What date is the vernal equinox. The day of the spring and autumn equinox

year Equinox
March Solstice
June Equinox
September Solstice
December day time day time day time day time 2002 20 19:16 21 13:24 23 04:55 22 01:14 2003 21 01:00 21 19:10 23 10:47 22 07:04 2004 20 06:49 21 00:57 22 16:30 21 12:42 2005 20 12:33 21 06:46 22 22:23 21 18:35 2006 20 18:26 21 12:26 23 04:03 22 00:22 2007 21 00:07 21 18:06 23 09:51 22 06:08 2008 20 05:48 20 23:59 22 15:44 21 12:04 2009 20 11:44 21 05:45 22 21:18 21 17:47 2010 20 17:32 21 11:28 23 03:09 21 23:38 2011 20 23:21 21 17:16 23 09:04 22 05:30 2012 20 05:14 20 23:09 22 14:49 21 11:11 2013 20 11:02 21 05:04 22 20:44 21 17:11 2014 20 16:57 21 10:51 23 02:29 21 23:03

Equinox- the moment when the center of the Sun in its apparent movement along the ecliptic crosses the celestial equator.

The vernal equinox occurs either on March 21, when the Sun passes from the southern hemisphere to the north, and the autumn equinox, or on September 23, when it passes from the north to the south. These days, for all places on Earth (excluding the regions of the earth's poles), day is almost equal to night ("almost" - due to refraction, the fact that the Sun is not a point source of light, but a disk, and also due to the fact that the moment of the equinox is shifted relative to 6 or 18 hours of local solar time). On the days of the vernal equinox and autumn equinox The sun rises almost exactly in the east and sets almost exactly in the west. Whereas after the vernal equinox (in the northern hemisphere) it rises north of the east and sets north of the west, and after the autumn equinox it rises south of the east and sets south of the west.

The points of intersection of the celestial equator with the ecliptic are called the equinox points. Due to the ellipticity of its orbit, the Earth moves from the point of the autumnal equinox to the spring one rather than from the point of spring to the point of autumn. Due to the precession of the earth's axis, the relative position of the equator and the ecliptic is slowly changing; this phenomenon is called the anticipation of the equinoxes. Over the course of a year, the position of the equator changes so that the Sun arrives at the equinox 20 minutes 24 seconds earlier than the Earth completes a full revolution in its orbit. As a result, the position of the equinox points on the celestial sphere changes. From the vernal equinox point, right ascensions are counted along the celestial equator, longitudes along the ecliptic. Determining the position of this fictitious point on the celestial sphere is one of the main tasks of practical astronomy.

The spring and autumn equinoxes are considered the astronomical beginning of the seasons of the same name. The interval between the two equinoxes of the same name is called the tropical year, which is taken to measure time. The tropical year is approximately 365.2422 solar days, so the equinox falls on different time days, moving forward almost 6 hours each time. The Julian year concludes 365¼ days. A plug-in day of a leap year returns the equinox to the previous number of the year. But the tropical year is slightly less than the Julian year, and the equinox is actually slowly receding in Julian numbers. In the Gregorian chronology, due to the omission of 3 days in 400 years, it is almost motionless (the Gregorian year averages 365.2425 days).

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See what "Vernal Equinox Day" is in other dictionaries:

    Day of spring equinox- The time when the center of the Sun in its apparent movement along the ecliptic crosses the celestial equator is called the equinox. The Earth at this time is in such a position in relation to the Sun when both hemispheres, from the equator to the poles, are heated ... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

    Astronomical spring, or the day of the vernal equinox- March 21 is the day of the onset of the astronomical spring, it is also called the day of the vernal equinox. At this time, the Earth is in such a position in relation to the Sun when both hemispheres, from the equator to the poles, heat up relatively equally. ... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

    Autumn equinox day- September 23, 2013 at 00 hours 44 minutes Moscow time (Moscow time), the Sun will once again cross the celestial equator and move from the northern hemisphere of the celestial sphere to the southern. The day of the autumnal equinox will come astronomical autumn in ... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

    Autumn equinox day (holiday)- Day of the autumnal equinox - the time of commemoration of deceased relatives and visiting their graves.

