How to properly wash the butt of newborn girls. How to wash a newborn girl under the tap? Technique of the procedure

Caring for a newborn baby requires special knowledge on the part of young parents. The gender of the child also affects the characteristics of the baby's care procedures. Not every young mother, and even more so dad, knows how to properly wash a newborn girl, but the health of her reproductive system in the future directly depends on this.

The health of a woman's reproductive system is directly related to intimate hygiene. You should start from birth, while still in the hospital. Indeed, immediately after the birth of girls, the hymen, which protects the vagina, is not fully formed, and the beneficial microflora has not yet had time to settle. Therefore, the remains of feces, inappropriate cosmetics and other factors can cause damage and disease of the girl's genitals. Parents need to learn how to properly care for the intimate parts of their newborn daughter.

Difficulties of the early days

A newborn baby has its own characteristics. Certain phenomena can cause parental suspicion.
Newborn girls may have vaginal discharge associated with the restructuring of the child's body after intrauterine development, its adaptation to a new environment and an excess of maternal hormones.

Odorless white discharge is normal. This is the original lubricant - smegma. You do not need to try to completely remove this white coating immediately. It protects the vaginal mucosa. Gradually, when wiped, it rolls up and is removed.

Excess creams and powders must be removed with a cotton swab soaked in oil. But purulent discharge and redness of the labia require the attention of a doctor. This is most likely a sign of infection.

When performing hygiene procedures, it is important to be careful not to overdo it. After all, it is very easy to injure the delicate skin and mucous membranes of a newborn.

Intimate hygiene rules

When performing hygiene procedures for caring for a newborn girl, certain rules should be followed.

    1. Perform all procedures with clean hands
    2. Washing with water is necessary after a bowel movement

If there is no feces in the diaper, then simply wipe the baby with a damp cloth.

    1. Rinse with warm, but not hot, water

Better to use running water.

    1. When flushing under the tap, first adjust the water, and then take the child.
    2. Movements should be directed from the pubis to the perineum

And not vice versa, so that feces do not enter the vagina.

    1. After washing, gently dry the baby's skin with a clean, soft cloth (diaper)

No need to rub the skin of the crumbs, just get wet.

    1. Examine the labia, make sure they are rinsed well

If necessary, remove missed dirt with a cotton pad moistened with warm water.

    1. After washing and drying, apply a protective cream or oil to the skin and put on a diaper
    2. It is imperative to carry out hygiene procedures in the morning and in the evening and after a chair.
    3. Change the diaper after every baby's bowel movement

If there is no feces, then every three hours.

    1. Arrange air baths for the child more often
    2. Do not abuse cosmetics- powders, creams, oils

Use them as needed.

How to wash correctly - the algorithm of actions

It is better to wash the girl with running water. How to perform this procedure correctly:

    • Adjust the pressure and temperature of the water;
    • Place your baby on one hand, tummy up.

At the same time, the baby's head lies on the elbow, the back is on the arm, the butt is supported by the hand.

    • Bring to the tap

With your free hand, gently pour water and perform movements from the pubis to the buttocks.

    • Do not use washcloths or other auxiliary devices, it is best to wash by hand so as not to injure the delicate skin of the crumbs
    • When performing the procedure not under the tap, you can simply pour water on the baby's genitals, observing the direction

Place an absorbent diaper underneath or substitute a bowl beforehand.

Pediatrician-neonatologist about the hygiene of girls - video

How often to carry out the procedures

Too frequent washing of the baby, for example, after each urination, is not required. On the contrary, it can be harmful, because the beneficial flora of the vagina is also washed out. How often should this procedure be performed? Washing a newborn girl should be done after each chair. Sometimes in the first weeks it can be 10 times a day. Later, when the child's stool returns to normal and becomes 1-2 times a day or every other day, the washing procedure is carried out at least twice a day.

Video of the process of washing a boy and a girl


Some doctors recommend using boiled water when bathing and washing newborns. However, the well-known pediatrician Yevgeny Olegovich Komarovsky says that this is not necessary. It is perfectly acceptable to use regular tap water. Thus, it is up to the parents to decide for themselves how they feel comfortable.

