Technological map of the lesson on the application “Visiting Autumn. Leaf fall

Routing OOD by application in the second younger group... Theme: "Bouquet of flowers"

Integration of educational areas: artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development.

Target: Development of children's interest in the application


Educational: To teach children to create a subject application, to consolidate the skills of using glue.

Developing: Develop memory, thinking, fine motor skills hands, color perception, creativity

Educational: To educate children in independence, patience, perseverance, accuracy

Target landmarks: Has a developed imagination. Shows curiosity. Demonstrates the ability to hear others and strives to be understood.

Means of implementation:

Visual: visual material"Flowers", a ready-made sample of work
Verbal: poem by B. Blinnikov, E. Krasnov
Multimedia: presentation on "Spring Flowers"
Vocabulary work: activation of nouns in the speech of children (spring, flowers, stem, leaf)
Materials and equipment: landscape sheet, applique details (Stem, leaf, bud). Glue, glue brush, napkins.


I. Introductory part

- Guys, what time of year is it? Why did you decide so? (Spring. Everything is green, grass has appeared, flowers are blooming, etc.)
- Right. Tell me, where did you see the flowers and what?
- Poem by B. Blinnikov

Only the sun has warmed up brightly
But it's not hot yet.
Multicolored sundress
Dressing up our tulip.

Poem by E. Krasnov "Forget-me-nots"
Forget-me-not blue eyes
They look trustingly from the grass:
Kind, naive, alive -
Like the smallest guys.

By the stream, in the lowland and in the cool,
In the middle of a sunny day
As if asking, looking straight into the soul:
"Don't rip off, but don't forget me!"

Did you like the poems? What colors are they talking about? (tulip, forget-me-nots)
- What parts of flowers do you know?

Presentation "Spring Flowers"

Guys, let's look at the screen, which spring flowers do you see?
- What color are they?
- Which ones do you like best?
- When do they bloom?

II. Main part

Today we will depict a bouquet of these flowers. Let's all say the magic words together so that our flowers bloom.

Finger gymnastics:

It is closed early in the morning,
But closer to noon
Opens the petals, I see their beauty.
In the evening, the flower again closes the corolla,
And now he will sleep
Until the morning, like a chick.

(The hands are tightly closed. The palms are separated from each other, the pads of the thumbs are pressed against the ends of the index hands to resemble a bud. The hands at the wrist are connected, and the fingers gently diverge in different directions, resembling an open flower. The fingers are closed, forming a closed flower. Brushes hands return to their original position, hands are placed under the cheek, imitating sleep).

For today's work, we need a sheet of paper, details of the application (stems, leaves and buds, glue, glue brush, napkins, work surface.
-First, we glue the stems, then the leaves, and then the flowers-buds.
- How should the details be smeared? (all, all edges)
- Show how to hold the brush.
Children take their brushes. I make sure that they hold the brushes correctly (two fingers hold the brush just above the metal part, the brush rests on the third finger).
- Right. Take your parts, glue and stick.

III. Final part

Exhibition and analysis of children's works.
At the end of the lesson, the children look at each other's work, and the teacher praises all the children.
- What kind beautiful bouquets you did it!


"Flowers and butterflies"
There are 3 flowers growing on the clearing (on the floor):
Red rose (learned a lot)
Blue cornflower (it was interesting, but something is not clear)
Chamomile (much remained unclear, it was interesting)
Children turn into butterflies and take places in the flower that they consider to be theirs.

To download the material or!

BBOҚ technologmalyқ cards



Bulimi . Chapter. Application.

Taқyrybys ... Theme:"Balls"

Maқsaty. Target: Form to the execution of applications, building images of objects. To acquaint children with a geometric figure - a circle. Consolidate the concept - yellow.

Zhabyқtaluy ... Equipment: Doll, ball, yellow circles.

Vocabulary work: Yellow, circle.

Kyzmettің kezenderі

Activity stages

Turbieshinin is-urekety

Balalardyk is-ureketi

Children's activities


He brings the crying doll Tanya.

Reads a poem:

Our Tanya is crying loudly

Dropped a ball into the river.

Hush, Tanya, don't cry.

The ball will not sink in the river.

Asks to help Tanya

Pay attention to the crying doll.

They calm her down, listen to the poem, pronounce the words.

They agree to help Tanya.


Organizational - search

Creates a situation - got a ball from the river.

Explains that the ball is round.

Asks to pronounce the word - circle.

He offers to give Tanya a lot of balls so that she does not cry and can play with them.

