator) in the general manner. In the presence of exceptional circumstances, this period may be increased to two months. A temporarily appointed guardian (curator) has all the rights and obligations of a guardian (curator), with the exception of the right to dispose of the ward's property on his behalf.

2.Adoption (adoption) - Upon adoption, the child receives the inheritance right and has the same rights in the adopted family as his own children. The adoptive parents can give the child their last name, and in order to preserve the secrecy of adoption, they can change the date of birth (by three months) and place of birth. Adoption (adoption) is carried out in court at the location (residence) of the adopted child. The adoptive parent himself decides whether to reveal this secret or not.

3. Foster care - it's about new form family placement of children, in which legal representation is not transferred in full to the family that took the child into foster care, and the rights and obligations to protect the rights of the child are delineated between such a foster caregiver and the guardianship and guardianship body (or its authorized institution).

Foster care has not yet entered federal legislation and is regulated by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Currently, laws supporting patronage have been adopted in 41 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including the Moscow region of 12.01.2006 N 1/2006-OZ (as amended on 06.02.2013) "On measures of social support for families and children in Moscow area ". Law of the Moscow Region of 12.01.2006 N 1/2006-OZ (as amended on 06.02.2013) "On measures of social support for families and children in the Moscow Region" (adopted by the resolution of the Moscow Regional Duma of 21.12.2005 N 5/163-P) This form placing children in a family is the most flexible and allows a child of any age to live in a family. Foster care exists only where there are specialized services for the placement of children - authorized organizations of the guardianship and guardianship bodies, with which foster carers enter into an agreement. The contract defines the rights and obligations of the family and institution. This agreement is the legal basis for the professional support of the child during the entire period of his upbringing in the family. In addition, both the family and the child are guaranteed legal, psychological, social and other assistance.

4. Foster family... With this form of family placement of children, the family that has taken the child into foster care is not fully transferred to legal representation, and the rights and obligations to protect the rights of the child are delimited between the foster caregiver and the guardianship and guardianship authority (or its authorized institution, for example, an orphanage). Foster care allows a child of any age to live in a family, both if he has an established legal status, and immediately after removal from the family (instead of placing him in a shelter). In other words, it does not matter whether the blood parents officially abandoned the child or there are no corresponding papers for him. The child is not obliged to stay in an orphanage until he is issued a certificate (this takes at least a year, and according to the existing law, the child cannot be given away from the control of the state all this time). In addition, the patronage assumes that those wishing to take on the upbringing of a child must pass qualifying competitions and training special courses, and only in this case they have the right to take the child. Any legal issues related to the child is decided by the state in the person of the orphanage or the guardianship authorities. The family is responsible only for health and education. Foster parents are considered employees of the orphanage and receive, in addition to benefits and cash grants, a salary.

Adults of both sexes can be adoptive parents, with the exception of:

Persons recognized by a court decision as incapable or partially incapacitated;

Persons deprived of parental rights by court or limited parental rights;

A guardian (custodian) suspended from his duties for improper performance of the duties assigned to him by law;

Former adoptive parents, if the adoption is canceled due to their fault;

Persons with diseases, in the presence of which it is impossible to take the child (children) into a foster family.

The total number of children in a foster family, including relatives and adopted children, should not exceed, as a rule, eight people.

A foster family is formed on the basis of an agreement on the transfer of the child (children) for upbringing to a family.

A special form is the return of the child to his blood family (that is, reintegration) when the living conditions and the state of the family itself change.

The natural socialization inherent in the child's nature is carried out under the conditions of the institution of primary socialization - the family. Parents who are deprived or limited in parental rights are often able to raise their children on their own, but certain circumstances (moral, material) deprive them of the opportunity to restore their parental rights, such families need special support from the guardianship and guardianship authorities, district administration and to a greater extent employees of the orphanage where the child directly lives and is brought up. The best way for a child - returning to a blood family or placement in a family of relatives. It is in these conditions that his development needs are most adequately satisfied. It happens that life circumstances, a belated awareness of maternal and paternal feelings change adults, and there is a chance to restore the family. Social educators residential institutions are obliged to provide pupils with information about parents, organize meetings with them, if this does not contradict the interests of the children. Approximately 50% of children want to return to biological families and do not want to have other parents.

So, we examined the main forms of placing children without parental care. Today in Russia, various forms of transferring children left without parental care to families of citizens are gaining momentum. Among these forms one can distinguish adoption (national and international), guardianship and trusteeship, foster and foster families, where living conditions are close to family ones.

Despite the various forms of arrangement of children, it is best for a child to be brought up in a blood family! In order to preserve blood ties with parents, the closest and most significant people for the child, preventive measures of responsible services should be aimed primarily at the rehabilitation of a dysfunctional blood family. The practice of removing a child from the family to ensure his safety should be replaced by a strategy for introducing technologies for early detection of family dysfunction and providing assistance and support in order to preserve the family, to protect the rights of the child even at the initial stage of the crisis in the family.

If it is not possible to return the child to his native (blood) family due to the fact that the parents continue to lead an immoral lifestyle, are not interested in the life and health of the child, in this case, work with relatives or people close to the child who are able to educate the child, provide assistance in socialization - usually such people are grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles, older brothers or sisters.


2.1. Types of organizations for orphans and children left without parental care

If it is impossible to place a child in a family, the guardianship and trusteeship body takes measures to place the child in an institution for orphans and children left without parental care. State forms of placing children without parental care, the most developed and most widely used in our country:

Child's home


Boarding school

Temporary detention centers for children.

Child's home - a health care institution designed to educate and provide medical care to orphans, abandoned children, children of parents who are unable to raise their children, and children with physical and mental development... Children from birth to 3 years old, children with physical and mental defects up to 4 years old are brought up in the orphanage. Children enter the orphanage from maternity hospitals (abandoned children), from hospitals and from families. The main activity of the orphanage is educational and health-improving. Children in the children's home are provided with food, clothing, shoes, equipment and toys in accordance with the approved standards. The discharge of children from the orphanage is made when they return to their family, are transferred to an educational orphanage, a boarding school of the social security system, or when they are transferred for adoption or guardianship. There are 252 orphanages in Russia. Children whose parents are deprived of parental rights constitute the main percentage of the “contingent” of child homes, more than half of them. Another large category is refusenik children, babies born in maternity hospitals, most often from single mothers. Some children are admitted to baby homes with parental consent, but for medical reasons. These are those born with serious illnesses and requiring constant lifelong care. In addition, there are foundlings - children whose parents are generally unknown. And also there are children admitted for temporary treatment in the direction of the organs of edema and guardianship. Research-Orphanhood-in-Russia-Moscow 2011. p.35 ›wp ... 2012/03 ... Orphanhood-in-Russia.pdf (date of access 27.11.13) year after year it gets worse. As a rule, children have a complex of health disorders. In the structure of morbidity among children brought up in children's homes, in the first place are diseases of the respiratory system, then diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems, and eating disorders. The number of disabled children is growing. The bulk of children entering orphanages are children from socially disadvantaged families.


The main aspects of employment and employment of orphans and children left without parental care. Legal and regulatory framework for their social support. Analysis of professional self-determination of orphans and children left without parental care.

term paper, added 09/26/2012

The problem of social orphanhood. Graduates of orphanages as an object of social protection. State support programs for orphans and children left without parental care. Housing programs and their orientation towards privileged categories of citizens.

term paper, added 05/22/2015

Causes of social orphanhood and forms of social organization of orphans and children left without parental care. Analysis of the social problems of the pupils of the Pskov orphanage, the work of the teaching staff on their solution and prevention.

thesis, added 01/12/2011

The reasons for social orphanhood in Russia. Regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and Kaluga region to protect the rights of orphans and children left without parental care. Forms of placement of orphans in Russia, the process of adoption of children by foreign citizens.

thesis, added 11/06/2010

Problems of social orphanhood. Forms of life arrangement and features of the organization of social support for orphans and children left without parental care. Research of directions of their social and legal protection on the example of "Orphanage No. 3" in Kaluga.

thesis, added 11/06/2010

Orphanhood as a social phenomenon. Features of the personal development of orphans, the manifestation of a tendency to delinquency in orphans and children left without parental care. Criminalization of the behavior of minors and a program for its prevention.

thesis, added 12/23/2009

The problem of social adaptation and socialization in the society of pupils of institutions for orphans and children left without parental care. Practical measures of post-boarding support, development of organizational methods of social work.

practical work, added 01/10/2012

Social protection of orphans and children left without parental care. Social orphanhood in the context of legal documents, sources and reasons for its occurrence. The trend towards an increase and spread of social orphanhood as a phenomenon.

1.1. Situation of orphans in the RF 7
1.2. Forms of arrangement of orphans 14
1.3. State policy in relation to orphans 22
1.4. Legal and regulatory framework for social protection of orphans 28
2.1. Characteristics of work with orphans in Sverdlovsk
region 38
2.2. General characteristics of GKOU SO "Kushvinsky orphanage" 45
2.3. Analysis of the organization of work with children in GKOU SO "Kushvinsky
orphanage "57
2.4. Analysis of the organization of work of the GKOU SO "Kushva orphanage"
to ensure social guarantees for orphans 68
3.1. Analysis of the problem situation and its causes 77
3.2. Development of the target structure of the project 82
3.3. Resource planning 88
3.4. Project implementation 92