For example, in the first days of a baby's life, you can use boiled water to avoid exposure to chlorine on the baby's delicate skin, and later tap water. You can immediately wash your child under the tap.

Hygiene procedures without water

If it is necessary to cleanse the skin, but there is no water, then you can use special wet wipes or a clean soft cloth moistened with water. It is necessary to remove the diaper from the girl, wipe her genitals from top to bottom, folds between the legs, and then the bottom, each time taking a clean napkin as it gets dirty, and put on a clean diaper.

Do not overuse the use of wet wipes. Their frequent use can negatively affect the condition of the baby's skin. Do not replace water hygiene procedures with wipes unnecessarily.

Soap and special products or decoctions

Washing with herbal infusions or potassium permanganate solution should also not be used just like that. They kill not only pathogenic microbes, but also the beneficial microflora of the vagina. Only sometimes, if there are indications, it is possible to use decoctions of such herbs for washing: oak bark (fights against diaper rash of the skin), chamomile (anti-inflammatory, sedative), sequential (relieves rash, promotes skin regeneration).

However, they can be used rarely when it is really necessary.

Diaper use

The hygiene of girls is directly related to the use of diapers. There is an opinion that the use of disposable diapers is harmful to health. However, if you follow the rules when using them, then they will not bring any harm.

    • Change the diaper in a timely manner, especially after stool;
    • Correctly wash the baby

Thoroughly remove feces from the genitals when changing a diaper;

    • Arrange air baths, leaving the child in the air for a few minutes without a diaper;
    • Buy quality diapers

About the fusion of the labia

Often, girls in infancy may experience such a problem as synechia - fusion of the labia minora.
Many people think that this is due to insufficient hygiene of the genitals. However, it is not. Synechiae occurs due to the insufficient content of the hormone estrogen in the body. In this case, the labia minora seem to stick together - grow together.

If such a problem arises, then in no case should you separate the labia on your own. You can injure the baby. It is best to see a doctor.

Usually, treatment is started if the fusion is so large that it interferes with urination. In other cases, separation treatment is usually not required. During the treatment, a special hormonal ointment is used, which gradually eliminates accretion.

Surgical separation is carried out only as a last resort, if the treatment with the ointment has not yielded results. However, there is a high likelihood of re-fusion if the child is less than 3 years old. This problem occurs up to 3-5 years, and then goes away on its own.

In any case, it is better to consult a pediatric gynecologist.
To prevent synechiae during hygienic procedures, it is necessary to periodically push apart the small lips and gently wipe them. You can lubricate your lips with a special oil.

Immediately after birth, a newborn girl may experience the following features due to improper hormonal levels:

  • Bloody vaginal discharge;
  • Swelling of the labia;

These phenomena disappear with age as the child gets rid of maternal hormones. Therefore, you should not use any means to eliminate them.
However, if the baby has purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor, redness, a rash in the perineum and genitals, then it is necessary to consult a doctor.
Compliance with all the rules of intimate hygiene from birth will help the girl in the future to become a healthy woman and a happy mother.

After a newborn is discharged from the hospital, each family member has new concerns in caring for the baby. Often parents, especially dads, are afraid to take the baby in their arms at all, fearing to harm his fragile little body. Indeed, although during this period the baby's skeleton is already fully formed, its bones are very fragile and can undergo deformation if the baby is lifted out of the crib abruptly or inadvertently. But you have to take him in your arms to feed or swaddle, bathe or carry out the necessary hygiene procedures. To overcome this understandable fear in yourself, you need to get acquainted with the methods of holding the baby in your arms. How to properly take a newborn in her arms when washing, sometimes even mothers themselves do not know this.

Basic rules for holding a newborn when washing

The key to the cleanliness and health of the baby's skin is regular bathing and washing as needed. It is the second procedure that helps to keep the skin of the baby's intimate places clean and fresh. Conversely, keeping a baby in diapers for a long time often leads to diaper rash and overheating.

Daily bathing of a newborn is an obligatory hygienic procedure. When fully immersed in specially prepared water, the baby experiences freedom and relaxation. It is very rare for newborns to react negatively to the bathing process. Also, not all babies enjoy being washed away.

While still in the maternity hospital, mothers are told in detail and shown how to properly hold the baby when washing. When at home parents are faced with the need for a hygiene procedure, they usually feel insecure and fearful, because they are afraid of damaging the fragile spine and joints of the arms and legs of the baby.

