Why put cucumbers on your eyes. Does cucumber help remove puffiness under the eyes?

Cucumbers on the eyes: peculiarities

  • Cucumber contains many important vitamins and minerals.
  • It has anti-inflammatory effects that can help reduce puffiness.
  • High content water helps in moisturizing the skin.

Cucumber contains many essential vitamins and minerals, sufficient to give you your daily dose of goodness. It contains thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6, and minerals such as calcium and magnesium, which are responsible for various bodily functions, including healthy vision. It is considered one of the most effective beauty ingredients for eye care. Cucumber has anti-inflammatory effects that can help reduce puffiness. The high water content helps in moisturizing the skin, while the cold temperature reduces the blood flow around the eyes. Together, they can soothe the skin around the eyes and relieve swelling. You must have heard and seen how many people put cucumber slices over their eyes. It is a very common practice, but great to instantly rejuvenate yourself and bring relief to tired eyes.

Cucumbers on the eye: the benefits of using

1. Control of puffiness

Cucumber has ascorbic and caffeic acid, which helps to reduce the rate of water retention, reducing puffiness around the eyes. Cut into slices of cucumber and refrigerate slightly. This will help you relax and moisturize your eyes.

2. Fights cellulite

Cucumber juice contains phytochemicals that aid in collagen production. Collagen is a fiber-like protein that is responsible for the elasticity of the skin and the elimination of cellulite.

3. Reduces dark circles

4. Reduces eye wrinkles

Cucumber acts as a natural moisturizer. The skin around the eyes is the thinnest in our body. Placing cucumber slices over the eyes helps to moisturize the eyes and surrounding skin. This, in turn, helps. Cucumber can truly be called an eye moisturizer.

5. Toning the skin around the eyes

Cucumbers also help tone the skin around the eyes. Take a cold cucumber and chop it to make a paste. Add lavender or chamomile oil to it along with honey. Mix it well to make a fine paste. Apply it under the eyes, lightly with your fingers. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes and wipe it off with a damp cloth. This will help reduce bags under the eyes.

Bruises under the eyes are not only the result of an unfortunate collision of an object and a certain eye. Most often, blue circles under the eyes have a completely different nature - they appear in us from chronic lack of sleep or lack of vitamins.

However, both are extremely "popular" in winter period time when there is a tough deadline at work before new year holidays begins on December 1, and vitamins have to be found in the “glossy” fruits of supermarkets.

You can, of course, use a foundation, concealer or corrector as a remedy for bruises under the eyes, but WomanJournal.ru decided to go further and destroy the problem at its root.

So what did we find out? In addition to the banal "more sleep", which will cause many a nervous smile and add a slight tic to the bruises under the eyes, you can follow the old beaten paths of our grandmothers.

WomanJournal.ru has compiled TOP-10 folk express remedies that will help you remove bruises under the eyes.

How to remove bruises under the eyes with tea leaves

Perhaps tea is the most common remedy for under-eye blemishes.

Making a tea compress is as easy as shelling pears. Just make some strong tea, soak it in loose tampons and put it on your eyes for 10-15 minutes. Some cosmetologists advise changing the tampons every 2-3 minutes during this time.

Recently, many have been using tea bags, which we categorically do not recommend. "Fast tea", of course, is an ideal solution for those who are too lazy to pour boiling water over a normal brew, but take pity on your eyes - only good tea can help them.

A small note: to prevent the blue around the eyes from turning red (from the burn), wait until the tea leaves have cooled down.

Which tea to choose is up to you. In principle, doctors and cosmetologists recommend herbal teas, but if you have only green or black at hand, this is not a problem. All teas, in principle, have strong antioxidants, which not only relieve swelling, but also restore blood circulation to the leather. In addition, tea contains useful vitamin A2, which penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin and helps relieve inflammation and swelling.

Remove bruises under the eyes with fresh cucumber

Of course, this is not a product that is easy to get in winter, but, at worst, today is not Soviet times - there are no queues for sausages, there are usually fresh cucumbers in supermarkets.

The method of using cucumbers as a means for eliminating bruises around the eyes is obscenely simple: cut the cucumber with wheels, put the “wheels” on the eyes, cover the “composition” with a napkin (this is for aesthetes). Keep the cucumbers on the face for about 15 minutes.

Alternatively, you can grate the cucumbers through a grater - you will get more useful juice, but the porridge will creep down your face. In general, choose yourself.

