Three simple exercises to learn how to control your mind. Guide to managing your thoughts

Our brain is the focus of our senses. He defines behavior and creates our world. It is the brain that perceives and feels. It all starts in the brain and ends in the brain. How our brain works determines the very quality of our life: how happy we are, how we communicate with others, how successful we will be in our profession.

“To lead the soul to Jesus, it is necessary to know human nature and to examine the human mind” STs 4-67.

The brain determines how close we are or, conversely, far from God. Our brains contain what kind of spouse we will become, how we will learn in school, whether we will be annoyed with our children, whether we will be consistent in achieving our goals. If our brain works correctly, then, as a rule, we manage to achieve what we want. When the behavior becomes abnormal, it often turns out that there was some kind of malfunction in the work of our "computer" - the brain. The Lord revealed to us the secret of the safety of our brain in the Holy Scriptures: "Keep your heart most of all that is kept, for from it are the sources of life." ... Proverbs 4:23. God here does not mean, of course, the heart muscle, but our brain, as the focus, the source of thoughts, intentions and our behavior.

The limbic system of the brain

"The one who created the mind and knows its capabilities, conditioned the development of man in accordance with his talents." P. 41. “The Holy Scriptures contain the true principles of psychology. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the mind, which is completely dedicated to God, develops harmoniously and receives new strength to achieve and fulfill God's commands. He becomes more discerning, his judgments become more balanced. "

Ministers of the Gospel P.285.

  1. The deep limbic system is located at the very center of the brain. The size of a walnut, this system is endowed with a myriad of functions, each of which is critical to human behavior. This part of the brain is responsible for the emotional alignment of the body. When the activity of this system is lowered, we tend to be in a positive, optimistic frame of mind. If this area is "overheated" or hyperactive, emotional condition the person is getting worse. Inflammation in the deep limbic system results in painful emotionality. This is confirmed by new results of studies of depression in other laboratories around the world.
  2. The emotional coloration that our limbic system gives us is a kind of filter through which we perceive all the events that take place. These events acquire emotional coloring depending on the state of the limbic system. (EXAMPLE: you are having a neutral or positive conversation with a person whose limbic system is hyperactive at this point. Your interlocutor will interpret everything said in a negative way).
  3. The deep limbic system of the brain is also responsible for motivation and aspiration. It helps us to "turn on" in the morning, to action throughout the working day.
  4. Deep limbic formations are closely related to a person's ability to form attachments and communicate. She is responsible for the mechanism that enables us to communicate with others.
  5. The limbic system is directly related to the sense of smell. Of the five senses, the olfactory system is the only one in which the sense organ is directly connected to the brain center. Information from other senses (vision, touch, hearing, taste) is first sent to the "transit point" and from there to the destination, that is, to different areas of the brain. This is why smells can have such a powerful effect on our emotional state.
  6. Research confirms that the deep limbic system is larger in women than in men. This gives women a number of advantages, on the one hand, and makes them more vulnerable, on the other. Women are more driven by emotions and express them better than men. It is easier for them to communicate and form attachments. Therefore, women are more involved in raising children. There is not a single society on earth where it would be the other way around. For the same reason (larger sizes of FPP), a woman is more susceptible to depression. In women, suicide attempts are noted three times more often.

FPP functions:

  • Determines our emotional state;
  • Determines which events are intrinsically significant;
  • They keep an emotional memory of bright events;
  • Regulates motivation;
  • Control appetite and sleep-wake cycles;
  • Manages the formation of attachments;
  • Directly controls the sense of smell.

The failure of the FPP is caused by external circumstances that destroy the already existing attachments between people. The three most common are:

Death, divorce, empty nest syndrome.


Many grief survivors recall experiencing severe physical pain. This is not a figment of the imagination. Grief often activates pain centers in the brain close to the FPP. It is interesting to note that people who have developed a good relationship with the deceased during his lifetime, often overcome grief faster than those whose relationship with them was filled with troubles and bitterness. This is because a good relationship leaves behind good emotional memories, which in turn heal better the pain of loss. The memories of grief and injustice, quarrels and the inability to agree are superimposed on the feeling of guilt and the inability to fix something. This does not contribute to the healing of mental wounds and emotional disorders, contrary to common sense, are deeper. (Common sense is that, in theory, a person should feel relief: the source of his troubles is gone!)