Informs that yellow balls will be applied to a white sheet of paper.

Introduces to yellow.

Explains techniques for attaching parts to a sheet of paper.

Participate, get the ball from the river.

Listen and remember that the ball is round.

They pronounce the word - circle.

They willingly agree to give Tanya balls.

They agree to attach the details of the balls to the sheet of paper.

Get acquainted with the color yellow.

Begin independent work.

Reflexive ear correction


He offers to present balls to Tanya.

Together with Tanya they play the game "Catch the Ball".

Tanya thanks the children for the balls, says goodbye to the children.

They give Tanya balls.

Play the game "Catch the Ball".

Say goodbye to Tanya.

Kateletin nutizhe ... Expected Result:

Reproduce: Are called geometric shape- circle, yellow.

Understand: How to apply balls to a white sheet of paper.

Apply: They carry out a plot of details.

BBOҚ technologmalyқ cards


Age: 2-3 years old.

Taқyrybys ... Theme: « Funny ball»

Bilim take salads. Educational area. Health.

Bulimi . Chapter. Physical Education.

Maқsaty. Target: Exercise children in walking in a circle, holding hands. Exercise in crawling on all fours, stepping over obstacles, rolling the ball, teaching to walk on tiptoes, teaching to follow a certain direction.

Preliminary work and preparation for the lesson : Carrying out the game "My cheerful ringing ball", preparation of equipment: a toy Gnome, balls, strings.

Kyzmettің kezenderі

Activity stages

Turbieshinin is-urekety

Managerial actions of the educator

Balalardyk is-ureketi

Children's activities


Motivational - incentive

Acquaintance of children with a toy - a gnome.

The message that the gnome is bored of sitting in a cave, he wants to play with a ball.

They examine the toy, rejoice at it.

They offer the gnome to play balls with them.


Organizational - search

Walking on tiptoes and running in circles.

Please stop, take

hold hands and make a circle.

Distribution of balls.

1. "Knocking the ball on the floor"

2. "Look at the ball"

3. "Jumping"

The main types of movements.

Rolling balls. An offer to sit on the mat opposite each other at a distance to roll the ball to each other.

Suggestion to step on all fours over obstacles (ropes)

Walking on toes, running in a circle.

They join hands, make a circle.

Take the balls in hand.

They carry out the ORU.

1.Ip. standing, ball in both hands, hands down. Sit down, lightly hit the ball on the floor, etc. (4-6 times).

2.I.p. sitting, feet together, ball in both hands, hands down. Raise your hands up, look at the balls, lower your hands (4-6 times).

3.I.p. the teacher hits the ball on the floor, drawing the attention of the children to how easily the ball jumps, and invites everyone to jump just as easily. (15-20 sec).

They sit on the mat opposite each other and roll the ball to each other.

Get on all fours and step over obstacles.

Reflexive ear correction


Together with the gnome they play the game "Catch the ball".

Gnome's gratitude to children for hospitality, farewell to children.

Play the game "Catch the Ball".

Say goodbye to the gnome.

Kateletin nutizhe ... The intended result is:

Reproduce: Rules of the game.

Understand: How to walk on tiptoes and roll the ball.

Apply: Stepping over an obstacle, rolling the ball to each other.

BBOҚ technologmalyқ cards


Bilim take salads. Educational area. Cognition.

Bulimi . Chapter. Fundamentals of Ecology.

Taқyrybys ... Theme: Didactic game "Assignments".

Maқsaty. Target: Develop orientation in children in the surrounding space. Continue to acquaint children with the location of objects in the group room, their purpose. Teaches you how to do errands at the request of an adult.

Zhabyқtaluy ... Equipment: Big and small bear, tumbler, matryoshka, red and blue cup, big and small cube, cubes.

Vocabulary work: Big, small, up, down.

Kyzmettің kezenderі

Activity stages

Turbieshinin is-urekety

Managerial actions of the educator

Balalardyk is-ureketi

Children's activities


Motivational - incentive

Arranges toys - a big and a small bear, a tumbler, a nesting doll, a red and blue cup, a large and a small cube.

Draws children's attention to toys.

Offers to play the game.

They are included in the process of cognition.

They examine the toys lying on the table.

Accept the offer to play the game.


Organizational - search

Conducts the game "Orders".

Pointing to toys, offers to name what color and size they are.

Calls the children in turn.

Asks everyone to complete one of the tasks:

Drink tea from a red cup to a big bear.

Place the matryoshka on a small cube.

Give a little bear cub a big cube.

Take a little bear and put it on the carpet.

