Why is there a bitter taste in the mouth during pregnancy? Sour Taste During Pregnancy - Causes of Discomfort in the Mouth Permanent sour taste in the mouth of pregnancy.

Many women experience a metallic taste during pregnancy. As a rule, it occurs most often in the first trimester. When the taste of metal in the mouth first appears, it may not be clearly pronounced, it is difficult to describe it. Considering how common it is and how little attention is paid to it compared to nausea, many women have a question about what it is, what are the reasons and what can be done to get rid of it. We will try to understand all these questions in this article.

Scientifically, this is called dysgeusia - a pathology when a disorder of taste sensations occurs. Dysgeusia is a common sign of pregnancy in the first trimester. Most often, women have a sour or metallic taste during this time and which persists even when you are not eating.

Many women describe this condition as drinking from a metal cup or as the presence of something rusty metal in the mouth.

Unfortunately, morning sickness, which is also common during this time, makes the situation worse. Some women who do not experience morning sickness do not taste metal either. But others, even in the absence of nausea, still taste such a taste.

Metallic taste during pregnancy causes

In fact, the reason why this mouthfeel occurs during pregnancy is not known. There are only a number of assumptions that can cause these sensations.

Hormones. It is known that pregnancy causes changes in hormonal levels in a woman's body. At this time, more than one hormone called estrogen begins to be produced. This hormone, among other functions, also influences the sense of taste.

As this hormone increases in the body, its effect on taste buds increases. The taste changes every time the amount of estrogen in a woman's body rises.

Smell. When the hormonal background changes, the sense of smell also changes. And smell and taste are closely related. Many pregnant women have a strong aversion to certain odors. Moreover, outside of pregnancy, they could calmly react to them and even like them. This may also explain the fact why some women cannot tolerate certain smells and food throughout their pregnancy.

Water retention in a woman's body. During pregnancy, the body retains more water. This can also affect changes in taste and may be one of the reasons causing metallic taste.

There are suggestions that such sensations can serve as a guarantee that a woman:

May not eat those foods that are harmful to the unborn child;

Make it clear that she should include more foods containing calcium and iron in her diet.

Also, some associate this condition with the result of the action of toxins secreted by the lymph nodes and the protective functions of the body, so that potential harm to the developing fetus is not caused.

Yet the presence of a taste for metal in pregnant women remains a mystery. After all, it happens even when a woman does not eat anything or her food is perfectly safe.

How to get rid of a metallic taste in your mouth

Unfortunately, today it is difficult to control this feeling and even more difficult to get rid of it completely. Fortunately, the metallic taste in the mouth tends to diminish and fade over time.

Most women suffer from this phenomenon only in the first trimester. Further, as pregnancy progresses, the taste of metal is felt weaker or disappear altogether.

As pregnancy progresses, the hormonal background calms down and the woman's body simply adapts to its condition.

But some women can feel the taste of metal for all 9 months and you just need to learn to live with it.

Usually sauces can help reduce such unpleasant manifestations. They increase the production of saliva and it helps to "wash away" them. True, there is another side: profuse salivation can irritate the taste buds and the sensation of iron can only increase.

What else can help alleviate an unpleasant metallic taste?

Frequent teeth cleaning;

Cleaning the tongue with a toothbrush;

Rinsing the mouth with liquid, passing it through the teeth;

Drinking water with lemon juice or lime juice;

Eating citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruit or pineapple, kiwi;

Eating fermented (pickled) foods such as cucumbers, gherkins, olives;

Green apples;

Eliminating sugar from your diet or reducing it;

Chewing gum can improve the taste in your mouth;

Rinse your mouth with warm water and salt or baking soda.

A saline solution is prepared from one teaspoon of salt and a glass of water (250 grams). You can rinse with a solution of baking soda: 1/4 teaspoon in a glass of water. Rinse several times a day to neutralize the pH in the mouth.

You can drink cold water, if the weather permits, or just water at room temperature.

Rinse liquid and chewing gum, of course, you need to choose natural, without chemical components, dyes, alcohol.

Sometimes the presence of a metallic taste can be caused by certain additives or medications that your doctor prescribes. Ask your doctor about side effects and if possible, replace them with others.

Of course, the constant metallic taste is not a very pleasant experience. But this is not considered some kind of pregnancy pathology, and it will go away on its own with the course of pregnancy. But even if this does not happen and the unpleasant taste persists throughout the entire period of pregnancy, you will have to endure. Nevertheless, mothers do not go to much suffering for the sake of their children.