Divorce can cause some of the most stressful experiences a person can experience. Sometimes it is harder to lose a spouse through divorce than through death. A strong bond is formed between people connected at the “limbic level”. It is this factor that most often becomes the reason for a woman's inability to leave her abusive husband. An attempt to break this connection can lead to serious violations and the woman will literally feel inferior, as if, having lost this man, she has lost part of herself. In fact, there is rarely more violence in a relationship between two people than that of those going through a divorce. They lose all sense of justice and do everything to inflict the sharpest possible pain on the other. That is why God so directly and rather sharply defines his attitude to divorce: "I hate divorce!" Small. 2: 14-16. (Ukr. Transl.)

Empty nest syndrome

No matter how difficult adolescence is for both children and their parents, there is still a strong bond between them, and its destruction leads to intense stress. Many spouses, having lived together for some time after the children leave for independent "swimming", begin to notice that they have nothing to talk about, there is no need to communicate, a feeling of loneliness, devastation, depression comes. They begin to accuse each other of minor miscalculations, mistakes and misdeeds. This leads to a strong negative mental climate in the family. Breaking up with children sometimes leads to divorce.

We think about the good. Correction of violations.

“Finally, my brothers, what is only true, what is honest, what is just, what is pure, what is kind, what is glorious, what is only virtue and praise, think about that” Philip. 4: 8.

Our consciousness has a certain general attitude, which is largely determined by what kind of thoughts visit us. When the FPP is hyperactive, the filters of our consciousness work in a "negative" mode. For those who are depressed, thoughts constantly, one after another, come into their heads, from which the mood spoils even more. About the past - only with regret, about the present - with despondency, and look into the future with anxiety. Due to internal stress, a person can behave in a repulsive manner. This, in turn, further isolates him from the outside world. On the contrary, a person with a positive mindset and mood exudes a sense of well-being and confidence, it is easier to communicate with such a person. Thinking positively helps you become more successful in life. What is constantly happening in our head is reflected in our behavior, it can be destructive or give us an additional advantage.

To correct violations of FPP, you should constantly monitor your own thinking. Unfortunately, there is no place where they teach science how to think correctly, how to analyze the thoughts that come to our minds. Most people are unaware of the important role our thoughts play and are oblivious to the thinking habits they form.

Did you know that every thought that comes to your mind sends an electrical impulse to your brain. Thoughts actually possess physical properties... They are real! They have a powerful effect on every cell in our body. When our minds are burdened with a lot negative thoughts, this has a bad effect on the state of the FPP and leads to corresponding disorders, which are manifested by irritability, bad mood, depression, etc. One of the most effective ways feeling better is learning to control your own thoughts.

“You have to deal with the thinking problems that require the exercise of your best intellectual abilities". (R&D).

A few steps to help you train yourself to control your thoughts


Realize that your thoughts are real.

  • You have a thought.
  • Your brain releases chemical compounds.
  • An electrical impulse is sent to the brain.
  • You become aware of WHAT you are thinking.
  • Thought really affects how you feel.


Pay attention to how a negative thought affects your body.

Every time an evil thought, an unkind thought, a sad thought, a capricious thought comes to your mind, your brain releases chemical compounds from which your body begins to feel bad, and the FPP is activated. Think back when you last time angry? How did your body behave? For most people, when they are angry, their muscles tense, their heart rate increases, their palms begin to sweat, sometimes their head starts spinning, and their blood pressure rises. Your body, your body reacts to every negative thought.

There is another reason for the emergence of spontaneous negative thoughts.

“For millennia, Satan has experimented with the human mind, and he has studied it quite well. In these last days, with his cunning tricks, he connects the human mind with his own, instilling his thoughts in a person. He does this so cunningly that a person falling under his influence does not even realize that these thoughts are inspired by Satan at his will. The great deceiver expects to so confuse the minds of men and women that no voice other than his own will be heard. " MS, p. 111.


Pay attention to how positive thoughts affect the body.

Whenever you have a happy thought, a kind thought, a pleasant thought that inspires hope, your brain releases chemicals that make your body feel good. For most people, when they are happy, their muscles are relaxed, their heart beats calmly, palms are dry, breathing is slower and smoother, and there is a smile on their face, even if they cannot be seen in the dark.

“We need a constant sense of the ennobling power of pure thoughts. The only security for every soul is to think right. “As the thoughts in his soul are, so is he” (Proverbs 23: 7). RHL.


Consider bad thoughts to pollute your thinking.

Thoughts are powerful. They can make your body and mind feel good or bad. Every cell in your body is influenced by your every thought. This is why, when people are experiencing a strong emotional shock, they often develop purely physical disorders - headache, intestinal upset, etc. (Example: Unpleasant talking while eating can lead to vomiting, diarrhea).

