Dhow employment project. Labor education for older preschoolers project (senior, preparatory group) on the topic

Labor is a powerful educator

v pedagogical system education

Anton Semyonovich Makarenko.

Labor education is one of the most important aspects of the upbringing of the younger generation. V kindergarten labor education consists in familiarizing children with the work of adults, in introducing children to the labor activity available to them



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MUNICIPAL AUTONOMOUS PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "KINDERGARTEN OF COMBINED TYPE №5" KOLOKLCHIK "Prepared and conducted by the educators of MADOU №5" Bell "Sign Tatyana Valerievna Andrusik Tatyana Aleksandrovna Sovetsk 2016" Project activities in a preschool educational institution, as a technology of labor education of children preschool age»

Labor is a powerful educator in the pedagogical system of education. A.S. Makarenko. Relevance. Labor education is one of the most important aspects of the upbringing of the younger generation. As you know, interest in work, the necessary work skills and personal qualities are laid from childhood. Work should joyfully enter the child's life and help him in a successful comprehensive development... The upbringing of this need is one of the central tasks of the labor education of children. Why do we pay such close attention to this issue? After all, modern parents do not consider hard work an important personality trait. Development plays a more significant role for them. intellectual abilities children. Maybe we should, for the sake of our parents, work in this direction? I disagree with my parents. Not a single great discovery will become public knowledge if a person has not made a lot of labor efforts for its material embodiment.

Project passport. Project theme: "Project activities in preschool educational institutions as a technology of labor education of preschool children" Project participants: senior preschool children, parents, teachers. Duration: long-term 2016-2017 academic year. Project type: group, social - pedagogical, aimed at interacting with the family, developed taking into account the modern requirements of innovative activity in preschool educational institutions.

Objectives: to develop children's interest and love for work; maintain respect and interest in the work of parents, adults; foster a desire to work, persistently achieve results in work, a willingness to participate in joint labor activities; to form moral and labor qualities, such as hard work and dedication; involve parents in joint labor activities. Project goal: fostering a sustainable positive attitude to work.

Stages of the project: First stage - Preparatory (October 2016) Determination of the project theme. Statement of purpose and definition of objectives. Selection of materials on the topic of the project. Drawing up a plan for the main stage of the project. Second stage - Main (October-April 2016-2017) Distribution of educational activities according to the grid of continuous educational activities for given age... Questioning the parents of the children. Third stage - Final (April - May 2017) Analytical report on the work done Participation in the action "Do good". Project presentation

Expected results: 1. Respect for work and desire to help elders; 2. Developed labor ability; 3. Diligence, responsible attitude to work; 4. Formed skills of organizing joint work with adults.

Work with parents: 1. Questioning "Labor responsibilities of preschoolers in the family"; 2. Parent meeting: "The whole family together ..."; 3. Consultations; 4. Home assignments and the organization of collective labor within the framework of the action "Do good". 5. Design of the center for the role-playing game "Beauty Salon", through a master class. Work with teachers: 1. Consultation "Labor education in a preschool educational institution"; 2. Presentation of the project at the preschool educational institution. Working with children: 1. Conversations; 2. Game activity; 3.Viewing cartoons, presentations and illustrations; 4 reading fiction, learning proverbs and sayings about labor; 5.Artistic creativity; 6. Organization of labor activity in a group, and in nature.

Every day we talked and read fiction.

We play.

Every day we consolidated work skills in a group. Household labor Labor in nature Self-service

We consolidated our labor skills while walking.

Excursion to the children's and youth library - acquaintance with the profession "Librarian"

Acquaintance with the profession "Hairdresser" through the role-playing game "Beauty Salon"

Artistically - aesthetic development- manual labor. Making gifts for family members.

Parents' meeting at the beginning and end of project activities

Within the framework of the Action "Do Good" by the joint efforts of our friendly family a walking area was decorated

Homework"Help the toy" Homework "Knizhkina hospital"

Together - creative work children and their parents. D / C "I AM AN ASSISTANT"

The main results of the project: Summing up our work, we want to say that: Children have mastered the skills that allow them to carry out the content of work, which we adhered to in self-service work, in household and manual labor, in caring for plants. In the process of activity, the children developed skills of self-organization and the ability to consistently and purposefully carry out work, skills of work culture, skills in using tools, manuals, respectful attitude to them, economical use of materials. In the process of work, the children learned to show accuracy, perseverance, the ability to work with concentration and bring things to the end, in control of themselves. Children have formed ideas about the social orientation and benefits of people's work, about their attitude to work, about the social nature of work and relationships in the process of activity, based on respect and mutual assistance to each other. The children have developed an interest in the work of others and socially useful motives for their own labor activity, a desire to work, and the ability to perform their duties has been formed. In the process of collective labor activity, children learned to coordinate their actions, desires, interests, with those working nearby, to come to help and ask for help, if necessary, to use tactful forms of appeal and comments.