Take the big bear on the carpet and plant it next to the little one.

Take a tumbler and dance with it.

Builds a staircase from cubes.

Matryoshka walks on it up-up-up, down-down-down.

Invites children in the air to perform up and down movements with their hands.

Show interest in the game.

Name the toys that the teacher points to.

Approach the teacher.

Perform tasks.

A big bear is given to drink from a red cup.

They put the matryoshka on a small cube.

They give the bear a large cube.

They put the bear on the carpet.

They put a big bear next to a small one.

They dance with a tumbler.

Observe how the teacher builds the stairs.

They watch how the matryoshka walks on it.

Perform movements in the air.

Reflexive ear correction


Offers to say goodbye to toys and put them in place.

They say goodbye to toys and put x in place.

Kateletin nutizhe ... Expected Result:

Reproduce: Toys are called their main qualities.

Understand: Location of the group room.

Apply: They orient themselves in the surrounding space, carry out the instructions of the educator.

BBOҚ technologmalyқ cards


Bilim take salads. Educational area. Communication.

Bulimi . Chapter. Development of speech.

Taқyrybys ... Theme:"Merry yard"

Maқsaty. Target: To expand the knowledge of children about pets, to animate the speech of children, to make it easier to pronounce sounds (loudly and quietly), to form the ability to listen and understand the speech of an adult, addressed to the whole group to each child separately.

Zhabyқtaluy ... Equipment: Pictures depicting animals, horse.

Vocabulary work: Fur, comb, iron, comb.

Kyzmettің kezenderі

Activity stages

Turbieshinin is-urekety

Managerial actions of the educator

Balalardyk is-ureketi

Children's activities


Motivational - incentive

He brings a toy to the group - a horse.

She says that her friends love to play and hid from her.

Offers to find and guess who the horse's friends are.

They rejoice at the appearance of the horse.

Listen carefully to the teacher's story.

They agree to help the horse find her friends.


Organizational - search

Reads a poem and shows the images in the picture.

Ku-ka-re-ku! I guard the chickens!

Where-tah-tah! I got lost in the bushes!

Murr-mur-mur! I'm scaring the chickens!

Quack-quack-quack! Tomorrow morning rain!

Moo-moo-moo! Milk to whom?

Asking questions:

How does a duck quack?

How does the cat meow?

How does the chicken go?

Invites you to the rug and show you how the cat sneaks.

Reads a poem about a horse.

Simulates movement in a poem. Emphasizes words - fur, comb, smooth, comb.

I love my horse

I comb her fur smoothly.

I will smooth the ponytail with a scallop

And I'll go on horseback to visit.

Repeated reading of the poem.

They listen to poems and watch pictures.


Show how the cat sneaks.

Listen to a poem about a horse.

Simulate movements according to the lines of a poem.

Say the words together with the teacher.

Listen to the poem.

Reflexive ear correction


Offers to play with the horse and her friends.

The horse and her friends say goodbye to the children.

Play with the horse and her friends.

Say goodbye to the horse and her friends.

Kateletin nutizhe ... Expected Result:

Reproduce: Pets are called: cat, rooster, chicken, duck, cow.

Apply: Listen and understand the speech of an adult.

BBOҚ technologmalyқ cards


Bilim take salads. Educational area. Communication.

Bulimi . Chapter. Acquaintance with others.

Taқyrybys ... Theme:"Who lives in the house"

Maқsaty. Target: Learn to recognize familiar animals in pictures, name them, distinguish character features, distinctive features.

Zhabyқtaluy ... Equipment: Cow, goat, horse masks. Pictures depicting a cow, goat, horse.

Vocabulary work: Cow, goat, horse, beard, horns, hooves, mane, tail.

Kyzmettің kezenderі

Activity stages

Turbieshinin is-urekety

Managerial actions of the educator

Balalardyk is-ureketi

Children's activities


Motivational - incentive

Tells about animals that live next to humans.

Invites children to wear animal masks.


How does a cow bellow?

How does a goat mark?

How does a horse laugh?

Dress up animal masks.

Treat them, call the animals.

They make the sounds that animals make.


Organizational - search

Shows a picture of a cow.

Asks to name and show the horns, the tail of the hoof.

Reads a poem:

How much I love a cow,

How I give her nettles.

Eat plenty, my cow,

Eat your fill, my cow.

Shows a picture of a goat.

Asks to name and show horns, beard, hooves.

Reads the nursery rhyme:

Goat-brykalochka, ride up the hill,

The horns are sharp, long.

