According to statistics, there are more children than boys or girls. When a boy is born

When planning pregnancy, many future parents begin to worry about the question of how to calculate the sex of the unborn child by the age of the mother in percentage. Indeed, in fact, some moms and dads really want to know in advance who will be born - a boy or a girl! Therefore, here I will present to your attention the exact table of pregnancy for 2020. And I will also answer the question, is it possible to calculate the date of conception so that it is a boy or a girl who is born?

In fact, for a long time there has been an ancient Chinese table designed to identify the gender characteristic of the unborn baby and certain signs and signs for determining the sex of the child, which we will consider in this article.

The table below is said to be over 700 years old. She was found in China near the city of Beijing in a crypt.

In order to accurately calculate the sex of the unborn child - a boy or a girl, you need to select the mother's age and the month in which the conception of the baby is planned in the appropriate column. At the intersection of the vertical column - the month and the corresponding line of the mother's age, you will see the marking "M" or "D", which, respectively, will tell you who will be born to you - a girl or a boy.

For example, if an 18-year-old girl or 37 summer woman Since pregnancy began in January, it is more likely that they will have a baby girl.

Tables for determining the sex of the child by the blood group of the parents

Keep in mind that this method of determining the sex of the child by the blood group of the parents may not be 100% accurate, although many pregnant women use this technique with success.

What is its essence. The sex of the unborn child is determined by correlating the blood type and Rh factor of the future father and mother. See the specific tables below.

Blood group table

Table "Rh factor"

Chinese technique, how to calculate the sex of an unborn baby

You can calculate the gender of the baby using two Japanese tables. Knowing three numbers allows you to get a fairly reliable result.


  • in what month the mother was born (first digit);
  • in what month the father was born (second digit);
  • the month of conception itself (third digit).

The first table is needed to determine the number from 1 to 12. It can be determined by comparing the months of birth of both parents.

In the second table, you should find the figure (the result from the first table) and compare it with the month of conception. In this line, sticks (their number) will mark the chances of the birth of either a boy or a girl. This technique is most relevant for those parents who are at the stage of planning the conception of a baby.

Example: A man was born in April and a woman in June. At the intersection in table number 1 - number 10. The month of conception is February. In table No. 2 in the 10th column opposite the month of April, we see that the probability of having a girl and a boy is 1 to 1 (one to one), that is, the chances are 50% to 50%.

Table No. 1

Table No. 2

We calculate the sex of the child by renewing the blood - table "Boy or Girl"

This technique is very common and free. Its essence is as follows: the blood is renewed at a certain frequency, both in the female sex and in the male. See:

  1. In women, the frequency of blood renewal is once every four years.
  2. In men, blood renewal occurs once every three years.

Keep in mind, sometimes the process of blood renewal may not occur on the date planned by the body (loss of large volumes of blood during trauma, transfusions, operations, donation). Consider these circumstances when calculating.

Having remembered all the tangible blood loss, determine the year in which the future mothers and fathers had a hemorrhage. Whoever had this process earlier, that gender will dominate in the formation of the baby's sex characteristics. For example, if the mother's blood is renewed later than that of the father, then, most likely, a girl will be born, and if on the contrary, then a boy.

Who will be born by blood age?

V first table we find the coefficients of renewal of the blood of the father and mother, opposite to the age.

Mom's age Her blood renewal rate Dad's age The renewal rate of his blood
18 2 18 0
19 3 19 1
20 0 20 2
21 1 21 0
22 2 22 1
23 3 23 2
24 0 24 0
25 1 25 1
26 2 26 2
27 3 27 0
28 0 28 1
29 1 29 2
30 2 30 0
31 3 31 1
32 0 32 2
33 1 33 0
34 2 34 1
35 3 35 2
36 0 36 0
37 1 37 1
38 2 38 2
39 3 39 0
40 0 40 1
41 1 41 2
42 2 42 0
43 3 43 1
44 0 44 2
45 1 45 0

In second table you need to find the number at the intersection of the month of birth of the parent and the month of conception of the child.