This will not happen if the general and specific rules regarding holding the baby in your arms in different cases are observed: during lifting from the crib, carrying, bathing and washing.

What not to do in such situations:

  1. pick up sharply;
  2. pull the brushes of the handles;
  3. forget about fixing the head with your fingers so that it does not tilt back;
  4. pick up uncertainly and carelessly;
  5. do not hold on one hand for a long time;
  6. wipe dry feces with effort on delicate baby skin (it is better to moisten with a napkin and then wash);
  7. use adult detergents, sponges and other people's towels for washing;
  8. wipe the wet body, not blot it with a towel or napkin.

When it's time to wash your baby:

  • After changing the diaper, if the baby's bowels are relieved. In the first month of a baby's life, it is recommended to wash it with boiled water; later, you can wash it under the tap.
  • If the baby is not very dirty during the diaper change, you can wipe it down with a baby damp cloth.
  • Usually diapers are changed and hygiene procedures are performed every 3 hours.

Important! Mom and Dad or their assistants must wash their hands with soap and water before washing.

“How to properly hold a newborn when washing? How to carry out this procedure without harming the baby? ”- these questions arise before the parents immediately after the baby is discharged from the maternity hospital.

While washing, you need to hold the baby securely, but not squeezing too much. So that he does not get scared and does not experience discomfort, it is necessary to put him face up, placing the head on a bent elbow, and the body, placing it on the arm. The buttocks can be supported with the palm of your hand. In this case, keep one leg lowered so that the crotch is open. Wash off with a stream of warm water (no higher than 36 degrees).

The quickest way to wash your baby if there are no helpers is to place him under a stream of warm water over the sink. How to keep a newborn while washing under the tap? You need to put it on one hand, bent at the elbow, tummy up and wash with warm water from the tap. The main thing is to regulate the water temperature (36-37 degrees). The sequence of washing for girls and boys is the same: from the genitals to the anus, while not forgetting to gently wash the folds in the perineum. After a month, newborn boys can be washed by putting them on their tummy.

Features of washing girls and boys

Boys can be washed while lying on their back and tummy. For a girl, the second position is not suitable, because in this way an infection with fecal residues can be introduced into the genitals. Washing boys in a face-down position is allowed when he grows up a little.

How to properly wash a newborn

Babies in the womb are protected from infections with a special lubricant. After the birth of a newborn, this protective layer is washed off from it. In girls, it persists on the labia for some time. The lubricant should be retained for the first 2-3 days to ensure protection. It is washed off during bathing and washing. If it doesn't, it can be wiped off gently with a damp cotton pad. This procedure should be done not at one time, but in several steps, because the skin here is delicate, it can be easily damaged. There are certain rules on how to hold a child (girl) while washing and what mistakes to avoid during the procedure:

  1. First, never put a girl with an unwashed ass after a bowel movement into the pelvis.
  2. Secondly, wash away with a stream of warm water directed from the front to the anus.
  3. Thirdly, do not get carried away with the use of detergents, it is better to bathe with water. Wash too dirty ass with baby soap.
  4. Fourthly, to prevent synechia (splicing of the labia) when washing newborn girls, do not use washcloths and regular soap and perform the procedure very carefully.

Washing a newborn boy

Washing a male baby is associated with a lower risk of infection, this is due to the physiological structure of his genitals. Here, too, there are a number of features of the postpartum development of boys associated with the division of the tissue of the glans penis, which was uniform before birth. This process takes place naturally by the age of 3, less often by the age of 7. When washing a boy, you need to pay attention to this and not interfere with the process. In case of adhesions in the foreskin, consult a surgeon.

Advice. It is necessary to wash the baby with a stream of warm water, starting with the penis and scrotum and moving on to the anus. Use baby soaps and gels only for washing the anus. If you experience diaper rash and irritation, you can use powder or oils, but only for the butt.