What does the appearance of a metal taste in the mouth mean?

Pregnancy sets in, and the woman's body changes greatly, both inside and outside. The fruit is in constant development, takes up more and more space every week, presses on your digestive organs - in the morning you often feel sick, the taste has changed dramatically and acid appears in your mouth.

What causes acid in the mouth during pregnancy?

An excess of hydrochloric acid appears in the stomach, in the structure of gastric juice. This constant excess can provoke inflammation of the esophageal mucosa, and from here it is already close to gastritis, stomach ulcers or duodenal ulcers.

During pregnancy, the level of progesterone increases - the hormone of the corpus luteum of the ovaries, it relaxes the sphincter, esophagus and stomach. The uterus grows and pushes all organs upward, including the stomach, which causes the contents of the stomach to be thrown into the esophagus. As a result, heartburn and acid in the mouth during pregnancy.

How to get rid of acid in your mouth during pregnancy?

Unfortunately, these unpleasant taste sensations cannot be completely eliminated. Nevertheless, there are recommendations, following which you can alleviate your suffering a little. You need to completely eliminate from your diet foods that reduce sphincter tone and cause bitterness. These include chocolate, everything fried and sour, and all foods that contain caffeine (coffee, tea). You may be comforted that by the last month of pregnancy, as many future and already established mothers note, the sensation of acid and bitterness in the mouth weakens. This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that the production of progesterone decreases in the body of a pregnant woman.

Also very effective and effective method get rid of acid in the mouth during pregnancy - switch to food in small portions, that is, fractional. Take food not 3-4, but 7-8 times a day, and last time- 3-4 hours before going to bed. If you do not have an intolerance, then drink milk in small sips throughout the day. According to folk recipes, a little fennel oil should be added to the milk. Also ethnoscience recommends various

Causes of a sour taste in the mouth.

Many of us postpone going to the doctor for different reasons... Most often this is due to a lack of funds and time. Accordingly, many diseases can flow into the chronic phase and further provoke serious health problems.

If this phenomenon haunts you after eating, then this is quite normal. Usually, a sour taste occurs after sour or very sweet foods. After rinsing your mouth or after a while, this taste should disappear. If he bothers you all the time, regardless of the food you have eaten, you should see a doctor.


  • Stomach problems. This is observed with gastritis, ulcers, or during the reflux of gastric juice into the esophagus.
  • Disorders in the liver. This taste is early symptom cholecystitis and pancreatitis. This may indicate a blockage of the bile ducts.
  • Dental problems. This often happens with caries and periodontal disease.
  • Taking medications. Some medications cause a sour taste in the mouth. These are drugs based on metronidazole.
  • Increased acidity. This is one of the options for the problems of the digestive system.
  • Diaphragmatic hernia. In the presence of such a hernia, gastric acid is thrown into the esophagus.

Sour taste is a common problem during pregnancy. This is due to the rise in the level of the uterus. It rises and contributes to the displacement of internal organs.


  • An increase in the concentration of progesterone in the blood. This hormone promotes muscle relaxation. Accordingly, the intestinal muscles do not work well. As a result, gastric juice may be thrown into the esophagus.
  • Increase in the size of the uterus. The growing uterus can put pressure on the liver, provoking disturbances in its work.
  • Violation of the diet. Frequent overeating and abuse of acidic and salty foods leads to an increase in gastric acidity.
  • An increase in the concentration of estrogen on early dates pregnancy. This hormone can alter taste preferences and sharpen taste.

This often happens with ARVI. Oddly enough, a white coating is visible on the sides of the tongue, you feel a sore nose and throat. This perspiration provokes drying out of the mucous membrane. But not always a white tongue and dryness with a sour taste indicate ARVI. If white plaque is observed in the area of ​​the tongue root, then this is due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This usually happens with gastritis and cholecystitis.


  • Drinking plenty of fluids and taking antiviral drugs
  • Rinsing the throat and mouth with Dekasan or Miramistin
  • Using sprays Orasept or HappyLor
  • With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you should consult a doctor and not self-medicate

This does not necessarily indicate an illness. It is worth observing the diet. Often we ourselves are to blame for the appearance of a bitter-sour aftertaste.