Bibliography. 1.Ageeva I.D. 500 fold riddles for kids. - M .: Sphere. - 2011.2.Babunova, T.M. Preschool pedagogy/ T.M. Babunova. - M .: Sfera, 2007 .-- 204 p. 3. Bure R.S., Godina G.N. Teach children to work. - M., 1983 4. Veraksa N.E., Veraksa A.N. Design activity of preschoolers. A guide for teachers of preschool institutions.- M .: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2014.-64p. 5.Magazine " Preschool education"/ Ch. ed. M.A. Vasilyeva. - № 12, 1988. 6. Magazine "Preschool education" / Ch. ed. M.A. Vasilyeva. - № 5, 1994. 7. Magazine "Preschool education" / Ch. ed. MA Vasil'eva.- № 13, 1997. 8. Kolominsky Ya. L. Psychology of joint work of children. - Minsk Lights, 1987. 9. Kravtsov G. Personality is formed in the family // preschool education.-1991 10. Kozlova, S.А. Moral and labor education of preschoolers / S.A. Kozlova. - M .: Education, 2002 .-- 271 p. 11.Kondrashov, V.P. Introduction of preschoolers into the world of professions: Teaching aid / V.P. Kondrashov. - Balashov: ed. "Nikolaev", 2004. - 52 p. 12.Kutsakova L.V. Labor education in kindergarten. For classes with children 3-7 years old. - M .: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2014.-128s. 13. An approximate general educational program of preschool education "FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL" edited by N.Ye. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva - 3rd ed., Rev. and additional - M .: MOSAIKA-SINTEZ, 2014.368s. 14.http: //www.detzdrav.com/11048.html 15.http: //ejka.ru/blog/schitalki/5.html


Labor is an integral part of a person's life, therefore labor education should also be constant and incessant. It is not customary for her to assign specific hours(like music, physical education). Labor is one of the important components of teaching and educational work in state educational institutions. Educational labor activity is planned by the teacher, has a goal, objectives, methods. In addition, teachers actively use the event as effective form education. Labor education events are held on the basis of the school (kindergarten) and outside of it.

The topics of labor education activities are not taken by chance. When choosing a topic, the teacher is guided by:

  • The task at hand;
  • the age of the children;
  • venue;
  • the ultimate goal.

The topic should sound interesting, have a positive mood, carry the content and purpose of the event.

Labor education activities

"Why do we need measures in such a not very joyful activity as labor education?" - this question is sometimes asked by students of teacher training colleges, as well as young parents. First tell yourself Why do we need events at all? Why do kindergartens and schools spend extra time (often more money) on themed holidays, conversations, excursions, parental living rooms and other interesting moments? What is their purpose?

Teaching and educational activities would be very boring if not for the variety of methods and forms. Leisure form is one of the most effective. In an informal setting, with a positive attitude, often with music and laughter, the most important pedagogical tasks are solved, the passed materials are fixed, it is acquired useful experience, the ties between educational institution and families.

Labor education is perceived by many today as something unimportant, boring and routine. The purpose of the events is to turn this concept in the direction of positiveness, benefit and diversity.

Activities and leisure for labor education at school

Labor education at school is a sore subject, both for teachers and for parents of students. The Ministry of Education approves laws, programs and requirements, and parents, at times, fundamentally disagree with this. The school tries to achieve an ideal balance in its activities by means of various activities that are carried out together with students or parents.

When drawing up a plan of measures for labor education, teachers include in it all forms:

  • conversation;
  • excursion as an extracurricular activity;
  • cool clock (themes class hours below);
  • parenting meetings;
  • circles of arts and crafts and technical creativity;
  • attending open days at professional universities;
  • parenting meetings;
  • counseling for parents;
  • contests between classes.