Features of one hand washing

If mommy has no helpers, then she has to master the intricacies of hygiene procedures on her own. The most difficult thing is to wash a baby by holding it in one hand and acting with the other. In such a situation, you need to prepare water at a temperature of 37 degrees in advance, then put all the necessary items next to it: a clean diaper, soap, a towel, powder or oil. Only after that, release the baby from the wet or dirty diaper and start washing. Experience and dexterity in carrying out the procedure come with time. The main thing is to be confident in your actions, remembering that the baby's health depends on this.

Young parents who have their first child often have no experience with a newborn. Many adults, especially dads, are wary of taking part in the daily care of a baby. To prevent this from happening, you need to know in advance the subtleties and features of tactile communication with the unborn baby. Such parents would benefit from courses on preparing pregnant women for childbirth. There will be their first acquaintance with how to pick up the baby, hold and bathe him.


One of the important aspects of caring for a newborn is daily bathing, which should be carried out immediately after the baby is discharged from the maternity hospital. Read how to properly wash your baby. The hygiene of the intimate area requires special attention. It is necessary to wash the baby much more often than to bathe.

The skin of babies is much more sensitive and thinner, it is exposed to friction and exposure to the alkaline environment of urine and fecal enzymes due to wearing a diaper, which makes the cover in this area even more vulnerable. Therefore, the baby's skin in the intimate area requires the most careful and gentle care. Good hygiene will help preserve the protective properties of the skin and protect the baby's immature immune system.

How to wash a newborn

Daily hygiene of the baby includes changing diapers and regular washing under running water, applying baby cosmetics - powder or protective cream under the diaper.

The simultaneous use of powder and protective cream is not recommended. This can cause irritation, redness and rashes.

Pediatricians recommend special products for bathing babies. Conventional cosmetics used by adults are prohibited. Gel or soap for washing babies has a gentle pH-formula, contains moisturizing ingredients, herbal extracts. The hypoallergenic composition without dyes and fragrances is suitable from the first days of life.

How to properly wash a newborn under the tap

With each diaper change and after a bowel movement, the baby must be washed with the use of a baby product for intimate hygiene. If the crumb only went a little, you can do it by washing it with running water.

In any case, prolonged washing of the crumbs in a bath or basin is not required. It is enough to use the tap in the bathroom. Washing the baby's bottom under the tap should be carried out in the direction from the perineum to the sacrum, regardless of the gender of the baby. This will prevent the ingestion of feces on the genitals. After the water procedure, wipe the baby with a soft ironed towel.

Washing a newborn under the tap is best done together. If this is not possible, the parent should be as careful as possible and ensure that the position of the child on the hand is comfortable for him, and the adult can freely perform all the necessary manipulations. The baby should not be hurt, and the likelihood of the baby falling from the arm should be excluded. Not everyone succeeds the first time - the skill needs to be trained. If it’s not working out well yet, be sure to involve another adult in the procedure.

In order not to burn and overcool the crumb, you need to use a thermometer. If the device is absent, the folk method will help. To do this, you need to open the tap, adjust the water and place your own elbow under the stream of water. If the sensations are comfortable, pleasant, you can wash the crumbs.

Even the smallest particles of impurities should not remain on the skin. When the remains of feces dry up, you must carefully remove them using a sterile cotton ball soaked in baby oil.

On sale there are sponges for washing babies, recommended from birth. But do not rush to acquire them - you should not be zealous with washcloths for up to a year. Rubbing the thin skin of a baby does not carry any benefit and can even be harmful by aggressive exposure.

Also, be sure to wash your child every time before bed. Wet wipes should be used in exceptional cases - if there is no water nearby. For example, on a walk, on the road. In all other cases, wiping should not replace complete washing.

Before the procedure, you should prepare all the necessary items: a new diaper, sterile cotton wool, detergents, wet wipes, a fresh towel, powder or cream. It is imperative for an adult to wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water.

Washing babies of both sexes has some peculiarities.

How to wash a boy properly

The nuances of boys' intimate hygiene are associated with the structural features of the body.

The washing technique is as follows.

  1. Lay the baby on his hand with his tummy down, with his back to the tap. The correct position of the child: the head is located on the elbow, the body lies on the mother's arm, the legs hang down.
  2. Wash the ass, and then the intimate area without pulling back the skin of the foreskin. In boys of the first year of life, the glans of the penis is not yet fully formed. Forced exposure of the head can be painful and dangerous. As the child grows, the foreskin becomes mobile. Brush away dirt with gentle stroking movements. More intense exposure is not recommended. Rubbing can cause redness, microcracks on the skin.
  3. Blot clean baby skin with a towel.
  4. Leave the baby for 5-10 minutes without a diaper, so that the remaining moisture dries naturally.
  5. Apply diaper cream or powder, put on a diaper and a fresh set of underwear.