  • Binge eating. This happens with the constant use of fried and fatty foods. Liver diseases may soon develop.
  • Smoking. A bitter-sour taste often accompanies smokers. This is due to flavor distortion.
  • Taking antibiotics. After using these drugs, the liver may malfunction. That is why take hepatoprotectors along with medications.
  • Alcohol. After the party with a reception a large number alcohol may have a specific taste in the mouth.


  • First of all, go on a diet, excluding boiled and fatty foods.
  • Take hepatoprotectors
  • You can drink lactobacilli to normalize the digestive tract

This feeling may indicate the development of sialoadenitis. This is an ailment in which the salivary glands become inflamed. But more often than not, its cause is not so unusual. It often appears with prolonged sinusitis, crying, as well as otolaryngological pathologies. Perhaps a more rare cause is Sjogren's disease. During the course of the disease, saliva is produced, which has such a taste. With this pathology, the lacrimal glands and salivary glands are affected. The disease is chronic.

Treatment in this case is prescribed by a doctor. After all, diseases are different and require correct diagnosis. You should not take anything without a doctor's prescription.

Quite an unusual combination that can talk about serious problems with health.


  • Poisoning by chemicals
  • Diabetes
  • Diseases of the oral cavity
  • Taking some medications
  • Depression and stress

Eliminate poisoning. Medication for diabetes can only be prescribed by a specialist. For the treatment of oral ailments, use special pastes and rinsing solutions.

There are many reasons for this taste and they are all different.


  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Gingivitis or periodontitis
  • Installation of metal crowns or dentures
  • The initial stage of diabetes mellitus
  • Anemia

Start with an antiseptic rinse. You can buy the solution at the pharmacy. Happy Lor or Stomatofit will do. Of course, such drugs will not help get rid of the taste that is caused by anemia or diabetes. But for diseases of the oral cavity, such rinses will help.

Monitor your health and if you have a sour taste, consult your doctor.

VIDEO: Sour taste in the mouth

Unfortunately, not only toxicosis spoils life for expectant mothers, but also such a nuisance as bitterness in the mouth during pregnancy. It is not uncommon, women from all over the world are faced with a similar situation. Sometimes the bitterness gives off a sour taste, sometimes it is accompanied by a regular urge to belch.

This difficulty does not always signal any violations, it can be a natural cause and only bring discomfort. But in cases where this is not normal, the cause may be a disturbed work of the gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, the impetus for violation can be anything.

A specialist in the field of gastroenterology is able to determine exactly what became the source of bitterness in the mouth during the time, based on previous analyzes and examinations.

This phenomenon does not bring anything pleasant - not only does toxicosis haunt you, but also a strange taste in the mouth during pregnancy does not allow you to enjoy early motherhood. Often such difficulty serves, which leads to vomiting. Let's see why there is bitterness in the mouth at the beginning of pregnancy and what symptoms should alert you.


With the correct power supply and healthy way life, such a nuisance should not touch a woman. Unless the reason lies in hormonal changes. In the early stages, such a problem may disturb in different ways: the bitter taste in the mouth during pregnancy can appear and disappear, constant bitterness can disturb and the intensity of the foreign taste in the mouth will differ.

The most common symptoms that accompany a bitter taste in the mouth during pregnancy are as follows:

  • Feeling of discomfort in the abdomen;
  • Regularly excruciating belching;
  • Heartburn;
  • Sour taste.

Why a bitter taste appears in the mouth during pregnancy can only be shown by examination and a visit to a gastroenterologist.

But there is a list of causes of bitterness in the mouth during pregnancy, which you will learn about below.


A taste in the mouth during pregnancy during the first few weeks is not normal. Often, a similar phenomenon, complete with toxicosis, causes vomiting in pregnant women. This does not affect the woman in the position in a positive way. There are some of the most common causes of bitterness in the mouth during pregnancy.

Physiological restructuring of the body

The cause of bitterness in the mouth of a pregnant woman can be toxicosis and hormonal changes in the body. Added to everything else is the active production of a special hormone - progesterone, which helps to protect the fetus during the entire pregnancy. It is able to keep the uterus relaxed, but along with relaxation of the uterus, relaxation of the valve between the stomach and the esophagus can occur, which prevents acidity and stomach contents from reaching the esophagus. When relaxation occurs, acidity irritates the walls of the esophagus, stomach contents can return to the esophagus, hence the feeling of being in the throat during pregnancy.

During the second and third trimester, the baby begins to actively grow and develop, due to which the uterus rises and presses on some internal organs and also relaxes the so-called sphincter (valve). All this together causes belching and bitterness in the mouth during pregnancy, as well as a feeling as if the woman has just overeat.

