Pedagogical project “Spiritual and moral development of adolescent children in a rehabilitation center. The development of social skills in children in a social rehabilitation center The formation of a child's personality in a rehabilitation




Report to the Methodological Council

"Development of social skills in children in conditions

social rehabilitation center "

Educator: Sirotkina T.S.

Sychevka, 2016

Development of social skills in children in conditions

social rehabilitation center

The process of education and upbringing, aimed at shaping the personality of a child, correcting developmental deficiencies, ultimately creates the prerequisites for the social adaptation of children.

Social adaptation, i.e. active adaptation to the conditions of the social environment through the assimilation and acceptance of goals, values, norms, rules and methods of behavior adopted in society is a universal basis for the personal and social well-being of any person.

Each child needs to be helped to find the maximum possible independence in the framework of satisfying basic life needs, to master the necessary skills that allow them to serve themselves and fulfill them.

The lack of social experience, insufficient preparedness of children entering the SGBU SRTSN "Druzhba", has a significant impact on the nature of adaptation in the new conditions. This is manifested in the inability to establish personal contacts with peers and staff, in a negative attitude to participation in labor processes, in uncertainty and ignorance of how to behave in a particular life situation.

In SGBU SRTSN "Druzhba" the entire process of education and upbringing should be aimed at ensuring the social adaptation of the child into society.

Each of us knows that people go up the steps in life: up or, unfortunately, sometimes down. And everything must be done to ensure that our students walk the ladder of success, not failure. After all, only he is happy who is successful. For a person to learn something in life, a certain experience is necessary. Therefore, in front of our guys, for successful integration into society, it is necessary to put such life situations that they will have to face and make a decision.

Our center for children living in it is the main model of the social world, and the acquisition of social experience by children, the foundations of human relationships, skills and abilities to ensure personal life and activity depends on how the upbringing process is built.

The activity of pupils in the SGBU SRTSN "Druzhba" is manifested in their studies, in various types of work, in organizing their free time, in behavior in public places, as well as in the ability to apply cultural and hygienic skills and self-service skills.

The problem of the socialization of our children is particularly difficult. To familiarize yourself with social values ​​and norms, it is necessary to work in the following areas.

1. Social and household orientation.

In the classroom, a certain system of knowledge is given to children and social and everyday skills and abilities begin to form, in the process of which pupils in everyday practical life repeat, consolidate and expand the knowledge gained during educational process, automate those who have skills and organize useful habits, behavioral standards, an evaluative attitude towards various life situations in children.

I use the following forms of teaching social and everyday orientation: subject-practical classes, excursions, role-playing games, conversations, didactic games, modeling real situations, works of fiction.

The main support in the assimilation of any cognitive material is visual teaching aids.

In classes on social orientation I use different types of visualization: natural objects (for example, clothes, dishes, food); real objects (for example, the premises of the center); toys, images (subject, plot); practical demonstration of actions.

It is necessary to actively use the method of modeling real situations, that is, the recreation of certain everyday situations that people face in real life... Simulation of real-life situations should be used in the study of many topics, for example: "Acquaintance", "Behavior in public places", "Shopping" and so on. Plots of situations are taken from real life, but always in accordance with the level of knowledge, experience of children and their capabilities.

The method of modeling real situations is not only one of the most effective, but also the most difficult teaching method. Difficulties arise due to the inability of children to act as actors, their lack of self-confidence, the inability of children to think over and analyze the situation on their own, due to their emotional and behavioral characteristics. In addition, it is difficult for a child from the first time to understand and correctly assess the need for certain actions, actions. That is why it is necessary to consistently train children to participate in modeling the situation.

2. Labor skills.

In the formation of labor skills and abilities, the daily practical activity of children is especially important, which should be organized in the following forms: assignments, shifts, collective activities.

The task of educators is to teach children to agree among themselves about who will do what. This teaches each child to be responsible for the assigned task, not only when he does his job alone, but also when he works in a team. An important point is the duty officer's report on the performed duty.

In working with children, it is advisable to use such a method of collective activity as joint - individual: each child, although he works simultaneously with others, does not experience any dependence on them. For example, putting things in order in their bedside tables, shelves for clothes, etc., which allows each child to act at an individual pace - this is especially important at the stage of mastering the skill. In turn, we will be able to take into account the individual needs of each child: one needs additional demonstration, the other needs physical assistance (hand in hand), the third needs a hint, a reminder, leading questions, and the fourth needs support to act more confidently.

To maintain the cleanliness of the group, together with the children, we establish alternate watch, thereby giving the pupils the opportunity to master the techniques of caring for their homes, creating and maintaining order, creating coziness, and mastering the skills of using household appliances.

The knowledge and initial skills formed in the classroom need to be repeatedly, regular, systematic consolidation in daily activities for consolidation and lasting assimilation.

At the end of the study of a certain topic, it is advisable to conduct classes with the children, but already in the form of a competition, quiz, holiday.

3. An important place in the formation of social and everyday knowledge and skills is given toexcursions.

Their value lies in the fact that children in real, natural conditions observe the objects of the world around them, clarify and expand their ideas about them, consolidate the knowledge and skills formed in the classroom, role-playing games, learn to communicate with strangers, i.e. during the excursions, the social experience of children is formed and enriched.

4. Skill of social behavior.

It is necessary to form this skill by showing a positive action with a preliminary and incidental explanation of its meaning. For this, a situation is demonstrated by taking on the social role that you want to teach children (for example, a customer in a store). Then, together with the children, a situation is played out, during which the help from the adult gradually decreases, and the independence of the children increases. When playing the situation, it is necessary to guide the children and make sure that they correctly convey the sequence of actions, correctly pronounce the phrases.

Playing various stories, children thereby gain certain ideas, knowledge, practical experience of behavior in various life situations and communication with people around them.

5. Development of the emotional background.

In the classroom, it is important to use small, interesting, emotionally vivid works of fiction that are accessible to the perception of children (for a deeper understanding of actions, deeds and attitudes towards things and between people). The emotional factor is one of the main factors in the development of children of any age. Emotionally colored material that penetrates the child's soul is firmly imprinted in his memory.

Thus, the system educational work in our center should be a purposeful organization of the activities of children to assimilate the social and everyday knowledge and skills necessary in life.

In the course of classes, pupils acquire knowledge about various spheres of human life and activities, acquire practical skills that allow them to successfully adapt in a social environment.

The processes taking place in society often negatively affect minors. They affect the spiritual life of Russian society and enhance the development of negative social problems of minors, as well as reduce their immunity to the impact of criminal factors that stimulate child homelessness, neglect, and social orphanhood.

Support and specialized assistance to minors, the bulk of whom are homeless, the so-called "social orphans" and the resolution of their problems, is effectively carried out on the basis of specialized rehabilitation centers. It is characteristic of such centers that they are called upon to play the role of an emergency response mechanism to the current critical situation in the child's life.