Approximate topics for occupational education activities in a general secondary school

Form of the eventTheme
Cool watch. Conversations1. "My house - I will put things in order in it"
2. "Nothing is given without labor"
3. "My responsibilities in the family" (with students in grades 1-4)
4. "The role of knowledge in choosing a profession"
5. "The world of professions and your place in it"
6. "The influence of temperament on the choice of profession"
7. "Ability to work is the main quality of a person" (with students in grades 5-8)
8. "First steps when applying for a job"
9. "Labor rights of youth"
10. "Personal and public in choice"
11. "The value of professional choice in later life" for 9th grade students
Parents' meetings1. "Components of the choice of profession"
2. "The Roads Our Children Choose"
3. "Raising hard work in the family"
4. How to bring up a helper for yourself? " (in primary school)
5. "Involvement of younger adolescents in useful work."
Counseling for parents1. "What kind of work can you do with your child at home?"
2. "Errors and difficulties in choosing a profession"
3. "Assessment of the child's ability to choose a profession"
4. "Secondary educational institutions and universities in Moscow and the Moscow region and the conditions for admission to them" (example)
Conducting contests, months, decades1. "The cleanest school"
2. "The cleanest class"
3. "The most original flower bed"
Decoration of information stands inside a secondary school1. "Your professional career"
2. "In the world of professions"
3. "To help the graduate"
4. "Choose your profession"

Labor education activities in kindergartens

The labor activity of preschoolers is more an imitation than labor itself. Imitation of adult labor. at this age - to stimulate a positive attitude towards work, fostering respect for the work of adults and the desire to work with them.

We all know that the leading activity in preschool age is play. Children learn about the world through play, and it is through play that they bring the experience to life.

Conversations on labor education in kindergarten

Conversation as a means of labor education in a preschool educational institution is an important, but not its main form. It is difficult for small children to imagine something from words. They need an example, often illustrative... Such conversations are carried out after reading a fairy tale, story, or watching a cartoon ("Morozko" (middle group), Ushinsky "How the shirt grew in the field" (preparatory), Cartoon "Vovka in the far-off kingdom" (older group).

Labor education games in preschool educational institutions for children of the middle and senior group (4-6 years old)

As already mentioned, play activity in preschool age is the leading one. The information obtained during the conversation is fixed by means of games. Games can be didactic (used in educational activities), or they can be role-based. Each game aimed at must be appropriate for his age. The purpose of such games is to form a positive attitude towards work.

In the middle group, children begin to get acquainted with the concepts of "profession" and "work". Learn how and why adults work. The list of professions for familiarization contains those that the child encounters in Everyday life... This is a cook, janitor, nanny, teacher, musician, artist, painter, driver, salesman, hairdresser. They must understand the essence of work (manager, stylist and others are not included in this list)... In the older group, children can play under the guidance of a teacher or independently. For independent role-playing games in groups, play areas are organized: a hairdresser, a store, a hospital, a workshop, etc.

Labor education games for children 4-6 years old

Game typeThe theme of the game. Her goal
Didactic game"Name the profession"

Purpose: to teach to correctly name the profession of a person according to the types of machines controlled by this person.

"Who works where?"
Purpose: to clarify children's ideas about where people of different professions work.
Who is doing this? "
Purpose: to train children in the ability to determine the name of the profession by the names of actions.
"Let's draw a portrait" (speech)
Purpose: to teach children to compose speech portraits of kindergarten staff.
"I start a sentence, and you finish"
Purpose: to consolidate children's ideas about the meaning and results of the work of people of different professions.
Role-playing game"What profession is it for a person?"
Purpose: to expand children's ideas about the subjects necessary for a person in a certain profession.
Game "Let's set the table for dolls".
Target. Teach children to set the table, name the items needed for serving. Introduce the rules of etiquette (meeting guests, receiving gifts, inviting to the table, behavior at the table). Foster humane feelings and friendships.
The process of labor education includes not only educators, but all employees of the preschool educational institution. During music lessons, you can play the following game:

Game "Guess what I'm doing?"

Target. Expand children's understanding of work activities. Develop attention.

Game progress... The teacher and the children join hands and stand in a circle. A child comes out to the center of the circle. Musical director plays. All go in a circle and sing: We go in a circle, we sing a song for you. What are you doing - we don't know, we'll see and guess.
The child imitates labor actions with movements, but if possible, then transmits with sounds. For example, vacuuming the floor, hammering a nail, sawing, driving a car, washing, chopping wood, rubbing with a grater, etc. Children guess the action.

Labor education activities for preschoolers of the preparatory group

Children of the preparatory group have a clear idea of ​​the work of adults, of its purpose. They have sufficient skills and abilities to perform the simplest types of work. Methodical work on labor education is carried out in accordance with long-term and calendar planning.