How to properly wash a girl

The intimate area of ​​girls is designed in such a way as to create maximum protection from external influences and bacteria. Therefore, the parent's task is only to wash off the dirt from the labia.

The washing technique is as follows.

  1. Lay the baby back on her arm, facing the tap. The correct position of the child: the head and torso lie along the arm of an adult, the butt is firmly fixed on the palm, the legs hang down.
  2. Remove dirt with light movements from front to back. Contamination should be brushed off, not wiped off.
  3. Blot clean skin with a towel.
  4. Leave the newborn to breathe without a diaper for 5-10 minutes.
  5. Apply cream, put on a diaper, dress the baby.

Immediately before bathing, the baby should be carefully placed on the changing table, bed or other horizontal surface, undressed, and the used diaper removed. If there is excess feces on the skin, they can be removed with a napkin or cotton swab, the remnants will be washed off with water. It is recommended to put a disposable diaper on the bed or table beforehand.

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From the first days of life, a newborn baby requires careful hygienic care. A young mother will have to learn a lot: how to properly hold a newborn, how to clean a baby's nose and ears, how to trim a baby's nails, how to swaddle a newborn and put on diapers, and much more.

One of the most important points in baby care is bathing and washing. The baby's skin and body must be kept clean and dry all the time, and therefore the baby is bathed daily. But in addition to taking a bath, which in most cases occurs in the evening, the child also needs to be washed several times during the day: always after each bowel movement, and in the presence of diaper rash and irritation under the diaper - and after urination.

Caring for the genitals of a newborn baby has some differences depending on its gender. It is necessary to approach the intimate hygiene of the girl with special delicacy and responsibility: firstly, the skin and mucous membranes in this zone of the baby are extremely vulnerable, and secondly, the structure of the girls' genitals contributes to the easy introduction of infection inside.

Despite the fact that every modern woman adheres to the rules of personal intimate hygiene, with the advent of a little daughter, many of us are lost: the labia crumbs are not yet fully opened, very often white primordial lubricant accumulates inside the genital gap, a variety of vaginal discharge may appear - and that's it. it confuses us a little.

Let's listen to what pediatricians and gynecologists advise loving mothers and learn from them how to wash a newborn girl correctly.

How to wash a newborn girl under the tap

In reality, everything is very simple, and after performing the procedure several times, you will immediately fill your hand, as they say. But doing everything exactly right is extremely important, because water with feces and microbes very easily flows into the vagina, which in no case should be allowed.

So let's get started. The baby should be laid on the changing table (or whatever replaces it) and undressed. When removing the diaper, make sure that feces do not fall into the vaginal area, then a baby wipe or a gauze cloth soaked in warm water (which is much better and safer for a newborn's skin) remove the remains of feces by moving from top to bottom - that is, in the direction from the pubis to the anus. If you need to repeat the wipe, take a new cloth.

While the baby is taking an air bath, adjust the water in the tap - its temperature should be between 36-37 degrees, which can be checked with the back of your hand. Keep your baby in sight: even a newborn baby can roll over and fall, so always keep your eye on it.

Then place the baby on your hand: place the head in the elbow bend, and place the back along the forearm on the hand. With the palm of this hand, lightly fix the girl's hips so that she does not slip out, with the other hand we will wash her.

Bring the crumb to the stream of water, but first cover your pubis with your palm so that the water from the tap first falls on your hand, and then on the girl's skin. In any case, the stream of water should not be strong and should not be directed directly at the genitals of the child.

Begin to perform washing movements from the lower abdomen, passing through the vagina to the perineum. At the very end, rinse the anus with baby soap. Wash only the external genital area, without too much parting the labia majora.

After washing, throw a flannel diaper over the baby, wrap the legs and transfer it back to the changing table. Blot the baby's skin, also moving from top to bottom, paying attention to the skin folds so that no moisture remains inside them.

