Unloved older child what to do. Unloved children learn to love

“- I often get angry at my nine-year-old son after the birth of my daughter. I don't really like him. "
“My six-year-old daughter worries me. She says she is happy, but I feel that she is not. I feel that she is unhappy with me. "
“Although I understand what my parents did to me, I continue to do the same with my child.”
“- My husband and I have different attitudes towards the method of raising our son. He says that more strictness is needed, and I - love. "
"- I was never loved by my parents."
“- My two-year-old child doesn't like me very much, what should I do?”
“We are worried about a six-year-old son. He does things that I don't like - he fights and lies. "
"- I don't like some of my child's features."
“- I often shout at my daughter. Sometimes she makes me nervous and I scream to stop her. It worries me. "

Parents often ask the question "What to do?"

"I think it will be interesting for everyone."

This happens and does not rarely happen. A child may remind of an unloved man, may have an appearance or manners that are unpleasant, may simply not evoke a maternal instinct, and then the parent (often a mother) plays the role of an educator all his life, attentive, conscientious, but nothing more. The cause may be postpartum depression in the mother. In such a situation, the punishment of the child may be the result of constant irritation at him, internal dissatisfaction with himself, the fact of his existence.

The second child was born, and in the family only the mother is engaged in children. Dad is busy at work, arrives late and needs to rest (or dad simply isn't there). An older child is not a thing that can be pushed aside, he also wants care and attention. The problem is not in the child, but in you - you may be tired(there is no help from the husband or there is none at all), excessive love for the first child is replaced by excessive care for the second child, etc.
Even if such a misfortune happened to you personally, it can be solved! You can turn to specialists if you cannot cope on your own. You can, if you wish, find those blocks that prevent sincerity and care, warmth and tenderness to melt your heart. An important step here is to feel that dislike is about you. And also the desire to change the situation. Then everything will work out!

Love is also the source of life for any adult. Including for the mother and for the father. To be a good, decent, attentive, loving - spouse, friend and like-minded person - will not fully work if there is a small lump in the world that you do not love.

Therefore, finding love for a child in yourself (if she herself has not yet found you) is vital for both the child and the adult.

At the same time, a very important point: we will not change the child. To love him, he does not have to be good, handsome, smart, clean, honest, healthy. It should just be. Yes, it is often said that it is easier to love the intelligent and obedient. It is often said that such a "mischievous" and there is nothing to love.

A child is a part of your soul. It is important to understand and feel that no proper upbringing, competent approach, sufficient material support and various leisure activities will be able to bring up a harmonious personality with all the desire. If there is no love for your child, all other resources will be useless for such a purpose. If there is love, the limitation of other resources will be an insignificant factor on the path of personality development.

We can only change ourselves. Only your perception of reality. Only your selfishness and pride. Only your attitude towards the child. But here is the secret: by changing ourselves, we will unconsciously change the child. This will happen automatically, because any child is a mirror of its parent (most often the mother).

Have you ever paid attention to such a fact?

As a rule, children who grow up in families where they are given the last place leave their parental home early..

There are young people and girls who strive to leave for another city, to build their lives. In some cases, guys want something more in life than what their parents can give. They are ready to live in a hostel and endure all kinds of hardships. But there is a category of children fleeing from the family, even prosperous from the point of view of an outsider, just not to stay in the family where they grew up. And some adult children remain with their parents, because they simply do not want to leave. And the beloved daughter or son lives with mom and dad, because they are very comfortable. When a child feels good, becoming an adult, he does not want to leave home anywhere. After all, he gets everything at home: love, care, food, money. He is "loved", for his parents he is a child, he needs help.

In most cases, children run away from home if they do not receive something from the very childhood, or if they feel unnecessary. (Sometimes this happens if the child is the only one, but, as they say, did not come to the court). If you are just that, do not be discouraged, you still will not be able to change the attitude of your parents towards yourself, no matter what you do for this. Your sister or brother will be loved forever, even if they don't deserve it at all. Because they are their own, and you just are not like them.

You can remember the tale of the ugly duckling.

Remember who this duckling turned into? A beautiful swan, a magnificent bird, which the whole poultry yard looked at with bated breath when this swan flew high in the sky. Such unloved children often achieve much more in life than their brothers and sisters, because from childhood they lived as if by themselves, and not under the wing of their parents.

They are used to relying on their own strengths, they are not helped much and are not particularly interested in their adult life.