Digestive system diseases

A bitter taste can signal a malfunction of the gallbladder. The fact is that it produces too much bile, which causes unpleasant taste sensations after eating. In addition, there are other likely sources of bitterness in the throat during pregnancy:

  1. Pathology of the gallbladder and biliary tract;
  2. Pancreatitis;
  3. Duodenitis disease;
  4. Peptic ulcer disease;
  5. Gastritis;
  6. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

If a woman has one of these diseases, then most likely a nasty taste in the mouth during pregnancy manifests itself immediately after eating, namely, after eating spicy, fatty or spicy food. Symptoms (belching, heartburn) are often complemented by unpleasant, even painful sensations in the right hypochondrium or in the epigastric region. Moreover, the bitterness in the throat after eating during pregnancy lasts for two to four hours. In this case, it is very advisable to quickly seek help from a doctor and go through full examination or get tested.

Metabolic pathology

This rarely happens, but the cause of metabolic disorders can be excessive consumption of fatty foods and simply an unbalanced diet. Signs of this condition can be an excessive amount of weight (even during pregnancy), a poor appearance of the skin - acne and oily. If the mouth is bitter during pregnancy, then metabolic disorders can be the cause, although this is a fairly rare case. To understand whether this is the source of trouble, only analyzes will help.

Liver dysfunction

Another reason why there is bitterness in the mouth during pregnancy. It is this organ, which plays the role of a filter for our body, that has the greatest load. Pathologies of the gallbladder and bile ducts can further worsen the unpleasant situation. If a pregnant woman has bitterness in her mouth, which is also accompanied by heaviness and pain in the right hypochondrium, then this may signal the presence of chronic cholecystitis. If these symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Diseases of the oral cavity

Bitter mouth during pregnancy becomes in the presence of some problems with the oral cavity. A pregnant woman should take special care of her teeth and gums. Often at this time, diseases such as stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease appear. Even ordinary metal crowns can be a source of bitterness in the mouth during pregnancy. The most unpleasant thing is that even after all necessary procedures in the dental office, this problem can still manifest itself.

Deficiency of vitamins and minerals

It can taste bitter in the mouth during pregnancy and in other cases, for example, if there are not enough useful vitamins and minerals. Most women know the statement that a pregnant woman is no longer alone in control of her body, so she must not only feed the body for her needs, but also the nascent fetus inside her. This is true, however, you cannot use everything. Unfortunately, most do not follow the rules healthy eating, eat fatty, too salty, spicy and unhealthy foods. At the same time, they almost do not use healthy food containing trace elements and vitamins, which, from the moment of conception, a woman needs more than ever.

To understand whether the reason for the occurrence of bitterness in the mouth in pregnant women is really this, you should pass special tests, but first consult your doctor.

How to fix it?

You cannot put up with the taste of bitterness in the mouth during pregnancy, this is a rather unpleasant problem. But it can be solved, the main thing is to know the ways. You can revise your daily diet, purchase special preparations, take advantage folk wisdom or also add more physical activity to your daily routine. Not always even a combination of all these methods can help, but at least reduce the manifestations, it will not be so bitter in the mouth during pregnancy.

Balanced diet

If you are constantly bitter in your mouth during pregnancy, you should revise your menu. Perhaps the root of the problem lies precisely in the improperly selected diet, due to which the internal organs are malfunctioning. If you have not yet given up smoked foods, spicy, fatty and any canned foods, then you should do it now.

It is advisable not to sit down or lie down after eating, it is important to stay upright for a while, it is also not recommended to drink food with drinks - this only harms the digestion process. It would not hurt to walk, get some fresh air. If you lie down, or even just sit down, it turns out that the stomach and esophagus will be at the same level, the valve will open, and acidity, along with undigested food, will flow back from the stomach into the esophagus. It is also undesirable to overeat, so you will have to refuse from feasts or restrain the desire to try everything that is on the table.


As already mentioned, you can not overeat, you need to learn to eat more often, but in smaller portions. They should be sufficient and consist of natural products, without pickles, smoked meats, spicy foods, etc.

As for drinking, do not overdo it, otherwise it will cause swelling. Also drink half an hour before meals, and in no case after it, wait at least twenty minutes.