Soak a cotton swab in sterilized vegetable oil or vaseline oil, squeeze and wipe the genital slit with very light pressure. Make no effort to clear out the white discharge.

If there are diaper rash and irritation, then the baby's skin should be treated with baby cream (oil is also suitable for this). By the way, in this case, instead of water for washing, you can use herbal decoctions (chamomile, calendula, string), if the child is not allergic to them. Talcum powder is not suitable for all kids, but if you use it, then never sprinkle it directly on the skin - first apply the powder on the palms, and then distribute it over the body.

You can dress the beauty!

How to wash a newborn baby girl on the changing table

It is not always possible or necessary to use the tap with water in order to wash the baby. In this case, the water can be brought to the changing table in a bowl or ladle.

Its temperature should also be equated to body temperature, and in principle, all your actions will be the same as in the first case, with a slight difference: the girl will lie on the table during the procedure, and not be on your hand.

So, the baby was laid and undressed - we proceed to washing. Soak a cotton ball in water, squeeze it out a little so that it does not flow, and start rinsing the perineal area: the first movement is from the pubis to the anus in the center, rinsing the genital slit and lips. The second is my folds on the sides. Then, with one hand, we raise the legs of the crumbs - we wash the gluteal folds and the anus area with cotton wool.

With each new washing movement, always take a new cotton ball.

After washing, the child's skin must be wet, removing all droplets of moisture. For this, it is very convenient to have specially prepared (clean sterile) gauze napkins. Make sure that you do not wipe different intimate areas with one part of the napkin. It is best to cover the child's crotch completely with it, blotting the upper part of the pubis, the middle part - the perineum, the lower part - the buttocks and anus. Don't forget the wrinkles. And then - everything is exactly the same as after washing under the tap.

Intimate hygiene of a newborn girl: features of care

Caring for the girl's genitals is not particularly difficult, but some bewilderment is caused by a white coating inside the vagina. These are remnants of original lubricant and should not be removed with zeal.

Gynecologists explain the white discharge in the vagina of a newborn girl by the fact that in the first weeks and months after birth, the concentration of mother's sex hormones in the child's body is still quite high. This phenomenon is not only safe, but also has benefits: maternal hormones and the "plaque" formed inside the vagina protect the baby from infection. Hormonal mucus acts as an antiseptic, killing enemy pathogenic flora.

Nevertheless, this phenomenon is temporary: the natural protection is rapidly weakening, and in the future everything will depend on the correct hygienic care of the child.

The mother of a newborn girl should know that all hygiene procedures can and should be performed only with clean hands, it is better to cut the nails short.

All objects and devices that come into contact with the baby's skin and mucous membranes must be sterile. It is better to iron diapers and napkins with an iron (spray with steam).

It is clear that choose only soft towels and only natural thread so that they absorb moisture well. Take a clean towel or diaper after each bath.

Baby's genital care soap should be a special baby soap with the correct Ph. It is better to wash the skin around the anus with soap, and as for the perineum, it is better to do with just clean water. From time to time, the skin outside the labia majora should also be washed with soapy water.

A newborn girl needs to be washed at every diaper change, at least twice a day, and if necessary - as much as necessary. Instill in her the right habits from infancy. And don't forget to introduce your princess to the rules of personal hygiene when she is a little older.

May her skin be clean, soft and velvety, and her health strong! Happiness to you!

Especially for - Elena Semenova

Caring for a newly born baby requires delicacy. Hygiene performance varies by gender. In order not to harm the delicate skin of the baby, it is important to know how to wash a newborn girl.

To avoid diaper rash and inflammation, you need to know how to wash a newborn girl.

Physiological features of infant girls

In the first days from infections, the baby's intimate places are protected by smegma - a grayish or beige coating on the labia. This primordial lubricant is removed only if it covers the organs with a dense layer. Smegma contains lipids and is not removed by water. You can remove some of the plaque with a cotton swab dipped in sterile baby oil or boiled olive oil. Usually this procedure is not required, the lubricant disappears on its own by the fifth day of life.

Sometimes bloody vaginal discharge appears. If there is no pus and tissue inflammation, for which you need the help of doctors, you should not worry. The anointing will pass as soon as the hormonal system tunes in to life outside of mom's belly.