Who doesn't eat porridge, doesn't drink milk?

I forget !!!

Shows a picture of a horse.

Asks to name and show the mane and long tail.

Reads the nursery rhyme:

I'll feed the horse with fresh grass

I'll give a horse to drink clean water,

You go horse-higher, higher legs, \

You and I will go straight along the path.

They examine the picture, name what is shown on it.

Show and name the distinctive features of a cow (horns, tail, hooves).

Listen to the poem.

They name and show where the goat has horns, hooves, beard.

Listen to the nursery rhyme.

They look at the picture, they call what is depicted on it.

They call and show where the horse has a mane, a long tail

Listen to the nursery rhyme

Reflexive ear correction


Offers to play with animals “Turn around, turn around and turn into horses, goats, cows”.

Kateletin nutizhe ... Expected Result:

Reproduce: The name of the pets.


Apply: They recognize animals by pictures, call distinctive features.

BBOҚ technologmalyқ kartas NS


Age: 2-3years.

Taқyrybys ... Theme:"The sun is looking out the window"

Bilim take salads. Educational area. Creation.

Bulimi . Chapter. Modeling.

Maқsaty. Target: Teach children to roll out and flatten lumps of plasticine, use it carefully. Consolidate knowledge of the color yellow. Arouse interest in the result of the work.

Preliminary work and preparation and preparation for the lesson: conducting the game "What color?", "What shape?", preliminary work with plasticine.

Zhabyқtaluy .Equipment: fox, hare, plasticine, modeling boards, napkins. Vocabulary work: Yellow.

Kyzmettің kezenderі

Activity stages

Turbieshinin is-urekety

Managerial actions of the educator

Balalardyk is-ureketi

Children's activities


Motivational - incentive

Reading a poem:

The sun is shining through the window

Warms our room

We clap our hands

We are very glad to the sun.

Listen to the poem.


Organizational - search

Asking the question:

Did you find out what it is?

That's right, this is the sun. It wakes up before everyone else, rises high into the sky to do good deeds.

What good deeds does the sun do?

A knock is heard at the door. Opening the door. A hare and a fox enter, greet, ask the children for help.

What happened?

There has been no sun in the forest for several days. Without him, we are cold, lonely and sad.

Asking the question:

What color is it?

What shape?

Demonstration of sculpting techniques, explains the sequence of actions.

Offer to start work.

Answer the question.

This is the sun.

Listen to the educator's story.

Keeps children warm.

They listen, wonder who is there. Say hello.

Listen carefully to the animals.


They agree to help.

Answer the teacher's questions.

Name the shape and color of the sun.

Carefully observe the actions of the teacher.

Start individual work.

Reflexive ear correction


An offer to play the game "The Sun and the Rain".

Gratitude of animals to children and farewell to them.

Play the game.

Say goodbye to animals.

Kateletin nutizhe ... The intended result is:

Reproduce: The sequence of sculpting.

Understand: The shape and color of the sun.

Apply: Roll out and flatten the lumps of plasticine.

BBOҚ technologmalyқ cards


Age: 2-3 years old.

Taқyrybys ... Theme:"Beautiful flags"

Bilim take salads. Educational area. Health..

Bulimi . Chapter. Physical Education

Maқsaty. Target: Teach children to jump in length from a place, to strengthen throwing at a distance from behind the head, to promote the development of a sense of balance and coordination of movements.: teaching children to jump long from a place and throwing a ball at a distance, cooking Buratino toys, balls, flags, rope.

Kyzmettің kezenderі

Activity stages

Turbieshinin is-urekety

Managerial actions of the educator

Balalardyk is-ureketi

Children's activities


Motivational - incentive

Acquaintance with the toy-Pinocchio.

The message that Pinocchio brought them a gift.

In the hands of Pinocchio flags.

Distribution of flags to children.

Consider Pinocchio's toy.

Rejoice at the gift.

They notice that Buratino has flags in his hands.

Parse the flags.


Organizational - search

Suggestion to play with flags.

"Let's go to the forest"

1 "Show and hide the flag"

2. "Raise the flags"

3. "Sip"

4. "Put the flag down"

Shows the reception of the ball throw

from behind the head with two hands at a distance.

Long jump from a place over a rope.

Walking and running in circles.

Standing, arms with flags in length.

Raise, hands forward, show the flag and hide it behind the back (3-4 times).

Lie on your back, arms along the body. Raise your arms and legs up, touch the feet with the flag and lower them to the floor (4-6 times).