The problem of orphanhood today is typical for many countries - both developed and developing. According to UN international experts, a noticeable increase in the number of abandoned children is noted in the countries of Western and Eastern Europe. American researchers note that all over the world, hospitals, maternity hospitals, special institutions are filled with abandoned babies. Abroad they are called “refuseniks”, “state babies”, “born to be abandoned”, etc. In Russia, due to the growing number of children left without care with living parents, the concept of “social orphans” arose.
Experts say that over the past hundred years, our country has been experiencing the third wave of orphanhood. The first fell on the period after the first world and civil wars at the beginning of the 20th century; the second captured the country during and after the Great Patriotic War... We are seeing the third wave now. If in 1945 in Russia there were about 678 thousand orphans and children left without parental care, today their number is twice the total number of children in orphanages during the period of devastation after the Civil and Patriotic Wars. ... In terms of the number of orphans (including social ones) per every 10 thousand of the child population, Russia ranks first in the world.
This situation is due to the processes that characterize the development of Russia in the last two decades of the XX century. The unprecedented spiritual, economic, political and social crises that shook the country led to an increase in the number of families experiencing socio-economic, psychological problems, and experiencing structural disorganization. Thus, in Russia, the number of children born out of wedlock has grown: in 1985 their share was 12% of the total number of children born per year, in 1991 - 16%, in 2007 - 28%. In 2009, in the Yekaterinburg district, for example, every hundredth child was brought up in an incomplete family, and the number of persons deprived of parental rights is growing every year.
The traditional way for Russia to solve the problems of upbringing, education and rehabilitation of children who, for one reason or another, have lost their parents, is to develop a system of state care institutions of various types, i.e. boarding schools. There are about 2100 of them in our country today. These are schools and boarding schools, orphanages, orphanages (including family-type), social shelters, family orphanages and children's villages. Of this total number of state care institutions, according to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, 1315 are orphanages: pre-school, mixed, correctional. In addition, orphans and children left without parental care are brought up in foster, patronage and foster families.
That is why today the issue of improving the system of social protection of orphans and children left without parental care is so acute. The relevance of these issues led to the choice of the topic of the thesis: "Improving the methods of social protection of orphans in the municipality."
Such scientists as G.V. Family, I.Yu. Dementieva, E.I. Morozov.
The issues of social protection of orphans, problems of their education, employment, housing and other social aspects of their life have been studied and investigated within the framework of family sociology by many scientists, such as M.P. Arakelova, T.A. Gurko, I.F. Dementyeva, A.N. Elizarov, G.G. Sillaste, G.I. Osadchaya, E.R. Smirnova, V.V. Forsova, A.S. Barashkova, E.M. Rybinsky, L.V. Kuznetsova, M.I. Nesmeyanova, S.Yu. Barsukov, SV. Kochetkova, O. G. Isupova and others.
The purpose of the thesis is to analyze the methods of social protection of orphans in the State Educational Institution of Education "Kushva Orphanage" and develop recommendations for its improvement.
The research objectives are formulated in accordance with the stated goal:
- to identify the peculiarities of the situation of orphans in the Russian Federation and the form of their arrangement;
- to study the state policy in relation to orphans and the legal and regulatory framework for the social protection of orphans;
- to assess the system of social protection of orphans in the State Educational Institution of Education “Kushva Orphanage”;
- to develop recommendations for improving work with orphans in the State Educational Institution of Education “Kushva Orphanage”.
The object of the research is the system of social protection of children - orphans in the Russian Federation.
The subject of research is the social aspects of the functioning and development of the system of social protection of orphans.
The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the work of the classics of sociology, the research of modern scientists devoted to the problems of social order and issues of social policy.
The empirical basis of the study was formed by legislative acts regulating the provision of social guarantees to orphans and children left without parental care, as well as regulating the work of state and municipal bodies related to the social protection of this category of citizens; materials of state statistics.
Thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters and a conclusion.


The issues of social protection of orphans and children left without parental care are extremely relevant, they are novel and quite complex both in theoretical and practical terms.
Based on the results of the study of the theoretical and legal foundations of social protection of orphans, it is possible to draw the main conclusions.
Social policy is the activity of state authorities and state institutions in the field of social relations. The object of social policy is the population as a whole, its individual constituent social communities, strata and groups, families.
One of the directions in the implementation of the state's social policy is taking care of the family. Family policy is a relatively isolated part of social policy that affects the functioning of the family as one of the social institutions and the individual as the bearer of family roles, which he performs along with other social roles.
With the adoption of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the main directions of state family policy" for the first time in our country, family policy received state status and an official definition. In a number of regions, targeted programs of family policy have been developed and are being implemented, the network of institutions for social assistance to families and children is expanding.
A significant step in the regulation of marriage and family relations was the adoption in March 1996 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, which largely reflects the new socio-economic realities.
According to article 1 of the Federal Law "On additional guarantees for social support of orphans and children left without parental care" (dated December 21, 1996, No. 159-FZ), orphans are children who have died both or only parent (single mother).
Russia has traditionally accumulated considerable experience in the placement of orphans and children left without parental care in specialized institutions for minors in need of social rehabilitation.
The main type of educational institutions is an orphanage - a special institution for the maintenance, care, education and training of children left without parental care.
Measures of state support for orphans and children left without parental care, as well as persons from among them under the age of 23, are provided for by the Federal Law “On Additional Guarantees for Social Support of Orphans and Children Left without Parental Care ", In accordance with which guarantees are provided and ensured by state authorities in obtaining education, in the field of labor and employment, in medical care, in the housing sector.
An analysis of the system of working with orphans in a state institution showed the following.
The state treasury educational institution of the Sverdlovsk region for orphans and children left without parental care, "Kushvinsky Orphanage", is subordinate to the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Sverdlovsk Region.
GKOU SO "Kushvinsky Orphanage" implements educational programs for preschool education, including the compensatory type; state education programs; educational programs additional education.
Orphans are admitted to the State Educational Institution of Education “Kushva Orphanage” during the calendar year; children left without parental care; children whose parents are deprived of parental rights, convicted, recognized as incompetent, are undergoing long-term treatment, and whose whereabouts have not been established.
The organizational structure of the institution is linear - functional. The director carries out general management of the activities of the institution. Most of the employees of the orphanage have the necessary education, work experience and qualification category to work with this category of children.
In 2011, the work of five groups was organized in the State Educational Institution of Education “Kushva Orphanage”, in which 39 pupils lived.
In GKOU SO "Kushvinsky orphanage" organized educational work with pupils. Activities are held with children in the form of conversations, quizzes, disputes, competitions, excursions, etc. (during the 2010-2011 academic year, the teaching staff carried out 853 activities of various forms, the growth rate compared to the previous period was 130%). Work is carried out with the so-called "difficult" children and adolescents. In order to prevent the commission of offenses, the organization of the activities of pupils is carried out during holidays and after school hours.
The institution is working to ensure social guarantees for orphans. All pupils of the institution attend general education schools of the city, among the pupils of the orphanage there are no unsuccessful ones.
Pupils receive the necessary treatment based on the results of the medical examination. Immunization of children in the orphanage is carried out according to the national immunization schedule. All children in the orphanage receive tuberculosis prophylaxis in the form of a Mantoux reaction. Children from 15 years old undergo fluorographic examination of the lungs. Organized 5 meals a day, activities are carried out to improve the health of children and adolescents.
Pupils of the State Educational Institution of Education and Science "Kushva Orphanage" are guaranteed personal safety. In the orphanage, a substation and a fire warning system have been installed, evacuation routes have been equipped; the wooden structures of the attic are impregnated with a fire retardant; recharging of primary fire extinguishing equipment is carried out in accordance with the work plan; installed and maintained under the contract of video surveillance systems and panic button; the premises are kept in accordance with sanitary standards and requirements; certification of workplaces is carried out in accordance with the work plan; In a timely manner, briefings on safety measures are carried out with employees and pupils of the orphanage.
Pupils of the State Educational Institution of Education “Kushvinsky Orphanage” are guaranteed the receipt of housing upon reaching 18 years of age. The administration of the Kushvin city district annually revises the list of inmates of the institution applying for housing. Since no new housing is being built in the city of Kushva, the children in the orphanage receive housing of an old building, but not dilapidated.
During their stay in the orphanage, pupils of the institution from the age of 14 have the opportunity to find a job through the youth labor exchange during the summer holidays.
To improve the social protection of orphans in the Kushvin orphanage, the diploma work presents recommendations for organizing work with pupils with the aim of their social adaptation.
The relevance of the development and implementation of the project is due to the problematic situation in the institution. Graduates of the orphanage are faced with multiple social problems, the main reason for which is the lack of preparation for an independent life.
The preparation and implementation of the project requires 2,000 rubles.
The implementation of the project is scheduled for July - August 2012.
The project will have a social impact.
Work on the implementation of measures for the social adaptation of graduates of the orphanage will be able to:
- to prepare graduates of the institution for an independent life;
- to teach graduates of the institution to manage their own income, rationally spend money;
- to provide the graduates of the orphanage with the basic necessary information for an independent life.


1. European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms // SZ RF. 1998. No. 14. Art. 1514; No. 20. Art. 2143.
2. Convention on the Rights of the Child // Collection of international treaties of the USSR. Issue XLVI. 1993.
3. The Constitution of the Russian Federation. // Russian Newspaper of December 25, 1993, No. 237.
4. Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" No. 3266-1-FZ of July 10, 1992 // Bulletin of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation of July 30, 1992, No. 30, art. 1797.
5. Federal law "On additional guarantees for social support of orphans and children left without parental care" (dated December 21, 1996, No. 159-FZ) // Rossiyskaya Gazeta dated December 27, 1996.
6. Federal Law of April 24, 2008 N 48-FZ "On Guardianship and Guardianship" // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation of April 28, 2008 N 17 Art. 1755.
7. Federal Law of December 29, 2006 N 256-FZ "On Additional Measures of State Support for Families with Children" // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation of January 1, 2007 N 1 (Part I) Art. 19.
8. Federal Law of July 24, 1998 N 124-FZ "On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation" // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation of August 3, 1998, N 31, Art. 3802.
9. Federal Law of December 21, 1996 N 159-FZ "On additional guarantees for social support of orphans and children left without parental care" // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation of December 23, 1996 N 52 Art. 5880.
10. Federal Law of October 6, 1999 N 184-FZ "On the General Principles of Organization of Legislative (Representative) and Executive Bodies of State Power of the Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation" // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation of October 18, 1999 N 42 Art. 5005.
11. Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ "On Personal Data" // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation of July 31, 2006 N 31 (Part I) Art. 3451.
12. Federal Law of June 3, 2009 N 118-FZ "On Amendments to Article 14 of the Federal Law" On Basic Guarantees of Children's Rights in the Russian Federation "// Consultant-plus.
13. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 28, 2007 N 825 "On the assessment of the effectiveness of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation" // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation of July 2, 2007 N 27 Art. 3256.
14. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 14, 1996 N 712 "On the Main Directions of State Family Policy" // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation of May 20, 1996 N 21 Art. 2460.
15. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 26, 1995 N 612 "On approval of the Model Regulations on a general education boarding school" // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1995, N 28, Art. 2671.
16. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 19, 2001 N 195 "On a family-type children's home" // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation of March 26, 2001, N 13, art. 1251.
17. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 12, 1997 N 288 "On approval of the Model Regulations on a special (correctional) educational institution for students, pupils with disabilities" // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation of March 17, 1997 city ​​N 11, art. 1326.
18. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 15, 1997 N 1427 "On the approval of the Model Regulations on the cadet school (cadet boarding school)" // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation of November 24, 1997, N 47, art. 5411.
19. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 15, 1997 N 1427 "On the approval of the Model Regulations on the cadet school (cadet boarding school)" // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation of November 24, 1997, N 47, art. 5411.
20. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 5, 1998 N 1046 "On the approval of the Model Regulations on a general education boarding school with initial flight training" // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation of September 14, 1998, N 37, Art. 4623.
21. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2000 N 124 "On the approval of the Regulations on the enrollment of minor citizens of the Russian Federation as pupils in military units and providing them with the necessary types of allowance" // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation dated February 21, 2000, N 8, Art. 962.
22. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 21, 2000 N 745 "On the approval of the Regulations on the status of pupils of military units" // Collected legislation of the Russian Federation of October 9, 2000, N 41, art. 4074.
23. State report of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2011 "On the situation of children in the Russian Federation" // Consultant-plus.
24. Artyukhov A.V. State family policy and its features in Russia. // Socis. 2005. No. 7.P. 108 - 110.
25. Basyuk V.S. The model of the organization of the service of social and psychological support in the conditions of an orphanage: theoretical and practical aspect. M., 2004.261 p.
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27. Education and development of children in an orphanage / Ed.-comp. N.P. Ivanova. M., 2009.254 p.
28. Darmodekhin S.V. State family policy: problems of theory and practice. Moscow: State Research Institute of Family and Education, 2011.148 p.
29. Darmodekhin S.V. On the development of legislation on family policy // Family in Russia. 2003. No. 3 - 4. P. 18 - 22.
30. Zhabin G.E. Family policy of the Russian Federation at the present stage. M., 2011.263 p.
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34. The Convention on the Rights of the Child and its Implementation in Modern Russia // Directory of Research Institute of Family and Education. Ed. 2nd. M., 2004.187 s.
35. Nechaeva A.M. Family as an independent object of legal protection // State and law. 2009. No. 12.P. 99 - 107.
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37. Post-boarding adaptation of orphans / Ed. A.M. Shipitsina and I.G. Abramova. SPb., 2011.311 p.
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46. ​​Yarushin E.E. Family policy of the state in a market economy. M., 2009.245 p.
47. Yashirov K.G. Family policy. M., 2011.132 p.