The first three months after birth, the baby's vagina is sterile.

At the same time, the hymen has not yet formed and cannot provide protection against the penetration of infectious agents. And the swelling of the labia, characteristic of newborns, leads to the formation of a fold in which particles of the epithelium, tiny fragments of diapers, and traces of bowel movements accumulate.

All this can provoke penetration from the outside and the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. To protect the baby from inflammatory processes, hygiene procedures must be carried out regularly.

How often cleaning is required and what can be used

To avoid diaper rash and inflammation, the crumbs are washed after each change of diapers, and especially carefully when the baby went "big". Also, the procedure is carried out before bathing in the bath. This is necessary to reduce the risk of microorganisms entering the stagnant water from the intestinal tract and penetrating the internal genital organs.

It is important to select the correct temperature for the water to be washed.

Basic rules for washing:

  • Use only running water. Usually the crumbs are washed under the tap. But if this is not possible or you are worried about the quality of tap water, you can use a ladle or a jug and boil the water first.
  • Compliance with the temperature regime. The water should not be colder than 35 degrees and hotter than 37. Be sure to use a thermometer. Your own feelings can be deceiving. The room where the procedure is performed should not be cool.
  • Limiting the use of baby soap. Conventional newborn detergent is not applicable at all. It contains dyes and fragrances and will cause irritation to the point of erosion. Baby soap or special products for intimate hygiene of newborns, preferably liquid, can be used a maximum of three times a week. The rest of the time - only pure water.

Do not use herbal decoctions or potassium permanganate solution for washing. Antiseptics, with constant use, will destroy the beneficial microflora, and, as a result, the skin and mucous membranes will be defenseless against the possible invasion of infectious pathogens. Also, antiseptic procedures can lead to dysbiosis followed by thrush.

If you are not at home, and it is necessary to carry out cleansing manipulations, for example, after a bowel movement, use wet wipes for baby hygiene. But simple ones won't do. The pack must be marked "0+" or "for newborns".

The inscriptions inform that the napkins are made of natural materials, are hypoallergenic, do not contain fragrances and alcohol. But do not get carried away with this method. Even if there was no opportunity to wash the baby during the day or at night, it is imperative to do this at least in the morning and in the evening.

Technique of the procedure

Usually nurses in a maternity hospital show young mothers how to wash a baby. But having brought the baby home, the parent may be confused. And if the procedure is to be carried out by the newly-made dad, he is able to panic, and completely in vain. There are no special tricks in water manipulation.

How to wash a newborn girl:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
  2. Prepare water to the required temperature - pour it into a jug or adjust the mixer.
  3. Place the baby with its back on the palm of your left hand so that its head, neck and shoulders are in your elbow socket. Hold the baby's left thigh with your fingers. In this position, you can see all the pollution. If you are left-handed, place the baby on your right palm.
  4. With an unoccupied hand, gently rinse intimate areas from the groin to the anus. On the contrary, it is impossible, otherwise intestinal microorganisms can penetrate into the vagina.

The jet of water should not hit under strong pressure. It is also not recommended to push the folds apart strongly. If a pitcher or ladle is used, the help of a relative will be required.

After washing, inspect the vaginal area. If a little dirt remains, it can be removed with a swab soaked in warm water.

Follow-up care

After the procedure, you need to properly dry the baby's skin. To do this, use a soft towel or diaper, which are pre-ironed. First, gently blot the area of ​​the vaginal slit, then the labia and anal area. You don't need to touch anything inside the vagina, so as not to damage the mucous membrane and not to infect.

After rinsing under a tap or jug, do not put on the diaper immediately

It is necessary to use powder, cream or gel care products only if the skin is excessively dry or there is diaper rash. It is important to decide what exactly to treat the perineal area. Do not apply cream or gel first and then powder your skin. The powder will roll into lumps and rub the delicate skin and mucous membranes.

Do not put on the diaper right away, let the baby lie down a little without it. Be sure to change diapers after a bowel movement. If the baby didn't poop, then every three hours.

Compliance with the rules of hygiene of newborn babies is extremely important. During this period, the formation of the reproductive organs is completed. The inflammatory process in the first weeks of life can lead to serious problems in the future.