Now for each parent we add the resulting 2 numbers (from tables 1 and 2). Whoever has a lower number ("blood is younger"), of that sex is more likely to have a child. Example: mom is 29 years old, dad is 30 years old. Mom was born in June, dad in March. According to the results of the first table, mom = 1, dad = 0. According to the results of the second table, mom = 10, dad = 1. Based on the results of both tables, mom (1 + 10 = 11), dad (0 + 1 = 1). "Dad's blood is younger" - a boy is born.

Determining the sex of the future baby according to folk signs

Signs-harbingers of what will be born:
Boy Girl
If it is stuffy and hot all the time in the early stages of pregnancy. When in this period it is chilly all the time.
The woman has a narrow belly, like an oval. On the contrary, the belly is wide, visible from behind.
A pregnant woman has a protruding right side. On the contrary, the more left side protrudes.
The woman became prettier during pregnancy. Age spots and acne appear on the face.
Mom's palms are dry. The palms are soft.
I want meat and salted fish. I want something sweet.
The pregnant woman sleeps with her head towards the north. On the contrary, he sleeps with his head to the south.
The woman sleeps more often on her left side. On the contrary, it often sleeps on the right side.
In the morning cheerfulness and energy. Morning sickness.
The left breast is larger. The right breast is larger.
Nipples at future mother light. Dark nipples.

Basically, the gender of the baby is not fundamentally important for future parents. True, in some cases, moms and dads want the birth of a boy or girl. Is it possible to choose the gender of the unborn child in advance?

How to calculate the gender of a baby by the day of ovulation, who is born - a boy or a girl

It is natural to assume that when there are two children of the same sex in a family, parents want to diversify their offspring. For example, when there are 2 sons, you want the third child to be a girl and, conversely, if you have two daughters, mom and dad may want them to have a son. And, here a reasonable question arises - is it possible to control the process of conception itself in such a way as to know in advance exactly who will be born - a boy or a girl? How to do it?

All the same, we will have to put up to some extent with the fact that the process of conceiving a boy or girl is a great mystery of Nature. However, scientific minds currently have some knowledge of the possibilities of controlling childbirth.

The emergence of a new human life unambiguously presupposes the meeting of an egg and a sperm. It is known that eggs mature in the ovaries, every month one of the cells leaves the ovary and is sent through the fallopian tubes into the uterine cavity, where it is supposed to meet with the sperm. This process of release of an egg from the ovary is called ovulation.

The life span of an egg after ovulation is only one day, and when conception does not occur, it dies after 24 hours. Spermatozoa - male germ cells - can live up to five days in the uterine cavity. So conception occurs when a woman is close to a man on the day of ovulation or a few days before her.

So who will be born - a boy or a girl, will depend on the quality of the sperm fertilizing the egg. For the birth of a boy, the sperm must contain the Y chromosome, for the appearance of the girl - the X chromosome.

You must know:

  • sperm with a male Y chromosome move faster, but less tenacious;
  • sperm with the X chromosome, despite their slowness, are able to live in the fallopian tube for up to 5 days and, thus, wait for their fusion with the egg!

Therefore, the chances of conceiving a girl are always much greater, which means that sexual intercourse should occur about 2-4 days before ovulation!

If you want a boy to be born to you, then, as accurately as possible, calculate the day of ovulation so that the intimacy of a man and a woman takes place on the eve of her onset.

How is ovulation day calculated?

Usually ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle, but this is not always the case. It is impossible to feel the moment of ovulation, it goes away without symptoms. But, you can still calculate this moment using the following techniques:

  1. Measure every day basal temperature within 3-4 months, write in a diary and make a BT schedule.
  2. Use the most accurate jet dough for ovulation.
  3. Get an ultrasound scan.