They sit with their feet free on the floor, hands on their knees. Raise your arms to the sides, reach up, lower your arms (4-6 times).

Standing, hands down. Sit down, put the flag on the floor, straighten up (4-6 times).

The throw is performed simultaneously at the signal of the teacher.

Legs slightly apart, feet parallel. Jump over the rope.

Reflexive ear correction


An offer to play the game "Catch the Ball".

Pinocchio says goodbye to the children.

Play the game "Catch the Ball".

Say goodbye to Buratino.

Kateletin nutizhe The intended result is:

Reproduce: Rules of the game.

Understand: How to throw the ball at a distance from behind the head.

Apply: Long jump from the spot.

BBOҚ technologmalyқ cards


Age: 2-3 years old.

Taқyrybys ... Theme:"Snow all around!"

Bilim take salads. Educational area. Health..

Bulimi . Chapter. Physical Education

Maқsaty. Target: Exercise in walking in different directions. Learn to crawl under an arc of 35 cm. Run in different directions, play "Snow whirl."

Preliminary work and preparation for the lesson: teaching children to walk and run in different directions, play exercise "Crawl under the arc", preparation of the arc.

Kyzmettің kezenderі

Activity stages

Turbieshinin is-urekety

Managerial actions of the educator

Balalardyk is-ureketi

Children's activities


Motivational incentive

Reading a poem:

To be healthy in full.

Everyone needs physical education.

And without a doubt.

There is a good decision

Running is good and play

Take care of the kids!

Listen carefully to the verse.

They show a desire to do physical education.


Organizational - search

Walking in different directions.

1. "Big and small trees grow in the forest"

2. "Chole firewood"

3. "Cubs are playing"

4. "Bunnies are jumping"

5. "Let's go home"

Main exercise:

Crawl under the arc with a height of 35cm.

They walk in different directions.

Standing, hands at the bottom.

Sit down, wrap your hands around your knees, straighten up, raise your hands up.

Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands are connected in a lock.

Raise your hands up, bend over, placing your hands between your legs.

Lying on your back, arms along the body, raise bent legs, pull them to the body, wrap your hands around your knees.

Leaps in place on two legs.

Walking one after another.

Reflexive ear correction


Individual work

An offer to play the game "Whirling Snow" - running in different directions.

Help in climbing under an arc to Lera, Vika, Alan.

Play the game "Snow whirl". Have fun.

They try to crawl under the arc.

Kateletin nutizhe The intended result is:

Reproduce: walking and running in different directions.

Understand: walking one after another. ORU.

Apply: game "Snow is spinning".

BBOҚ technologmalyқ cards


Age: 2-3years.

Taқyrybys ... Theme: Didactic game "Whose children?"

Bilim take salads. Educational area. Cognition, Communication, Health.

Bulimi . Chapter. Fundamentals of ecology, Development of speech, Physical culture.

Maқsaty. Target: Introduce animals and their children, teach them to name them. Activate speech. Pay attention to differentiation in onomatopoeia their origin, mimicking the voices of animals.

Preliminary work and preparation for the lesson: talking about animals, looking at illustrations on the topic: "Pets", looking at pictures of animals and their babies, conducting didactic games, preparing equipment: the character "Riddle grandmother", figures of pets and their babies, audio recording of "Voices of Pets", video with illustrations of pets and their babies.

Vocabulary work: pets, cat, dog, cow, pig, horse.

Billing component: cat-capesқ, dog-it, korova-siyr, pig-shoshқa, horse-at, domestic animals - үy zhanuarlars.

Kyzmettің kezenderі

Activity stages

Turbieshinin is-urekety

Managerial actions of the educator

Balalardyk is-ureketi

Children's activities


Motivational incentive

1. Organizational moment.

Invites children to say hello to guests.

2. Surprise moment.

A knock on the door.

The appearance of the Riddle Grandmother.

Greets children.

Hello children. Do you know who I am? - Granny-Riddle, I like to come to children, play with them and make riddles.

He sits on the chairs and offers to listen to the story about her granddaughter Mashenka.

Once my granddaughter came to me and immediately ran to get acquainted with the pets. Before she had time to enter the courtyard, she suddenly saw ...

Children enter the group and face the guests.

They play and greet the guests.

They look with interest.

Greet the grandmother.

They sit on chairs.

Listen carefully to the story.


Organizational - search

Ask a riddle:

She is slim and beautiful

She has a big mane

She hooves clink, clink,

Give me a ride, buddy!

Shows a slide.

Asks children:

Guys, who has a little horse?

What is it called?

Praises children.