Chapter 1. Theoretical substantiation of the problem of orphanhood in Russia

1.1 The concept and meaning of the problem of orphanhood in Russia

1.2 The origins of orphanhood and the reasons for its manifestation

Chapter 2. System of work with orphans (on the example of boarding school No. 169, Krasnoglinsky district)

2.1 Analysis of the system of work with orphans of boarding school No. 169, Krasnoglinsky district

2.2 The system of social protection of orphans of boarding school No. 169, Krasnoglinsky district



The relevance of the topic lies in the rapid growth of orphans and the lack of effective models of their social protection. Social protection of orphans and children left without parental care is one of the most important tasks of the state and society. The problem of orphanhood today is one of the most pressing problems of contemporary reality in Russia.

The growth of social orphanhood, child neglect, as well as a demographic catastrophe (the number of minors in the Russian Federation decreases annually by a million), are based on a general family crisis. An unprecedented spiritual, economic, political, social crisis that shook Russia has led to an increase in the number of families with one or another level of social, psychological or structural disorganization. The sharp drop in the living standards of the population for the first time caused such a phenomenon as the abandonment of a child due to the lack of an opportunity to feed him. The crisis in Russian society has pushed the growth of crime, drug addiction, alcoholism, mental illness, expanding the origins of childhood ill-being.

In the context of the continuing instability of the socio-economic and political life of the country, the number of children in difficult life situations continues to grow. Among them are orphans, socially maladjusted children and young criminals, disabled children, refugee children and internally displaced persons, children living in unfavorable environmental conditions.

In Russia, according to statistical data, the number of registered children-orphans and children left without parental care is approaching 1 million people, and, what is especially alarming, over the past decades there has been a steady growth trend in the contingent of such children (by an average of 100 thousand. in year). Thus, today, orphans and children left without parental care constitute a significant stratum of the population of our country.

In this situation, along with the concept of an orphan, the concept of a social orphan appears and becomes stronger. Orphans are children under the age of 18 who have both or a single parent dead.

A social orphan is a child who has biological parents, but for some reason they do not raise the child and do not take care of him. These are children whose parents are not legally deprived of parental rights, but in fact do not fulfill their responsibilities for the upbringing and maintenance of children.

Orphans, children left without parental care and who have not received a positive experience of family life cannot create a healthy full-fledged family. Growing up in state institutions, whose educational systems are far from perfect, they often repeat the fate of their parents, depriving them of parental rights, thereby expanding the field of social orphanhood. According to researchers of this problem, 40% of children who have left boarding schools become criminals, 40% become drug addicts, 10% commit suicide, and only 10% are capable of a full-fledged independent life.

Against the background of an increasing number of orphanages in recent years, the problem of maladjustment is becoming more and more obvious, the psychosocial health of children - orphans and children left without parental care is a matter of concern.

Many scientists have studied the developmental features of children without parental care. The founder of the direction of studying the influence of the absence of parents on the development of a child is the English psychologist J. Bowlby.

The attention of scientists also increased to the analysis of the upbringing of children in conditions of different cultures, undertaken in the thirties and associated, in particular, with the famous works of M. Mead (1935). M. Ainsworth (1967) carried out interesting studies of the anthropological direction; family education with channels dominating in Japan (W. Caudill, H. Weinsten, 1669), Greece (K. Wurest. 1978) and other countries.

In our country, there is so far only one serious study on this topic - the study of children in a boarding school, conducted under the leadership of L.I. Bozovic. It presents the methods of studying the personality of children, as well as the methodology for compiling psychological and pedagogical characteristics as a necessary condition for the accumulation of knowledge about students for diagnostic and prognostic judgments about them. Research into the development of children without parental care and the development of methods for creating optimal conditions for development is currently being carried out by scientists such as A.M. Parishioners, N.N. Tolstoy, etc. However, this problem requires further study.

R&D: Social work on the protection of orphans left without parental care.

Purpose of the study: to analyze the experience of the system of social protection of orphans left without parental care.

Object of research: Orphans as a social phenomenon in Russia

Subject of research: Social protection of orphans as a condition for solving the problem.

The theoretical and practical significance of the study lies in the theoretical substantiation of the problem of social protection of orphans and the analysis of the experience of existing activities on this problem.

Research methods: analysis, comparison, analogy.

Base of the study Boarding school № 169 Krasnoglinsky district, the village of Mekhzavod.

In any state and any society, there have always been, are and will be orphans and children who, for various reasons, remain without parental care. And in this case, society and the state take care of the development and upbringing of such children.

A child who has lost his parents is a special, truly tragic world. The need to have a family, a father and a mother is one of the strongest needs of a child.

Currently, in everyday speech and in theoretical research, two concepts are widely used: an orphan (orphanhood) and a social orphan (social orphanhood). Orphans are children under the age of 18 who have both or a single parent dead.

A social orphan is a child who has biological parents, but for some reason they do not raise the child and do not take care of him. In this case, the society and the state take care of the children. These are children whose parents are not legally deprived of parental rights, but in fact do not take care of their children. Social orphanhood is a social phenomenon caused by the presence in society of children left without parental care due to the deprivation of their parental rights, recognition of parents as incapacitated, missing, etc.

Guardianship is a form of protection of personal and property rights of minors (and some other categories of people). A concept close to guardianship. Guardianship is "a form of protection of personal and property rights of incapacitated persons (children who have lost their parents, mentally ill." , in comparison with guardianship, a much wider category of children can fall. These include children whose parents:

1. died;

2. deprived of parental rights; · Are limited in parental rights;

3. recognized as missing;

4. incapacitated (partially incapacitated); are serving their sentences in correctional colonies;

5. are accused of committing crimes and are in custody;

6. shy away from raising children;

7. refuse to take children from medical, social institutions, where the child is temporarily placed.

According to the law of the Russian Federation "On additional guarantees for the social protection of orphans and children left without parental care" guardianship and guardianship is the norm for the placement of such children for the maintenance, upbringing, education, protection of their rights and interests. Guardianship is established over children under the age of 14, guardianship is established over this category of children between the ages of 14 and 18. In what follows, using the word "orphan", we will mean both a child left without parents and a social orphan.

The constant increase in the number of children left without parental care (in 2001 there were 426 thousand such children in Russia, by the beginning of 2004 their number was 572.4 thousand, in 2005 - 620.0, 2000 - 639.9) stimulates the search for new forms of arrangement children, improving the existing capabilities of society and the state in the upbringing and maintenance of children.

By 2000, there was a decrease in the revealed number of children and adolescents left without parental care in Russia: 1996 - 102,178, 1988 - 89,290, 2000 - 49,105 (see Table 1.1). Then there was an annual increase in the number of such children: 2001 - 59154, 2003 - 113296, 2005 - 110930, 2007 - 123204. The number of children in Russia under the age of 14 has decreased all these years (from 2000 to 2007 by 5 million), and the proportion of children and adolescents identified as being left without parental care in the child population increased. In 2000, orphans who physically lost their blood parents accounted for 9.4% of all orphans, the rest were social orphans. The share of children who lost both parents in the early 2000s was about 5% of the total number of orphans; in 2005 this figure in some regions reached 25-30%.

The state is responsible for the system of charity for orphans, but does not resolve all issues in this area. In recent years, new forces have emerged (parties, religious and public organizations) that are ready to take on or have already taken on a significant part of the care of children and are trying to increase their influence on education and training, the choice of forms for the placement of children, as well as on control and management. ... We can say that in recent years in Russia there have been signs of a transition from the state-social structure of children to the state-social-church one.

However, the main forms of the placement of orphans in Russia have not changed - this is the transfer of children into custody and adoption, the placement of children in children's homes, orphanages, boarding schools.

The most common form of placing children without parental care is guardianship (children under 14 years old) and guardianship (children 14-18 years old). First of all, relatives take custody / guardianship of children. For almost the last ten years, the number of children under guardianship / guardianship has been growing (see tables 1.1, 1.2). However, one can say about a slight increase in 2001, and then about a decline in the share of such children among the total number of registered orphans. The same applies to the ratio of orphans identified annually and taken under guardianship (guardianship) for adoption: in 2000, 91% of the number of identified children and adolescents left without parental care were taken under guardianship / adopted, in 2005 - 60% ( see table 1.1).