    Greenery day- (Japanese み ど り の 日 Midori no hi?) Public Holiday Japan. Since 2007, celebrated on May 4; in 1989 2006, celebrated on April 29. Part of the Japanese Golden Week. Until 1989, April 29 was the birthday of Emperor Showa ... ... Wikipedia

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Only twice a year the length of the day and night is the same. This happens in the fall and spring. In September, the sun shifts from the Northern Hemisphere to the Southern Hemisphere, and vice versa in March. Each year, these days come on different dates, and this is because the astronomical year is less than the Julian by 6 hours. Each time the equinox falls at a different time of the day. In 2018, this day will come tomorrow. What can and can not be done on this day?

Astronomical autumn

In 2018 in Russia, the autumnal equinox will take place on September 23, 2018 at 03.54. After that, the day will gradually decrease and the night will increase. This will continue until December 21. On this day, it will already be possible to observe the longest night and the shortest day. After the autumnal equinox, the real one really begins Golden autumn... The leaves turn yellow and crumble, and the birds fly south. A few days after the equinox, the warmth continues - Indian summer. Sometimes it can drag on until mid-October.

Of course, this all applies only to residents of the northern hemisphere. In the south, on September 23, the vernal equinox is celebrated, since now they will have a longer day and a shorter night. Some religions and peoples even celebrate this day along with the new year:

  • Kyrgyz.
  • Azerbaijanis.
  • Afghans.
  • Uzbeks.
  • Iranians.

But according to the Old Slavic calendar, it was the autumnal equinox that coincided with the new year.

What can you do

Our ancestors also attached special importance to this day. It has long been equated with a new moon. The autumnal equinox is an energetically very strong time. On the first day of the astronomical autumn, you can think about the future and future plans. This is especially true this year. At the moment of crossing the equator, the Sun will be in the sign of Libra. This means that this period is excellent for meditation and reflection. According to some myths, on the autumn equinox, an invisible gate opens between heaven and earth. This means that all prayers, desires and wishes will be heard and fulfilled.

It is believed that on this day it is necessary to get rid of old and unnecessary things. If possible, they can simply be burned. Also, by the autumn equinox, all work in the garden had to be completed. Then, on this day, they often held a harvest festival and thanked nature for the gifts that she brought them. The Eastern Slavs called this holiday Oseniny. In turn, this day is dedicated to Christmas Holy Mother of God which falls on September 21st.


This day is great for various rituals. For example, it is believed that single women can attract a lover into their lives. To do this, put a second pillow next to it, and put another toothbrush in the bathroom.

The water on this day is also unusual. You need to wake up early in the morning and be sure to wash yourself with cool water. According to legend, the girl who does this will always be beautiful. You can also pour water on your child - then he will be happy and healthy all year round. It is believed that bathing on the day of the autumnal equinox helps cleanse negative energy... Our ancestors visited the bathhouse that day.

Be sure to ask your family and friends for forgiveness. This will help you clear your bad thoughts. It is important to forgive your offenders as well. Free yourself from all the feelings that weigh you down. On this day, it is important not to be offended by others, not to swear. Negativity will scare away happiness and good luck from you. On the day of the autumnal equinox, you need to protect the house from the dark forces. Previously, for this, rowan or wormwood was laid out along the perimeter of the entire dwelling. You can just light a candle and read a prayer over it.

The onset of the astronomical autumn is also celebrated in other countries. The most interesting and exciting takes place in Mexico. In one of its cities - Chichen Itza - you can see a masterpiece of Mayan architecture. This is a pyramid, which is built in such a way that on the spring and autumn equinox the sun rises exactly above its top. In addition, a beautiful stone balustrade can be seen on the stairs of the pyramid. It starts at the bottom, near the head of the snake, and continues to the very top. Thanks to this, on the spring and autumn equinox, you can see the "Feathered Serpent". This is a unique show, during which the shadow of the steps falls on the balustrades and gives the impression that the serpent is crawling.

Attraction of wealth

Autumn itself is rich in various fruits. It is for this reason that rituals for attracting money are so popular on the autumn equinox. The following customs exist:

  1. You should get all the bills from the wallet and count them 3 times.
  2. Then you need to thank the Higher Forces for what you already have, and ask for what you want.

It is not for nothing that delicious round pies are baked on this day. It is very important that they include products that were harvested this year. This is a kind of ritual that will also attract wealth to your home.