How does a horse laugh?

How does a foal laugh?

Suddenly my granddaughter hears, someone in the barn is puffing, snorting and chewing something. Mashenka became interested. She decided to look there too.

Ask a riddle:

Piglet in front,

There is a hook on the back,

In the middle of the back

And there is a bristle on it.

Asks a question.

Shows a slide with an animal.


And the pig, who is the cub?

How does a big pig grunt?

How does a piglet grunt?

Continues to tell the story.

And next to the pig stood someone very big, chomping loudly and chewing something.

Ask a riddle:

Hungry mooes

She's full chews

He gives milk to all the guys.

Praises the children and shows a slide with a picture of an animal.

Asks the question:

And who is the cub of the cow?

How does a cow moo?

And how does a calf bellow?

Tells a story:

Mashenka ran into the house and saw on the porch ... ..

Asks to guess who?

Ask a riddle:



Drinks milk

- "Meow Meow" sings.

Shows a slide.

Asks the question:

And who is the cat's cub?

How does a cat meow?

And the kitten?

Tells the children that our cat Vasily wants to play with them.

Finger game.

The granddaughter walked up and ran into the house. Yes, only I could not enter the house.

Reads a riddle:

You caress, caresses,

You tease, it bites.


Who did not let my granddaughter into the house?

Praises the children and shows the slide.

Asks to answer:

What is the name of a small dog?

How does a dog bark?

And how does the puppy bark?

Praises children.

Listen to riddles

Name of the animal (Horse)

Watch the slide.

Answer (Quiet "I-ho-ho")

They listen with interest.

Listen to the puzzle.

Answer the question (Pig)

Consider the animal.

Listen and answer (Piglet)

(Loudly "Oink - Oink")

Answer (Quiet "Oink-Oink")

Listen to the puzzle.

Answer (Cow)

Look at the image.

Answer (Calf)

Pronounce (Loud "Mu-Mu)

Pronounce (Quietly "Mu-Mu")

Listen and answer (Cat)

Examine the slide.

Pronounce (Quietly "Meow-Meow")

Show interest and accompany finger play with actions:

"Like our cat."

They listen, guess.

Answer (Dog)

Answer (Puppy)

Play (Loud

" Woof woof")

Answer (Quiet "Woof-Woof")

Reflexive - ear correction


Individual work

Tells that the cubs played, scattered. And mothers are very worried.

He offers to bring the babies on a spree to their mothers.

Carrying out didactic game: "Whose kids?"

Praises children.

Saying goodbye to children.

Help Lera, Alan, David remember the names of pets.

They listen with interest.

They agree to play.

Take baby toys and put them next to the right mom... Name the animal and the cub (cat-kitten, pig-pig, horse-foal, cow-calf, dog-puppy).

They try to remember and name the pet.

Kateletin nutizhe The intended result is:

Reproduce: names of pets, and their babies.

Apply: find their mother for the cubs.

Appendix No. 1

Hello palms. Clap-Clap-Clap.

Hello legs. Top-Top-Top.

Hello cheeks. Splash-Splash-Splash.

Chubby cheeks. Splash-splash-splash.

Hello sponges. Smack-smack-smack.

Hello teeth. Click-Click-Click.

Hello spout. Beep-beep-beep.

Hello guests. Hey!

Appendix No. 2

Finger game "Like our cat"

-Like our cat,

-The fur coat is very good,

-Like a cat's mustache,

-Amazing beauty,

-Eyes are bold,

-The teeth are white.

BBOҚ technologmalyқ cards


Age: 2-3years.

Bilim take salads. Educational area. Communication.

Bulimi . Chapter. Acquaintance with others.

Taқyrybys ... Theme:"Who has what?"

Maқsaty. Target: Introduce the most characteristic features (the rooster has a beautiful comb, the hare has long ears, the bear is large, its ears are small and there is no tail; find out how the rooster cries, what sounds are made by a cat, a dog.

Zhabyқtaluy ... Equipment:

Billing component:

Vocabulary work:

Kyzmettің kezenderі

Activity stages

Turbieshinin is-urekety

Managerial actions of the educator

Balalardyk is-ureketi

Children's activities


Motivational - incentive

Tells about animals.

Hear about animals that live next to humans.

Guess the riddle (rooster).


Organizational - search

Ask a riddle:

Reads a riddle:

Shaggy, mustached.

He drinks milk, sings songs.

Reads a riddle:

Doesn't bark, doesn't bite,

But he won't let you into the house.

Asks to guess whoever.