Table 1.1 - Arrangement of orphans and children left without parental care, thousand people

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
In total, children and adolescents who were left without parental care were identified 49,1 59,2 81,4 113,3 105,5 110,9 113,9 123,2
Of these were arranged:
Children's homes, children's homes and boarding schools for orphans and children left without parental care, family-type children's homes 11,1 10,4 21,8 32,1 30,7 33,9 34,9 36,2
Under guardianship (guardianship) for adoption 37,4 48,2 58,2 77,3 73 68 67,7 74,3
To vocational schools, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions and other educational institutions on full state support 0,8 0,7 0,8 1,4 1,6 1,3 1,78 2,2
Orphans and children left without parental care 412,4 414,5 460,4 533,1 596,9 620,1 636,9 662,6

Table 1.2 - Data on orphans and children left without parental care in the Russian Federation

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Orphans and children left without parental care are taken into account 411,9 414,5 460,4 533,1 596,8 620,1 636,9 662,5
of them are raised in families:
under guardianship (guardianship) 170,5 180,3 201,4 252,5 293,5 303,9 312,3 329
on adoption 128 131,2 141,5 139,8 144,8 146,8 151,2 153,5
In children's homes 4,27 5,1 9,16 10,46 11,7 12,8 13,5 14,1
In orphanages 37,7 35,5 37,7 50,5 61,3 61,9 62 67,7
In boarding schools for orphans 27,4 22,9 22 25,8 25,5 24,8 23,8 23,3
In general boarding schools 6 4,9 3,9 4,3 6,7 8,4 8,7 9,1
In boarding houses 13,56 15,49 14,9 15,3 15,2 15,3
In boarding schools for children with disabilities 38,1 34,5 31,2 34,2 38,4 39,4 41 40,7

In recent years, there has been an increase in the disproportion in adoption within and outside Russia. With a decrease in the number of cases of adoption of children by residents of Russia, the number of cases of adoption of Russian children by foreign citizens increases sharply. On the one hand, children acquire a family that has passed a rigorous selection process, but Russia loses its children, and Russian citizens cannot take on a child to raise. This situation has led to the revision and amendment of the existing legislation in this area.

Russia, having ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1990, recognized the child's right to be raised in a family as a priority. Nevertheless, so far only in the Samara region have begun to effectively develop the institution of foster families and to close children's homes and orphanages.

To some extent, family-type children's homes, which appeared in 1988 at the initiative of the Children's Fund, helped to solve the problem of family education. Over the 10 years of the foundation's existence, 2,500 children have been brought up in 368 houses, mostly children with mental and physical disabilities, disabled children who could not be adopted.

In the mid-90s, the Family Code introduced a new form of family education for children left without parental care - a foster family, which, in fact, replaces family-type orphanages. In the Government Decree of July 17, 1996, No. 829 "On Foster Families", all normative legal acts regulating the activities of family-type orphanages were declared invalid, which did not allow the creation of new homes. The guardianship and trusteeship authorities were advised to conclude agreements on the formation of a foster family with parent-educators of operating family-type homes.

In 2000, 61 family-type orphanages functioned in Russia against 280 in 1990. Family-type orphanages are undergoing significant changes - sometimes they operate in several forms of placing children: adoption, family orphanage, foster family, guardianship and, finally, patronage. Adoptive parents did not have time or did not want to reissue documents for adopted children in accordance with the latest requirements.

Research data show that family orphanages and foster families experience material hardships. In some regions, child benefits and salaries to parents of foster families were paid with long delays. At the same time, parent-educators, who, according to the law, do not have the right to earn extra money and leave their children unattended, literally were left without a livelihood. Most likely, the system of family orphanages and foster families will be completely replaced by the patronage system, in which the guardian's salary and child allowance are higher than with other forms of child placement.

In the last decade, a patronage system has begun to develop in Russia. A child who is homeless or deprived of parents is placed in a family for upbringing until he reaches the age of 18, but is not adopted (therefore, the child retains the right to receive a one-room apartment upon reaching the age of majority). The "patron" receives the teacher's salary and child support. The expectant mother must go through several qualifying rounds, including role-playing games and various psychological trainings.

Placing children in government institutions, such as children's homes, orphanages, boarding schools, is one of the traditional forms. The number of children increased in almost all state institutions (see table 1.2). In the system of boarding schools for children with mental disabilities or physical development the share of institutions for orphans increased, as well as the number of children in them (see table 1.3).

Over the past 10 years, the number of orphanages has slightly decreased, but the number of children brought up in them has increased (see table 1.3). By the ratio of such houses and children in them, we can talk about the downsizing of these institutions. Nevertheless, there are still orphanages in Russia, in which more than 100 children are brought up and trained. Such a system of organizing the life of children cannot be called close to the family. In addition, as research results show, some children change more than five places of upbringing and education. Family ties between brothers and sisters are destroyed if children of different ages placed in different institutions: a brother or sister can be transferred to a correctional educational institution; one of the children may be transferred to another educational institution as punishment for misbehavior or school. Sometimes a teenager has several brothers or sisters, and they are all brought up in different places: with relatives, in other state institutions. Some children named up to eight places where their brothers and sisters are, in 12.2% of children, a brother or sister is brought up in another orphanage or boarding school.

Table 1.3 - Data on residential institutions for children in the Russian Federation

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Number of baby homes 265 253 252 251 249 248 254
they have children, thousands of people 18,5 17,7 18,3 18,1 19,3 19,3 19,3
Number of orphanages 564 606 820 1094 1122 1187 1244
they have children, thousands of people 42,4 42 55,4 67,3 67 68,9 72,3
Children's home schools 69 86 85
they have children, thousands of people 7,7 9,7 10,3
Number of family-type orphanages 280 348 347 379 44 61
they have children, thousands of people 1,8 2,3 2,3 2,6 0,3 0,5
Number of general boarding schools 645 637 628 646
they have children, thousands of people 155,6 163,2 161,2 160,6
of them:
boarding schools for orphans and children left without parental care 161 143 151 158 157 155 157
they have children, thousands of people 29,3 24,4 28 28,8 27,4 26,9 26,5
Number of boarding schools for children with mental or physical disabilities 1494 1481 1473 1450 1439 1442 1420
they have children, thousands of people 242,1 200,3 199,5 202,8 203 201 198,2
of them:
boarding schools for orphans 142 157 178 177 190 198 203
they have children, thousands of people 21,7 19,9 21,6 22,9 23,4 25 25,9

The current system for the placement and upbringing of orphans could not cope with their growing number. Therefore, in the 90s, a system of shelters began to develop in Russia. Since 1993, in every constituent entity of the Russian Federation, specialized institutions for the social rehabilitation of children and adolescents have been opened for the prompt temporary granting of asylum to children who have lost parental care. For example, in the Republic of Tatarstan in 1996 there were two shelters for minors, in 1997 - five, in 1998 - eight. In 1998, 21.1% of children from social shelters were sent to orphanages. Children's reception centers are overcrowded. The legal limit for the monthly placement of children without parental care is not respected (for example, in the Republic of Tatarstan, 40% of children were in shelters from 6 months to 1 year). This situation pushes the state, on the one hand, to the construction of new children's institutions, and on the other hand, to search for more perfect forms of arranging children.

In recent years, forms of support for children that have not been practiced in Russia for a long time have appeared, for example, such as raising boys in the army (by analogy with the "sons of the regiment" during the Great Patriotic War). One of the first "children's platoon" without a legislative basis appeared in the Narofominsk garrison, then in Kineshma. In 2000, the Regulation was approved, according to which orphans from 14 to 16 years old who are citizens of the Russian Federation can be enrolled in military units as pupils. The placement of a child for upbringing in a military unit is voluntary and may be interrupted upon admission to military or other vocational education institutions, upon reaching the age of 18, or at the personal request of the pupil.

Other initiatives have emerged as well. Since 2001, a specialized school (cadet corps) of the Ministry of Emergency Situations began to work in Kuzbass. In addition, the cadet corps of railway transport has already been opened) for grades 10-11 - orphans and children from low-income families... Graduates of the corps are guaranteed a job. They also get the opportunity of preferential admission to a number of regional universities or the Moscow Academy of the Ministry of Emergencies. Students of the cadet corps will be fully supported by the state. The cost of food, training, special uniforms, etc. will take over the regional budget.

The experience of SOS-villages has been studied in Russia, and today similar villages operate in Tomilino (Moscow region), Orel and St. Petersburg. The teacher in these villages really works as a "mother" 24 hours a day. Such upbringing is closer to family education than in ordinary orphanages, but upon reaching the age of 18, adolescents have to leave their home (orphanage) forever, as is the case in other government institutions.

After the church got the opportunity to openly work with the population, representatives of various religious confessions began to provide charitable assistance to children and orphanages. Moreover, shelters have appeared at Orthodox churches and monasteries, but such an arrangement for children has not yet been supported by a special legislative framework.

There are many opportunities to take care of children in difficult living conditions - orphans and children left without parental care. You can take a small part in the life of children, bring things that have become unnecessary to an orphanage, help in the improvement of children's institutions where orphans live and are raised, or you can become a second mother for one or several of these children. This is a crucial step, but many families dare to take it.

One of the main tasks of the socio-demographic policy of Russia today is to reduce the number of children brought up in boarding schools. In his 2006 Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin instructed the Government of the Russian Federation, together with the regions, to create a mechanism for solving the problem of reducing the number of children in orphanages and boarding schools. For this, it is necessary to reform children's boarding institutions.

Currently in Russia there are several types of placing children in a family. These are adoption, guardianship (guardianship), foster family and patronage. How do all these types of devices differ from each other?

Adoption (adoption) is the adoption of a child into a family on the basis of blood rights, with all the rights and obligations that follow from this. It is the priority form of the device. For parents, the highest degree of responsibility for the fate of the child and his full development. This type of device allows the child to feel like a full-fledged member of the family; he retains all relations and inheritance rights, including upon leaving a minor age. When adopting a child, you can assign the adopter's surname, change the patronymic and, if necessary, even the date of birth. The downside of this form is only a very long time, which is necessary to collect all the necessary documents, because the most stringent requirements are imposed on candidates (financial situation, earnings, housing, moral qualities, etc.). After registration of a child into a family, the state does not provide any additional assistance to such families.