For precise definition the moment of ovulation, a few months before conception, begin to draw up cycle charts. When the month of conception is selected, apply another test and undergo an ultrasound scan.

Signs and fortune-telling about who will be born - a boy or a girl

But, the sex of the child can not always be seen on ultrasound. It happens that a woman, until the very birth, cannot find out who will be born to her - a boy or a girl. It is then that folk omens and fortune-telling about the gender of the baby come to the rescue.

It goes without saying that modern women not all fortune-telling that was popular with our ancestors will do.

I give the most simple folk ways determining the sex of the unborn baby:

  1. Invite the expectant mother to spontaneously raise and stretch her arms forward. If her palms are facing up, a daughter will appear, and if her palms are turned down, a son will appear.
  2. Take a large key with a long "bit" and place it on the table. Invite the pregnant woman to take the key and give it to someone present. If the expectant mother takes the key by the top, one should wait for the birth of a boy, and if by the “beard”, a daughter will be born.
  3. With the help of fortune telling with a ring, you can find out who will be - a boy or a girl. Offer the expectant mother to take the "reclining" position, tie a thick thread to the ring and hold the ring by the thread like a pendulum over the woman's belly. Gradually, the ring on the thread will begin to swing, if the movement of the pendulum is back and forth or left and right - expect a son, if the ring begins to describe circles over the stomach - there will be a daughter.
  4. When a pregnant woman already has children, watch how the hair grows in a child of a previous pregnancy. If the "pigtail" grows not in the middle of the neck, but on the side, a child of the opposite sex will be born next.

Methods for planning the gender of the child


  • For the birth of a boy, eat fish, meat, mushrooms and potatoes, legumes, chicken protein, apricots and peaches, prunes, rice and semolina.
  • For the birth of a girl, give preference to eggs, eggplant and beets, carrots and cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers, honey, peanuts and hazelnuts.

The diet must be followed from the beginning of the menstrual cycle until the moment of intended conception - for both women and men. After conception, you can eat whatever you want. The success rate of this method is about 30%.

Calculation by the timing of ovulation

If intercourse occurred less than a day before ovulation - 10 hours before it - a boy will be born. When sexual intercourse occurred much earlier or a few days after ovulation, a girl will appear.

You will remember that the Y chromosomes reach the ovum shortly before ovulation. If they do not reach it, only the X chromosomes remain to replace them.

Frequency of intercourse

X chromosomes are more mobile than Y, but X has a shorter lifespan. Therefore, with frequent sexual intercourse, the probability of conceiving a boy is very high, and with rare intercourse - a girl. The effectiveness of the method is 70-80%.

Pose during intercourse

Some believe that the "man behind" or "woman on top" posture contributes to the conception of a boy, and the "man on top" pose for the appearance of a girl. This method is based on giving more chances of Y or X to the sperm. As you know, for the conception of a boy, it is necessary that the Y-sperm combine with the egg, and for the conception of a girl, the X-sperm.

Even and odd years of a woman

Unconventional doctor Elena Shavrina revealed the dependence of the sex of the child on the age of the expectant mother. In even years of a woman's life, the conception of a girl is more likely in February, April, June and August, October, December; in odd years, respectively, in January, March and May, July, September and November. The appearance of the boy is the opposite.

These are the main ways to plan the sex of your baby. Only the procedure of artificial insemination - IVF, when an embryo of the desired sex - a boy or a girl - is left in the uterus, can guarantee the birth of a child of a certain sex.

Who will be born a boy or girl - table number 3

Look interesting video, which will help you find out the sex of the future crumbs, or even plan it.

How to conceive a boy and a girl

Here are 2 videos to help you determine the gender of your baby.

There are many more different tables and methods in order to determine the sex of the unborn baby. But let every parent keep in mind that gender is not the main thing in a child, but his health.

Many married couples those preparing to become parents are sure that the sex of the unborn child is determined by nature at random and the chances that they will have a boy or a girl are equal.