For example, the eldest son was "pressed" in childhood, but he still managed to break through in life. And the other, beloved, never did anything, but for this they love him even more, feel sorry for him “like a sick man,” and often help with money. What is not good for such a person, because he does not know the value of money. He easily spends on anything. Of course, because his dad or mom will always give him money, why should he do something himself?

Parents should be held accountable for how they treat their children. Is it difficult to show generosity and love a child without choosing for character traits or age?

Dislike is often the parent's deepest claim to the child, which he is not able to satisfy.

You can find within yourself the fact that stands between you and the child.

    It may be that he does not correspond to your idea of ​​a good boy or a good girl. When we talk about goodness, we are talking about the subjective personal perception of each of us. The reality is more varied. Good includes many qualities. What is good? ..

    Your embarrassment of his appearance, his diagnosis or his kind (here it is important to notice your assessment, condemnation of the child, which in itself is not good, occurring according to very dubious criteria).

    The clash of his hyperactivity and your depression in childhood by a strong mother, grandmother, father (here there is resentment towards your parents, and envy of your child, and an incomplete understanding that being active, nimble, curious is natural for a child, his most there is nature, not a negative quality), etc.

But know that with due diligence, any relationship can get off the ground, especially the relationship with children!

From comments:

“… - My children became uncontrollable. What to do?

- Leave them to themselves! Just relax. When they see that you are completely relaxed and not worried about what they are doing, they will immediately cool off. The best way to control children ... They will behave well if you allow a little chaos in your life. Jump and dance and sing and they will think, “What happened to Mom? Is she out of her mind? If the neighbors find out, what will they think? " They will begin to control you and try to calm you down! " The best way to control them is to do what you want and let them do what they want. And you will be surprised. It often happens that even small children, seeing that no one controls them and that even they themselves need to control their mother, begin to calm down and behave well. They start to play the role of parents. "

“... - Maybe I won't tell you a little secret, but I really want to write to everyone that everything, absolutely everything in our life has no accidents, all events, all ups and downs occur according to quite understandable and simple laws, we have them with you you just need to feel, see and understand. Our children are our little mirrors, in which they show us ourselves - our inner state, our soul, or rather the inner state of our parents to the world around us, to people, etc. And your reflection in the mirror cannot be changed without changing yourself. Our children should not suffer from the fact that we ourselves did not receive love in childhood and do not receive it in life either, they deserve more, a better life ... and this is in our power. When we don’t like something in children, we do it ourselves with our thoughts, our actions in relation to the world around us ”.

“… - You will be able to regain trust with your affection, your love! If you take care of your son or daughter, your soul will tremble, he will respond almost instantly. After a very short period, your child can forget all this. But it is very important that you do not forget your lesson, your feelings, your feelings, your promise! "

“… - What can you advise if I do not feel any feelings for my child, except for a sense of duty? I cannot love him.

Only one piece of advice is possible here: replace the words "I can't" with the words "I can't."
Then the opportunity to change the situation immediately appears. Yes, it is very heavy. But there is a belief that she can change, and most importantly - the desire to do it. The desire to take every chance, try everything, but go, let it stumble, because to put up with THIS it is forbidden.
With such an amendment, the specialist will be very happy to keep you company on your way, lend a shoulder where necessary, help with a word. With the option “I can’t love,” nothing can be done, and there is no advice here. ”

Quote from Osho's book "On Children":

“... Respect your children. Take their fear out of them.
But if you yourself are full of fear, then how can you get them out of it?
Don't make them respect you because you are their father, you are their daddy, their mommy, and so on.
Change your attitude and see how respect will affect your children.
If you respect them, they will listen to you more carefully. They will try to understand you if you respect them. They will do it. Under no circumstances impose anything on them; understanding you, they will understand that you are right, and will reach out to you, they will not lose their real face ... "
Respect for the child opens him up, disposes him to heart-to-heart conversations and everything that you would like to convey to him he will listen, if he is interested, and if not, this is his right, but until he gets some bumps and comes running to you, he , as a rule, does not understand anything ...
Over time, everything that you once said to the kid with love and patience, he will surely remember and understand ... "

If you have difficulty communicating with your child, what should you do?