Guardianship is the acceptance of a child into a home on the basis of the rights of an educated person. Guardianship is established over children under 14 years old, and guardianship over children from 14 to 18 years old. The guardian has practically all the rights of a parent in matters of upbringing, education, child support, and responsibility for the child. However, the guardianship authorities are obliged to regularly monitor the conditions of detention, upbringing and education of the child. Guardianship can be appointed for a fixed term or without a term. Guardianship is often used as an intermediate form of adoption. Guardianship is established by a decision of the head of local government, which is why it is formalized faster than adoption. For the child under guardianship, monthly allowance, assistance is provided to the guardian in organizing training, recreation and treatment of the ward. When the ward is 18 years old, he is allocated housing if he does not have one. Less stringent requirements are imposed on the candidate for guardianship in terms of income, housing conditions, no criminal record is required. The disadvantages of this type of arrangement of children can be the following factors: the child has the status of an educated person and at an older age may feel his incomplete belonging to the family of the guardian, the intervention of the guardianship authority or the appearance of an applicant for the adoption of the child is not excluded, there is no secret of transferring the child into custody and contacts with blood relatives child are possible. Changing the surname for a child is difficult, changing the date of birth is impossible.

A foster family is a form of raising a child (children) in a family at home with a "foster parent" - an educator. Usually, children are transferred to a foster family who cannot be transferred for adoption or guardianship, due to the lack of the necessary legal status for the child, or it is not possible to find guardians or adoptive parents for him. Such a family replaces the child's stay in an orphanage or shelter with home education and is created on the basis of an agreement between the foster parent (s) and the guardianship authorities. The term for placing a child in such a family is determined by the contract and may be different. Foster families can bring up from one to 8 children. The foster parent is paid the salary and the seniority is counted. In relation to the child, Foster parents are his guardians. With this form of the device, there is a high, although not complete, level of responsibility for the fate of the child.

A monthly allowance is paid for the child, benefits are provided for transport services, housing, assistance is provided in the organization of education, recreation and treatment of the ward. Targeted funds are paid for repairs, the purchase of furniture and other benefits provided for by regional laws. Upon completion, an adopted child of 18 years old is allocated housing if he does not have one.

The disadvantages of this form of arrangement of a child may be: constant monitoring and reporting to the guardianship authorities for the upbringing and spending of funds. More difficult to arrange because it is required to draw up an agreement on the transfer of the child to foster care and labor contract(or an agreement for the provision of paid services, or a contract). There may be difficulties when registering a child living in another area or city because payments to the foster family are funded from the local budget. Contact with blood parents and relatives of the child is possible.

Patronage is a form of raising a child (children) in a family at home with a teacher who is an employee of the Authorized Patronage Service on an agreement. Children who do not have a certain status or if their status does not allow them to be transferred to guardianship or adoption are placed under foster care. Foster care is a form that replaces temporary detention in an orphanage and is often used as a transitional form to custody or adoption, after the child receives the appropriate status. The term for placing a child under foster care may vary, and depends on the situation. Responsibility is divided between the foster care provider, the Authorized Service, the child's parents and the territorial guardianship authorities.

The foster caregiver is paid a salary and is credited with seniority. The foster caregiver must undergo special training (education) in the Authorized Service. The advantages of this type of device are the following: it is possible to place a child in the family of a foster caregiver who does not have a status that allows him to be placed under guardianship or adopted, i.e. otherwise, doomed to go to an orphanage, orphanage; maintenance is paid for the child, benefits for transport services, housing are provided. Upon the age of 18, the patronized person is allocated housing, if he does not have one. The authorized service organizes training, rest and treatment of the patronized, provides assistance in education, in solving complex problems. Earmarked funds are paid for repairs, purchase of furniture, etc. The disadvantages may be the following factors: work with the child is carried out according to the plans of the Authorized Service, constant monitoring and reporting for the upbringing and spending of funds, the child can be removed from the caregiver's family at any time, by decision of the Authorized Service, contacts with the parents and relatives of the child, as a rule , are mandatory and their regulations are determined by the Authorized Service.

The general requirements for different forms of the device are: requirements for the state of health of persons taking a child into the family. Also, the law provides that they should not have previously been deprived of parental rights or limited parental rights, were not suspended from the duties of a guardian or adoptive parent through the fault of adults.

Despite the variety of available forms of arrangement and upbringing of orphans and children left without parental care, the number of such children is constantly growing. The state lags behind citizens' initiatives in the development and adoption of new legislative acts regulating new forms of child placement. A large proportion of orphans are brought up in conditions far from family conditions, and this is one of the reasons for the problems of adaptation of young people to an independent life after graduation. educational institution... In addition, the majority of orphans are faced with problems of employment, housing, and starting a family.

Thus, the problem of orphanhood in Russia remains relevant and requires attention of both the state and society as a whole.

The problem of orphanhood is today a problem that is typical for many developed and developing countries. The researchers note that all over the world, hospitals, maternity hospitals, special institutions are filled with abandoned babies. In different countries and by different experts they are called differently: "abandoned children", "state-owned babies", "born to be abandoned," eternal newborns, etc. According to experts, there is a noticeable increase in the number of abandoned children in Russia.

The spread of the phenomenon of orphanhood in our country is due to a complex of special conditions and processes in society that characterize the development of Russia throughout the 20th century and are associated with the revolution of 1917, three destructive wars (World War I, civil, Great Patriotic War), the terror of the 1920s-1930s. s, as well as the consequences of perestroika in the late 80s - early 90s.

In the first decades after the revolution, the Bolsheviks dealt a powerful blow to the age-old building of Russian culture. The expression "age-old building of culture" was introduced by the famous Russian philosopher and culturologist Yu.M. Lotman. He wrote that this expression is not accidental, that “culture always implies the preservation of experience. Moreover, one of the most important definitions of culture characterizes it as“ non-genetic ”memory. Therefore, it is always associated with history, always implies the continuity of the moral, intellectual, spiritual life of a person , society and humanity.And therefore, when we talk about our culture, modern, we, perhaps without knowing it, are talking about the huge path that this culture has passed. plunges us into one culture - the culture of humanity. "

The ever-increasing number of children who have lost parental care with living parents, who are social orphans, are of great concern. Social orphanhood is one of those problems that are extremely acute for modern society and the state in Russia.

The term "Social orphanhood", which is widespread in our country, indicates the special role of social conditions and processes in society in the formation of this phenomenon.

Russia is currently suffering from economic and social turmoil as a result of significant changes that have taken place in recent years. As in many other countries that have entered the construction of a post-totalitarian society, the Russian government has to give top priority to preserving the foundations of the State, economic development and national security. The first steps towards a developed market economy are accompanied by the abolition or reduction of social benefits inherent in the previous system, which conflicts with the main function of the State - social protection of the population. The rise in benefits and salaries has not kept pace with the rise in prices, as a result, the standard of living of many families with children is declining and the ability of parents to raise their children deteriorates. This state, in turn, latently changes public consciousness... The interests of individual survival become dominant, while social and spiritual needs, including caring for children, are relegated to the background. Representatives of the least socially protected strata of society are especially sensitive to these destructive processes.

One of the most important factors giving rise to social orphanhood is the ongoing process of urbanization. The city creates for a person a special cover of social anonymity, contributes to the disintegration of patriarchal family ties. The city changes morality, accelerates the emancipation of women, leads to the spread of male vices among them - alcoholism, drug addiction, crime, and, therefore, to physical and mental rejection from the child.

There are three main sources of social orphanhood.

The first way is the voluntary abandonment of the minor child by the parents.

The second way is compulsory, in which society through the state, in order to protect the interests of the child, deprives the parents of their parental rights.

The third way is the loss by the parents of their child. The most common category of children deprived of their parents is the so-called "abandoned" children, i.e. children who were voluntarily abandoned by their parents.

The most tragic fact is the rapid growth in the number of abandoned newborn babies, who are most sensitive to separation from their biological mother.

It is known that the majority of mothers who abandon their children were themselves brought up in unstable families and from childhood had a negative experience of interpersonal relationships. Many of them were formed in a kind of subculture of aggression, others suffered from humiliating dignity, oppression and cold attitude on the part of their parents. In the future, they seem to repeat the defective stereotype of behavior acquired in childhood.

First of all, most of the "otkazniks" did not have a pattern of normal family relations, which could later arouse a desire to create a good family. In most families, children were "brought up" in rudeness, shouting, and often beatings. Fights and scandals happened in half of the families. Note that this style is inherited.

The material conditions of the families were not satisfactory enough. More than a third are provided below the average level.

An extremely sensitive issue in the totality of problems leading to the abandonment of children is the issue of family "traditions". A sanctimonious attitude towards extramarital birth literally throws many single mothers to the mercy of fate, pushes them to abandon children.

The most important place for "otkazniks" is occupied by such desires as a happy marriage, family life. A smaller place, albeit a rather significant one, is the consumer attitude towards life.

All of the above factors can contribute to the desire of young women to emancipate from the family, push them to seek compensation for the lack of pleasure through increased sexual activity, and form a false idea that it is possible to transfer their responsibility, including for a newborn child, to others.

Socio-economic transformations in Russia, which entailed a decrease in the standard of living of a significant part of the population, a change in the habitual way of life and moral and value orientations, a deterioration of the psychological climate in the family and a weakening of its educational capabilities, increased aggression towards children are the reasons that determine the growth social orphanhood and neglect of children.

The problem of child abuse in families is becoming more acute. Research into the causes of this phenomenon reveals that it is polymotivated: here both the stressful state of parents, exhausted by modern socio-economic conditions, and the desire to achieve a change in the child's behavior by any means, and parental revenge - they take revenge for being born, bring grief, require care. In demoralized families, where drunkenness, drug use, moral decay, delinquency are a constant background in the life of children, abuse sometimes takes wild forms: beatings, deprivation of food, water, freedom (locked in a closet, basement, drunk children's clothes, depriving the child of opportunities go outside). And if we add to this the school deprivation, the decomposing influence of street gangs, often with a criminogenic orientation, then it becomes clear that there is an increase in children's escapes from home, delinquency and even suicide among adolescents.

The surge of selfish orientation noted by a large number of people; an increase in the number of socially disadvantaged families; the growth of cruelty and violence both in society and in the stream of low-quality works of mass culture; unemployment of adolescents in free time; pushing unwanted, uncomfortable students out of school; difficulties with employment - all this led to a sharp increase in the number of neglected children, deterioration of the crime situation among minors.

Children knocked out of their social rut, as a rule, are socially maladjusted, they are characterized by a break with positive rules, norms, laws, destruction or lack of formation of the main types of activity that determine social, mental, and physical development.

Thus, in modern Russia, significant signs have become: a significant increase in the size of social orphanhood, the emergence of its new characteristics, determined by the continuing deterioration of the life of the Russian family, the fall of its moral foundations and, as a consequence, a change in attitudes towards children up to their complete ousting from families, neglect a huge number of children and adolescents in almost all regions of the country. The main reason for child neglect is undoubtedly the unwillingness of many parents to raise their children, their drunkenness and immoral lifestyle. The alienation of a child from the family is often caused by an intra-family conflict based on the stubborn unwillingness of parents to enter the child's position, forgive him, and help overcome a crisis situation.