Children entering a rehabilitation center, as a rule, come from dysfunctional families, they live only in the present, they have no clear ideas about their future and a poor understanding of the possibilities of self-realization. Most of them received psychological trauma, have problems in education, communication, they have high level anxiety, aggressiveness. It is clear that each of these children has their own life situation, their own pain. Once in a rehabilitation center, a minor goes through the process of adaptation, i.e. adaptation to new conditions of the living environment.

E.I. Kholostova understands social adaptation as the process of adaptation of the individual to the conditions of the social environment; type of interaction of an individual or social group with the social environment. Thus, social adaptation in the broadest sense of the word means consonance, harmony, consistency of a person with the world around him. A socially adapted person is able to perform the necessary social roles and functions in the living environment.

The characteristics of minors who find themselves in a rehabilitation center shows how far they are from such a state and how abnormal their past life was, since the value orientations of such children differ significantly from the value orientations of children living in prosperous families.

In the rehabilitation center, pupils are offered different living conditions, a different system of relationships with society, in comparison with what they are accustomed to, other moral guidelines in life. It is clear that minors with an unstable psyche, who do not possess social and everyday skills, in a changed system of values ​​and negative experience of communicating with people, cannot immediately adapt to a normal life, are not able to immediately master the system of requirements and norms on the basis of which life in the Center.

The most important social and pedagogical task of the Center is to give the pupil a new living environment, new impressions, to provide him with maximum support in the process of mastering a new life, different from everything that he has experienced until now. The main concern is that within the walls of the Center there is something that most satisfies the interests of children and helps to develop their socially significant needs. When working with such children, it is necessary to help them heal their wounds, to open in themselves a source of energy and love, to make each pupil strong and kind.

The organization of correctional and rehabilitation measures in the social rehabilitation center is carried out in a comprehensive manner. The institution's team of specialists is faced with the task of not only helping the child adapt to a new environment for him, but also organizing the life of the pupils in such a way that they feel socially protected and psychologically ready for further life in society.

Social and pedagogical work with the pupils of the rehabilitation center includes: identifying the potential of each child; determination of the most important areas of social and pedagogical work with him; providing an individual approach to the organization and implementation of rehabilitation measures; phasing in social pedagogical activity; continuity in social pedagogical activities and ensuring comprehensiveness in the impact on each pupil.

Direct socio-pedagogical work with a child in the Center is based on the following main stages:

diagnostic (adaptive)- This is the collection of information: getting to know the child, family, social environment and living conditions of the child, examination and social diagnostics of the physical and mental state. At this stage, the child adapts to the institution, and a sense of security is formed. The specialists' job is to make the child feel that he will be understood and protected here.

Also, work is underway to recreate the social status of the child and his family: assistance is provided in paperwork, receiving benefits, establishing the identity of the pupil, searching for his relatives;

  • analytical- analysis of the collected information about the child, identification of his capabilities, differentiation of problems and needs, determination of the prospects for social and pedagogical work with a minor;
  • forecast- development of an individual work program. An individual program of social and pedagogical work is created on the basis of a comprehensive study of the child by the staff of the center: doctors, educators, teachers, social educators, specialists in social and pedagogical work, etc. The program reflects generalized information about a teenager, containing the following information: state of physical and mental health , availability of sanitary and hygienic and household skills; the degree of general education; the degree of the adolescent's relationship to adults, peers, himself, cognition, work, play, etc. ;
  • practical(implementation) - the implementation of individual socio-pedagogical work. At this stage, the problems of socialization of children are overcome, this is achieved by special measures associated with psychological and pedagogical support in the process of teaching and upbringing. In the course of educational work, there is a labor, moral, aesthetic impact on the child.

The educational process in the center is carried out taking into account age characteristics and taking into account the identity of the pupils, with an individual and differentiated approach.

Social education is a purposeful educational activity (purposeful education) of a specific person (a certain category of people) in certain socio-cultural conditions, focused on the social formation of everyone's personality, her assimilation of the appropriate culture of self-manifestation and self-realization that he needs in life.

There are several typical problems that hinder or inhibit the process of socialization of orphans and children left without parental care:

  • 1. Lack of qualified specialists in rehabilitation centers. Unfortunately, it is necessary to state the fact that in our country they do not prepare specialists for work in a specific type of children's institutions.
  • 2. The short-term period of stay of minors (on average up to 6 months) in a rehabilitation center, which makes it difficult for them to develop stable, necessary skills for effective functioning in society.
  • 3. In the rehabilitation center, the regime of residence is strictly regulated (when one should get up, eat, study, sleep, play, walk, etc.), which does not allow taking into account the individual characteristics of the child. The living conditions of a minor in the center do not give him the opportunity to independently regulate the rhythm and frequency of contacts with the environment in accordance with the dynamics of his own needs.
  • 4. The organization of life in the center gives the juvenile clearly outlined social and role positions (of the pupil). In the center, both the very set of these roles, given from the outside, and the variability of actions within these roles are limited, as a result of which the child loses his individuality in self-expression.
  • 5. Strict regulation and limited social contacts make it impossible for minors to assimilate the entire gamut of social-role relationships, as a result of which the child develops a special role-playing position - the position of an orphan, which leads to the formation of dependency.
  • 6. The concentration in one place of a large mass of difficult minors with the same type of social pathology, which creates the preconditions for the exchange of negative life experience, deprives them of examples of positive behavior and the possibility of contact with ordinary children.

The foregoing allows us to assert that the success of social and pedagogical activities in overcoming difficulties in the upbringing of minors prone to deviant behavior requires variability, taking into account the originality of both individual groups of pupils and each of them in a rehabilitation center. This fact dictates the need for the teachers of the rehabilitation center to constantly and versatilely study the originality of each pupil, the dynamics of his change in the process of social pedagogical work with him, and on the basis of this knowledge, predict and ensure the implementation of further educational activities.

In the process of social and pedagogical work with pupils, strive to create conditions for children to choose the forms and roles of participation in the life of the center. The organization of the personal space of each minor requires special attention, when the pupil can retire, arrange his personal place. It is important to provide an individual pace and mode of living, to provide an opportunity to independently regulate the rhythm and frequency of contacts with the environment in accordance with the needs of the child, to follow the child, keeping his boundaries. The organization of life should be built on the principle of "do it yourself". And the task of the rehabilitation center is to determine the priority direction in educational activities, subject to the modernization of the entire educational system.


  • 1. Kholostova, E.I. Theory social work: textbook. - M .: Jurist, 1999.
  • 2. Rotovskaya, I.B., Chetvergova, L.P. Methodology of individual programs for social rehabilitation of minors in a social rehabilitation center // Bulletin of psycho-social and correctional-rehabilitation work. - 2000. - No. 1. - P. 22.
  • 3. Mardakhaev, L.V. Social pedagogy: textbook. - M .: Publishing house. RSSU 2013.
  • 4. Shakurova, M.V. Methodology and technology of the work of a social teacher: textbook, manual. for stud. higher. study, head. - M .: Publishing house. center "Academy", 2008.
  • 5. Zaretsky, V.K., Smirnova, NS, Zaretsky, Yu.V., Evlashkina, N.M., Kholmogorova, A.B. Three main problems of adolescent with deviant behavior. Why do they arise? How to help? - M .: Forum, 2016.
  • 6. Kazanskaya, V. Teenager: social: a book for psychologists, teachers and parents - SPb .: Peter, 2011.