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In the life of many people it happens that it takes a long time for them to start a family, it is often difficult for them to get to know people, make friends, contact others ... These are the problems that orphans and children left without parental care face. Why is this happening? What prevents these people from being active, working, enjoying life, be in love? Is it just low self-esteem and fear of new things?
Psychologists often say that emotional deprivation (deprivation) influences such problems to a large extent. This means that if in childhood, especially in early childhood, the child was deprived of attention, care, affection, a sense of security on the part of the parents, then in the future this can manifest itself in various and sometimes quite serious psychological or even mental problems.
Mental, emotional deprivation is a condition that occurs when a person is not given the opportunity to satisfy his basic, vital needs during that time and to the extent that he needs it.
It's not a secret for anyone how important the figure of the mother is for the child to grow and develop as a harmonious and mentally rich personality. When a child is born, he needs, in addition to warmth and food, something else: contact with the mother's face, body, and just the feeling of her presence somewhere nearby. If, in such a critical period as the first days and months after birth, the mother is not around and the child “has no one to rely on,” then “basic trust in the world” is not formed. As a result, if this deep, unconscious trust in the mother has not been formed, then the formation of trust in other people will be very difficult, if at all. And when such a child grows up, it will be difficult for him to trust people, "open up" to them.
But trust is always a two-way process, and if he cannot trust anyone, it means that no one will trust him, and then such a child, and then an adult, will certainly have big problems with communication. It is very likely that it will be difficult for him to make friends, communicate with the opposite sex. In general, it is difficult for him to trust people, and if he tries to be sociable and friendly, then deep down, without even realizing it, this person still believes that “the world is a dangerous place and you cannot trust others, because they will deceive anyway ".
So the consequences of depriving a child of maternal communication is probably the most terrible mental torture that can be performed on a person, and it is mainly painful for its consequences: loneliness, communication and other problems ... But, despite this, some aspects are possible correct by working on yourself or with the help of specialists.
It is believed that the mother brings the child into the world, then the father “brings him to the people. " For a girl, a father is not just a dad, it is a kind of image, an ideal, thanks to which she will choose a partner for herself in the future. If the girl, for some reason, does not have a father (he died or left the family), there is a risk of developing a pathology of character, primarily of a hysterical type. In this regard, the most "dangerous" age for girls is junior preschool, when emotional contact with their father is especially important for them. For a boy, his father is primarily a role model, an ideal from which he will "mold" himself. For him, the “dangerous” age is the senior preschool age, when the boy gradually begins to identify himself with the man, by this time sex-role behavior is formed.
Any person has two parents. It's just that when there is no father (for example, if a boy is brought up by his mother and grandmother), then the grandmother, who is more affectionate and not so strict, often becomes a psychological “mother” for the child, and a real mother, more strict and demanding, becomes a “father”. In connection with such a family situation, the child may have problems of gender-role identification, which subsequently may complicate the process of forming interpersonal relationships with the opposite sex.
If a mother brings up a child alone, then she alone becomes both a mother and a father to him at the same time. Of course, she loves her child, but still it is difficult for her to pull on herself the emotional and physical burden of both parents. And willy-nilly, it turns out that the mother, with her head immersed in making money (dad's part of the work) and household chores (mom's part), has absolutely no time to just be with the child, to communicate with him. And often as a result of such deprivation, the child is left to himself, or even no one needs it at all. And then it becomes clear why he can spend so much time completely aimlessly in front of the TV, computer, in supermarkets, in the halls of slot machines and other inappropriate places for him.
The family is not just a collection of people, but a system, all members of which (family members) interact and mutually condition each other's actions. Such a whole - a family - is always more than just the sum of its parts. And those problems that may arise in one "part" of it (for example, a conflict between a mother and a son), cannot but affect others, because in the family everything and everyone is interconnected. As a result, the family, trying to maintain balance, seeks to somehow solve the problem with the least "losses" for itself.
For example, there is a conflict between spouses, and it manifests itself in the fact that they constantly swear. When a child sees these quarrels, on an unconscious level, he perceives them as a danger that the parents may divorce. And then the child, again without realizing it, does something that can distract the parents from quarrels with each other. For example, he may get sick. And when a child gets sick, especially seriously, any parents will leave their showdown and rally in front of a common misfortune - illness. But if, after it becomes easier for him, the conflict between the parents is not resolved, the child will literally be doomed to get sick again and again, so that at least in such a terrible way to maintain a precarious balance in the family system, to keep mom and dad together ...
In this example, you can see how all family members are related to each other and how the relationship between them changes when something happens in the family system. For example, those relationships that are formed between the mother and the child, one way or another connected with all other relationships, including with the parental family of the child's mother.
Parents take care of their children, love them, give warmth and affection. These children grow up to take care of their children in the same way. Thus, the love that lives in the souls of parents and children flows “from top to bottom” - from parents to children, from elders to younger ones. This, according to Hellinger, is a normal, correct "flow of love." But sometimes it happens that for some reason this normal “flow of love” from top to bottom is blocked, and then the child, not receiving love and warmth from his parents, cannot, in turn, pass it on to his children.
In what cases can the normal "love flow" be disrupted? This happens, for example, if at some point, usually in early childhood, parents, albeit for a short time, leave the child away from themselves, for example, put him in a hospital or leave him to live with grandparents.
This event has such a powerful negative effect on the child's psyche that then a "trace" from it can remain for the rest of his life. When the parents' love no longer "flows" to him, the child, and then the adult, can no longer accept this love either from the parents or from other people, for example, from a husband or wife.
Hence, problems arise that can manifest themselves in very different ways. This can be either a feeling of one's own uselessness, worthlessness, or purely bodily symptoms that, at first glance, have nothing to do with the psyche. For example, complaints of shoulder pain, frequent headaches and a tight feeling in the abdomen.
Many parents who bring up their children in a state of hypo care, paying little attention to them, were also emotionally and psychologically deprived by their own parents at one time. Most likely, their parents were also not going smoothly ... But nevertheless, it is possible to break this vicious "connection of times". Often, the identification of the problem (its awareness) and the reasons for its appearance, the formation of the ability to forgive and let go, the restoration of relations with parents becomes the beginning of the path to a new stage in life. It is by arranging his personal and family life that a person can take into account his past negative experience and try to give his children enough love, attention, affection, trust, understanding.
Substitute parents who have adopted children from disadvantaged families are faced with the fact that the child requires increased attention. By this, he kind of fills the gap that arose in connection with the difficult life situation in which he found himself. In this situation, it is very important to give your son or daughter as much attention, affection, tactile contact (stroking, hugging, etc.) as possible. Some children may behave in the opposite way - very quiet and calm, do not require attention, spend a lot of time alone with toys or a book. Various joint activities (hiking, trips, crafts, inclusion in family games, entertainment, holidays), sincere conversations, a friendly attitude, creating an atmosphere of love and trust in the family will help melt the heart of such a child.
The experience of upbringing in a prosperous foster family, where parents love and support each other, their requirements are adequate and coordinated, actions are consistent, there are effective rules, traditions and rituals in the family, when family members actively show feelings towards each other, have the opportunity to speak openly about their interests and experiences, help orphans and children left without parental care, minimize the consequences of maternal, social, emotional deprivation that took place in a child's life due to difficult life circumstances.