A powerful factor in child neglect, in addition to a dysfunctional family, today, undoubtedly, is the violation of children's rights in the field of education, health improvement, obtaining a profession and housing. Most of them are children from asocial families, where practically no attention is paid to their development and upbringing. Finding themselves outside the influence of family and school, unemployed, deprived of morally meaningful leisure, these neglected children became a breeding ground for the underworld.

The growing number of refugees and internally displaced persons has become a serious factor in the neglect of children in recent years.

The growing number of vagrant children and beggars is of great concern, and in a number of large cities children are used as professional beggars by adults, most often from neighboring countries. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 12,000-15,000 children of refugees from the former Soviet republics and areas of interethnic conflicts end up in reception centers for minors annually.

The problems of social orphanhood in the Russian Federation have become much more acute in recent years. Among the inmates of boarding schools, only 5% do not have parents, 95% of children are abandoned by their parents for various reasons, transferring them to full state support, or are deprived of parental rights.

Thus, especially urgent problem social orphanhood is becoming for the large industrial cities of Russia.

At present, it is not difficult to imagine a real picture of the spread of orphanhood in Russia, since statistical data about this are periodically published in many mass media.

In the last 2 years, social orphanhood has acquired new features associated with an increase in the number of dysfunctional families, of which children are forced out into the street and become homeless, beggars.

The low level of prevention of social orphanhood, the inoperative solution by the guardianship and guardianship authorities of issues of life, upbringing and the further fate of children also give rise to neglect and homelessness, entail violation of the rights of the child.

2.1 Analysis of the system of work with orphans of boarding school No. 169, Krasnoglinsky district

The development strategy of boarding school No. 169, Krasnoglinsky district, includes the following innovative changes:

· Improvement of teaching methods: research method, interactive teaching methods;

Organization of educational educational process: connecting children to the design of their own educational activities, to the organization of training sessions;

· The transition from the "event" activity of the school to a system of continuous psychological and pedagogical support of personality development;

· Changes in the content and forms of work to improve the qualifications of teachers: search for ways of self-education; introduction of a training system; research;

· Management of the school development system: improvement of the management structure; mastering the method of dialogue in management; - development of a self-assessment system for school activities.

Priority directions and methods of organizing educational activities.

The principles of building educational work:

The principle of originality:

The essence of this principle is to make the pupil with his specific characteristics and level of development the leading link in any educational relations and pedagogical processes.

Integrity principle:

It means the achievement of unity and at least the relative completeness of all components and factors included in it, i.e. conditions ensuring its effectiveness.

The principle of democratization:

Its essence is to provide the participants pedagogical process certain freedoms for self-development, self-regulation, self-determination.

Selection principle:

The essence of this principle, pedagogically expedient, is that the pupil can live, study and grow up in conditions of constant choice, have subjective powers in choosing the goal, content, forms and methods of organizing the educational process of life in a boarding school.

The principle of creativity and success:

Thanks to creativity, the child reveals his abilities, learns about the "strengths" of his personality. This allows you to achieve success in a particular type of activity, contributes to the formation of a positive I - the concept of the student's personality, stimulates the child to carry out further work on self-improvement and self-construction of his “I”.

The principle of trust and support:

Faith in a child, trust, support for his aspirations for self-realization and self-affirmation. It is not external influences, but internal motivation that determines the success of the education and upbringing of a child.

Tolerance principle:

Tolerance involves taking into account the opinions of other people, taking into account their interests, traditions, and culture.

The priority areas of the educational system are:

1. introduction of new pedagogical technologies of teaching and upbringing in the system of teachers' work;

2. providing conditions for the introduction of student-centered learning into the educational process;

3. self-improvement of teachers; foster care;

4. socialization of orphans through a group of different ages; socio-economic education.

The problems of orphans left without parental care and being brought up in an orphanage are very extensive. Social protection of orphans in boarding schools is relevant.

Children do not receive the necessary development of their personality, allowing them to overcome their typical social and psychological infantilism, subordinate, psychologically dependent behavior, which makes them almost defenseless against any antisocial influences on them.

The existing social system in the orphanage does not form in children the skills to overcome difficult life situations, psychological protection and correct behavior under stress. As a result, they easily develop emotional disorders and deviant behavior.

The consequences of the lag in pedagogical technologies for working with children - social orphans and their inadequate psychological support and support are ultimately manifested in the fact that after the orphanage, these children are significantly inferior to children brought up in families in all the main parameters of social adaptation:

By the ability to acquire a profession and employment;

By the ability to avoid crisis and criminal situations in life;

By the ability to form their own family and successfully perform parenting educational functions.

Currently, measures are being taken at the state level to overcome the current situation. Goes active work for the introduction of new forms of charity for orphans and children left without parental care - a family orphanage, foster care, a foster family, etc.

The main disadvantages of the organization of social and psychological assistance, designed to provide optimal conditions for the full development of children preschool age, brought up in an orphanage, are: insufficient staffing of orphanages; low qualifications of specialists, in particular educators working with preschool children; insufficient work on the organization of the educational process, which should include the development of all the qualities and skills of the child, contributing to the successful interaction of the child in society in the future (psychological, social, etc.); there is insufficient work with the pedagogical staff of the orphanage to prevent emotional burnout and deformation of the specialist's personality, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of the educational process.

To improve the situation of children left without parental care, to create favorable conditions for their development, measures are needed to revise and comprehensively restructure the system of upbringing and development of children brought up in traditional orphanages and boarding schools for orphans and children deprived of parental care.

This requires: 1. Training and involvement of highly qualified specialists to work with children left without parental care.

2. Creation of a psychological service in residential institutions. To increase the effectiveness of the provision of social and psychological assistance to orphans and children left without parental care, who are brought up in an orphanage, it is necessary to involve a specialist in social work, whose activities should be aimed at solving the following tasks:

1. Organization of providing social and psychological assistance to employees of boarding schools;

2. Organization of events aimed at improving the qualifications of employees of boarding schools;

3. Organization and holding of events on a variety of topics that contribute to the child's acquaintance with society and the formation of his adequate social role.

A child brought up in a boarding institution is deprived of a lot that ordinary children have and without which his full-fledged development and formation as a person is inconceivable. Orphans, children left without parental care and who have not received a positive experience of family life cannot create a healthy full-fledged family. Growing up in state institutions, they often repeat the fate of their parents, depriving them of parental rights, thereby expanding the field of social orphanhood, therefore, from a theoretical point of view, social work does not meet the needs of a social customer for working with orphans and children left without parental care, and also needs further development of specialized training of such social workers, whose activities will be aimed directly at working with this category of children.

1 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

2 Constitution of the Russian Federation. M., 1997

3 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. - M., 2001

4 Federal law "On additional guarantees for the social protection of orphans and children left without parental care" (No. 159-FZ dated 21.12.96).

5 Federal Law "On Amendments and Additions to Article 8 of the Federal Law" On Additional Guarantees for Social Protection of the Rights of Orphans and Children Left Without Parental Care "(No. 17-ФЗ dated 08.02.98).

6 Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 17.07.1996, No. 829 "On foster families".

7 Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 14, 2000 No. 124. Moscow. On the approval of the Regulations on the enrollment of minor citizens of the Russian Federation as pupils in military units and providing them with the necessary types of allowance // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. 02/18/2000.

8 Presidential program "Children of Russia".

9 Family law. - M., 2001

10 Family Code of the Russian Federation. - M., 2000

11 Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the Presidential Program" Children of Russia ".

12 Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 199 dated August 19, 1999 "On approval of the Regulation on the procedure for paying money for food, the purchase of clothing, footwear, soft equipment for children under guardianship (guardianship).

13 Abalkin L.I. and other Social security in a market economy. Difficult turn towards the market. M., Economics, 1990

14 Antokolskaya M.V. Family law. Textbook. - M., 2000

15 Varyvdin V.A., Klemantovich I.P. Management of the system of social protection of childhood. - M., 2005.

16 Ershova N.M. Guardianship, curatorship, adoption. - M., 1984

17 Zuikova E.M., Eruslanova R.I. Feminology and Gender Policy: Textbook. - M., 2004.

18 Kuzmin S. An active policy of social protection of the population. Economist, 2004, no. 9.

19 L. Kushnir. It is necessary to create public organizations in the localities that protect the rights of children // Newspaper "First September". No. 59. -2000.

20 Krasnitskaya G.S. Adoption: Questions and Answers. M., 2001

21 Malyarova N.V., Nesmeyanova M.I. Social protection of childhood: a conceptual approach. Sociological research. 1998, No. 4.

22 Magulskaya E.E. "Social Security Law". - M .: International Center for Financial and Economic Development, 1997

23 Nazarova I.B. Adaptation and possible mobility models for orphans. Moscow: Moscow Public Science Foundation, 2000.

24 Nescheretny P.I. Historical roots and traditions of the development of charity in Russia. - M., 1993

25 On the situation of children in the Russian Federation: State report. 1998. M .: Synergy, 1999.S. 40.

26 On the situation of children in the Russian Federation: State report. Moscow: Synergy, 1998.

27 Features of the development of the personality of a child deprived of parental care. // Ed. Mukhina B.C. - M .: "Prometheus". - 2001

28 Periodic report on the implementation by the Russian Federation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1993-1997. Moscow: International Publishing House "Synergy", 2000; Alternative report // UN Committee on the Rights of the Child and the Rights of Children in Russia. M .: ROO "Right of the Child", 2000. S. 7-59.

29 Practical psychology for teachers and parents. // Ed. Glazunova M.V. - M., 1999

30 Pchelintseva L.M. Family law of Russia. - M., 2002

31 Russian Statistical Yearbook. M .: Goskomstat, 2007.

32 Safonova T.Ya. Rehabilitation of children in an orphanage. M., 1999

33 Transcript of the plenary session of the State Duma of the Russian Federation dated 1.12.1999. Evening meeting.

34 Theory and methodology of social work: Textbook. M., "Soyuz", 1998. (part 2).

35 "Family in Russia" magazine. 1999, No. 3.

36 "Family in Russia" magazine. 1999, no. 6.

37 "Family in Russia" magazine. 1999, No. 7.

38 "Family in Russia" magazine. 1999, No. 10.

39 "Family in Russia" magazine. 1999, no. 11.

40 "Family in Russia" magazine. 1999, no. 12.