Boys are born more often than girls. Image source:

In reality, the probabilities are not the same, since for every hundred newborn girls, one hundred and six boys are born. In some states (mainly in Asia and the East), due to human intervention, due to local traditions and customs, this difference is even greater, but this does not shed light on the presence of a constant ratio of the birth rate of boys and girls in other parts of the world. This leads to the fact that every year on the planet, boys are born 10 million more than girls.

What mechanisms regulate the ratio of born boys and girls?

This proportion of the birth rate is determined by nature itself. In fact, this ratio is even more in favor of boys than official statistics show. So, even during the conception of children, there are one hundred and fifty male zygotes per one hundred female zygotes. The reason for this biological selectivity is quite tragic - male embryos more often than female ones die in the womb or are born dead. And boys who are successfully born are susceptible to more fatal diseases, risk-related accidents, and more violent deaths than girls.

Men are boys who survived by chance. Image source:

By the time children mature and reach puberty, the ratio of boys to girls is almost equal.
However, the chances of having a boy are also determined by the mother's quality of life during her pregnancy. For example, during the famine in the 1960s in China, boys were less often born, and this continued until this period was over.
People with high incomes and wealthy families are more likely to have sons. Nature is so arranged that the female body reduces the likelihood of a boy's survival in the womb during periods of crisis and increases during good ones. Similar mechanisms are inherent in other mammals. In the absence of resources or their small number, females begin to give birth to males less often than before, when the amount of resources becomes sufficient, then the fertility of males also increases.

Why does nature regulate the number of children born, depending on gender?

Scientists have only one explanation for this, and it is directly related to sex. From the point of view of biology, the tasks of population survival depend on the ability to reproduce and transfer their genes to those who will someday be able to pass them on. Females are almost guaranteed to leave behind offspring, since males are almost always ready to mate, regardless of what period the population is going through, whether there is hunger or not.

Image source:

Males, on the contrary, need to compete and compete with each other all the time in order to mate with a female. For example, a male who does not starve and feeds well has more opportunities to mate with a large number of females, while a male who is weakened due to hunger, as a rule, does not mate at all. In this regard, the birth of boys is associated with great risks, since the likelihood of their death is higher at any period of life. In addition, even with survival, males may not be able to mate in order to leave their offspring.

However, during periods of well-being of the population, the possibility of the male sex for conceiving a large number of offspring more than justifies these biological risks.

Do you think there are any other explanations for the fact that more boys are born than girls? Share your opinion in the comments.

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Each pregnancy is individual, as is the subsequent birth of the baby. Although in the process, general patterns are traced, which are reflected by the statistics of childbirth by week (and other indicators).

Norms and terms

If you pay attention to the peculiarities of the statistical analysis of the activities of maternity hospitals, it can be understood that most women produce babies in the due time - from the 38th to the 40th week. The dates of the expected birth may not coincide with the real ones for several days, and this is due to the menstrual cycle.

When calculating, the gynecologist takes the averaged version, but for some, menses are repeated every 23 days, for others after 30 or even 40. A deviation by a week or two in one direction or another from the standard period is considered the norm.

A small percentage of women, as shown by the statistics of the onset of labor by week, do not give birth to children. First of all, these are mothers diagnosed with multiple pregnancies, because it is not realistic to deliver 2-3 babies before the standard deadline. Even fewer give birth after 41 weeks.

Various factors affect the appearance of a child earlier or later: genetics, the physical state pregnant, psychological readiness for childbirth. The age of the woman is considered one of the reasons.

How old are they giving birth in Russia? At the beginning of the century, girls sought to start a family early. Now many people put a career in the first place, postponing the dates for conception to a later period. Therefore, 50% of women give birth to their first child in the country after 25 years.

How old are they giving birth in Europe? In the EU countries average age for the first birth is 28-29 years. About 40% of European women become mothers at 35-39 years old, and a small percentage after 45. This is due to a rational approach to life - first they acquire a material base, then start a family.