E.N. Mizgulina,

1st year undergraduate of correspondence course of study, direction of training "Psychological and Pedagogical", RSSU

Output data of the collection:


Saraeva Larisa Vasilievna

Educator, State Treasury Stationary Institution of Social Services "Social and Rehabilitation Center" Nadezhda ", Trans-Baikal Territory, RF, Chita


Sarajeva Larissa

educator, the State state stationary establishment "Socially-the rehabilitation center" Nadezhda "of Transbaikalian edge, Russia, Chita


The article delimits the concepts of "social rehabilitation" and "pedagogical rehabilitation", reflects the goal, objectives, thematic blocks of the rehabilitation program.


In article concepts "social rehabilitation" and "pedagogical rehabilitation" are differentiated, problems, thematic blocks of the rehabilitation program are reflected objective.

Keywords: social rehabilitation; pedagogical rehabilitation; minor; difficult life situation; social rehabilitation center.

Keywords: social rehabilitation; pedagogical rehabilitation; the minor; a difficult vital situation; socially-the rehabilitation center.

“Family” and “child”, it would seem, are two complementary concepts that cannot exist apart from each other. However, the family can not always be a source of warmth and security for a child.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child states: “A child who is temporarily or permanently deprived of his family environment, or who, in his own best interests, cannot remain in such an environment, is entitled to special protection and assistance provided by the state.”

One of the forms of rendering assistance to children who find themselves in difficult life situations remains placement in social rehabilitation centers. From the practice of work in the State Treasury Stationary Institution of Social Services "Social and Rehabilitation Center for Minors" Nadezhda "of the Trans-Baikal Territory, it can be noted that the long-term influence of unfavorable conditions does not pass without leaving a trace for the child - there are deviations in both behavior and personal development: weak adaptive abilities, a tendency to deceit, cruelty, aggressiveness, these children lack the norms of morality and ethics, they have lost interest in life, in knowledge. Thus, the child as a person turns out to be unformed, which means that he is very vulnerable and vulnerable. Tasks that are acutely facing the social rehabilitation center: activation of the processes of individual development of the child; social revival of the child; correction of the emotional state, personality disorders, negative character traits, identification and development of the reserve capabilities of minors; restoration and formation of the structure of the child's personality. Considering social and pedagogical rehabilitation as a process, it is necessary to say about the complex influence of all the specialists of the center on the personality of the child: a social teacher, a social worker, an educator, a psychologist, a music worker, a labor and physical education instructor, and administration. Carrying out an integrated approach to the rehabilitation process, it is important to try to educate a person who is able to navigate in the mainstream of life's problems, to be able to solve them, at least partially, and not dependents. Unfortunately, little attention is paid to the problem of social and pedagogical rehabilitation in modern literature. First of all, this is due to the fact that the issue of social and pedagogical rehabilitation should be considered as standing at the junction of several sciences: pedagogy, psychology, sociology and medicine. The definitions available in the scientific literature make it possible to distinguish between the concepts of "social" rehabilitation and "pedagogical". Social rehabilitation is associated with the restoration of the child's status in society, while pedagogical rehabilitation is an educational measure aimed at correcting behavior, intellectual activity, eliminating pedagogical neglect, developing a child's confidence in his own usefulness and the formation of a socially significant personality. And yet, children who find themselves in a difficult life situation, and from it to a social rehabilitation center, are “other” children who require a different approach and special attention to themselves. This idea is confirmed by the well-known teacher J. Korchak, he formulated the idea that children in a state institution “are people, but with a different store of experience, different impressions, a different play of feelings. A child can be healed not only by the love and patience of the educator, but also by the correct organization of the life of children. "

Sokolova Zh.K. speaks of the negative impact of a state institution on the development of a primary school student. She claims that the conditions of the rehabilitation center "level the personality of the child", form the skills of unconditional obedience, notes the inability of children to organize their leisure time, despite the child's preserved personal potential. In my opinion, the negative influence on the child is exerted not by the institution itself, as such, with its own way of life and method of work, but the consequences of the difficult life situation experienced by the child. Therefore, a teacher working with children whose childhood was "difficult" needs to organize his work in such a way that the child realizes the need for self-improvement, even if with the unobtrusive help of the teacher. The practice of working in a social rehabilitation center shows that one of the ways to achieve positive changes in a child's personality is to develop and systematically work on a rehabilitation program. It was the work on the program “Walking merrily together” that was a favorable condition for the personal development of children who have gone through a difficult life situation and found themselves in an institution. The system of work on this program is based on the principle of an integrated approach, taking into account individual characteristics, relying on the positive traits of the child's personality. The pedagogical feasibility of the program is providing children with an opportunity to gain knowledge and practical experience in various areas of knowledge and the formation of their competencies, defined by thematic blocks of the program: "Culture of behavior and the alphabet of communication", "Personal hygiene and health", "Person, family and family traditions””, “We play in the profession”, “You and the law”, “My small homeland”, “OBZh”. The thematic diversity of the blocks of the program allows you to step by step fill the gaps in knowledge and contribute to the gradual instilling of the necessary skills. The successful implementation of this program will allow eliminating the backlog of children in intellectual, emotional, moral and physical development... During the implementation of the program, the child forms his own system of interests, which are internal positive stimuli that induce him to take certain actions: they bring him closer to his peers, to other people and society. All components of this program are important, as they organically complement each other.

The goal of this program will be implemented by overcoming personal discomfort in a rehabilitation center, creating conditions for the formation of the necessary social changes and skills, and preventing neglect and juvenile delinquency.

Purpose of the program:

To contribute to the formation of a comprehensively developed personality of the child in the process of social and educational rehabilitation through various forms and methods of work.

1. the formation of the moral potential of the student's personality;

2.forming skills healthy way life, respect for yourself and others;

3. the formation of cultural and national values ​​of the family: consanguinity, home, family life, traditions, customs, rituals;

4. creation of conditions for clarification and expansion of ideas about professions, about the importance of work in human life. Formation of labor skills and abilities in children, skills of self-service

5. the formation of a legal worldview and active citizenship.

6. the formation of patriotism and a sense of belonging to the history of their homeland.

7. formation of skills of safe behavior in everyday life, as well as in emergency and emergency situations.

This program is designed for a group of boys from 6 to 12 years old with a variable composition. The work on this program has been carried out for three years, and has shown positive dynamics in the formation of the spiritual and moral potential of the student's personality. From work experience, I can notice that the implementation of this program allows children to develop a desire to master new knowledge, skills and abilities. They willingly share their impressions of the knowledge gained, take an active part in quizzes, contests, take good care of the products of their labor, they develop self-service skills, sanitary and hygienic standards. Speaking about the results of the work under the program, it is very difficult to reflect this result in figures, because the idea of ​​the spiritual level of a person can be formed through live communication with him in the process of observation and conversations. And nevertheless, in spite of the comprehensive approach to the process of social and pedagogical rehabilitation, I can confidently assert that properly organized work of a teacher in a group is an important condition for overcoming developmental disorders caused by a difficult life situation in which the child had to stay, due to life circumstances. The effectiveness of social and pedagogical rehabilitation largely depends on the timely removal of the child from a difficult life situation in the conditions of a state institution and the correctness of the organized activities within the framework of the individual rehabilitation program.