Once a couple came to the Orphanage,
To choose a son or a daughter for yourself.
The boy saw one there,
They really wanted to take them home.
Left alone with the boy
With a sweet smile they told him:
- You are glorious! And you fit us completely:
We would gladly take you to our place.

And he, lowering his eyes, was silent.
- Well, why don't you answer anything?
Look: we are giving you a dump truck.
And here is candy, if you wish.
"Thank you!" - the answer sounded politely.
“But there are many, many toys here.
What else do you have for the kids?
And the boy's voice wavered in hope.

Having exchanged glances with his wife, the husband said:
- Well, we have a house and a dacha and a car.
And looking the boy in the eyes,
Added quietly - I don't have only a son.
Tell me, what more would you like?
We'll buy you if we can.
And the boy looked sadly aside,
Desire unfulfilled gnawing.

A tear fell from his eyelash.
The husband and wife were silent in confusion,
Fearing by your imprudence
To sadden the boy even more.
- I do not need anything. Nothing!
I just want to be loved.
... And the grown-ups felt ashamed of
That they had completely forgotten about love.

Tears and sadness became clear
Soul of a boy, lonely in pain:
Oh, how he yearned for love
In his orphan, hopeless lot!
And what did they offer him?
Toys, sweets, your wealth.
Living without affection and relatives,
I needed only the love of mom and dad.

The little boy got up: "Well, I went."
And took a step towards the door.
And a husband and wife, agreeing in spirit,
They pressed him to themselves: “Darling, believe us:
We love you! Don't go away!
Be our boy, beloved son. "
And the boy cried quietly on his chest
Mom and Dad hear your name.
(Author unknown)

HELL. Kochurova

Hello dear blog site readers! Why do families have loved ones and unloved children? And what is at the root of this very serious problem?