In what month are more babies born according to statistics? Oddly enough, children are most often born in mid-autumn - early winter. Conception occurs in the frosty months when it appears free time for family communication.

The female body gained strength over the summer, ultraviolet light and vitamins strengthened the immune system. A man's sperm quality increases during the cold season. These factors become fertile ground for fertilization.

In the statistics of births by month, the second place is given to May-June. The "velvet season" accounts for the maximum number of weddings and romantic trips leading to the conception of a new life.
If we turn to statistics on the time of day, then most children prefer to appear closer to the night or in the morning. The true reason scientists have not yet discovered this, so they only make assumptions. According to one version, the fault is the protein protein produced by the fetus at night. Others believe that the relaxation of the mother's body gives the command to activate labor.

Term of labor in primiparous and multiparous

There is an opinion among the people that the second and subsequent births occur earlier than the expected date. This judgment is true in part - the pregnancy rate is influenced not so much by the sequence of pregnancy, but by other factors.

How many weeks do you give birth during the second birth? The baby can be born on the scheduled date or earlier than the appointed time. A small percentage of multiparous women re-walk. If a woman gave birth to her first child after the 41st week, and in the second case the same thing happens, we can talk about a genetic predisposition.

The statistics of second births in terms of timing differs slightly from the dynamics traced in firstborns. But the reasons affecting the early appearance of the baby are somewhat different in multiparous.

Many women have a second child closer to the age of 30, when the body has already accumulated diseases. The statistics of 3 births in terms of timing notes 70% of the early appearance of the baby. This is due to a decline in the activity of the reproductive system.

The very process of delivery in multiparous occurs faster - the body is more prepared for the situation. Distinctive feature subsequent childbirth is the absence of false contractions, they are simply not necessary. The tissues and muscles of the uterus, small pelvis have already acquired the necessary elasticity, so it is easier for the baby to work its way out.

In the case of repeated pregnancy with twins, a woman has to be as careful as possible. The first birth occurs at 3-4 weeks ahead of time, therefore, secondly, the resolution of the burden falls on 7-8 months.

During normal course multiple pregnancy the average weight of each twin baby is 2.5 kg. Even a strong uterus can hardly contain such a weight, and the cervical opening occurs ahead of time.

The risk group includes women with Rh factor. If their first childbirth occurs at a time that is as close to normal as possible, then a second pregnancy is most often premature.

Birth statistics for boys and girls

Sometimes you can hear the saying that more boys are born before the war, but official statistics do not support this opinion. The gender of the child is influenced by the XY factors of the parents, and not by the socio-political environment.

Who is more born, boys or girls? Biological studies prove with confidence that when conceiving zygotes, boys get more than 50 percent of girls. Although not all of them survive to birth. The statistics of the birth of boys is as follows - for every 100 girls, there are 107 boys.

It is also not entirely true that boys are being walked around. Most of them are born on time, but girls are not always worn out (especially in repeated pregnancies). This is due to the peculiarities of the organism inherent in nature - female cells mature faster and become more resilient.

Boys fertility statistics premature birth shows a small percentage of infant survival. Girls in this regard are more tenacious, which is especially noticeable when twins are born.

If girls are born prematurely, they are more likely to survive. In heterosexual twins, boys are born less physically developed than sisters. Therefore, there is a greater risk of death in preterm birth.

As for the birth relative to the time of day or season, gender does not play a role here. "X" and "igryki" do not affect the quality of labor in the second pregnancy, if it goes without pathologies.

Boys and girls are born with the same activity. As for the firstborn, according to the statistics of daughters it is easier to give birth. They weigh less, so they often go naturally. A third of the boys were born by caesarean section.

Some scientists have concluded that being pregnant with a son lowers female immunity due to increased testosterone levels in the blood. This not only makes childbearing problematic, but can also complicate childbirth.