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  2. Korkishenko O. The system of institutions for the social prevention of child neglect and crime in pre-revolutionary Russia // My fatherland. - 1999. - No. 3. - S. 69-78.
  3. Korolkova E. Protects all the children of the Earth: Theme of the World Constitution of the Rights of the Child. Grade 4 // No. 05 (10086) / 2006-02-07
  4. Korczak J. Personality education / J. Korczak. M .: Education, 1992 .-- 250 p.
  5. United Nations. Convention on the Rights of the Child. Art. 20, section 1, 2010.
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Features of the socio-psychological status of children determine the specifics of the goals and the content of the activities of the newly emerging institutions. They should give the child not just shelter, food, warmth, they give him a qualitative change in life, relations with the world, people around him.

The tasks of these institutions are as follows: relieve the sharpness of psychological stress, carry out the primary adaptation of the child to life in a socially healthy environment, restore or compensate for lost social ties, return the most important forms of human life: play, cognition, work, communication.

The activities of these institutions are based on the following principles:

Priority of the interests of the child and his well-being;

The rise of the personality of the pupil in the eyes of himself and those around him;

Reliance on positive principles in the spiritual and physical development of children;

Humanizing relationships and communication between children and employees;

An integrated approach to diagnostic and corrective work with the inmates of the institution.

In recent years, experimental work has been carried out to create a system of social, psychological and pedagogical support for childhood. The concept of this system provides for the creation of conditions for the education of all categories of children (maladapted, advanced, poorly performing orphans, left without parental care, abused, generally deviant children), the organization of summer vacations in pioneer camps, sanatoriums; leisure, creativity, as well as the rehabilitation of children and adolescents in need of it. For example, an institution in this system is the Makhachkala city orphanage on Akushinsky Avenue, which is carrying out comprehensive work to restore and shape the child's personality, and introduce him into a "healthy" society.

The orphanage necessarily provides for the Charter, where the first paragraph is general provisions. And it is also a municipal experimental educational institution. In its activities, the Shelter is guided by the Convention on the Rights of the Child: the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", other legislative acts, decisions and orders of the State Council and the Ministry of Labor, as well as the Department of Education. The shelter cooperates with all departments of the Administration, courts and prosecutors, social protection, public organizations and foundations, educational institutions, and other bodies.

The orphanage is a haven for children who have been knocked out of their rut. Shelter - special children's institution, both tragic and optimistic. Placement of a child in an orphanage, on the one hand, is a dramatic event caused by catastrophic ill-being in his life, on the other hand, it is a milestone that opens up the possibility of being reborn in the socio-psychological plane, improving his health, and gaining the right to a dignified human life.

The status of a social shelter for children and adolescents of one of the types of a specialized institution for minors in need of social rehabilitation is enshrined in the Model Regulations on a Special Facility for Minors in Need of Social Rehabilitation, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of September 13, 1996. No. 1092.

The number of shelters is determined at the rate of one in 5-10 thousand child population living in the city (district). If there are less than 5 thousand children in the city (region), one orphanage is created.

The social shelter is intended for temporary residence and social rehabilitation of children and adolescents aged 3 to 18, left without parental care and in need of emergency social assistance. This orientation determines the semi-functional nature of his activities.

A social shelter in the system of prevention of neglect, social and pedagogical rehabilitation of children in need of protection and support from the state is designed to perform the following functions:

1. Ensuring safety, protecting the child from external threats: abuse by parents or relatives (beatings, expulsion from home, hunger, sexual violence); exploitation by adult criminals, etc.

In the language of pre-revolutionary Russian practice, the shelter is a rescue institution. Children are placed here, whose physical and mental health, whose social and individual development is in danger, children who are exhausted, who have learned dark sides life, experience of delinquency. The orphanage becomes an outpost preventing the destruction of their physical, mental and moral health.

2. Protection legal rights and the interests of the child related to his relationship, the establishment of guardianship, education, mastering a profession, etc. When solving all these issues, the social and legal service of the shelter puts the interests of the child in the first place.

3. Removing the mental stress from the child or stressful condition, which is a consequence of socio-psychological deprivation in the family, physical or sexual violence, school disadoption, stay in an asocial environment on the street. It happens that children entering the orphanage are in a state of post-traumatic stress, they are haunted by fears, they develop tics, increased anxiety, etc. Naturally, first of all, it is necessary to mitigate this situation, to help the child calm down, recover, and then the child, against a calmer psychological background, to carry out diagnostic and corrective work.

4. Diagnostics. Deformations caused by social maladjustment are versatile, affect the child's physical and mental health, and affect her personality. This is the reason for the need for versatile diagnostic work in the shelter, focused on obtaining information about the child from medical, social workers, psychologists, speech therapists, educators, labor instructors. Each child entering the orphanage has its own destiny, its own problems, a special manifestation of general tendencies. Therefore, for the implementation of an individual program for social rehabilitation, it is necessary to have versatile and specific information about his social, psychological status, social and individual development, health status.

5. Primary adaptation of the child to life in a socially healthy environment. The child is usually in the shelter for up to six months. In this short time, it is not always possible to overcome all the negative consequences of his unnatural life. But there is an opportunity at least to introduce him to other forms of relationships between people: without threats, insults, physical reprisals. He must understand that it is possible to live in a society in which there is no violence, where people respect each other and treat each other in a different way. The most important task of the shelter workers is to show the child that there is a world in which he is understood, accepted, they want good for him, they are trying to create conditions for him, in turn, to accept a new system of social relations, get used to it and want to live in accordance with her.

6. Restoration and development of the most important forms of human life-play, cognition, labor, communication. Faced with difficult children's problems every day, shelter workers cannot get used to the fact that preschoolers who find themselves in a shelter cannot play and do not reach for the game, that children's ideas about the world are at a "cave" level, that adolescents for whom communication with peers is the greatest value, mastering only such forms as verbal or physical aggression.

Play, cognition, work, communication - these are the types of activities without which the child's socialization is impossible, his adaptation in a normal human society, the child's social revival in an orphanage is possible only when the conditions for his entry into the world, play, cognition, and a transforming field are created.

7. Restoring or compensating for the social ties of children, giving them the opportunity to master those social roles that, due to the unnaturalness of their pre-shelter life, were not mastered by them. The orphanage helps the child to find blood parents again, making an attempt to restore his biological family, and more often gives the opportunity to enter a new one. As of today, there is no complete statistical data on this issue, but, as a rule, in many orphanages, three quarters of children leave the shelter for families, one quarter - in residential institutions. The work of modern orphanages to restore and compensate for family ties of children is rooted in the practice of Russian rescue institutions for abandoned, street children. One of the most important attitudes in their activities was the orientation towards providing the child with the experience of family life. The implementation of this setting in practice had different shapes: transfer of the child to a prosperous family under foster care; material support for a mother with an illegitimate child; the organization of artificial "families" of several street children and a pure-blooded woman; creation of a family way of life in orphanages.