After a long winter, we all look forward to the arrival of spring. In March, buds appear on trees, nature comes to life after a long sleep, birds sing and the sun shines. The favorite holiday of many is the Day of the vernal equinox - what date will it be in 2020 and how is it celebrated? Read the details in this article.

What happens on this day?

First of all, let's figure out what the spring equinox is. In fact, the answer lies in the name Equinox: day is equal to night, that is, the duration of daylight and darkness is the same.

Distinguish between the spring equinox, which is celebrated in March, and the autumn - in September. Some also talk about spring solstice however this is wrong. After all, there are only summer and winter - in June and December.

Holiday date in different years falls on different days: 19, 20 or 21 March. The exact date depends on the year, it's all about the shift in the calendar due to leap years.

In 2020, the vernal equinox will occur on March 20 at 06:50 am Moscow time. If you live in another region, you can calculate the time yourself, knowing Moscow time.

After this day, the length of daylight begins to increase, and the day becomes longer than the night.

Watch the video, which reveals the astronomical essence of the equinox phenomenon:

On March 21, the Sun passes from the zodiac sign Pisces to the sign of Aries, and the astrological spring begins (the period of the signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini).

Since the Aries sign is associated with new deeds, initiative, then at this time it is good to start implementing new projects, implementing ideas and plans. Nature is being reborn, therefore, human activity in the world must also be reborn.

Spring equinox table to 2025

Year Date and time in Moscow
2019 21 March 00:58
2020 20 march 06:50
2021 20 March 12:37
2022 20 March 18:33
2023 21 March 00:24
2024 20 march 06:06
2025 20 march 12:01

Wish fulfillment ritual

The spring solstice is a time of miracles and mysticism, when the Wheel of Fate can be turned in the right direction. Traditionally, various rituals were performed on this day. Today I will lead the spring ritual for the fulfillment of wishes.

Important conditions: the desire should concern you personally and it should not be associated with harm to other people.

Choose a quiet place and ask not to be disturbed for half an hour. Prepare a white candle.

  • Light a candle.
  • Sit in a comfortable one with a straight back, such as a Turkish sit.
  • Place the candle so that it is comfortable to look at it.
  • Relax. Close your eyes. Breathe evenly and slowly.
  • Imagine that your wish has already been fulfilled. For example, if you want to buy a new car, then imagine yourself driving as if you are driving around the city in a brand new car. Mentally examine the registration certificate that you just received.
  • Be sure to experience the emotions that a fulfilled desire will give you - delight, joy, satisfaction.
  • Now place the image of the wish fulfilled in the pink sphere.
  • The sphere rises up and flies into the sky, higher and higher.
  • You let go of your desire, thus leaving the Universe's request to fulfill it.

Try to forget about your desire for a while. Then it will certainly come true.

Folk signs of the holiday

Signs of the vernal equinox are passed down from generation to generation among the people.

  1. What thoughts and desires will be, this will be the whole year. The fact is that on March 21, an energy template is laid for the following months of the year. Therefore, thoughts must necessarily be positive, and wishes to other people only bright and kind. You can't even wish bad things to your enemies.
  2. The more fun it is to meet this day, the more fun the year will be.
  3. Our ancestors on this day looked for spring thawed patches and counted them. If you find 40 pieces, then spring will bring good luck.
  4. If the day is frosty, then another 40 days of frost is expected. And if the day is warm, then there will be no night frosts.

The festival of the vernal equinox among different peoples

The vernal equinox is celebrated all over the world. Different peoples welcome spring in different ways, but they all have common features - each person rejoices at the revived Sun and is waiting for a warm welcome.

Holiday among the Slavs

The holiday of the spring equinox among the Slavs was called Soroki or Larks. The first name comes from the Forty Sebastian Martyrs - Christian warriors who refused to offer sacrifices to the pagan gods, as they deeply believed in Christ.

However, even in the pre-Christian era, the vernal equinox was celebrated on a grand scale. It was believed that on this day there is a balance between light and darkness. The sun wakes up to give people warmth and harvest.

The Slavs called the Day of the Spring Equinox - Larks. According to legend, on this day migratory larks return to their homeland, followed by other migratory birds.

Earlier this day, any agricultural work was prohibited, since the land was still in hibernation. Now she started awakening.

For the holiday, the hostesses made ceremonial pastries from unleavened dough in the shape of larks. Often the birds were baked with their wings spread and tufted. But each hostess, of course, had her own recipe.