Labor education games and activities for children 6-7 years old

Form of the eventTheme, purpose
Self-service skills development games1. Game exercise "We do everything in order" - to teach yourself how to put on and take off outerwear
2. "Travel to the land of purity" - to cultivate accuracy in the performance of duties, confidence
3. Competition "The best canteen attendant" to teach independently, without reminding the adult to perform the duties of the attendant; plan your activities in pairs
4. Competition "Who will make the bed better" - improve the skills of making your bed. To bring up accuracy, a desire to help adults
5. "Dress the doll" - to consolidate the ability to consistently put on and take off clothes
6. Game - competition "Who is tidier and neater" - to consolidate the habit of keeping an eye on your appearance, without being reminded and supervised by an adult.
HBT games (household work)1. Role-playing game (SRI) "Family" - to teach children to fulfill their responsibilities responsibly
2. Game - competition "Who will make the bed better" - improve the skills of making your bed. To bring up accuracy, a desire to help adults.
3. Game - competition "Who is the best to clear the area of ​​snow" - to develop the ability to work in a team, negotiate, distribute responsibilities.
Games for the formation of ideas about the professions and work of adults1.S.R.I. "Oil workers" - to foster a cognitive interest in the work of adults.
2.S.R.I. "Cosmonauts" - to expand the understanding of the cosmonaut profession, the significance of their work, to teach how to correctly distribute roles.
Conversations on work education aimed at developing self-service skills, ideas about professions and HBT1. "Who works in kindergarten" - teaches to distinguish between the professions of adults on essential grounds.
2. "Order in the closet" - to form the ability to work individually, to show independence.
3. Examination of the illustrations "Washing doll linen" - to fix the sequence of washing the doll's linen.
4. "My clothes and shoes" - to bring up neatness; the ability to independently assess your appearance.
5. "... And tooth powder!" - To consolidate the ability to consciously follow K.G.N.
6. "Culture of behavior during the meal" - to consolidate the skills of cultural behavior at the table.
7. "Cleanliness of the body" - to consolidate the knowledge of children about a healthy lifestyle.
Leisure1. Leisure "What is personal hygiene" - to consolidate and enrich children's knowledge about personal hygiene in everyday life, children's ideas about the need to comply with the rules of personal hygiene.
2. Physical culture leisure"February 23 - the red day of the calendar" - to form children's interest in various military professions, their relationship. To foster respect for the defenders of the homeland.
The topics proposed by us are approximate, recommended by the program of labor education in kindergarten. Topics can vary, new games are constantly being created by active kindergarten teachers.

Topic questions.

1. Formation of the first labor skills in preschoolers.

2. Acquaintance of children with different professions.

3. Methodological support on the topic "Labor education of preschoolers".


1. Formation of ideas of preschoolers about the types of child labor; about the work of adults, its role in society and the life of every person.

2. Development of labor activity.

3. Education value attitude to one's own work, the work of other people and its results.

1. Content of the project.

The activities of the teacher.

1) Development long-term plan work on labor education in the middle group No. 11.

2) Questionnaire parents

3) Parents' meeting "Education of independence in preschool children."

4) Consultation for parents "Labor education of a child of the fifth year of life."

5) Memo"Labor education in the family"

6) Registration center labor activity.

a) a corner of duty;

b) a corner of nature;

c) landing pattern;

d) a flow chart for plant care.

5) Collection methodological material on labor education in the middle group of a kindergarten.

2. Activities of parents.

1) Conversations with children.

a) "Parents' profession".

b) "What do I work for."

c) "What benefit do I bring to the Motherland with my labor?"

2) Walks and excursions to school, to the post office to the bank, park; a trip by bus, a trolleybus, a visit to the circus, to the museum, to the house under construction.

3) Creation collections, albums.

4) Participation in photo hunt f "The sun paints the earth, and labor of man."

3. Activities of children.

1) Conversations.

a) "Why do you need to work?"

b) "Types of labor".

c) "Cleanliness is the key to health."

d) "Business - time, fun - hour".

e) “What do we know about professions”.

4) Observations.

a) Observing the nanny's activities.

b) Observing the work of the educator.

c) Observing the work of the janitor.

d) Supervision of the work of adults.

5) Role-playing games.

a) "Hospital"; " Road traffic"; "Mail"; "A cafe".

b) GCD... "We don't sit still, draw, sculpt, make crafts."

6) Reading fiction.

K. Chukovsky "Aibolit", "Fedorino Gore"; V. Mayakovsky "Who to be?"

7) theatrical play"Spikelet".

8) Didactic games.

"Who needs what for work?", "Professions", "Tools", "Find a Pair"

9) Construction.

"How are cars made?", "How are houses built?"

10) Labor: self-service, household work, work in a corner of nature, work in nature.

2. The main stage.

1) Questioning"Labor education in the family."

2) Parents' meeting"Education of independence in preschool children."

3) Consultation with parents"Labor education of a child of the fifth year of life."

4) Memo"Labor education in the family."

5) Conversations with kids.

a) "Why do you need to work?"

b) "Types of labor".

c) "What do we know about professions?"

d) "What will I be when I grow up?"