Physical activity

Physical activity is considered a good remedy for bitterness in the mouth during pregnancy. These can be regular walks in the fresh air, swimming (for pregnant women), fitness and yoga. Wear clothes that do not restrict movement or put pressure on your stomach.

When you move, it turns out to activate all processes in the body, this includes digestion. In this way, unpleasant taste sensations can be reduced.


There is only one rule about any drug from the pharmacy - only with a doctor's prescription. You cannot find out on your own which of the reasons is causing the problem. If this is a disease, then the wrong choice of drugs will only aggravate the situation.

In addition, such medications are prescribed for a while, that is, they can only be drunk for a limited period.

Folk remedies

This problem was, is and will be, but only in ancient times women dealt with it in special ways. With some herbs, it is better not to take risks and not take them, as they can be dangerous for the woman and the baby. But there are recipes that are completely safe and effective:

What to do to relieve the condition

A combination of several methods will definitely alleviate the suffering of a pregnant woman.

Diet change - no more junk food that is difficult to digest. Smoked, too salty and spicy foods have a bad effect on the body as a whole and specifically on digestion. Even chocolate should be excluded. Also, change the habit of eating large meals, eat more often, but in smaller amounts.

Physical activity - movement will help the body digest food better. It is not necessary to sign up for yoga or other activity for pregnant women, ordinary walks are necessary for all people. Get used to the fact that at least one hour of time should be allocated for walks in the fresh air.

Wearing loose-fitting clothing - you should not be constrained in movement. Choose comfortable things from fabrics that are pleasant to the touch and will not squeeze anywhere.

Medication - if none of the above methods helps, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps it individual feature your body and you should not worry, and perhaps this is some kind of disease. In any case, the doctor will prescribe a drug to alleviate your condition or send you for examination and testing.


If you have only heard that the taste in the mouth during pregnancy can give off bitterness, then it makes sense to take some measures to prevent this from happening. If you take care of your health, eat right, and move, pregnancy will pass without an unpleasant aftertaste.

So, preventive measures:

  • Eat healthy foods, eat more often, but in smaller portions.
  • Eat the last meal three hours before bedtime.
  • Discard any bad habits- do not drink alcohol, smoke, etc.
  • Visit the dentist more often during the entire period of pregnancy - the dentist will have time to prevent the problem of the appearance of diseases such as periodontitis, gingivitis and some gum diseases. It is they who are capable of causing an unpleasant aftertaste.
  • You can ask your doctor for a referral for an examination of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Try not to get sick.
  • Walk outdoors more often.

Pregnancy is one of the happiest periods in a woman's life, because soon there will be an opportunity to take her small miracle on your hands. And so that nothing darkens this period, you should take care of your condition. Get rid of bad habits at least for the period while growing in yourself new life... Monitor your health and take preventive measures, then the bitterness in the mouth during pregnancy will not bother you.

The metallic taste during pregnancy is the result of hormonal changes in the body. During pregnancy, the amount of the hormones progesterone and estrogen increases in a woman's body. These hormones can affect taste.

When does a metallic taste occur?

A pregnant woman is advised to consult a doctor if she has an unusual perception of food, smells, or a deterioration in well-being. A metallic taste in the mouth during pregnancy can be caused by pathology. To determine the disease, you will need to undergo an examination, donate blood, urine and smears for analysis.

If you feel a metallic taste during pregnancy, you need to visit a doctor.

Reasons why there is a metallic taste in the mouth during pregnancy:

  • fluctuations in estrogen, progesterone and other hormones, as a result of which the receptors react differently to familiar food;
  • taking perinatal drugs, vitamin complexes or remedies for anemia;
  • bleeding wounds in the mouth, respiratory tract, digestive organs;
  • acid reflux - ingestion of gastric contents into the larynx when regurgitating food, belching;
  • vitamin deficiency, iron deficiency anemia;
  • diseases of the oral cavity - stomatitis, glossitis, others;
  • poisoning by fumes of mercury.

Methods for eliminating metallic taste during pregnancy

If an unpleasant sensation of iron in the mouth occurs in I-II trimester, it is recommended to interrupt it with home methods - seize or rinse your mouth with a weak soda solution.

You can remove a metallic taste if:

  • eat sour, spicy food, peppermint candy;
  • drink lemonade or cherry compote;
  • exclude from use mineral water enriched with iron.

Removing food debris in the mouth prevents the receptors on the tongue from continuing to contact them, causing a long-lasting aftertaste. Every time you eat or drink, you should brush your teeth and tongue.