Complications of early and late childbirth

Despite the fact that the average age of women in childbirth is 25, 13% are early pregnancies and 37% for mature moms. In both cases, pathologies and abnormalities of labor are observed.

What time to give birth to the first child? Medicine recommends conceiving children when the body is physiologically ready for this. This phase in a woman's life begins after the age of 19 and lasts up to 35. It is advisable to invest in this period in order to give birth not only to the first baby, but also to the 2-3rd.

Pregnancy in early age affects negatively the development of the fetus, if the body of the young mother has not yet fully formed. How less years a woman, the greater the risk of having a premature baby. At the same time, generic activity is weak, and the stages are rapid. As a result, the girl gets severe tears of the perineum and neck. Heavy bleeding is possible.

If the pregnant woman is less than 18 years old, the pelvis is not fully formed, therefore it clinically does not correspond to the size of the fetal head. The situation entails a threat to life, then the only correct decision is a cesarean section.

Childbirth in adulthood is considered no less dangerous. Closer to the age of 40, reproductive regression begins. It is more difficult for a woman to carry a baby, especially in the first pregnancy. There are more risks of late toxicosis, gestosis, anemia and abnormal development of the baby.

Tissues lose elasticity, muscles become less elastic, and problems with joints and bones arise. This leads to complications in childbirth, manifested by fetal hypoxia, premature rupture of the bladder, and weak activity. V late pregnancies statistics indicate a large percentage of deliveries ahead of schedule, but there are also postponements.

Most often those who have been treated for infertility consciously go to conception after 40. Women turn to IVF centers as their last hope for a full-fledged family. They are provided with constant medical supervision, the purpose of which is to minimize possible complications.

According to statistics, more than 250 children are born every minute in the world, 3 of which appear in Russia. These joyful events take place day and night at any time of the year. Boys and girls give birth to mothers of different ages and nationalities. Some babies are worn out before the deadline, others are not, others are in no hurry to break the umbilical cord connecting with their mother. All these moments are recorded by official statistics and displayed on demographic charts showing how the world is progressing.

MOSCOW, August 21 - RIA Novosti, Alfiya Enikeeva. There are many recommendations among the people for those who want to conceive a boy. But they all don't work. Only by using statistical methods on large amounts of data, scientists were able to reveal hidden premises that affect the sex ratio among newborns. How high incomes of parents and regular sex are connected with this - in the material of RIA Novosti.

Crocodile children

Scientist: crocodiles become attached to people and play with them as well as dogs"The crocodile calmly swam alongside his human friend, often trying to scare him with feigned attacks or sneaking up on him from behind. At the same time, he calmly accepted strokes, hugs and attempts by a person to kiss him on the face or twist him in the water like a spindle."

When the female American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) looks for a place to lay, she actually determines the sex of the offspring. If the nest is more than 33 degrees Celsius, only boys will hatch from the eggs, at temperatures below thirty girls will be born.

The sex of alligators, like many crocodile species, is determined by the thermosensitive protein TRPV4, which is contained in the gonads (gonads) of embryos. At high temperature the environment, it opens access to cells for calcium ions. This activates the genes that ensure the development of male type, - DNA regions encoding anti-Müllerian hormone and the Sox9 gene. Some biologists believe that regulating the sex of the offspring allows alligators and crocodiles to maintain the optimal ratio for the survival of the species, when there is one male for ten females.

In all countries of the world, more boys are born than girls. There is evidence that Kazakhstan and Nauru are an exception, there are more female babies (93 to 100), but this does not change the overall picture - humans as a biological species are trying to reproduce more males.

At the same time, given the poor survival rate of boys during embryonic development (according to various estimates, among miscarriages and stillborns - up to 70 percent of male fetuses), most experts agree that boys are obtained almost twice as often during fertilization.