Reads a riddle:

Guess and answer

Who is this?

Listen to a riddle about a hare.

A lump of fluff, a long ear,

Listen to the puzzle.

Answer (cat).

Listen to the riddle and guess

Listen carefully.

They call it (bear).

Guess (hare)


Reflexive ear correction


Kateletin nutizhe ... Expected Result:

Reproduce: the name of the pets.

Understand: about pets and their signs, characteristic features.

Apply: they recognize animals by pictures, they call distinctive signs.

BBOҚ technologmalyқ cards


Age: 2-3years.

Bilim take salads. Educational area. Communication.

Bulimi . Chapter. Acquaintance with others.

Taқyrybys ... Theme:"What do I have?"

Maқsaty. Target: Learn to distinguish and name some parts of the body of animals (head, tail, paws).

Zhabyқtaluy ... Equipment: Pictures with the image of animals, presentation for the lesson.

Billing component: rooster-oraz, cat-capesқ, dog-it, hare-oyan, bear-ayu.

Vocabulary work: rooster, cat, dog, hare, bear; scallop, ears, tail, paws.

Kyzmettің kezenderі

Activity stages

Turbieshinin is-urekety

Managerial actions of the educator

Balalardyk is-ureketi

Children's activities


Motivational - incentive

Tells about animals.

Animals that live with a person are called pets. And the animals that live in the forest are called wild.

Hear about animals that live next to humans.

Guess the riddle (rooster).


Organizational - search

Ask a riddle:

Who gets up early, sings songs loudly, does not let children sleep, sings loudly?

Shows a picture of a rooster.

Asks to name and show distinctive features rooster.

Reads a riddle:

Shaggy, mustached.

He drinks milk, sings songs.

Shows a picture of a cat.

Asks to name and show the characteristics of the cat.

Reads a riddle:

Doesn't bark, doesn't bite,

But he won't let you into the house.

Shows a picture of a dog.

Asks to name what the dog has.

He informs us that animals from the forest have come to visit us.

Asks to guess whoever.

Reads a riddle:

Clumsy feet, sleeps in a den,

Guess and answer

Who is this?

Asks to name the distinctive features of the bear.

Listen to a riddle about a hare.

A lump of fluff, a long ear,

He jumps dexterously, loves carrots.

Asks to reproduce: how does a cockerel sing, how does a dog bark, how does a cat meow?

They examine the picture, name what he has depicted.

Show and name the distinctive features of a rooster (comb, beautiful tail).

Listen to the puzzle.

Answer (cat).

Examine the picture, name the characteristic features of the cat

(small ears, long tail, paws - scratches, mustaches)

Listen to the riddle and guess

They examine the picture, name what it shows, what the dog has (ears, tail, paws).

Listen carefully.

They call it (bear).

They call it (big bear, small ears, no tail).

Guess (hare)

They call the characteristic features of the bunny (long ears, short tail)


Reflexive ear correction


Offers to play with animals “Turn around, turn around and turn into dogs, cats, cockerels”.

Kateletin nutizhe ... The intended result is:

Reproduce: the name of the body parts of animals.

Understand: about pets and their signs, characteristic features.

Apply: recognize animals by pictures, distinguish and name some parts of the animal's body.


Integration of educational areas: Cognitive development, social and communicative development.

Target: the formation of children's ideas about space.
Educational: find out what children know about space, the names of the planets; to consolidate an active and passive vocabulary on the topic "Space".
Developing: develop visual memory, attention, accuracy
Educational: to form the ability to work in a team.
Target landmarks: Tries to convey the figurative expressiveness of objects and phenomena; has the skills and abilities necessary for the implementation of various types of children's activities.

Implementation means:

Visual: View plot pictures by topic

Verbal: Talk about space
Vocabulary work: planets: Mars, Neptune, Saturn ... spaceship, aliens.

Equipment and materials: illustrations: earth, planets, comets, satellites, stars, rocket; a sheet of black, yellow paper, circles of blue paper and a red shape in the form of fire, glue, scissors.


  1. I... Water part:
    -Hello children! Since ancient times, people have dreamed of going up into the sky. An ancient legend says that Icarus dreamed of taking off like a bird and flying. He collected the feathers, fastened them with wax, put the finished wings on his back and flew, but, unfortunately, he forgot about his father's request not to climb high into the sun, because its hot rays can melt the wax, then the feathers will scatter and Icarus will break on the rocks. Unfortunately, this is what happened. But people have not lost hope of learning to fly. What they dreamed about, they told in fairy tales.
    -What did the people fly on in fairy tales? Or what kind of fabulous flying machines do you know? (children's answers)
    In the 19th century, scientists launched the first balloon... Then the plane was invented. And in 1961, man conquered outer space. It was the Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. And now every year on April 12, the whole world celebrates the Day of Cosmonautics.
    In childhood, many dreamed
    Fly into starry space.
    So that from this starry distance
    Inspect our land.