The baked larks were given to the children. They ran with them into the street, tossed them up, imitating the arrival of birds. Sometimes children put the birds on a stick to lift them even higher to the sun. These ritual actions were accompanied by calls for spring, children shouted out special chants - the clickers of spring.

After the game, the larks were eaten, but the heads of the birds were not eaten. They were usually given to livestock.

Divination was also common. For example, the hostess baked birds, one for each family member. A coin was placed inside one. Whoever gets a bird with a coin will be happy all year.

Spring Lark Baking Recipes

How do you prepare larks for the Spring Equinox? See the recipe on the video:

And here is another recipe - a simpler one, made from yeast-free dough:

Celtic festival of Ostar

The holiday, named after the goddess of fertility of the earth by the name of Ostare, is celebrated on the day of the vernal equinox. The ancient Celts from this day opened the agricultural season.

Goddess Ostare is one of the most "ancient" goddesses, known from the second millennium BC. It is also associated with the awakening of nature, with the first herbs and flowers.

On this day, the ancient Germans performed rituals for the fertility of fields and trees in the coming season. It was customary to cleanse people from the pollution accumulated during the winter.

The following were popular on this holiday:

  • Dousing with water;
  • Fumigation with smoke;
  • Jumping over the fire;
  • Descent of fiery wheels from the mountain;
  • Throwing fire arrows.

After the advent of Christianity, the pagan Spring Equinox merged with the Christian Annunciation.

There are two main symbols for the goddess Ostare. The first of these is the moon hare or rabbit. He symbolized fertility (everyone knows how rabbits breed) and personified rebirth.

According to legend, the goddess Ostare saw a wounded bird in the snow. He took pity on the bird and, wishing to save it from death, turned it into a hare. In a new guise, the bird was still laying eggs. Therefore, the second symbol of the holiday was considered an egg - a symbol of the Sun and the rebirth of nature.

The eggs were painted with protective symbols, as well as signs of peace, wealth, fertility, etc. The ceremony is similar to the painting of Easter eggs we are used to today.

Higan in japan

The vernal equinox in Japan is associated with a Buddhist holiday called Higan. It is a public holiday and a day off for the Japanese.

However, the celebrations last a whole week: they start 3 days before the equinox and end 3 days after it ends. The exact date of the equinox is calculated every year at the National Observatory.

The name "higan" is translated as "that shore" or "the world where the souls of the ancestors settled." Accordingly, this is a holiday of reverence for ancestors.

Before the holiday, the Japanese carefully clean their houses and put things in order. They clean the home altar with photographs of the ancestors and their personal belongings, put fresh flowers and ritual food.

During the festive week, residents of Japan go to the graves of their deceased relatives. All ritual foods are vegetarian. This is a tribute to the Buddhist tradition not to kill any living creatures or eat meat. The menu is based on rice, vegetables, beans, root vegetables and vegetable broths.

V holidays the Japanese visit Buddhist temples, order prayers and give ritual honors to their departed ancestors.

Soon after Higan, the sakura blossom period begins, which symbolizes the true rebirth of nature. All residents of the country The rising sun go to admire a beautiful and short-lived phenomenon.

Turkic Novruz

The traditional holiday Novruz or Nauryz is celebrated by the Turkic and Iranian peoples; this is one of the most ancient holidays in the history of mankind. Has nothing to do with Islam, originated in Zoroastrianism and is associated with the astronomical phenomenon of the vernal equinox. It is considered the true start of the New Year.

Currently, Novruz is celebrated on March 21 in Iran, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and other countries. In Russia, this holiday is celebrated in Bashkortostan, Tatarstan and Dagestan.

They begin to prepare for Novruz well in advance. Be sure to clean the house, pay off debts, ask for forgiveness for the wrongs. A variety of traditional dishes are prepared. Necessarily a lot of sweets. It is believed that the richer the table, the happier the year will be.

Sprouted wheat greens are often displayed on the table, which symbolizes the rebirth of nature.

There is a tradition to organize a fire festival on Novruz. For example, they make a fire and dance around it. And then they jump over the fire. It is believed that this allows you to cleanse yourself of all ailments and problems.

Thus, the date of the vernal equinox is very important in the history and culture of different peoples of the world. Everyone on this day welcomes spring, the revived sun and hopes for a rich harvest.