Doctors believe that people with negative thinking are more susceptible to cancer. If you can think more about the good, your well-being will improve. Negative thoughts pollute your mind, your body and FPP in the same way that pollution in the vicinity of a big city pollutes your breath, trees, fruits in gardens and vegetable gardens.


Realize that your negative spontaneous thoughts may not always tell you the truth.

If you do not think about how you think, then thoughts come to you automatically and they are not necessarily correct. Your thoughts don't always tell you the truth, and sometimes even lie to you. You should not believe every thought that comes to your mind. It is very important to keep track of whether they are helping or hindering you. Unfortunately, if you never examine your thoughts, you just start to believe them as if they were all true.


Argue with negative spontaneous thoughts

You can train your mindset to work positively and give you hope, or you can let it stay negative and upset you. This is your choice. One way to change your thinking is to catch yourself thinking negatively again and responding to those thoughts. When you remove, correct, or stop thoughts of bad, you take away their power over you.

“The power of self-restraint is increased by constant exercise, and as a result, what at first seems difficult to do, thanks to constant repetition, it will become easier to do until the right thoughts and actions become a habit. If we wish, we can turn away from everything unworthy and low, rise to the highest standard, become respected people and beloved of God. " The Ministry of Healing, p. 491.


Correct the routes of your thoughts

Imagine that your brain is a large railroad with many routes along which freight trains travel in different directions. They have already been worked out, docked, approved by us and work perfectly according to their schedules. Each such composition is a NEGATIVE SPONTANEOUS THOUGHT (NSM). They rumble, do not give rest, sometimes fly by without stopping, and sometimes they stay at our station for a long time. If this is one such rumbling composition, that it can still be sustained. And if there are 10, 20 or 30 of them? It becomes unbearable. How long have these "trains" been rumbling in our head? We allow them to do this, it has become our habit, and this way of thinking will bring us to destruction.

“And do not flatter yourself with the hope that the sins you have cherished for some time can be easily forsaken. This is not true. Every sin nurtured steadily weakens character and reinforces addictions. The result is physical, mental and moral decay. You can repent of your wrong actions and return to the right path, but the mentality of your mind, formed in long contact with sin, will make it difficult to clearly distinguish between good and evil. And you have formed bad habits will be used by Satan to attack you again and again. " Object lessons, p. 281.

It is necessary to put in order the work of the "station" of your brain. One way to deal with rumbling carriages is to record these thoughts and respond to them. For example: "My husband never listens to me." Write it down. Then write a reasonable answer next to it: “He is not listening to me now because he has no time or is distracted by something. He usually listens to me. " By writing down negative thoughts and responding to them, you deprive them of their power, and you will greatly improve your well-being.

Ways to control thoughts

There are nine ways your thoughts can make you think things are worse than they really are. Think of these as nine "Commodity Trains" rushing through your head.

ROUTE No. 1. Thoughts from the category "ETERNAL or NEVER".

Let's say your husband is annoyed, upset, and raises his voice. The thought immediately occurs to you: “He is always yelling at me!”, Even if he does not raise his voice so often. However, the thought of "he always yells at me" is so unpleasant that it upsets you in and of itself. Thus, it upsets your limbic system. Do not use all-or-nothing words. (For example: forever, always, never, nobody, everyone, all the time). Very popular expressions are created from these words: “He always substitutes me”, “Everyone uses me”, “Everything is wrong with me”, etc. our mentally "railroad". Once you catch yourself in these "absolute" categories, stop this rumbling line-up and force yourself to recall incidents that would refute these claims.

ROUTE # 2. Focus on the bad.

In this case, your thoughts reflect only the negative side of the situation and ignore any positive. If several people gave you a positive assessment of your event, you are satisfied and grateful. But then two more came up and told you that not everything was so beautiful, which statements will make a stronger impression? Of course those two. Why? We focused our attention on the negative. It looks like a "fly in the ointment". Negativity spoils our well-being if we focus on it. It doesn't matter that a noisy train rumbled and broke the peace and quiet. Let's remember a way to distract attention from negativity and write a thought on a piece of paper. In contrast, write something positive about the topic.

Our FPP can learn a lot from Eleanor Porter's book "Polianne". Focusing on the bad in any situation will make you feel bad. I do not call to look at the world through rose-colored glasses. I suggest actively looking for the good in order to balance with positive and optimism the world in which you so often experience negativity.