41 Information and advisory bulletin on family and childhood issues. - M., 2004, no. 7.

42 Russian Journal of Social Work. - M., 1996, No. 1.

43 Russian Journal of Social Work. - M., 1997, No. 1/5.

44 Russian Journal of Social Work. - M., 1998, no. 5.

45 Yashmanov B. The army takes homeless childhood under protection // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. 02/18/2000. P. 22.


Measures for social support and protection of the rights of orphans and children left without parental care.

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 21, 1996 No. 159-FZ (as amended by the Federal Law of 08.02.98, No. 17-FZ)

This Federal Law regulates relations arising in connection with the provision and provision of state bodies. the authorities of additional guarantees for the social protection of the rights of orphans and children left without parental care.

The legislation of the Russian Federation on additional guarantees for the social protection of orphans and children left without parental care consists of the relevant articles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, this Federal Law, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the subjects of the Russian Federation.

Article 6 Additional guarantees of the right to education.

1. Orphans and children left without parental care, who have received basic general or secondary (complete) education, are enrolled in preparatory courses for admission to institutions of secondary and higher vocational education without charging them a tuition fee;

2. has the right to receive a second primary vocational education free of charge;

3. in addition to the full state. provision, a scholarship is paid, the amount of which is increased by at least 50% in comparison with the amount of the scholarship established for students in this educational institution;

4. when granting an academic leave for honey. payment of the scholarship remains on the testimony.

Art. 7 Additional guarantees of the right to health care.

1. Orphans and children left without parental care, free honey is provided. service and surgical treatment in any state and municipal medical institution, incl. medical examination, rehabilitation, regular medical examinations at the expense of the corresponding budget;

2. free vouchers are provided to school and student sports and recreation camps (bases) of work and recreation, to sanatorium-resort institutions in the presence of honey. indications, free travel to the place of rest, treatment and back at the expense of funds allocated for these purposes from the relevant budget, at the expense of extra-budgetary funds and other sources not prohibited by law.

Art. 8 Additional guarantees of the right to property and living quarters.

1. Orphans and children left without parental care, as well as children under guardianship (guardianship), who had a fixed living quarters, retain the right to it for the entire period of stay in an educational institution, regardless of the form of ownership, for the period of service in the ranks of the RF Armed Forces, etc .;

2. who do not have a fixed living quarters, it is provided out of turn by the executive authorities once at the place of detection and primary placement of a child in a family or for upbringing in an appropriate institution or at the place of registration of their birth, or at the place of their last residence in the territory of the Russian Federation;

3.the right of ownership of land plots previously granted to their parents on the basis of ownership rights, permanent (indefinite) use for running a peasant (farm) economy, as well as land shares, the rights to which were obtained by parents during the privatization and reorganization of enterprises and organizations agro-industrial complex.

Failure to comply or for improper execution of the Federal Law by officials of federal state bodies. the authorities of their duties, provided for by this Federal Law, entail disciplinary, administrative, criminal or civil liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Answer within 5 minutes!Without intermediaries!

  • 1.1. The concept, necessity and directions of social protection of the family
  • 1.2. Organization of social support for families
  • 2.1. Characteristics of the governing body and its activities to protect families, mothers and children
  • 2.2. Problems in the activities of social protection of families
  • 2.3. Development of proposals for improving the social protection of families


In recent decades, a decline in the birth rate has been observed in Russia, and demography has become a serious problem for the state. The demographic situation was strongly influenced by the changes that took place in the mass consciousness. In recent decades, the attitude towards the family has changed dramatically in our country. The preferences of young people are often tilted in favor of a childless or one-child family. In the value system of a significant number of young people, the family no longer occupies a dominant place.

The family has always been the focus of progressive social thought. The family contributes not only to the formation of personality, but also to the self-affirmation of a person, stimulates his social, creative activity, and reveals individuality. It is in motion, changing not only under the influence of socio-political conditions, but also due to the internal processes of its development.

Statistics show that the transition to a market economic system has a very painful effect on the state of the family as a social institution. As a result, the population decline is currently reaching 800,000 people a year. An insufficient number of births leads to further depopulation.

Every year the popularity of registered marriage in Russia is falling. The institution of the family has exhausted itself - if earlier the majority of our compatriots believed that it was necessary to preserve the social unit at any cost, now Russians do not see anything wrong with divorce. Two years ago, the UN recognized Russia as the first among the countries with the highest divorce rate. The UN takes the number of divorces per 1,000 people as a baseline. In Russia - 5%. And this is the highest rate in the world.

Today, according to official statistics, the number of Russian children born out of wedlock is growing. It has grown steadily since the mid-1980s. If in 2005 the share of illegitimate births in the total number of births was 18.7%, then in 2014 it was 23%.

Almost half of marriage unions in Russia are not registered. The blurring of social norms led to the fact that 45% of women and men were living with their first partner in “ civil marriage"(Cohabited). In 2014, 1,262.5 thousand marriages were concluded in the Russian Federation and 685.9 thousand divorces were committed, i.e., for every 1000 people, there were 8.9 marriages and 4.8 divorces.

In these conditions, measures at the state level aimed at strengthening family values, family, drawing public attention to family problems. The relevance of the chosen topic determines the goal and objectives of this research.

Object of study: Department of Social Protection of the Population of the Chekhov Municipal District of the Moscow Region.

Subject of study: social protection of the family, motherhood and childhood.

Target work: to study measures of social protection of the family, motherhood and childhood and to propose measures for its development.

Tasks put in work:

- to analyze the theoretical aspects of social work with families in the Russian Federation: the concept, necessity and directions of social protection of the family;

- to study the principles of organizing social support for young families;

- to investigate the activities of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the Chekhov Municipal District on social protection of families, mothers and children;

- to investigate the problems in the social protection of families;

- to develop proposals for improving the social protection of the family.

Research hypothesis lies in the fact that in modern conditions it is necessary to strengthen the foundations of marriage, to provide social and psychological assistance to young families in their formation, for this they can use various methods, including methods of social work to help young families in solving their problems.

Theoretical base of research are normative legal documents regulating activities for social support of families at the level of the state, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as special literature on the topic of diploma research by authors such as V.P. Shakhmatov, V.N. Lavrinenko, E. I. Zritneva, O. M. Zdravomyslova, M. Yu. Arutyaniani et al. To study the work to support families, motherhood and childhood, the reporting data of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the Chekhov District, as well as data from a survey of families on the problems of social protection were used.

For research in the work we used the following methods: empirical and general scientific research method, literature study, analytical method, observation and generalization method, survey method, systematic approach.

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The novelty of the work consists in the fact that it specifies the features of the application of methods for improving methods of social protection of families, mothers and children, in relation to the problems that have arisen within the framework of the work of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the Chekhov Municipal District.

Practical significance of work lies in the fact that the application of methods to improve the social protection of the family will create a more favorable socio-psychological environment in young families and create conditions for strengthening and preserving families.

Structural thesis consists of an introduction, in which the relevance of the chosen topic is substantiated, the goal and objectives of the study are formulated; two logically interconnected chapters, revealing the conditioned aspects of the topic under study; conclusions, which summarize the conclusions of the study; list of used literature and applications. Chapter titles reflect their content.


1.1 Concept, necessity and directions of social protection of the family

Social protection consists in a system of legislative guarantees, means and measures of a socio - economic and moral - psychological nature of guarantees that allow creating conditions that are equal for all members of society, ensuring the quality of life at a decent level, while preventing the adverse effects of the environment on a person.

Social policy is an important complex of socio-economic measures aimed at protecting the population from social phenomena: unemployment, rising prices, etc.

The basic principles of social policy are as follows:

  • protection of living standards through introduction different types compensation for price increases;
  • providing assistance to low-income families;
  • assistance in case of unemployment;
  • ensuring social insurance, setting the minimum wages for those who work;
  • development of health protection, education, environment at the expense of the state;
  • pursuing an active policy aimed at ensuring qualifications.

The problems of social protection of the population are solved at the state level. A modern rule of law must guarantee the right to a standard of living of people that provides people with clothing, food, housing, medical care that are necessary to maintain health, as well as the right to social security in the event of unemployment, disability, illness, widowhood, old age or other means. to existence under circumstances independent of man.

The sphere of social protection of the population is regulated by the laws of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the regions and local authorities.

According to Article 7 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: our state is social, its policy is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of a person.

In the Russian Federation, labor and health of people are protected, a guaranteed minimum wage is established, state support for family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood, disabled people and elderly citizens is provided, a system of social services is developing, state pensions, benefits and other guarantees of social protection are established.

The objectives of the provision of state social assistance in accordance with Article 2 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On State Social Assistance" are:

  • maintaining the standard of living of low-income families, as well as low-income citizens living alone, whose average per capita income is below the subsistence level established in the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
  • targeted use of budgetary funds;
  • strengthening the targeting of social support for citizens in need;
  • creation of the necessary conditions for ensuring universal accessibility and socially acceptable quality of social services;
  • reducing the level of social inequality;
  • increasing the income of the population.

The protection of a young family is, first of all, the protection of mother and child. State protection of motherhood and childhood, the family as a constitutional principle was first enshrined in 1977. The confirmation of the state policy in this area in the new Basic Law of the Russian Federation corresponds to the UN international legal acts on human rights and testifies to the importance that is attached in modern society to the family, mother-woman, and children. Protection of a young family at the state level, first of all, provides for the protection of mother and child, which has a complex socio-economic nature and is implemented through the adoption of a set of state measures to support motherhood, strengthen the family, protect the interests of mother and child, their social support, and ensure family rights. citizens.

In the 90s. the state in relation to the family formed positive tendencies. The society has come to realize the need for global solutions in strengthening the family, the implementation of serious family policy measures. The attention in the regions to family problems has increased, and this is reflected in the development of territorial authorities that directly deal with family problems, implement targeted programs to support the family, analyze its situation, and develop social services.

The state has increased its attention to family problems and the development of family policy. The National Council, together with ministries and departments, commercial organizations, has implemented a set of organizational, scientific, informational activities aimed at strengthening family values, improving family lifestyles, solving family problems, and enhancing social work to support families in the regions.

The tendencies of state policy aimed at increasing the responsibility of the state for the family are reflected in the legislation of the country. Among the main legal documents is the Family Code of the Russian Federation, which regulates the sphere of marriage and family relations, regulates the procedure for entering into marriage, termination of marriage and its invalidation, determines property relations in the family.

Labor legislation provides guarantees for pregnant women and women with children related to working conditions and their employment and dismissal. By pension legislation women, mothers with disabilities from childhood and those who gave birth to five or more children, who raised them up to 8 years old, received the right to an old-age pension upon reaching 50 years of age and with a total length of service of at least 15 years.