Equinox- this is a certain period in the cycle of motion of our planet in the solar system, during which the Sun passes directly over the equator of the Earth. This phenomenon can be observed around September 22nd and March 20th. The exact dates for this phenomenon are being adjusted for the time zones. This means that due to the time difference, the day of the equinox may come a day earlier in the Far East than, for example, in Europe or America.

What is EQUALITY - meaning, definition in simple words.

In simple words, the day of the equinox is, as is already clear from the term itself - the period when day and night last the same length of time. Although, in fact, this is not entirely true. The length of daylight hours is influenced by many factors, including the position relative to the equator. Thus, a more precise definition would sound like this: Equinox is the period when day and night last practically the same period of time.

Equinox of the year.

As already became clear from the first paragraph of this article, equinoxes happen twice a year and they are divided into:

  • Autumnal equinox (approximately September 22);
  • Spring equinox (approximately March 20).

The exact days of the equinox in the year and how many days of the equinox can be found from this table:

The vernal equinox.

The vernal equinox is the date when the sun is directly above the equator of the Earth. During this period, it shifts from the southern to the northern hemisphere. This official end winters in most of the northern hemisphere. In any hemisphere, spring is seen as the end of winter and the beginning of the most fertile period in the cycle of the year. Thus, the vernal equinox is of great importance for crops and businesses that depend on agriculture or climate.

Many ancient cultures performed fertility rituals at a given time period or on days close to it. Christian holiday Easter is no exception, and contains many traces of early pagan holidays associated with fertility. These are all kinds of rabbits, eggs and other elements of the celebration. Many people believe that the egg can be balanced at its sharp end only during the vernal equinox, but this is a myth that may have its origins in pagan fertility rituals.

Autumn equinox.

By analogy with the vernal equinox, the autumn equinox is a period that begins around September 22, when day and night are almost equal. Ancient cultures also had various rituals associated with this phenomenon. As a rule, during this period, various rituals took place, praising the gods and nature for a good and rich harvest.

How long is the equinox?

As you can see from the above table, there is no exact and constant value. For each year, this value changes depending on many factors. This means that the equinox can last from several hours to almost several days.

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Crosses the celestial equator.

When observing the Earth from space at the equinox, the terminator passes along the geographic poles of the Earth and is perpendicular to the Earth's equator.


Distinguish between the spring and autumn equinox. UTC (in other time zones, these dates may differ by a day) in the northern hemisphere spring the equinox occurs on March 20, when the Sun passes from the southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere, and autumn the equinox occurs or September 23, when the sun passes from the northern hemisphere to the southern. In the southern hemisphere, on the contrary, the March equinox is considered autumn, and September - spring .

On the days of the equinox on the entire surface of the Earth (excluding the areas of the earth's poles), the day is almost equal to night ("almost": on the days of the equinox on the entire surface of the Earth, the day is slightly greater than night; the reasons for this are atmospheric refraction, which somewhat "lifts" the solar disk for the observer, and the fact that the length of the day is defined as the difference between the times of sunset and sunrise, which, in turn, are determined by the position top edge the solar disk relative to the horizon, while the equinox is viewed relative to center solar disk). On the days of the equinox, the Sun rises almost exactly in the east (slightly north of the east) and sets almost exactly in the west (slightly north of the west).

During the period when the day is longer than the night, approximately from the spring to the autumn equinox, the Sun rises north of the east and sets north of the west (strictly speaking, this period begins shortly before the spring equinox and ends shortly after the autumn equinox), and during the period when the day is shorter than the night , which lasts approximately from the autumn to the spring equinox, the Sun rises south of the east and sets south of the west (strictly speaking, this period begins shortly after the autumn equinox and ends shortly before the spring equinox).