6) GCD."We don't sit still, we draw, we mold, we make crafts."

7) Poems about labor.

8) Riddles about labor.

9) Proverbs about labor.

10) Observations.

a) "Onion".

b) "Comparison of birch and poplar branches".

3. Summing up.

1) Album design"Labor education of preschoolers".

2) Photo hunting"The sun paints the earth, and labor paints man."


Senior group


Labor education is very important and necessary for preschool children. The main thing in the labor education of preschool children is the formation of the child's personality, love for work and its results.

Through work, children become inventive, attentive, diligent, obliging, physically strong and healthy.

Objective of the project:

Formation of a sustainable positive attitude to work in preschool children


1. Formation of ideas of preschoolers about the types of child labor; about the work of adults, its role in society and the life of every person.

2. Development of labor activity.

3. Fostering a value attitude towards one's own work, the work of other people and its results.

Expected results:

1. respect for work and a desire to help elders;

2. developed labor abilities;

3. hard work, responsible attitude to work;

4. formed skills of organizing joint work.

Short-term project: one week

Project participants:

Children, educators, employees of the preschool educational institution.

Stages of project implementation.

I stage - preparatory

First week

04.04 - 08.04.2016

    Searching for project ideas: studying the interest of children to determine the goals of the project;

    Selection of methodological, reference literature on the selected topic of the project;

    Selection of literary works for children's reading;

    Development of a plan for carrying out project activities;

    Placing information about the launch, stages of project implementation.

Raising the pedagogical level

Updating pedagogical knowledge

II project stage - main (from April 4 to April 8)


Self service

The caregiver continues to teach children to do self-help work. But now he already helps them to correctly approach the implementation of a complex task, shows how it is easier and better to complete it, without turning this process into petty tutelage. The teacher tries to teach children to check themselves. One of the forms of organizing self-service for older preschoolers is now teaching younger children.


    Exercise "Fasten the buttons"

    Exercise "Lather our hands" (Brick pink, fragrant

Rub it - and immediately clean )

    Game "We'll tuck our jerseys"

    Babysitting Assistance: Hanging Towels in the Washroom

GCD: " Hygiene lesson:

    Teach the basics of personal hygiene rules; broaden children's horizons about personal hygiene items, cleanliness and tidiness.

    Instilling skills healthy way life, develop hygiene skills: washing hands, brushing teeth

    To foster a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance.


    Game "Clothes House"

    Exercise "Our Things Go to Sleep"

    Game "Wonderful combs" (choose the size of the hairbrush for each fairytale hero )

    Situation: “Does the cat need a napkin?


Labor in nature

Older preschoolers need to be taught to work in all seasons. In the fall, they are harvesting, raking leaves, digging up the beds. In winter, they feed the birds, take part in clearing the paths from snow. In the spring, they dig up and loosen the earth, make beds and plant seeds. In summer, plants are looked after, watered, loosened and weeded. Children must learn how to properly use work tools: a shovel, a shovel, a watering can, a rake. It is important to form the habit of working on your own initiative, and not only at the suggestion of the educator, to do the work diligently, to save materials and objects of labor.


    Situation: "Why have the flowers wilted on the window?"

    Game "What first, what then?" (plant growth algorithm )

    Watering indoor plants, spraying plants with water

    Planting onions, large vegetable seeds

    Didactic game "We will plant a bow, a bow ..."


Garbage collection on the site


    Relay game "Collect the trash"


Manual labor

Manual and artistic labor is labor aimed at satisfying the aesthetic needs of a person;


    The game "Gifts from the forest man" (cones, chestnuts, acorns, birch bark, leaves, herbs, etc.)

    Game "What from what?" (fabric, leather, wood, paper, foam rubber, rubber, etc.)

    "Magic paper" (origami)

    Game "What are these items for?" (thread, needle, thimble, scissors, centimeter, hoop, etc.)


    Situation: "What to give our guests?"

    Situation: "How to invite parents to a concert?" (invitation cards)

    Repair of toys workshop

    Workshop "Napkins and rugs for a doll's corner"


Familiarization with adult labor

Continue to expand children's understanding of adult work. Show the results of labor, its social significance. Systematize knowledge about the work of people in different time of the year. Give initial ideas about the variety of professions, about the role of machines, equipment, labor tools, modern technology and equipment in the labor activity of adults. On rationalization proposals in order to accelerate the receipt of labor results, improve quality, diversity, and facilitate human labor. Learn to evaluate the results of your work with the help of an adult. Promote willingness to take part in the workforce.


    Excursions to the kitchen, laundry

    Reading the work of D. Rodari "What do the crafts smell like?"

    The game "All professions are needed ..."

    Game "Who needs what for work?"