This refers to cases when, thinking about future events, a person chooses the most unfavorable from several options for the development of the situation. Imagine that you are driving home from work and paint yourself this picture: the apartment is destroyed, and no one is waiting for you. By the time you drive up to the house, you are already in the mood for a scandal. And as soon as you see that some thing does not lie in its place or that your family does not rush to meet you with all their might, you explode and thereby spoil the whole evening. The Thundering Composition Fortuneteller made you feel very nasty. These kinds of predictions are extremely harmful, because by expecting the unpleasant, you are literally forcing this unpleasant to happen.

It’s even worse if we think we know what other people are thinking. "She is angry with me!" It must be remembered that if suddenly a person looks at you differently, this does not mean that he has a claim to you. A glance may be associated with a person's problem and his well-being (headache or constipation). You cannot read other people's minds. You cannot know what others are really thinking until they tell you this. This even applies to people who are very close to you. If you don't understand something, ask the person to explain. One should get rid of such a "rumbling, harmful composition" in the head as soon as possible.


This happens when you recklessly trust your negative feelings. You say to yourself: "I feel that it is not so, so it is so." Meanwhile, feelings are a complex phenomenon, they are often based on vivid experience from the past. Feelings are often deceiving, but many trust their feelings, their feelings, despite the fact that they have no confirmation that these feelings are correct. When such a freight train is moving, its locomotive is the first thought: “I FEEL ...” And it begins: “I feel that they will not believe me”, “I feel that you don’t love me”, “I feel like a failure”, etc. e. As soon as a strong negative feeling comes to you, drop it. Check what it is supported by. Are there any real reasons to think so? Or are your feelings based on past events? Separate reality from sensation.


Feelings of guilt do not help us live. This is especially true of the deep limbic system. In fact, guilt often leads us to act against our will. This manifests itself when we begin to think in the expressions "Obliged", "Should", "We have to". “I have to do it”, “I am obliged to devote time to children”, “It is imperative to clean up the office”.

The peculiarity of our psyche is such that as soon as we think that we owe something, we automatically begin not to want it. It would be necessary to use other formulations: "I want to do this", "It is in our interests if we spend more time with the children", "I want to please my husband and clean the office." Etc. Feelings of guilt are not productive in some cases. It is good only if there is really guilt and it is necessary to get rid of sin.


As soon as you "cling" a negative label to yourself or to someone else, you are deprived of the opportunity to look at the situation objectively. Examples of negative labels are “stupid,” “I don’t understand this,” “he’s irresponsible,” “boorish,” “arrogant," etc. Negative labels are extremely harmful because whenever you use one of them in relation to to yourself or to others, you subconsciously unite this person or yourself with all the "boors" or "irresponsible" you have met before. Thus, you are depriving yourself of the opportunity to communicate with him as a separate person. Stay away from negative labels.


Finding the culprit is extremely harmful. By blaming something or someone for your own problems, you yourself become a passive victim of circumstances and make it extremely difficult to change this situation. Firstly, you lose the person walking next to you, blaming him for the reasons for the difficulties, and secondly, you will never solve the problem like that. A constructive approach in such situations is to abolish the “product mix” that interferes with building normal thinking. When we blame others for our problems, we are unable to change our lives. This questionable "blame game" hinders our ability to influence what is happening. Refrain from accusatory thoughts. We must take personal responsibility for our own difficulties before we begin to resolve them.

Not such an easy thing - CHANGE YOUR THINKING... This is a lot of work. But if we try to do it ourselves, then we will not get to the ultimate goal of thought control. In each such situation, one must remember that every day is a struggle for our souls, for our minds. The Spirit of Prophecy gives us universal advice when we notice that our thoughts are discouraging us and we are not coping with them.

“Every morning, dedicate yourself, your soul, body, and spirit to God. Make your dedication habitual and trust your Savior more and more. Tell Him in the morning at the beginning of the day, “I only own one day. And on this day I will do my best. I will use my talent for speech to be a blessing to others. I will show patience, kindness, indulgence, so that today the Christian virtues will develop in me ”.

"We need the transforming grace of God to use our thinking powers properly." RHL, p. 779.

If you have reached the understanding that you yourself are responsible for everything that happens in your life, and not external circumstances and other people, then here you will find a deep answer, how to develop the most important skill - managing emotions and feelings. The most important quality that you can instill in yourself is your ability to control your thoughts, emotions and feelings. This is the skill that will take you wherever you go.

Before, I didn’t know how to manage my emotions, I was too emotional person, I reacted very sharply to everything. Then I began to figure out what really determines my emotions?