A large amount of the so-called "living" water contained in cucumbers helps to immediately restore the balance of the skin around the eyes, significantly moisturize it and thereby tone it. In addition to everything else, this vegetable has a whitening effect, so you can safely say goodbye to bruises under the eyes.

Remove bruises under the eyes with a silver spoon

Indeed, a spoon can be used not only as a tool for applying a black eye, but also as a means of dealing with bruises under the eyes.

You just need to put (do not press!) A spoon to your eyes - and in five minutes you will notice how fresh your skin has become. The fact is that, firstly, this uncomplicated cutlery, if it is cold, leads to skin tone. Secondly, silver removes darkening on the skin.

Remove bruises under the eyes with potatoes

Based on potatoes, raw and boiled, there are an infinite number of masks that can help remove dark circles under the eyes. In popular medicine, this product is known as an ideal remedy to combat skin fatigue.

You can boil potatoes in their skins, wait until they cool, cut one potato in half and put it on your eyes for half an hour.

Or grate raw potatoes, mix with a little olive oil or vegetable oil and put a mask on your eyes for the same half hour.

You can mix grated potatoes with milk in an amount of 2 to 1 and apply the gruel to your eyes for 20 minutes.

Finally, you can grate raw potatoes, squeeze the juices out of them, lubricate them with eyes, or even just put slices of raw root vegetable over your eyes.

Potatoes help to tone the skin due to the large amount of potassium, which helps to remove excess water from the body.

Remove bruises under the eyes with a light skin massage around the eyes

Massage is known to tone the body. And the eyes are no exception.

Lightly tap your fingertips to massage the skin around the eyes - make movements from the outer edge of the eye to the inner one. Do not in any case pull the skin - you will get nothing but wrinkles! Your massage should take 2-3 minutes. Lightly moisturize your skin with a cream before the procedure.

At the end, do a little exercise for your eyes - close your eyes tightly for 6 seconds, then sharply open them; repeat 10 times.

Massage will normalize blood circulation, which will help restore the correct skin color.

Remove bruises under the eyes with water

When there is no time at all, but you need to look your best, just buy a bottle of water on the way to an important meeting and drink it. Contrary to popular belief, bruising under the eyes does not appear as a result of drinking too much, but as a result of a lack of water in the body.

Only 500 grams of life-giving moisture, drunk within a short time, will help you instantly tone the skin around the eyes.

Remove bruises under the eyes with ice

Ice tones the skin, thereby helping to eliminate under-eye blemishes. Ideally, of course, use cosmetic ice instead of regular frozen water. If you wish, you can freeze the chamomile infusion - this is an excellent remedy that will help you not only remove bruises, but also relieve inflammation, since chamomile has a calming effect.

Wipe the skin around your eyes every morning with a piece of ice, and you will not be afraid of any bruises.

How to remove bruises under the eyes with parsley

Since ancient times, parsley has been used as an excellent cosmetic product, because it relieves puffiness, tones the skin, removes redness, refreshes, prevents aging ... In general, it contains all this strategic set that proudly declares to bruises under the eyes: "No!"

It is useful to rinse your eyes every day with parsley broth. But if you urgently need to get rid of bruises under the eyes, then just a spoonful of chopped parsley petals with a small amount (literally half a glass) boiling water. Let it brew for 15–20 minutes, then soak two cotton swabs and place them on your eyes for 20 minutes.

How to remove bruises under the eyes with sage

Another indispensable ally in the fight against bruises under the eyes is sage. It moisturizes and tones the skin, removes dark circles under the eyes.

It is very simple to prepare an infusion of sage - you need to pour a tablespoon of chopped herbs with 100 grams of boiling water, and then let it brew for 40 minutes. After you cut the infusion in half, put some in the freezer (in ice molds), and reheat some.

Soak a cotton swab in a warm infusion and apply it to your eyes, then immediately wipe your eyes with ice. And so five times.

Remove bruises under the eyes with white bread with milk

Milk contains fat and protein that perfectly moisturize the skin. And the substances contained in the product make the skin smooth and tone it up.

If milk is mixed with bread and the resulting gruel is applied daily to the eyes for 20 minutes, then soon it will be possible to forget about the bruises under the eyes.

Almost everyone knows that without vitamin B, beautiful, clear skin cannot be achieved. But few people know that yeast, which is a storehouse of this vitamin, can be taken not only by mouth, but also to make face masks out of it. Then there's the chance of not eating a lot of the bread that's so desperate to swell our sides.

Now do you understand what a powerful remedy for the beauty of the skin around the eyes is when you mix milk and bread together?