Today, new forms of entering a child into a family have emerged, and for orphanages, finding a suitable option for a child is a priority.

The orphanage seeks to restore other social roles of children. Thanks to the efforts of staff and school teachers, the child returns to the lost role of the student; in a shelter, a neglected, homeless child who did not know the concept of "friend" and "friendship" begins to learn the feeling of attachment to other people.

All activities of the shelter are aimed at the correction and rehabilitation of children. In his work, the preventive function is less pronounced in comparison, for example, with specialized institutions of another type - the Center for the Social Rehabilitation of Minors. This is due to the peculiarities of the children's contingent, children who are physically weakened, with violations of social and psychological status, alienated by their family and school, enter the orphanage. Opportunities in the fate of these children preventive work have already been missed, since the child has already suffered, received psychological trauma, experienced a measure of social evil.

The shelter is an institution for the temporary stay of a child, but in the documents. regulating its activities, this period is not indicated, since the program of social revival and the arrangement of the future life of each child has its own content, its duration in time.

The first orphanages in Russia, which arose at the beginning of the 18th century, accepted disadvantaged, familyless, abandoned children. Having become the successors of those rescue institutions, the current shelters from the first steps declared themselves as open institutions. They accept a child in need, regardless of whether he or she has identity documents; the child can apply for asylum at the shelter himself, bypassing intermediaries; the shelter gives shelter to a child until a court ruling depriving the parents of the parental rights that are criminally related to him. The openness of the shelter is also manifested in its connections with the social environment.

The orphanage is designed to protect the child from the external unfriendly world, which caused him a lot of suffering, but at the same time should not fence him off from life. Social rehabilitation of children takes place not in a closed, isolated space, but in a real environment. Therefore, in shelters, contacts are encouraged between pupils and children from families where normal moral values, positive social attitudes are accepted. The shelter should be attractive for the social environment (village or town, city, district), become one of the socio-cultural centers.

It is recommended to involve pupils in social, cultural events held in a social environment, and, in turn, invite adults and children to their holidays, performances, provide assistance to the lonely and the elderly, demonstrate a high culture of farming on their plots. It is necessary to push the boundaries of the world visible and perceived by children: to conduct excursions to museums, hiking trips, meeting interesting people, and visiting theaters. All this helps to broaden the horizons of children, to show them a life that is fundamentally different from the one they led before the orphanage.

The active nature of the human rights activities of the shelters should be especially noted. Carrying out a protective rescue function in relation to children in need of emergency assistance requires promptness and perseverance from the staff of the institution. They apply to the internal affairs bodies regarding the removal of a child from an environment that is dangerous to his physical, mental, moral health; if necessary, initiate a case in court on deprivation of criminal liability officials institutions where the child was previously raised. In a number of cases, when the child has already been placed in an orphanage, and the parents continue to live with the child benefit, the management of the orphanage applies to the social protection authorities with a request to redirect child benefits and other payments for the child from the family to the orphanage.

The shelter is a small institution, regardless of whether it operates independently or within the framework of the Center for Social Rehabilitation of Minors. This follows from the particular complexity of the child contingent - children are psychologically and socially deprived, many have missed a sensitive period for social and individual development, mastering skills and abilities that are significant for life. The small number of children in the orphanage, the organization of the small (children) makes it possible to cultivate an individual approach to the child, to create the spirit of the family community. The emergence of social shelters for children and adolescents gives a significant part of street children a chance to survive, adapt in a healthy social environment, and overcome the lag in physical and mental development.

Rehabilitation work with socially maladjusted children. Special institutions for minors in need of social rehabilitation is an institution of the state system of social protection of the population, the implementation of measures for the social rehabilitation of minors with various forms and degrees of maladjustment and who find themselves in a difficult life situation.

The purpose of the orphanage is to provide social support to neglected children and adolescents, organize their temporary residence, provide legal, medical and pedagogical assistance, and further life.

The main tasks of the shelter in the upbringing of the child's personality are:

Preventive work to prevent the neglect of children and adolescents;

Identification of sources and causes of social maladjustment of minors;

Development and implementation of individual programs for the social rehabilitation of children and adolescents, including professional and labor, educational, cognitive, socio-cultural, physical culture and health and other components;

Providing temporary accommodation for children and adolescents (under the age of 18) in normal living conditions with the provision of free food, utilities, medical care, proper care and hygiene, as well as providing them with the necessary social assistance;

Provision of psychological, psychocorrectional and other assistance to eliminate a crisis situation in the family and facilitate the return of the child to the parents or persons replacing them,

Participation, together with the departments concerned, in deciding the further fate of minors and their arrangement;

Determination and implementation, together with the interested departments, of the most optimal forms of placement of children and adolescents for further education.

The range and scope of tasks can be expanded (or narrowed) depending on the specific conditions and staffing of institutions.

When forming the personality of a child of an antisocial character, all these tasks and functions should be guided by diagnostically significant signs - these are:

· The presence of positively oriented life plans;

· The degree of consciousness and discipline in relation to educational activities;

· The level of development of useful skills, knowledge, efforts (sports, labor, technical, creative);

Institutions serve minors:

Those in need of social and pedagogical rehabilitation of emergency social psycho-correctional and medical-psychological assistance; experiencing difficulties in communicating with parents, peers, teachers, etc.;

Inclined to deviation for various reasons: at the request of minors; at the request of parents (persons replacing them), bodies working with children; at the initiative of employees of institutions.

Minors who are in a state of drug or alcohol intoxication, mentally ill with severe symptoms of illness, who have committed crimes are not subject to placement in institutions.

To implement their tasks, institutions can create the following structural divisions:

Social rehabilitation center for minors: departments for diagnostics of social maladjustment (identification and analysis of factors that caused social maladjustment minors, forms and stages of maladjustment; study of the state of neuropsychic health, characteristics of personal development and behavior of children and adolescents; development of individual rehabilitation programs to get them out of a difficult situation and create conditions for normal life);

Department for the implementation of social rehabilitation programs (organization of the phased implementation of individual programs of social rehabilitation of minors, ensuring a change in their attitude to educational activities; restoration of broken ties with the school, lost contacts with the family and within the family, instilling communication skills; improving the system of interpersonal relations of minors, restoring their social status in the team of peers at the place of study, work, removal of traumatic situations among their immediate environment; assistance to adolescents in obtaining temporary or permanent work corresponding to their capabilities, interests, needs, as well as in vocational guidance and obtaining a specialty; inclusion of children and adolescents in various types activities; decision, if necessary, issues of the placement of children and adolescents);

Day care unit (implementation of social rehabilitation programs for minors in daytime in the center);

Inpatient department (implementation of social rehabilitation programs for minors during the daytime in the center);

Inpatient department (implementation of social rehabilitation programs for minors around the clock stay in the Center).