Hormones, some unexplained things? Not! And one day it dawned on me that my emotions are determined by my thoughts.

I realized one important thing:

to control your emotions and feelings, you need to learn to control your thoughts.

Managing emotions and feelings. Simple explanation.

Emotions are always a derivative of our thought.

Since I am conscious of building my life, I became interested in how to establish contact with my thoughts, and at the same time with my emotions.

I began to study ways to manage emotions and found one exercise for myself that trained me to manage my emotions through thoughts.

During the day when an emotion arises or unpleasant sensation irritation, depression, anger, discontent, you just need to stop and ask yourself:

  • At what point did I start to feel this emotion?
  • When did my mood change?

The main thing here is to listen carefully to yourself, to be honest with yourself.

And the more often I practiced rewinding the tape and returning to that moment and catching it when that very emotion appeared, I always, without exception, found that the emotion followed the thought.

Therefore, if you think that emotions are uncontrollable and it is difficult to manage emotions, it is only because you think that emotions are something in themselves, how they came and went.

To understand the implications of emotion management techniques, one must accept the fact that emotions are the result of thoughts. And as soon as you understand this, you immediately begin to control your thoughts.

Remember, no one but you can control your thoughts.

Managing emotions and feelings. The concept of "mind" and "consciousness".

But why then does it seem to some people that thoughts come without their knowledge and supposedly? Here one must understand what the mind and consciousness are.

The mind grasps at everything that is shown to it, that it sees, it is like a monkey that can grab a banana and a grenade according to the principle - give it, take it, everything in a row and indiscriminately.

And consciousness is the master, controlling what the mind can grasp. After all, grabbing everything in a row can hurt yourself and therefore it is


Before, I just didn’t think about it - well, some thought came to my mind, so that’s how it should be. I didn’t realize that as long as a negative thought is in my head, it creates unwanted events.

How to help yourself at the initial stage and learn to control your thoughts, observe them, choose the desired ones?


remove everything that introduces into a state of passive thinking (negative).

You receive information, and it regularly revolves in your head. For example, watching TV, where there is a lot of negativity. Or communication with always aching people who like to complain, discuss someone.

All this is a negative influence and it is up to you to decide whether to protect yourself from this and whether you need to exclude the negative from your life.

I hope your answer is yes, it is not for nothing that you are interested in managing emotions and feelings.

To help yourself think exactly the way you want, you need to look to inspiring examples and the people you want to be like.

Take a look:

How to watch them?

When you communicate with people who think differently, listen to them, in fact, you begin to think in their key and adopt their thinking. This is an essential part of building your new mindset.


learn more about your nature, about the nature of other people. For example, be interested in psychology.

It will help you to understand both yourself and other people, to distinguish the important from the unimportant.

Nobody controls your thoughts except you. Even now, only you determine what you will think about in the next second.

Only you, by your own effort, can shift the focus from the negative to something good. Replace thoughts of fear, anxiety, irritation with thoughts of gratitude, dreams, expectations, joy.

It's like training your body. For example, last year I signed up for a Latin American dance studio. Passionate, captivating, they have always fascinated me and I wanted to learn how to dance beautifully for a long time.

For me it was a completely new occupation and at first it was not easy for me to teach my body to move correctly, to teach my muscles to react more quickly and accurately.

But with each new workout, I sharpened my technique more and more. And soon there was the necessary plasticity, activity, energy, the body began to obey, I became more confident, well, I became slimmer.

Now our team is invited to city events, we even danced at weddings. And most importantly - I just love to dance and one of my wishes came true.

Controlling your thoughts can be brought to the same maximum.

Managing emotions and feelings. Internal dialogue

But do not forget that we still live in a world where there are many negative information... Information that will make you doubt your abilities, shake your confidence, so you always need to keep your finger on the pulse so that your mind does not grab onto everything in a row.

Most people do not attach importance to the internal dialogue that is always scrolling through their heads. It can be chatter, savoring some events, internal disputes / comments.Many simply regard it as a natural background, unaware that it can all be controlled.

This is why most people are not living the life they would like.

Your inner dialogue defines your life. It determines how you feel, how you treat yourself and other people as well. And as a consequence, it determines how you behave. And this is your character.

By the way, and - these are also thoughts. If you are in control of your thoughts, you are in control of your level of confidence and your level of self-esteem.

  • Family happiness is thought.
  • Financial abundance is thought.
  • Slenderness and beauty are thoughts.

The most important investment of your time, effort, is the investment in learning how to control your thoughts, learning how to choose them, and as a result, learning how to manage your emotions.