    The game "Who to be?"

    Game "What have I seen?"

    The teacher's story on the topic "Occupations of the household service"

    Reading the work of S. Marshak "Mail"


Writing stories on the topic "Who do my parents work"

View a presentation on "How a Letter Travels"


    Didactic game "Who knows more professions?"

    Didactic game “Tools. Tools"

    Reading chapters from T. Potapova's book "Conversations with preschoolers about professions"

    Listening to the audio performance "I want to be"

    Reading the work of Y. Tuwim "Everything for everyone" Conversation "who I want to be"


Household labor

In the senior and preparatory kindergarten groups, a general work activity is systematically organized, uniting all the children of the group at once (cleaning the group room, breaking the garden).

Collective labor is possible only if a number of conditions are met:

- It is possible to unite all children only after they acquire the necessary experience of working in a small team.

Determining the content of the general work, the educator includes in it only those types of work, the skills of which the children master well enough, and strives to keep all the children busy.


    Conversation "Everything has its place"

    Show "How to Wipe Toys"

    Helping the teacher repair paper attributes

    Cleaning up building material after the game

    Helping the teacher prepare for the lesson.


    Screening of the video "Parsley goes to work"


    Encourage children to help wash toys

    Dust off toy shelves

    Wash ficus leaves

    Washing doll linen

    The game "Let's arrange a bath day for the dolls" (bathing dolls )

    Situation: "What do torn books dream about?"

III stage - final

Collective household labor

Theme: "Household service"

Target: Formation of a positive attitude towards work and its results.

"Work is always useful!"

“Give the children the joy of work. This joy is brought to him by success, awareness of his skill and the importance of the work performed, the ability to bring joy to others. "

V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

“Everyone who deals with the upbringing of preschoolers knows the famous saying of the child“ I myself! ”. This amazing statement speaks of a qualitative leap in the development of the baby, because by this he declares his growing need to free himself from the care of an adult, tries his hand at fulfilling desires.

In the child's developing position “I myself,” “I can,” “I will learn,” “I can,” laid the beginnings of the most important future qualities: independence, responsibility, activity in cognizing the world, in activity. And therefore it is very important not to slow down these tendencies in the behavior and aspirations of the child, but to support and develop them in every possible way. "

R.S. Bure.




Informational - creative;

Project implementation period- 1.11.2016−30.11. 2016 academic year

Project participants:

Educator of the group: Shtokalova I.V.

Children of the middle group

Parents of pupils;

DOE employees.

Problem: Most children have insufficient knowledge and understanding of the importance of work in human life. The fundamental question: how to induce the child's desire to work.

Problematic issues: What is labor? What types of work are there? Where do our parents work? What kind of work assignments can we carry out? How do we work in a group, on the street and at home?

Objective of the project:

Show the project participants the importance of work in human life;

To form in pupils a desire to work, and in parents - a desire to introduce children to work that is feasible;

Formation of a positive attitude to work in children 4-5 years of age

Project objectives:

Foster a desire to work;

To teach to carry out individual and collective assignments, to form the ability to negotiate with the help of a teacher on the distribution of work, to take care of the timely completion of a joint task;

To bring up in children independence, accuracy, mutual assistance, the manifestation of care for each other, responsibility for a common cause;

Explain to children the importance of their work;

Encourage initiative in helping fellows and adults;

To teach to bring the work started to the end;

In this project, all types of preschooler labor will be considered.

Types of work of preschool children v:

· Self-service.

· Household labor.

· Labor in nature.

· Manual labor.

For work, the following forms of labor organization were used.

Forms of labor organization:

· Orders.

· Duty roster.

· Collective labor (common, joint).

Relevance of the project:

Recently, one often hears from the parents of pupils and from teachers that children do not want to work, they hardly master the skills of self-service, and prefer to use the help of an adult. Difficulties arise in attracting children to cleaning toys, maintaining cleanliness and order in the kindergarten group and in the children's room at home. We often see children who do not hesitate to throw garbage (wrappers from sweets, packaging from juice, etc.) not only on the street, but also in other public places. On the remarks of an adult, one can hear such explanations: "The janitors will clean it up", "I don't know where to throw it away", "It's not me!" Sometimes, and parents do not pay attention to such behavior of children, not considering it necessary to make comments. Thus, there is a need for pedagogical education of parents on the issues of labor education of preschoolers, as well as purposeful work with children to form a stable habit of work.

Resource support of the project:


Magazines, pictures on a given topic;

Album "The Professions of Our Parents";

Photos for the wall newspaper;

Necessary equipment for performing practical tasks

Forms of project implementation.