Social center for children and adolescents:

Admission department (identification or clarification with the help of law enforcement agencies of the identity of minors, the place of residence of parents or persons replacing them, the director of an educational or boarding institution in the location of minors: conducting a primary medical examination, referral, if there are indications for treatment, to an inpatient medical institution: providing a primary psychological assistance),

Inpatient department (studying the personality of a minor, identifying the causes of the crisis situation and the essence of the conflict brought to the shelter; developing and implementing an individual work program, taking into account all the identified factors and circumstances, age-related physical and intellectual capabilities; ensuring the life of minors in the shelter, including them in the educational , labor, cognitive, leisure and other activities, as well as in the process of self-service);

Department of social and legal assistance (ensuring the further placement of minors living in a shelter; return to the family, boarding school, registration of documents for transfer to guardianship, custody, etc.).

The institution independently, in accordance with the current legislation, determines the mode and forms of work with minors, taking into account their interests and personal characteristics.

Minors visiting or temporarily residing in an institution are subject to registration.

Institutions seek and carry out various forms of patronage of minors, maintain contacts and remove them after the end of their stay in the institution, relying on employees of educational institutions, public associations and charitable organizations.

If necessary, a decision can be made on the possibility of secondary premises for an institution in need of this for children and adolescents. Therapeutic and prophylactic, anti-epidemic work in the institution is organized and carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Educational work with those temporarily residing in institutions is organized in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education and taking into account the time of stay of minors in institutions of the form and the degree of its maladjustment, the level of the decision on the form of education by minors is made in agreement with the relevant medical and pedagogical commission.

1. 2 Socio-pedagogical work with adolescents in a social institution

Let us consider the role of social institutions in the socialization of a child's personality using the example of shelters for minors.

The main target setting of the activities of all shelters is as follows - this is the social protection of street children and adolescents, the transfer of experience of social behavior to them, the determination of the prospects for an optimal life path for them, the restoration of physical health.

We are talking about the main social attitude of institutions of this type - the social rehabilitation of maladjusted children and adolescents. In their work, all orphanages are guided by the Model Charter of a Social Children's Shelter, however, there has been a tendency of differentiation of shelters in a number of ways: according to the composition of children and adolescents who live in them; by the content of the work: by the orientation of educational activities.

The contingent of shelters is formed as a result of raids around the city, hospital examinations carried out by social workers of shelters. Many children are delivered by law enforcement officers, private persons, distant and close relatives; children in need of social protection are often reported by the organization. Newcomers are brought in by the children themselves, who are already living in the orphanage.

Currently, 45 children are kept in the orphanage, 28 of them are girls, the rest are boys, age from 2 to 17 years. The composition of children is the most difficult socially and pedagogically. The essential characteristics of this contingent do not fit into generally accepted standards and require a deep study of their psychological and pedagogical status.

Suffice it to point out that the majority have already practically become addicted to alcohol, tobacco, and other bad habits. Many children have not formed or have lost basic social and everyday skills (they eat with their hands, cannot sleep in bed, do not possess the skills of basic personal hygiene and self-care, their perception of the time of day is shifted - they sleep during the day, stay awake at night). The overwhelming majority of children with nervous disorders, increased aggressiveness as a result of physical or sexual abuse with various chronic diseases.

Many children have never studied anywhere and cannot read, write, and count. They do not perceive a large team as a form of life, do not have experience of life in a family, relationships with loved ones, caring for loved ones. Delayed children are not uncommon mental development.

By implementing common target attitudes, based on the unconditional understanding by all teachers and social workers of the need to create a new moral atmosphere for children, literally returning them to normal human life, forming a new attitude towards each other, towards people around them to spiritual and material values, shelters The city of Makhachkala still follows different paths, using different forms of work with children. This is the manifestation of the author's concepts, which are available, although not always formalized, in every shelter.

The activities of the shelters in the content aspect reflect not only the understanding of the management, teachers, social workers of the tasks they face, but also other factors: the degree of professional preparedness, experience of working with children, in particular with difficult ones, the state of the material and financial base, the availability and possibilities of making contacts with other public organizations, bodies of social protection, education, health care. In addition, the content of the activities of the shelter for the social rehabilitation of children is largely determined by the characteristics of the characteristics of the child contingent.

The short duration of the existence of shelters does not yet allow us to talk about the socialization of children and adolescents as an established system that is in its infancy. All the necessary services have not yet developed, nevertheless, the orphanages are successfully working to consolidate the personal, civil status of children, many of whom have to restore lost documents or draw up them again.

An orphanage is a temporary shelter for a child, therefore one of the main tasks of social assistance for a child is to arrange his future fate, taking into account the circumstances in each specific case.

There are several categories of children admitted to orphanages, depending on their family analysis:

1. Orphans whose parents have died (such a minority);

2. Children whose parents are deprived of parental rights;

3. Children temporarily deprived of parental care (parents are in hospital, in custody);

4. Children from families where they are subjected to physical or sexual violence, or from families where their basic needs are neglected: do not feed, leave alone for the whole day, that is, from families where their further stay becomes life-threatening;

5. Children who ran away from home for various reasons, for example, a conflict with their parents;

6. Street children: children of immigrants or refugees.

The enumeration of these groups shows that before making an important decision for a child, to determine the range of measures for his social rehabilitation, it is necessary to study the circumstances of the child's family life, determine his family and social ties (social circle, including adults and children), his attachments, receive data on attendance at preschool or educational institutions. That is, first of all, it is necessary to conduct a diagnostic study.

The first person in this work, as well as in carrying out social rehabilitation of a child in a shelter, is a social teacher (employee) of the shelter with the active support of the administration (director, deputy director), educators, psychologists and other employees of the shelter.

The main functions of a social educator in a shelter are as follows:

1. Collection of information regarding the social status of the child. To this end, the social educator:

Visits the child's family, studies the family structure, material conditions, psychological and moral climate, the child's position in the family (manifestation of inattention, neglect, cruelty);

Communicates with other relatives of the child, if necessary, with the school, other institutions, police neighbors.

2. Collection and keeping of documentation for each child, it is noted which social help and support was provided to the child, what measures are being taken to accommodate him.

For this purpose, we have developed a "Child's Social Card", which is entered for each new admitted to the orphanage, and survey data are entered into it. Such a map is convenient for assessing the child's life situation, since all activities are recorded in a diary.

3. Analysis of the available information on social status the child and discussion with the director and staff of the shelter on the possibilities for socialization of the child and his arrangement.

4. Establishing contacts and maintaining links with other agencies involved in helping children from disadvantaged families.

5. Preparation of documents for the adoption of a child, taking him under guardianship or transferring to another institution (together with the director and other employees).

6. Social support for the child during his or her stay in the shelter (assistance in getting a job in school, vocational training, etc., as well as employment, assistance in solving vital problems).

7. Assisting the director of the shelter in preparing documents for initiating criminal cases in the interests of the child, for example, regarding the fact of sexual violence).

Naturally, these tasks require close contact of the social educator with other bodies and institutions involved in the protection of children's rights.