Managing thoughts and emotions is just a skill and one follows from the other. And it will take effort, perseverance.

Getting rid of negative thoughts

You don't need to get rid of negative thoughts, you just need to replace them.

It is impossible to think about several things in parallel, so choose what you will think about.

If a sad thought comes, then the corresponding emotions of depression and anger will appear after it. At this point ask yourself:

  • What could I be thinking about now instead?
  • What positive thoughts can I replace negative thoughts with?
  • What can I be grateful for?

If you think that you cannot deal with negative thoughts, you simply do not want to give up the habitual state, sacrifice, hopelessness, etc. The choice is yours.

It is you who are the full-fledged master of your thoughts. You just do not need to sit passively and watch your monkey grab everything in a row that is in its field of vision, but choose yourself what you want to think about at the moment. What you are thinking about now creates your tomorrow.

You are what you think. Your life is what you have decided for yourself.

If you improve the skill of managing your thoughts, you can achieve anything in relationships, and in, and in health.

Another necessary skill

Another essential skill is the development of imagination. It is the imagination that helps to create in your life something that has never happened before or to multiply what you want.

Many esotericists and even psychologists argue that you can control a person with the help of just the power of thought. There are several effective ways to help you with this.

There are effective practices that can teach you how to control the thoughts of any person at a distance. There is nothing supernatural in this: it is enough just to understand human psychology. If you act according to certain rules, you can not only find out what people want from you, but also win over any person and even get what you want from him. Of course, you cannot do this to the detriment of others.

Fundamental rules

In words, influencing a person is simple, but in reality everything is much more complicated. To influence a person with the help of the power of thought, you need to fully concentrate and learn the small subtleties of mind control. If you do not follow the rules, then there will be no effect from these practices.

At first, this practice can be applied to a person who is in the most relaxed state. It is best if he sleeps. In this state, a person's consciousness is simply not able to fully respond to external influences and fully control itself.

Belief in the result is also important. If you do not believe that a person can be influenced by thought, and even at a distance, then hardly anything will come of it. Do not doubt yourself, and then you will be surprised what your subconscious is capable of. If you do everything right, you will soon learn to control other people's thoughts.

From the first time, few people succeed in achieving positive results but don't lose faith. To control people's thoughts at a distance, it is necessary to train long and hard on different people and in different situations.

During training, imagine that you are moving from your head to the head of another person, thereby transmitting certain impulses of influence. Do not forget to monitor your breathing: it should always remain even and not be interrupted.

We have already said that the person you want to influence should be completely relaxed. The same goes for you. Your body should be in a relaxed position. Do not start the practice in a sad or angry mood, or you may attract bad consequences and harm the person.

Bright light and noise can interfere with this technique. Make sure you start your practice in a secluded area with dim lighting. You can play soothing music or mantras.

If you want to influence a person with the power of thought in order to help him cope with an illness or misfortune, it is necessary to carry out the technique with a smile on his face. A smile will help this person recharge with positive energy, attract happiness and harmony to his inner world.

If you want to control your thoughts at a distance, you need to develop good imagination. It is due to her that you will be able to represent what you want in colors and even feel certain emotions.

How to control a person's thoughts

Having taken into account all the rules of preparation, you can proceed to the actions themselves.

Using photography... This technique is very common and one of the easiest. To do this, you need a photograph of the person you want to influence. Place the photo in front of you and imagine that this person is now standing next to you. Try to feel his presence physically, imagine his behavior, voice. After that, think carefully about what you want from this person, and imagine it in colors. Then repeat what you want several times and, after making sure that your thoughts have reached the given addressee, remove the photo and expect a positive result.

At a short distance... If the person you want to influence with thoughts is not far from you, then this method will suit you. For example, if the person is in the next room, just close your eyes and visualize every feature of their face, how they are dressed and what you think they are doing right now. Imagine everything in colors and in the smallest detail, and after 20 minutes check the effectiveness of your actions. If all else fails, do not despair: repeat this technique again.

Healing a man... If someone close to you is sick, you can help him heal with the power of thought. You can heal both physical and mental states. This technique has increased effectiveness even for those people who use it unconsciously. This is expressed in moral support, in the faith of friends and relatives in the healing of a person, in hope and in prayers.

To try to get rid of a person's illness, you need to imagine that you are holding a small ball of healing energy in your hands. Once you have this in mind, pass the ball to the person who is sick. Imagine that he breathes this ball into himself, filling himself with joy and positive energy, driving away illness and disease. Imagine that this person suddenly began to smile, the sadness has evaporated from his face, and he is filled with happiness. An important point in this practice is that you should feel everything that this person is feeling. Try to feel all his feelings on yourself, only then this method will be the most effective.