Directly educational activities with children in all areas of development and educational areas:

Forms and methods of project implementation:

Educational area

Types of children's activities.


1.Cognitive lessons:

"From the history of professions"

"All professions are important - all professions are needed"

2. Conversations about the work of adults in kindergarten.

3.Creative stories:

“Who do my parents do”.

"I'm proud of my mom" "I'm proud of my dad."

4. Reading fiction:

Stories aboutlabor:

V. Mayakovsky "Who to be?" ,

M. Poznanskaya "Let's go to work" ,

D. Rodari "What Crafts Smell About" ,

S. Marshak "Where did the table come from?" , "We are military" ,

S. Mikhalkov "What have you got?" , "Uncle Styopa" , "Uncle Styopa is a policeman" .

To Lifshits "And we we will work» .

B. Zhitkov "Railway" ,

M. Ilyin "Cars on our street"

N. Naydenova "Olga Pavlovna" .

S. Baruzdin "Who Built a New Home" ,

L. Voronkova "We build, we build, we build" ,

S. Mikhalkov "Grandmother's hands",

« Labor and laziness» , S. Mikhalkov “My Street”, S. Baruzdin “The Country Where We Live”, S. Ya. Marshak “Mail”, E. Permyak “The Lost Threads”, B. Zhitkov “Lookouts”.

5. An evening of riddles about professions.

6. Memorizing poetry about labor.

7. Study of proverbs and sayings about professions and work.


Decoration of the game library didactic games:

"Who needs what?"

"What is this item for?"

"Who to be?"

"Who is doing what?"

"Who knows more professions"


"Say it right"

"Give me a word"

"Smart machines"

"Good bad"


"Whom I want to become?"

"From word to word"

"Getting ready for work"

"Let's go to work"


"I know all professions"

"What first, what then"


Problematic situation "Let's take the doll for a walk."

Game situation "My appearance".

Viewing the cartoon "Smeshariki".

Making a photo album "Professions of our parents"

Conversations about the work of adults in kindergarten.

"Artistic creation"




Manual labor.


1. Subject - role-playing games




"On the farm"










2.Conversation about the purpose of different subjects

"What is a shovel, rake, glanders for?"

"Who uses a needle, thread, cuts fabric and sews clothes?"

"What does the janitor use in his work?"

"Physical education"


Outdoor games





Interaction with parents.

Counseling about work in the parent's corner.

Participation in the presentation of your profession.

Joint design of the album "Work, always come in handy!"

Carrying out parent meeting on the topic "Labor education in the family and garden"

Stages of work on the project.

1. Preparatory stage.

* drawing up a plan for joint activities with children, teachers and parents.

* selection of material and equipment for classes, conversations, role-playing games with children (illustrative, artistic and didactic)

* creation of an educational environment, introduction of games on the topic, didactic, plot-role, desktop-printed.

* cooperation with parents.

Design of folders for parents on the topic of the project, a selection of photos, literature.

Conversations with parents about the need to participate in the project, about serious attitude to the educational process in the preschool educational institution.

2. The main stage.

Activities for working with children: reading fiction, watching cartoons and multimedia presentations, conversations, excursions, observations, drawing, applications, didactic games.

Activities for working with parents:

Making an album on the theme "Professions", participation in the design of the wall newspaper "To work, always come in handy!"

Design of mini-workshops for making mnemonic tables and didactic games about professions;

Organization of an exhibition of children's works: drawings, applications;

Conducting individual conversations in order to create interest and attract parents to make crafts, dolls, children's costumes, decorations, baby books;

3. The final stage.

Making a digital photo album "The Professions of Our Parents";

Summing up the results of the competition among the families of the baby book "Professions";

Presentation of commemorative diplomas, prizes;

Photo exhibition decoration;

Carrying out final lesson"Planting onions in a corner of nature";

Design of an exhibition of collective works,

Presentation of the project and holding a parent meeting on the topic "Labor education in the family and at home."


1. Bure P.j C. I myself! // Preschool pedagogy. - 2001. - No. 4.

2. Bure RS Organization of child labor // Education of a preschooler in labor / Ed. V.G. Nechaeva. - M., 1974.

Z. Bure RS Labor education of preschool children in kindergarten // Teaching and education of preschoolers in activity / Ed. R.S. Bure. - M., 1994.

4. Kulakova LV Design and manual labor in kindergarten. - M., 1990.

5. Kutsakova LV Preschoolers are working. Set teaching aids... - M., 1996.

Everyone who deals with the upbringing of preschoolers knows the famous saying of the child "I myself!" This amazing statement speaks of a qualitative leap in the development of the baby, because by this he declares his growing need to free himself from the care of an adult, tries his hand at fulfilling desires.