The staff of the shelter has developed a scheme of relations between the social teacher and these institutions, which includes interaction with:

Guardianship and Guardianship Bodies (primarily with a child protection inspector);

By the police (inspector for juvenile affairs);

The Department of Social Protection;

Educational institution (schools, children's schools, boarding schools);

The prosecutor's office;

Family Education Center.

The most serious problem for orphan children is the restoration of a wide range of their relations with the world. Caregivers deal with children who are not simply out of touch with parental family, but often emotionally rejecting it, not just pedagogically neglected, but hating school, learning, lacking work experience and skills, perceiving the adult world as hostile. Nevertheless, the return of difficult children to human society it is possible that the shelter workers are approaching this in different ways.

The first is the return of the child to the family. The employees of the Makhachkala orphanage are taking various measures and tasks to arrange the future life of children.

This is possible if the situation is adequate to work with parents and children at the same time. Not in all cases, the child remains in the parental family, even if there is a sincere desire of the mother or father to live together.

Another breakdown (binge, leaving home) returns the child to the orphanage. In 2007, 12 children returned to the orphanage. As mentioned above, the first task of the social teacher of the shelter is to study the living conditions of the family, functional abilities in order to make the right decisions about the possibility of returning the child to the family.

Naturally, the social educator visits those families who live in the area closest to the shelter.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the possibility of a child (or children) living in specific family conditions... Starting with the characteristics of the housing itself. There are facts when a family, as a result of a series of exchanges of parents of drunkards, ended up with their children in an uninhabitable shack, or the parents set up a brothel in the apartment.

It is necessary to find out in what conditions children sleep, whether they have their own bed, a table for classes, dishes, clothes, underwear, toys.

In practice, there are numerous cases when alcoholic parents, often with many children, did not work anywhere, lived on children's allowances, and drank everything that was in the house. Children did not have beds (let alone a desk for classes); they slept in unsanitary conditions, dirty rags, without taking off their outer clothing.

In some cases, even in the presence of satisfactory sanitary and hygienic conditions, children could not be returned to the family due to the fact that they were sexually abused by the father, the mother's drinking companions or herself. There were several children in the shelter who had suffered from sexual violence in their families, and each time the issue of a child's right to housing was decided not simply and unequivocally.

With regard to assessing the functioning of the family, it is necessary to highlight those areas of family life that are related to successful physical, mental or emotional development children. Giel Byrnes's book "Social Work with Families in England" provides 8 main aspects by which the functional ability of the family can be assessed:

1. Lack of attachment between parents and children or severe distortion of this kind of connection;

2. Lack of perception of the family as a reliable base where children can confidently acquire new experiences;

3. Absence or strong distortion of parental models that the child imitates (consciously or unconsciously) and on which identification is formed;

4. Absence or severe violation between parents;

5. The presence of dysfunctional ways of dealing with stress (for example, inadequate aggressiveness, alcoholism, drug addiction, or a constant return to a painful state);

6. Lack of necessary or age-appropriate life experience (food, warmth, play, conversation, interaction) necessary for the development of social skills;

7. Lack or excess of disciplined methods;

8. Absence or distortion of the system of interaction (within the family and the outside world).

A visit by a social educator to a family is a very crucial moment, and this stage can be productive and unproductive, depending on what tactics of behavior and communication the social educator chooses. In the modern crime situation in our country, all families are becoming more closed and are reluctant to open their doors to strangers.

The social educator (worker) does not have punitive functions, his task is to more fully assess the situation, and for this it is necessary to establish contact and relationship.

It is best to act kindly to introduce yourself, tell about the child, invite the parents, visit him at the shelter, demonstrate respect for family members and interest in solving their problems.

There are times when a child is temporarily unable to stay in the family for various reasons, for example, the family is going through a crisis situation. For example, there was a 7-year-old girl in the orphanage who became the subject of sexual assault by her stepfather. Besides her, there was another child of 4 years old. The girl was in an orphanage while her mother filed for a divorce and decided the issue of housing. Often school-age children from inferior families come to the shelter during the period when the mother is in a binge, is being treated for alcoholism, or the only parent is serving time in prison.

A visit by a social educator to the family of a child in an orphanage provides an opportunity to assess the prospects - the child may also be returned to the family, provided the situation is normalized, or his further finding in these conditions poses a danger to his health and life.

The adoption of the correct decision regarding the fate of the child is facilitated by a joint discussion of the results of a family survey or the study of life circumstances (the child by the staff of the shelter (director, deputy director, social teacher and inspector for minors or child protection).

The second way, which is used in all shelters, is an attempt to simulate the experience of life, relationships, close to home conditions, in the conditions of the shelter itself. The creation of such a model is based on a special type of relationship between adults and children - relationships based on patience, care, understanding of the complexities of a child's yesterday's life and the difficulties of adapting to a new one. On the desire to build the life of the orphanage as a joint life activity of adults and children: everything that children have to master, what children have to learn to do with them, they together "spend on drink" this stage of life. The employees of the shelter strive to implement an individual program of social rehabilitation for each child, taking into account his special fate and capabilities, to organize a household microsphere, close to home. Teenagers participate in the renovation of their apartments, equip them to their liking.

The fact that children stay in the orphanage for a fairly long period of time poses an acute task of forming their experience of participation in work.

To socialize the child's personality, it is necessary to work with his relatives.

If the return of the child to the family is not possible (at least for the next months), you should try to contact his other relatives. And there are objective reasons for this: hereditary diseases in children, deviations, deviations or delays in mental development, deviating behavior in older children.

As a rule, degrading families lead a secluded lifestyle or limit their contacts to a certain circle of drinking companions, family ties weaken. An important role is played by the constrained housing material resources of most relatives. But nevertheless, you should involve them in caring for children: report the illness, ask for help in taking the child to a medical or other consultation, ask to take home on Saturday and Sunday. In our practice, there were several cases when, after such contacts, the relatives of the children took them under their care. A child left without parental care as a result of deprivation of parental rights or taking away by a court decision is subsequently taken into custody in accordance with the established procedure.

Children entering the shelter, regardless of their age, are characterized by a common feature - impaired socialization, which has a wide range of manifestations - from the inability to behave at the table and the inability to adapt to an unfamiliar environment and new circumstances of various manifestations deviant behavior- theft, hypersexuality, impaired sexual orientation. One of the reasons for this phenomenon is the lack of a positive example and experience of parents, the violation of emotional ties between parents and children, as well as the unfavorable influence of the street environment. The tasks of social work with a child or adolescent in a shelter include development in order to provide support.

In the course of conversations, a social teacher sets the task of finding out a range of issues, the knowledge of which helps to build work with a child:

1. First of all, present the family situation through the eyes of a child. It is necessary to find out the attitude of the child or adolescent in the family, as well as towards brothers, sisters, if any. It is necessary to establish whether there is a connection with other relatives, grandmothers, grandfathers and others, what is the relationship between them and the child's parents, in order to find something to rely on in their work.

2. Find out the range of interests of the child or adolescent. In older children preschool age and students should be asked if they are attending school or working. What are they hobbies about, what do they do in free time... Find out their relationship with peers, teachers, others.