In this regard, it is necessary to highlight important documents that determine the policy towards children, these include the Federal Law of May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ "On State Benefits to Citizens with Children" (as amended on July 28, 2012), Presidential decrees Of the Russian Federation on the implementation of the issues of the federal target program "Children of Russia".

The specificity of the socio-economic situation of a number of categories of families is reflected in the Law of the Russian Federation "On employment of the population in the Russian Federation."

At the same time, there is currently no unified legal basis for state family policy in the country, and measures implemented by the state are usually addressed to the individual and almost do not take into account the interests of the family as a social institution. Until now, the legal status of the family, which characterizes its position in relation to the state and its institutions, has not been determined.

An important stage in the development of the official paradigm of state family policy is the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the Main Directions of State Family Policy" dated May 14, 1996 No. 712 (as amended on November 19, 2009). This document logically continues the Concept of State Family Policy.

State family policy has acquired special significance in modern Russia, since the historical processes of family transformation, which are painful and contradictory, today are intertwined with acute problems that cause periodically recurring socio-economic crisis phenomena. It is the social needs that prompted the need for a strong state family policy.

An important task of family policy is the development and implementation of modern mechanisms that would make it possible to actively develop the potential of the family on the basis of improving relations between the family and the state, more fully realizing institutional rights and needs. Family policy, complementing and deepening general social measures, is designed to help solve specific family problems, which is of particular importance during the period of reforms.

Currently, many issues of family and socio-demographic problems are gradually beginning to be considered by the country's leadership at the strategic level as the most important condition for overcoming the demographic crisis and are positioned as one of the most important areas of state activity in the near future. So, according to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin "the success of our policy in all spheres of life is closely linked with the solution of the most acute demographic problems ...". It is characteristic that the President links their decision directly with strengthening the family, raising the status of parenting and the values ​​of the family lifestyle. In his opinion: "We need to increase the prestige of motherhood and fatherhood, create conditions conducive to the birth and upbringing of children." At the same time, the futility of a totally paternalistic policy towards the family is recognized, the universality of methods of material support for the family is questioned, the ineffectiveness of the guardian approach to the family, which is reduced exclusively to measures of economic assistance and does not imply the development of economic independence and institutional autonomy of the family, is recognized.

At the level of strategic attitudes, the highest state power demonstrates an awareness of the complexity and globality of the family and demographic crisis, positions the priority importance of tasks to overcome it, states the need for a qualitatively new policy in this area, the reform of which involves a significant weakening of paternalistic tendencies and strengthening the pro-family orientation of the state. In essence, the declarations of power reflect certain shifts in the ideology of the state, the evolution of its strategy in the social sphere. However, up to the present time, these attitudes generally remain at the declarative level and do not receive appropriate reflection in the reform of the political and legal foundations of the state's activities.

The problems of the family and demographic crisis, the strategy of state policy in this area, are still on the periphery of the attention of society and various state structures, including the State Duma. It is obvious that in the family sphere at this stage, both the current government and various political forces are limited mainly to declarations and populist promises that are not supported by real transformations of the principles and foundations of state policy. In this regard, the reform of family policy is postponed to the distant future.

It must be admitted that the transition to a qualitatively new state policy in relation to the family is a rather complex problem that has not yet been finally resolved in any country in the world. Moreover, many industrially developed states, like Russia, are actually at the stage of developing its strategic foundations, key principles and value priorities.

1.2. Organization of social support for families

The legislative consolidation of the constitutional foundations of social policy is reflected in the following regulatory legal acts:

- Law of the Russian Federation of May 15, 1991 No. 1244-1 "On social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant."

- Federal Law of August 2, 1995 No. 122-FZ "On social services for elderly citizens and disabled people."

- Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ "On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation."

- Federal Law No. 195-FZ of December 10, 1995 “On the Basics of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation”.

- Federal Law of June 20, 1996 No. 81-FZ "On state regulation in the field of coal mining and use, on the specifics of social protection of workers in coal industry organizations."

- Federal Law of January 9, 1997 No. 5-FZ "On the provision of social guarantees to Heroes of Socialist Labor and full holders of the Order of Labor Glory."

- Federal Law of November 26, 1998 No. 175-FZ "On social protection of citizens of the Russian Federation exposed to radiation as a result of the accident in 1957 at the Mayak production association and the discharge of radioactive waste into the Techa river."

- Federal Law of November 7, 2000 No. 136-FZ "On social protection of citizens employed in work with chemical weapons."

- Federal Law No. 166-FZ of December 15, 2001 "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation".

- Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ "On labor pensions In Russian federation".

Families nowadays, no doubt, face a large number of problems that have a number of characteristics and specific interests. The main specificity of a young family is the realization by the spouses of new social roles, instability of intrafamily relations, in a number of problems that complicate the process of family realization social functions.

It is young families who have to face great difficulties, since young spouses are often still receiving education, or are only taking their first steps in the profession, while, due to their youth, they have great needs, including the desire to have children. Without government support, young people often postpone getting married and having children.

Since in recent years a difficult demographic situation has developed in Russia, there is a low birth rate, one of the important directions of state policy is to support a young family with children. Therefore, one of the criteria and receiving measures of state support is to classify a family as a young one, it is necessary to have minor children in the family.

The purpose of the state family policy is to create conditions for the formation of socially prosperous families, which are able to independently solve their problems and perform fully the social functions of the family in modern society.

A young family can be defined as a family where the age of the spouses does not exceed 30 years, or incomplete family, in which one young parent under the age of 30 with one or more children.

In the process of its development, the family tries to achieve a certain level of well-being. A prosperous family can be called a family that is able to solve its problems on its own, and whose future development, with a high degree of probability, will be stable.

The main characteristics of the successful family model are:

  • fullness of the family: the family must have a child, at least one;
  • the family must be economically secure, that is, the average per capita income must be at least the average income in the whole region for each family member;
  • the family must have conditions for the self-realization of both spouses in different spheres of life.

Most often, family policy is a legislatively formalized direction of the adopted social security system, aimed directly at helping the needy or poor segments of the population.

In the absence of a unified legal basis for social family policy, it will lead to inconsistent actions of social services in each region, low efficiency of social programs and the activities of centers to support young families.

The state, with the help of economic, legal, administrative and social measures, can assist the family in maintaining and raising children, achieving psychological stability, economic well-being, and improving the quality of life of the family. This approach makes the state youth policy a leading resource for the institutionalization of a young family.

Under the state youth family policy is understood the purposeful activity of government bodies and other institutions, which is carried out in order to create the performance of social functions, favorable conditions for raising the standard of living, improving the development of a young family. The policy includes a complete system of measures and principles of an economic, organizational, legal, informational, scientific, propagandistic and personnel nature.

The structure of youth family policy can be represented as a subsystem: social protection of vulnerable young families; social support for young families requiring better housing conditions; state protection of motherhood / infancy / paternity; ensuring the rights of young spouses to reproductive reproduction; public education children; support for family entrepreneurship; socio-demographic policy; legal education system; provision of social services; institutionalization of social service centers for young families.

Comparing the needs of a young family in various kinds of social services and the variety of programs and proposals implemented by existing social services, it follows that the services offered for a young family do not correspond to the tasks of its formation.

According to the results of the monitoring study "Young Family" conducted by Rosobrazovanie in 2013, it was concluded that the lack of a balanced, targeted state youth policy in relation to young families at the federal and regional levels stimulates a wide increase in the type of young family with few children. At the same time, the tasks of the country's demographic and economic development require that the average type of family prevail in Russia.

The legal basis of state policy in relation to families includes UN documents that have provisions regarding the family, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Family Code, as well as other federal legal documents on family issues.

The main guidelines in state policy in relation to the family are determined by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 14, 1996 No. 712 "On the main directions of state family policy." On the basis of this legal act, the subjects of state policy in relation to the family are legislative and executive bodies of different levels, employers, political parties, public associations, trade unions, charitable foundations, religious confessions, international organizations, individuals and legal entities. Families are the objects of state family policy. At the same time, the status of the family as an object of family policy does not mean that the family plays a passive role in solving various problems. Young families should eventually become one of the active social actors in the process of implementing state family policy.

In Russia, the Concept of state policy in relation to a young family has been developed, the appearance of which is caused by necessity, as well as objective and subjective factors.

The first is that young families account for a significant portion of all Russian families. By the time the Concept appeared, the number of families in Russia numbered more than 6 million (for 20 million citizens of Russia). Therefore, the formation of state policy in relation to young families should cover the multimillion population of the country, the development of which is largely determined by the state of young families.

The second factor is the allocation of young families into a separate category, which allows not only to study the problems of the life of young families in detail, but also contributes to a targeted, more effective solution to the problems of young families, which will increase the growth of childbearing and, ultimately, improve the demographic situation in Russia. Today, young families and youth are the leading force in the implementation of most of the priority national projects in Russia.

The third factor is determined by the fact that most of the families were created in their young years (the average age of marriage is 24.4 years for men and 22.2 years for women, with 70% of marriages being first marriages). This age is characterized by the formation of the worldview and value orientations of young people - an orientation towards a prosperous, stable family, the values ​​of family life and responsible parenting. For the formation of the listed values ​​and attitudes, the tasks of the state family policy are directed.

The fourth factor is determined by statistics according to which young families are less stable. One third of divorces occur in families that have existed for less than a year, and another third in families with a marriage experience of one to five years; the probability of divorce of marriages of citizens under 20 years of age is twice as high.

Another factor is childbearing, since children mostly appear in young families, and basically the future of the nation is associated with a young family (75% of children are born to persons under 30). The measures envisaged by state policy in relation to families in general, in the overwhelming majority of situations and to a significant extent, are aimed at young families. These measures include exchanges for solving the problems of the demographic situation in the country, which is determined by the strategic course of the state.

Young families have a more difficult financial situation, they need support: state and parental. Most often, they do not have housing and a household, while there are increased demands for spiritual development. In contrast to the most developed countries, where the entry of young people into adulthood is objectively higher, Russian young people enter socio-economic relations much earlier. In this situation, the state needs to provide such living conditions for a young family in which it, relying on its potential, with the use of strategic support from society and the state, is able to independently realize its reproductive attitudes and social functions.

Changes in living conditions require mobility from every young family, a search for modern non-standard options for building their individual life. The combination of measures of primary state support for young families with the growth of independence in solving the problems of life is the foundation of the society of the future. State support provides for the full implementation of state policy in relation to young families.

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