Children are given us for love, they bring joy to mom and dad and fill life with new meaning.

If you think that parents love all their children equally, regardless of age, then you are deeply mistaken. Now I will tell you in detail what happens quite often, unfortunately, in many families.

And the following happens: after the birth of the second child, the first, that is, the eldest, becomes unnecessary. Because of this, he receives psychological trauma, which remains with him for life.

If the child is the only one in the family, then such a problem does not arise. Because all the parents' love goes to him alone. And it is not at all necessary that he grows up selfish and spoiled, it depends on upbringing.

When various periods of disobedience, transitional age come, then parents have to fight with their child, spend a lot of effort.

But in the end, everyone will live peacefully, because there is simply no second, more obedient child.

It is quite another matter if mom and dad decide to have another baby, so cute and cute. And this is where a lot of responsibilities appear for an older child.

Everyone expects that he will help, implying that he is already an adult. Of course, it is, when compared with a newly born baby. But childhood does not end at six or ten! Remember yourself and think exactly when this wonderful time of life, in which there are no worries and problems, ended for you!

Do you know how a child feels, who has just been spoiled by everyone, and now they poke and grumble at him, reproaching him for suddenly becoming disobedient? What happens in his soul when he begins to understand that no one else loves him?

The kid tries to attract the attention of mom or dad by any means, for this he is scolded even more and even punished.

What is the fault of such a child? It's just that he was born a few years earlier, that's all, and now he has become useless to anyone.

It is known that parents love the youngest more because they themselves are getting older or for another reason, but this is so.

If there are two or three children in the family, there will definitely be the most beloved one. And the rest understand this very well and suffer within themselves.

Sometimes dad spoils one child and does not pay attention to another child at all, only demands a diary from him in the evenings to punish him for bad grades. A mother can doted on her younger son and not notice her older daughter, forcing her to go to the store and sit with her younger brother. Accordingly, if the son was born a few years earlier, then the daughter will love, even if she does terrible things.

And the saddest thing is that such a relationship will last a lifetime. It is one thing to raise your children correctly, and it is quite another to love one thing and not the other.

A pet will always know that he is better than his brother or sister, because children in their hearts feel when they are adored by their parents or rejected. Even if no one says it out loud.

Very often, the younger son or daughter easily receive expensive gifts from their parents, while the older one has never seen anything like it. Usually, mom and dad explain this behavior simply: before they did not have money to pamper their child, who was born first, but now they have the means, so they bombard the younger with their attention and gifts.

Only they do not understand that money has nothing to do with it. The second child becomes a light in the window, for his sake, the mother is ready to do anything, while there is not even a reaction to the elder's requests, let alone help.

Sadly, this attitude, as a rule, extends to the elder's family, when the son gets married, and the daughter, accordingly, gets married. An unloved child for parents also means unloved grandchildren, there is nothing you can do about it.

The children of single mothers are sure the goat brought them!

It also happens that the youngest child suffers. This happens when the first one seems perfect, the parents are proud of him and expect the second child to be even better. But he, on the contrary, is weaker and not so smart. He, contrary to the expectations of his parents, does not want to go in for sports, is often ill, goes to school below average, and has no musical talent.

Is it this little man's fault that he failed to live up to the expectations of his parents?

And they don't like him, they let him understand this in every possible way, although not on purpose.

Children have very developed intuition, you probably know about this. The child does not need your words, he perfectly understands that he is not loved as much as a brother or sister, because he just feels it.

Of course, parents are very cruel if they do this. How can you deprive a child of love who has just come into this difficult life and is completely dependent on his family ?!

As a rule, children who grow up in families where they are given the last place leave the parental home early.

Have you ever paid attention to such a fact?

There are young people and girls who want to leave for another city. They are ready to live in a hostel and endure all sorts of hardships, just not to stay in the family where they grew up.

And some children remain with their parents, because they simply do not want to leave.

The reason for this is very simple: if a child is not loved, he strives to live independently, and does this at any cost.

And the beloved daughter or son lives with mom and dad, because they are very comfortable.

When a child is loved, and he feels good, becoming an adult, he does not want to leave home anywhere. After all, he gets everything: love, care, food, people are interested in him and consider him an equal member of the family.