In the developing position of the child "I myself", "I can", "I will learn", "I can" are the rudiments of the most important qualities of the future: independence, responsibility, activity in the knowledge of the world, in activity. And therefore it is very important not to slow down these tendencies in the behavior and aspirations of the child, but to support and develop them in every possible way.

So, already a two-year-old child in the first labor actions can show independence - for example, master the processes of self-service. His "I myself" at the end of the third year of life is the result of previously formed skills. Therefore, the labor education of a preschooler begins precisely at this age.

Despite the fact that the results of child labor do not play a large role in the life of society, its role in raising a child is extremely great. Labor education of children is a powerful means of fostering moral and volitional qualities, mental activity, the formation of cognitive interests, respect for workers and the results of their work, and the establishment of friendly relationships between peers.

Participation in labor is always ensured by the action of motives that induce activity: mastering new skills, caring for peers, showing attention to adults, caring for one's own appearance etc. are very valuable motives.

The child's first labor actions are associated with self-service. How difficult it is for a baby to cope with the dressing process! And how stubbornly he tries to show independence! But, unfortunately, under the pressure of an adult who has no time to wait, but it is easier to dress the child himself, the baby can come to terms with the position of a passive being, looked after by adults (mother, grandmother, teacher). And a gross mistake is made in upbringing: the child begins to feel his helplessness more and more, and at the same time his uncertainty grows, the incentive to independence disappears. In the future, he develops the habit of using the services of adults, there is a conviction that meeting his needs is the responsibility of adults.

Gradually mastering the labor processes associated with self-service, the child more and more begins to feel that he already knows something, thanks to which he achieves success. He refuses the help of adults who are in a hurry to dress him, and increasingly asks: "I myself ..."

Suppose a child has mastered dressing skills. Moreover, he has developed an understanding of neatness, and he cares about his appearance. So what is next? Gradually, all the actions accompanying dressing become everyday things: put shoes in place, carefully hang clothes in the locker, etc. The child's "I myself" is filled with new content: "I can do it myself and therefore I will do it myself!", "I will always clean up. toys after the game, because I can do it, I am already big! " The child develops a desire for order, a desire to maintain cleanliness.

Children grow up, and they have more opportunities to carry out various work assignments. In kindergarten, they can already set the table, wash toys, wipe shelves with a damp cloth, etc.

The teacher needs to appreciate the importance of child labor for the group and emphasize that children can already do all this themselves, without the help of adults. So gradually there is a need to do what is useful for others. The assignments are becoming more and more systematic and diversified.

A special specificity in the labor education of children appears when they move to the middle group. Here, for the first time, they encounter the concept of "together", in connection with which the teacher needs to correctly distribute one task among all participants in the labor process, taking into account the interests of each. And it was during this period that the child's statement "I myself" gradually develops into "I myself with my friends." If in the process of such activities business communication develops "in connection" and "about" emerging situations, then you need to explain to the partner the mistake he made and advise how to fix it, offer your own version of the distribution of work or support the partner's proposal aimed at improving the quality of the future result etc.

So, against the background of business communication, the sphere of personal relationships develops: children's sympathy for each other, goodwill, ability to give in, etc. And in the child's statement "I myself" new motives appear, the concepts "I can explain to a peer what he is wrong about", "I can teach another."

In the process of collective activity, conflict situations may arise if the teacher does not explain to the children moral standards relationships. The child's position, the leading motive of which will be the awareness of his capabilities, will encourage him to actively assimilate these norms, since they become means of establishing friendly relationships with peers. A new position of the child appears - "I can be responsible for the result of a common cause." The preschooler begins to realize his place in the society of his peers: "I am with friends", and later - not "I", but "we are together." The child begins to reach out to the society of his peers, and feeling support from them and experiencing satisfaction from what he has done, he becomes a member of this society.

Organization of work is a troublesome business for a teacher. But in work, even the most disobedient, unbalanced children become purposeful, active, organized, they are therefore disobedient because they do not know how to realize their need for vigorous activity, and work helps them in this. Labor captivates preschoolers, allows them to realize their capabilities, experience the joy of the results achieved, and unites them with common emotional experiences. And if the teacher constantly supports the labor activity of each child, his self-confidence, then hard work becomes a personality trait of the preschooler.

In my project, I tried to cover all types of work, because I believe that all types of work are very significant in the child's kindergarten life, and it is impossible to exclude any type of work or not pay attention to it. That's what I did.

Labor in nature

Manual labor

Labor in nature

We are on duty

Self-service skills and household work

Our work

We planted onions and oats in a corner of nature

We planted melissa in a corner of nature

So we have reaped the harvest