3. The attitude of a child or adolescent to the norms of morality and ethics adopted in society. In the orphanage there are teenagers, as a rule, who have not received family education and socialization, who have gone through their universities, as a result of which they do not have clear moral guidelines, prefer soulless pastime, pursuit of pleasure, easy earnings, profess the cult of "success". All this leads to a loss of interest in work and knowledge. Some of them are registered with the police, have repeatedly committed thefts and other unlawful acts, were early drawn into the use of alcoholic beverages, drugs, and sexual relations.

During conversations with children and adolescents, the social educator can assess the level of their social development.

1. The presence of positively oriented life plans and professional intentions.

2. The degree of consciousness and discipline in relation to learning activities.

3. The level of development, useful skills, abilities (labor, sports, technological, creative, etc.). Variety and depth of useful interests.

5. Collectivist manifestations, the ability to reckon with collective interests, to respect the norms of collective life.

6. the ability to critically, in accordance with the norms of morality and the right to evaluate the actions of others, friends, peers, classmates.

7. Self-criticism, the presence of introspection skills.

8. Attentive, sensitive attitude to others, the ability to empathize.

9. Strong-willed qualities, immunity to bad influences. Ability to independently make decisions and overcome difficulties in their implementation.

10. External culture of behavior (appearance, politeness).

11. Overcoming and rejection of bad habits and forms of antisocial behavior (alcohol, drugs, obscene language).

The assessment of the severity of these qualities is carried out according to a five-point system. The use of these indicators for the diagnosis of pedagogically neglected) the lowest scores are noted for 11 characteristics characterizing asocial behavior (foul language, smoking, drunkenness, daring antics). Low scores were also on 2, 4, 5 signs characterizing the attitude to learning activity. Requirements of teachers and peers. That is, the initial stage of desocialization is characterized primarily by maladjustment of a behavioral nature in the conditions of the educational process. In addition, pedagogically neglected children have difficulties in self-regulation of their behavior, mainly at the effective and volitional levels.

We have already mentioned the role of the shelter, in particular, the social teacher in deciding the future fate of the child, and it is easier to do this for children of preschool and primary school age. If the parents are deprived of parental rights, then the children are transferred for adoption or foster care. Taking into account the specific characteristics of children, preliminary work with potential adoptive parents and guardians is necessary so that the mental and behavioral characteristics of children are not unexpected for them. In this regard, a social educator, psychologist or shelter employee must provide complete information about the child. It is even better if potential adoptive parents invite their children to "visit" their homes, then mutual adaptation will proceed easier, and we believe that positive shifts in the development and behavior of children will lead to social adaptation.

Continuing education is essential for the children in the shelter. As a rule, due to frequent change of place of residence and other reasons, foster children remain uncertified or are left for the second year, therefore, a social educator should help the child with a placement in a school, another educational institution or for training in a profession, taking into account interests and opportunities. child.

The social rehabilitation of maladjusted children is closely related to the provision of their systematic education in a shelter. However, this process is extremely complex and specific.

Some children, due to their psychophysical characteristics, cannot attend school. There is a certain part of adolescents who have never attended school, many wandering have a break in their studies from one to five years. That is why the learning process in children social institutions can be arranged and organized on a strictly individual basis.

Great dedication and tolerance are required from adults. The peculiarities of the contingent of children are such that they should not be brought into collective interaction gradually, on a positive basis of mutual trust between the educator and the pupil.

The children's social shelters have made important steps on this difficult path.

The focus of our research is on a child deprived of a family with living parents (or under such a threat), in the dynamics of the process of social and pedagogical support - the categories directly related to such children are specially highlighted. At the same time, we consider it fundamentally important to separate the concepts that characterize completely orphaned children from social orphans - orphans with living parents.

The first group consists of orphans, who are characterized by the fact that they have lost their parents forever (died, died). Psychologically, they are not in the mood to expect to meet them; depending on their age, they have, as a rule, positive memories left over from their life in their own family; they honor the memory of dead parents and gradually - with the pedagogically directed participation of friends from the orphanage, school, educators - they calm down. These children (especially adolescents) do not always agree to be adopted. For them, as our own shows teaching experience and research results, Orphanage can really become a home (especially if there are no close relatives); if such exist, most consider it preferable to live with relatives who are adoptive parents or guardians. Accordingly, completely orphaned children need specific - in terms of content and organizational forms - methods of social and pedagogical support, aimed mainly at the pedagogically expedient organization of their life with relatives, in foster families, as well as in state institutions of a new, modern type.

Compared to these "round" orphans, the situation of children who are usually called social orphans, that is, orphans with living parents, looks quite differently.

The interpretation of the concept of "social orphanhood" by specialists is somewhat vague. It was first identified at the All-Russian Teachers' Conference in 1987 by A.A. Likhanov, citing the figure of 400 thousand orphans in Russia, 95% of whom are orphans with living parents (social orphans). By the beginning of the XXI century, according to various official statistical sources, this figure approached one million children.

Experts, generally adhering to this characteristic of "social orphanhood", regard this concept ambiguously:

More narrowly (meaning only those children who are under the jurisdiction of special institutions for orphans);

Somewhat broadly, considering it expedient to include in the concept of "social orphanhood" all children in difficult life situations, left without parental care (IF Dementyeva).

Without narrowing or expanding this concept and taking into account the transition of the rapid quantitative growth of social orphans in Russia to a different qualitative state, we characterize the modern phenomenon of social orphanhood not as a single or group, but as a mass social and pedagogical anomalous phenomenon that encompassed a whole layer of children cut off from parents, family and officially (fully or partially) deprived of parental care with living parents.

"Social orphanhood" is a multifaceted concept, including at least the following categories of children:

Abandoned children;

Foundling children;

Children whose parents are in prison for a long time, are wanted or are terminally ill;

Children whose parents are missing.

With certain differences and peculiarities of social orphans of all the selected categories, they are united by the fact that these are children who, with living parents, are officially deprived of native family, normal family life. Their parents are actually deprived of parental rights or are limited in their right to raise their child, live with him, and fulfill their parental functions in relation to him. In relation to them, in the legal aspect in Russia, the term "children deprived of parental care" is used, which testifies to the official recognition of social orphanhood as a phenomenon at the state level.

Based on this interpretation of social orphanhood, this study considers both the categories of children already deprived of parental care, and special attention is paid to children (which I.F. in the absence of the necessary support) replenishing the category of social orphans. At present, more than 100 thousand homeless, homeless, street children are added annually in Russia, which actually constitute the basis for the growth of social orphanhood, although they are not legally deprived of parental care and family.

With this approach, as the analysis shows, in our country, only about a third. Named in official sources of statistical data, reflects the category of already established social orphans; the remaining two-thirds are still at risk of losing their families.

Socio-pedagogical support of these children and their families is considered in the study to be the most effective means of overcoming and preventing social orphanhood as a phenomenon.

Timely and competent socio-pedagogical support for children and their families in difficult life situations, improving the atmosphere in families (and not depriving children of their families) can and should become the main link in the strategy for overcoming and preventive prevention of social orphanhood.