Action management... With the help of the power of thought, you can even force a person to perform some action. This is not an easy way, but if you train a lot, you can achieve great results. First, you need to completely relax and find a position that is comfortable for you. Take a deep breath three times and with your eyes closed, visualize the person you want to influence. Imagine everything, down to the smallest detail, down to the smells, and imagine the desired action. For example, if you want to meet this person, imagine how he dresses, leaves the house and goes to the exact place where you want to meet him. If you did everything right and really want your dreams to come true, you will definitely meet soon. For this practice to be most effective, it must be repeated daily.

Having carefully read and applied all these techniques in practice, over time you will be able to influence people's consciousness with the power of thought. Remember not to use the practices with malicious intent. Direct your thoughts only in a positive direction and help people without harming them. Success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

To make your life better, to transform the world around you, you need to learn how to manage thoughts and emotions. They are our main enemies or best friends.

Our brain is like a computer. Its only difference from a real electronic machine is its mind. Our brain can control itself, but it takes time to master this skill.

Managing emotions

In the beginning, you need to learn to examine your mind and thoughts. The point is that thoughts and emotions are driven by knowledge and faith. If you stop believing in something, then this thought is destroyed, and something else is accepted as truth.

Learn to think logically, be calm and balanced, avoiding unnecessary emotions. Emotions are the main enemy of logic. In difficult and stressful situations, never turn off your head or let your emotions blind you. Of course, there is no need to turn into a soulless robot: we are talking precisely about those circumstances in which it is simply necessary to control what is happening, and not go with the flow.

We inherited the emotional perception of the world from our ancestors, so it is not always quick and effective to deprive ourselves of this or tame feelings. And you don't have to do it 100 percent. To be the master of your emotions, you need to learn how to do three things: distribute, focus, and switch emotions.

Distribution means the need for a person to know the world. How more information we own, the more rationally we can distribute our emotions.

Concentration is concentration. In order to concentrate on something, avoiding emotional outbursts that interfere with work or some kind of process, you need to learn to put yourself in some new conditions that do not allow you to succumb to feelings.

Switching is the replacement of real emotions with other, less dangerous ones. This method is good if you need to get rid of fear, anger or rage. You just switch thoughts.

Thought control

As experts say, if you learn to control thoughts, you will learn to control emotions, and control over what is happening in your head will be within your power. Scientists and psychologists advise learning how to cope with negative emotions in order to bring your inner world to complete harmony. Thoughts about other people's successes, envy of those who turned out to be luckier - without all that, you can do just fine. And what's more, you will succeed yourself.

It's simple - calmness brings thoughts in complete order. In turn, the right thoughts will never lead you into a state of anger, rage or fear. This is a fine line that you need to learn to feel in order not to burn out emotionally, but also not to become insensitive in the eyes of others.

Remember that nature loves balance. There are those emotions that make us stronger, and those thoughts that make us move forward. But if you yourself feel like a certain obsession erodes you from the inside - it's time to get rid of it. Identify from what emotions it flows, forbid yourself to think about it, because you already have a lot of things to do on the way to accomplishments.

We wish you success and control over your mind. The psychology of relationships with oneself is learned by trial and error, so failures should not be regarded as a purely negative fact, because they teach us something new. Stop worrying about every occasion, because everything that happens to us is a wonderful experience called life. Life is a series of right and wrong actions, controlled by emotions and thoughts. Be happy and remember to press the buttons and

mind control will allow you to completely control your own life and become the master of your destiny.

There are three simple exercises on how to learncontrol your mind :

Positive thinking

Most people simply do not realize the immense power of the positive and negative thoughts in their minds. The method is extremely simple: as soon as a negative thought floods your mind, immediately replace it with one that will cheer you up. Imagine that your brain is like a slide projector, and every thought is like a slide.Whenever a negative slide appears on your screen, quickly change it to a positive one.

For example, many people find it annoying to be late or waiting in line. Concentrating each time on negative thoughts and condemnation of a friend who was delayed for 10 minutes, a person programs negative patterns and runs the risk of being trapped in negative thoughts. Nevertheless, let's try to change the attitude towards the situation in a positive way. After all, waiting is nothing more than training willpower for some, or the opportunity to talk to oneself, or observe the world around them. There is a famous example of a half-empty and half-full glass. The optimist perceives the glass as half full - as half full, and the pessimist - as half empty. The glass did not change from this in any way. But one person is more often happy from such a perception of life, while the other is upset from this. It turns out that we ourselves choose how we react to this or that event in our life.