And children run away from home if they do not receive something from the very childhood, and they feel their uselessness. (Sometimes this happens if the child is the only one, but, as they say, did not come to the court).

If you are just that, do not be discouraged, you still will not be able to change the attitude of your parents towards yourself, no matter what you do for this. Your sister or brother will be loved forever, even if they don't deserve it at all. Because they are their own, and you just are not like them.

But now you can remember the tale of the ugly duckling, which I put in the title of the article.

Remember who this duckling turned into? A beautiful swan, a magnificent bird, which the whole poultry yard looked at with bated breath when this swan flew high in the sky.

Such unloved children often achieve much more in life than their brothers and sisters, because from childhood they lived as if by themselves, and not under the wing of their parents.

They are used to relying on their own strengths, they are not helped much and are not particularly interested in their adult life.

For example, the eldest son was "pinched" in childhood, but he still managed to break through in life. And the other, beloved, never did anything, but for this they love him even more, feel sorry for him and often help him with money. What is not good for such a person, because he does not know the value of money.

They are easily spent on anything. Of course, because his dad or mom will always give him money, why should he do something himself?

Parents should be held accountable for how they treat their children. Is it difficult to show generosity and love a child without choosing for character traits or age?

But this is only a theory, because in practice it turns out that the elder (or the younger) will feel abandoned and unnecessary. He will watch how his parents treat his sister or brother with reverence and do not pay attention to him at all.

Of course, there are good families who live very amicably. If you have such a family, you can only be envied with all my heart.

Why does the family have such a problem? Most likely, there is only one reason for this: the similarity of characters, or vice versa.

Why does a mother dislike her daughter, but can’t stand her son? Doesn't grandfather want to work with his grandson? What happens when parents get old and who is there for them?

How all these relationships are reflected on grandparents and what roles are distributed among family members, I will write in the continuation of this article.

Dad, who's that in the corner: shaggy, with red eyes, sitting all night?

Don't be afraid, daughter! This is our mother at Odnoklassniki.

A story from Africa.

And now I want to tell you about a baby elephant, lost or abandoned. Read what such a toddler can do and draw parallels with unloved children.

In Africa, the staff of the reserve saw an elephant calf, he was small and stood behind the bushes near the road. The car the people were driving was large and its engine was running loudly. The baby elephant ran to the car and stopped nearby, thinking that it was his mother. It was clear that among the beasts of prey he could not stand it for a long time, they would definitely attack and eat him. Most likely, this baby will simply not survive until tomorrow, because he has already been attacked by hyenas.

But they did not take this baby elephant so as not to interfere with the laws of the jungle, although it was cruel to him.

The kid ran after the car for a while, trying to catch up with it and catch on with his trunk, but then he fell behind and listened attentively to the growl of the engine.

The reserve staff drove along the road for a long time, until they ended up in a temporary camp, where there was a herd of elephants, which they looked after.

In this camp, a generator was operated to provide light and other amenities.

The next day, near this generator, right in the tent, they found the very elephant that had been left alone on the road. It turned out that he first ran to the noise of the engine of a leaving jeep, and then heard the sound of a generator that worked all night.

Early in the morning, the abandoned baby stood silently, waving his ears apologetically and looking at the herd of elephants, not daring to come closer.

The fact is that elephants have very strict rules that should not be violated in any case. It is impossible to accept someone stranger into the family without the consent of the oldest elephant, who is the leader. And she was against it, because she behaved quite menacingly.

Then one elephant came up to the baby and took him along to ask for him.

The elephants conferred for a long time about something, then the most important one agreed on one condition: the nursing mother, who had her own child, should take custody of the baby, but she just did not want to do this.

The baby elephant was nevertheless left and handed over to be raised by the female elephant who approached him at the very beginning. He turned out to be very sociable and made friends with the leader of this family: the oldest and largest elephant. She loved him so much that she always protected and constantly patronized this baby.

And they named the baby elephant (it was a girl) - Apiary, which translates as "Holy Resurrection".

She even allowed her to crawl under her belly, it was the greatest privilege on her part. And Paseka, of course, used this and always ran to her grandmother to complain if someone offended her. She grew up, felt great and did not suffer at all from the fact that she went through so many trials and ended up in a foster family.

Even from this amazing story, it is clear that the one who has learned to fight survives, regardless of the circumstances in which he fell against his will.

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