The points of intersection of the celestial equator with the ecliptic are called the equinox points. Due to the ellipticity of its orbit, the Earth moves from the point of the autumnal equinox to the spring one rather than from the point of spring to the point of autumn. Due to the precession of the earth's axis, the relative position of the equator and the ecliptic is slowly changing; this phenomenon is called the anticipation of the equinoxes. Over the course of a year, the position of the equator changes so that the Sun arrives at the equinox 20 minutes 24 seconds earlier than the Earth completes a full revolution in its orbit. As a result, the position of the equinox points on the celestial sphere changes. From the vernal equinox point, right ascensions are counted along the celestial equator, longitudes along the ecliptic. Determining the position of this fictitious point on the celestial sphere is one of the main tasks of practical astronomy. The points of the spring and autumn equinoxes are indicated by the symbols of the zodiac corresponding to the constellations in which they were at the time of Hipparchus (as a result of the anticipation of the equinoxes, these points shifted and are now, respectively, in the constellations of Pisces and Virgo): the vernal equinox - the sign of Aries (♈), autumn equinox - the sign of Libra (♎).

The spring and autumn equinoxes are considered the astronomical beginning of the seasons of the same name. The interval between the two equinoxes of the same name is called the tropical year, which is taken to measure time. The tropical year is approximately 365.2422 solar days, so the equinox falls at different times of the day, moving forward almost 6 hours each time. The Julian year concludes 365¼ days. A plug-in day of a leap year returns the equinox to the previous number of the year. But the tropical year is slightly less than the Julian year, and the equinox is actually slowly receding in Julian numbers. In the Gregorian chronology, due to the omission of 3 days in 400 years, it is almost motionless (the Gregorian year averages 365.2425 days).

Equinox dates

Historical events at the equinox

  • Watch: March 19
  • Watch: March 20
  • Watch: March 21
  • Watch: September 21
  • Watch: September 22
  • Watch: September 23
  • Watch: September 24

Solar interference

see also

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Notes (edit)