What do you know about space? What planets are in our solar system?
- Can you guess space riddles? (Yes).
Then listen?

  • Space profession
    Very interesting.
    Every boy will be glad to him
    The name of the profession (cosmonaut).

  • The name of our planet, friends,
    The child will also name, of course .... (Earth).

  • Sharp nose machine
    Flies around the entire planet.
    Space transport .... (rocket).
    II... Main part:

Well done, guys, you did a great job with space riddles.
- And what is connected with the word SPACE?
Sky, planets, Earth, stars, rocket, satellites, tailed comets. (illustration review)

Now let's do the applique.
You have on your table a sheet of black, yellow paper, circles of blue paper and a red shape in the form of fire, glue, scissors.
Work progress:

1.Take a yellow paper with a drawing on it. Let's start to cut. It turns out the rocket body.
2.Glue the rocket onto the background and decorate it with cut out circles from blue circles (portholes)

  1. 3. We glue the pre-cut red fire to the bottom of our rocket.
    4. Glue the stars around the rocket in empty space.

Performing work with music.

To fly into space, you need to be able to do a lot.

To be healthy, not to be lazy, to study well at school.

And we will do exercises every day - we are not too lazy!

Turn left, right, oh turn back again,

Squat, jump and run, run, run.

And then everything is quieter, quieter to walk - and sit down again.

III... Final part:
- Well done guys, you did a wonderful job today. We've got wonderful rockets, planets and stars.

Let's post our work on the board and discuss the work done.


  1. What did we do with you today?
  2. And what new have you learned?
  3. Who remembered the name of the first cosmonaut?
  4. What did you like the most?
  5. What didn't you like?
  6. Whose app did you like the most?

Used Books:

  1. Collective creativity of preschoolers: class notes (ped.editor A.A. Gribovskaya - M .: TC Sphere, 2015)

Uyymdastyrylgan onu isreketinin technologies kartasy
Mezgil / Date:
Turbieshi / Educators:
Top / Group: second youngest
Bilim salasi / Educational area: Creation
Bulimi / Sections: Application
Taқyryby / Topic: Radiant sun
Mindetter / Tasks:
Educational: continue to learn how to place objects correctly on a limited surface
Educational: educate perseverance and hard work.
Developing: Develop small arm muscles and accuracy.
Крнекілігі / Equipment: plot picture with the image of the sun, teacher's sample, background sheet, paste, stand with tassels,
cloth napkin, oilcloth.
Bilingualdқ component: sun sun, kүn
Ic bracket
Turbiushinin is urekety Actions of the teacher
Esep / Accounting
Balalardyn isәekety
Children's actions
The teacher draws the attention of children to how much
interesting items on their tables, and offers
pick up each of them for research. Everything
the tools are named, then they are fixed
practical use. For example,
Here is the paper. You can make anything out of it.
Take a sheet of paper in your hands as I did.
It can be folded several times, cut off the part with
using scissors, tear and crumple.
And the paper can also be glued with glue.
Today you will learn to lay out and stick
Show interest.
Children try to tear off and
crumple part of the sheet.

The teacher shows what a beautiful sun he is
glued. With the help of leading questions, conducts
examination of the sample.
What is depicted on my sheet?
What shape does the sun have?
What color is the sun?
What does the sun have?
When the sun goes to bed, the street becomes
it's dark and people go to bed too.
Do you want to learn how to portray the sun too?

Showing how the job is done
application work.
Securing the way the work is done.
The horizontal position of the sheet.
1. We look where we will glue the sun
2. We cover the sun from the seamy side
paste. We carry out the work on an oilcloth.
3. Press the part tightly and remove the remnants
glue with a cloth napkin.
Answer questions
Children carefully
listen to the explanation
Independent work of children.
Analysis and exhibition of children's works.
An exhibition of children's works is being organized.
All works are positively assessed.
The teacher draws attention to the fact that all children
glued on one sun. Special praise
deserve children who do the job correctly:
the sun is well glued in the middle of the sheet.
At the end of the learning activity, offers children
to guess riddles about the sun.
Children having fun
guess riddles.
Reproduce: position objects correctly on a limited surface