An example of this is this story about two children. The parents had two sons, twins. One of them was an optimist and the other a pessimist. Everything was good for an optimist, and his parents did not really think about what to give him for his birthday. But the pessimist thought for a long time what to give and gave him a wooden horse for his birthday - a good, wooden horse. And they decided to play a trick on the optimist and put horse dung near his bed. A negative child gets up in the morning and looks sadly at his horse and says: “Here again we have presented a horse of the wrong color, it doesn’t ride, we need to drive it. What should I do now and where should I put it in my little room now? " Parents were upset, again it did not work out. What about the optimist? Will he be upset? The optimist says: “Great, they gave me a real live horse. Even the manure remained, I must have gone for a walk. "

In this way, positive thinking will give you joy and self-confidence. By controlling your consciousness and increasing the positive qualities of a person, focusing on the beautiful and positive, you fill your life with these very components. And negative thoughts are getting less and less.

As soon as you begin to constantly apply this principle to your daily life and begin to control your consciousness, turning each event into a positive, empowering one, you will forever get rid of worries. You will cease to be a prisoner of your past. Instead, you will become the architect of your future.

Perfect mastery of your mind begins with the ability to control every thought that comes to your mind. When you develop the ability to let go of all unworthy thoughts and learn to focus only on positive and beneficial ones, you will begin to do positive and beneficial actions. Soon everything positive and useful will begin to come into your life of its own accord.
Only we decide how to think and how to live: in happiness or in sadness.


If you want to strengthen your arm muscles to get stronger, then you need to train them. If you want to firm up the leg muscles, you must first tense them. Likewise, your mind will work miracles - but only if you let it do it. It will give you everything you want out of your life once you learn to manage it effectively. Mind training requires daily exercise.

One of them is the ability to concentrate on your thoughts solving the mystery of your life. Most of us live in such a frantic rhythm that real silence and stillness sometimes becomes something alien and uncomfortable. Most people, upon hearing these words, will say that they have no time to sit and stare at the flower. These same people will say that they do not have time to simply enjoy the laughter of children or run barefoot in the rain. They will say they are too busy for this kind of thing. They don't even have friends, because friends also take time.

Set aside 10-20 minutes daily forcontemplation exercises ... All that is required during this period is to concentrate all your attention on one object. It can be a flower, candle or any other object. This exercise must be done in complete silence and preferably outdoors. Look closely at the object. Pay attention to the color, structure and shape. Enjoy the scent and think only of this beautiful creation in front of you. At first, other thoughts will come to you, distracting you from the object. This is a sign of an untrained mind. Try not to be distracted by any thoughts.
By practicing the exercise for 21 days, the mind will become stronger and more controlled and you will master the principle of mind control. You will realize that every moment is a miracle and a mystery, and you have the power to comprehend it.


Our minds think in images. Images influence our idea of ​​ourselves, and this idea determines how we feel, how we act, how we go to the goal. If you see yourself as too young to be successful in the legal profession, or too old to change habits, then you will never achieve these goals. If in your imagination you see that a life full of meaning, happiness and physical perfection is prepared only for people of a different circle, to which you do not belong, then in the end it will become your reality.

But if on the wide screen of your minds will sweep bright images, wonderful things will begin to happen in your life. Einstein said that"Imagination is more important than knowledge" ... Every day you must devote some time, even a few minutes, to this constructive foresight. Imagine yourself in the image of who you want to become, no matter who it will be - a successful entrepreneur, loving mother or a responsible citizen of society. The secret of visualization is that with the help of positive images we influence consciousness.

The magic of imagination can be applied in many situations. It can be used to better manage the court case, improve relationships with others, and develop your own spirituality. Our consciousness has a magnetic power to attract into our life everything that we desire. If something is missing in our life, it is because it is missing in our ideas. You have to keep beautiful pictures before the eyes of your imagination. Even a single negative image can poison the mind.Visualization is the magnetic force of consciousness, capable of bringing spiritual and material wealth.

The power of imagination, as well as positive thinking and concentration, require constant training. Mind control takes time. And it's worth starting with regular meditation every day. Once these three methods become a daily practice, you will master the skill of controlling your thoughts, your consciousness and mind. If you are in control of your mind, you are in control of your life. And as soon as you become completely in control of your own life, you become the master of your destiny.

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