On the other hand, an international group of scientists led by Cambridge geneticist Stephen Orzak recently showed that with artificial insemination, boys and girls are conceived equally, and female embryos just as often (if not more often) die during intrauterine development. Boys die in the first weeks of pregnancy and at 28-35 weeks; for girls, the second trimester of pregnancy is more often fatal. Orzak suggests that these results can be transferred to natural fertilization, which refutes the theory of the endurance of female embryos.

© CC BY 4.0 / United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects: 2017 Revision. The world bank

© CC BY 4.0 / United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects: 2017 Revision. The world bank

Abstinence + stress = girl

There is such a superstition - more boys are born before the war. Few people think about this, referring this statement to women’s signs that have nothing to do with reality. But lately, many have begun to pay attention to population growth and wonder if this is true?

Interest in this maxim arose also among pundits, doctors and pediatricians, who even carried out scientific developments and research on this topic. The influence of the country's martial law on its natural growth has been studied many times and thoroughly.

What is the result of these studies?

It turned out that the omen has some real ground, but in a slightly different way. Scientists managed to find out that boys were actually born in large numbers, but not before the war, but already during the war and shortly after it. Physicians became interested in this pattern even before the First World War, but at that time there was not enough data, and those that were, were not particularly suitable for any serious conclusions.

Immediately after the end of the war with Hitler, a work by pediatrician Novoselsky was published in Leningrad, highlighting the dependence of fertility on military operations. The countries of Europe and Russia were analyzed in the period from 1908 to 1925.

The statistics given in the pediatrician's work indicate a surge in the birth of male newborns during and after the war, and before the war, everything was as usual. Novoselsky believes that the reason for this can be attributed to a decrease in fetal mortality during pregnancy. He says that during the war, the number of conceptions fell sharply, since all the men were at the front. The female body took rest from pregnancies, restored the required amount of vitamins, and increased its resistance to infections. Therefore, pregnancies proceeding against this favorable background differed in a correct and easy course, and miscarriages were less frequent.

Novoselsky claims that the normal natural proportion at the time of conception looks like this - about 130 boys to 100 girls. The male fetus is less hardy than the female, therefore, in the first months of pregnancy, it is mainly the male fetuses that die during miscarriages, the proportion of 170 boys per 100 girls. When the female body is in good shape, saturated with vitamins, microelements, has a stable strong immunity, then all this allows it to successfully bear male fetuses and give birth to healthy boys. Another factor that speaks in favor of the birth of a large number of boys is primiparous young women, whose body has not yet weakened under the influence of many and frequent pregnancies.

Since people are still natural organisms, nature very wisely takes care of balance. For example, scientists of the Institute of Ecology and Evolution are inclined to argue reasonably that, for example, when dogs or other animals are destroyed in a region, one can observe a surge in their increased birth rate. If we follow this maxim, then it becomes clear the appearance of many boys after the wars. After all, wars take away a huge number of men, and nature immediately responds to war with a desire for balance.

But today in our time it is impossible to explain this fact only by natural wisdom. For example, in China, up to 123 boys appear per 100 girls, and this is much higher not only the post-war indicators, but also the global ones. China is known in the world for its demographic policy, the essence of which lies in the decline in the country's population. This is done by getting rid of female fetuses, because now you can find out who will be born in the first weeks of pregnancy. Chinese families strive to bring up even one child, but a son, so that he would be a breadwinner and helper in old age. Nature cannot prevent such a policy.

In our country, the sex ratio is within the normal range - 105 boys per 100 girls. In this regard, we are not lagging behind other countries. The statistics are taken at the beginning of 2007.

Summarizing all of the above, we can safely say that folk omen about boys' dependence on war and nothing more than a superstition devoid of any real basis.

A slight excess of newborn boys may depend on many reasons - the policy of the country, some natural circumstances, the presence of hostilities, poor ecology, contamination of the atmosphere with toxic substances. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to engage in terrible predictions of war, guided by the birth of beautiful healthy boys.