Excerpt from the Equinox

And then, turning to the noise at the door, I saw her! My girl stood upright and proud, like a stiff reed trying to break an impending hurricane.
- Well, talk to your daughter, Isidora. Maybe she can bring at least some common sense into your lost consciousness! I give you one hour to meet. And try to take up your mind, Isidora. Otherwise, this meeting will be your last ...
Caraffa did not want to play anymore. His life was put on the scales. Just like the life of my dear Anna. And if the second for him did not matter, then for the first (for his) he was ready to do anything.
- Mom! .. - Anna stood at the door, unable to move. - Mom, dear, how can we destroy him? .. We won't be able to do it, Mom!
Jumping out of the chair, I ran to my only treasure, my girl and, grabbing into my arms, squeezed as much as I could ...
“Oh, mommy, you’ll strangle me like that! ..” Anna laughed loudly.
And my soul absorbed this laughter, as someone sentenced to death absorbs the warm farewell rays of the setting sun ...
- Well, what are you, mommy, we're still alive! .. We can still fight! .. You yourself told me that you will fight while you are alive ... So let's think if we can do something ... Can we rid the world of this Evil.
She again supported me with her courage! .. Again she found the right words ...
This sweet brave girl, almost a child, could not even imagine how Caraffa could have subjected her to torture! In what brutal pain her soul could drown ... But I knew ... I knew everything that awaited her, if I did not go to meet him. If I don’t agree to give the Pope the only thing he wanted.
- My dear, my heart ... I will not be able to look at your torment ... I will not give you to him, my girl! The North and others like him do not care who will remain in this LIFE ... So why should we be different? .. Why should you and me care about someone else, someone else's fate ?!
I myself was frightened by my words ... although in my heart I perfectly understood that they were caused only by the hopelessness of our situation. And, of course, I was not going to betray what I lived for ... For what my father and my poor Girolamo died. Simply, just for a moment I wanted to believe that we can just take and leave this terrible, "black" Karaffian world, forgetting about everything ... forgetting about other, unfamiliar people. Forgetting about evil ...
It was a momentary weakness of a tired person, but I understood that I had no right to even allow it. And then, to top it all, apparently unable to withstand more violence, burning evil tears poured down my face ... But I tried so hard not to allow this! .. I tried not to show my dear girl into what depths of despair my exhausted, a soul tormented by pain ...
Anna sadly looked at me with her huge gray eyes, in which lived a deep, not childish sadness ... She gently stroked my hands, as if wishing to calm me down. And my heart screamed, not wanting to resign ... Not wanting to lose her. She was the only remaining meaning of my failed life. And I could not allow the non-humans, who were called the Pope, take it away from me!
- Mom, don't worry about me - as if reading my thoughts, Anna whispered. - I'm not afraid of pain. But even if it hurts a lot, my grandfather promised to pick me up. I spoke to him yesterday. He will wait for me if you and I fail ... And dad too. They will both be waiting for me there. But leaving you will be very painful ... I love you so much, mommy! ..
Anna hid in my arms, as if looking for protection ... And I could not protect her ... I could not save. I have not found the "key" to Caraffe ...
- Forgive me, my sun, I let you down. I failed us both ... I couldn't find a way to destroy him. Forgive me, Annushka ...
An hour passed unnoticed. We talked about different things, not returning anymore to the murder of the Pope, since both knew perfectly well that today we had lost ... And it didn’t matter what we wanted ... Karaffa lived, and that was the most terrible and most important thing. We failed to free our world from it. Failed to save good people... He lived in spite of all attempts, no matter what desires. No matter what...
- Just don’t surrender to him, mommy! .. Please, just don’t give up! I know how hard it is for you. But we will all be with you. He has no right to live long! He's a killer! And even if you agree to give him what he wants, he will still destroy us. Don't agree, mom !!!
The door opened, and Karaffa was standing on the threshold again. But now he seemed very dissatisfied with something. And I could roughly guess what ... Karaffa was no longer sure of his victory. This worried him, since he had only this, the last chance.
- So, what have you decided, Madonna?
I mustered all my courage not to show how my voice was trembling, and quite calmly said:
- I have already answered this question to you so many times, Holiness! What could have changed in such a short time?
A feeling of fainting came, but, looking into Anna's eyes shining with pride, all the bad things suddenly disappeared somewhere ... How light and beautiful my daughter was at that terrible moment! ..
- You are out of your mind, Madonna! Can you really just send your daughter to the basement? .. You know very well what awaits her there! Come to your senses, Isidora! ..
Suddenly, Anna came close to Karaffe and said in a clear, clear voice:
- You are not a judge and not a God! .. You are only a sinner! That is why the Ring of Sinners burns your dirty fingers! .. I think he is wearing you for a reason ... For you are the meanest of them! You won't scare me, Caraffa. And my mother will never obey you!
Anna straightened up and ... spat in the face of the Pope. Caraffa turned deathly pale. I have never seen anyone turn pale so quickly! His face literally turned ash gray in a split second ... and in his burning dark eyes death flared up. Still standing in "tetanus" from Anna's unexpected behavior, I suddenly understood everything - she deliberately provoked Karaffa so as not to pull! .. So as soon as possible to solve something and not torment me. To go to death myself ... My soul was twisted with pain - Anna reminded me of the girl Damian ... She decided her fate ... and I could not help. Couldn't interfere.
- Well, Isidora, I think you will greatly regret it. You bad mother... And I was right about women - they are all the offspring of the devil! Including my unfortunate mother.
“Forgive me, your Holiness, but if your mother is the offspring of the Devil, then who are you then? .. After all, you are her flesh? - sincerely surprised at his delusional judgments, I asked.
- Oh, Isidora, I have already exterminated this in myself a long time ago! .. And only when I saw you, a feeling for a woman reawakened in me. But now I see that I was wrong! You are the same as everyone else! You are terrible! .. I hate you and those like you!
Caraffa looked crazy ... I was afraid that this could end up for us with something much worse than what was planned at the beginning. Suddenly, suddenly jumping up to me, Dad literally yelled: - "Yes", or - "no"?! .. I ask you in last time, Isidora! ..
What could I answer to this insane person? .. Everything had already been said, and I could only remain silent, ignoring his question.
- I give you one week, madonna. I hope that you will still come to your senses and regret Anna. And myself ... - and grabbing my daughter by the arm, Karaffa jumped out of the room.
I just now remembered that I need to breathe ... Dad so stunned me with his behavior that I could not come to my senses and kept waiting for the door to open again. Anna mortally offended him, and I was sure that, moving away from a fit of anger, he would definitely remember it. My poor girl! .. Her fragile, pure life hung by a thread, which could easily have been cut off at the capricious will of Karaffa ...
For a while I tried not to think about anything, giving my inflamed brain at least some respite. It seemed that not only Karaffa, but with him the whole world I knew went crazy ... including my brave daughter. Well, our lives lasted another week ... Could anything have been changed? In any case, at the moment there was not a single more or less normal thought in my tired, empty head. I stopped feeling anything, I stopped even being afraid. I think this is how people who were going to their death felt ...