However, keep in mind that all of the above folk express methods for removing bruises under the eyes are suitable only if you really suffer from lack of sleep, fatigue and lack of vitamins. If you have serious diseases (for example, anemia, kidney disease) that contribute to the appearance of circles around the eyes, then it is better to seek the help of a specialist!

By the way, don't miss it! Soon we will write about beauty products that will help you mask small imperfections in the eye area!

Fresh cucumber face mask is easy to prepare, has an immediate effect, relieves stress and is absolutely indispensable for modern women living in eternal time trouble. Simple recipes turn out to be extremely effective. Suitable for oily skin, eliminate increased dryness, remove traces of fatigue - in general, they are almost universal.

The secret to efficiency

It's all about the composition of this simple vegetable. It consists of 80% water, but the remaining 20% ​​contains a lot of substances useful for the skin. Cucumber pulp is a real treasure trove of elements that transform the skin:

  • vitamin A is very important for dry skin - it moisturizes, removes tightness and flaking;
  • riboflavin restores proper skin respiration;
  • thiamine rejuvenates, protects the skin from external influences;
  • folic acid eliminates acne and pimples;
  • pantothenic acid helps to smooth out small wrinkles, and makes deeper ones almost invisible;
  • pyridoxine stimulates cell metabolism;
  • tocopherol promotes cell renewal;
  • vitamin C returns elasticity to the skin;
  • phylloquinone helps to relieve redness, eliminates edema, eliminates age spots;
  • biotin accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • niacin gives the skin a fresh look.

The incredible effect of a cucumber face mask is also due to the content of mineral salts, enzymes, organic acids, which are widely used in cosmetology to rejuvenate the skin. There are no irritating components in the composition of cucumbers, therefore, products based on them are suitable even for those with a particularly delicate and fine texture.

The benefits of masks

What are the benefits of a cucumber mask? The juice of these aromatic vegetables moisturizes, refreshes, tones and soothes.

  • A whitening mask based on them is considered one of the most effective: regular application of such a composition eliminates freckles, evens out the complexion, making areas with increased pigmentation less noticeable.
  • Due to the fact that the pH level of cucumbers is equal to the acid-base balance of the skin, the products prepared on their basis have a beneficial effect on the skin and do not lead to an allergic reaction.
  • A cucumber mask at home is an excellent way to eliminate excessive oiliness, prevent inflammation and tighten pores. Especially effective is the use of a product made from cucumber and protein.
  • Dark circles under the eyes, bags - the problem is quite common. A very popular way to eliminate them is to apply cucumber slices to the eyes and around the eye area. Juice from fresh vegetables can relieve even minor bruises.
  • Will cucumber mask help for acne? With their strong severity, you will have to use medications, but with a minor problem, it will be enough to wipe clean skin a slice of fresh cucumber.
  • With increased dryness, cucumber juice is no less effective than an expensive moisturizing mask.
  • At the first signs of wilting, cucumber can be used as a tonic and restorative agent for the skin.
  • Hyperpigmentation and reduced pigmentation result in unsightly stains. With such a problem, this wonderful vegetable will become the first helper, especially in the case of a tendency to allergies, when the use of medicines is impossible.
  • Acne, areas of inflammation, skin irritation - in the presence of these problems, it is also recommended to use cucumber juice.

Are there any contraindications?

A cucumber face mask at home should be prepared without chemical ingredients and the addition of medicines - in this case, its use cannot lead to the appearance side effects... Cucumber masks purchased ready-made can cause undesirable effects if they contain aggressive ingredients or allergens.

Proper preparation and use

How to make a cucumber mask for maximum effect?

For its preparation, it is better to take a pre-chilled vegetable. It must be washed, cut into thin slices, and covered with them on the face. During the procedure, it is recommended to take a horizontal position: relaxed muscles will better absorb nutrients, moreover, the slices will not fall off all the time.

If all you need is cucumber juice, it's easy to get it using a juicer or simply grating and squeezing cucumbers into a piece of clean gauze.

Another option: pour the mashed cucumber with plain water and use the resulting solution as a means for washing or wiping your face.

It is also important to know how much to keep the cucumber mask:

  • When applied to the eyes, a quarter of an hour is enough.
  • If using slices, keep them longer - 20-25 minutes.
  • Cucumber juice should not be rinsed - it is perfectly absorbed.

The best recipes

Recipe 1

Chop or grate a small fresh cucumber, mix with clay (preferably white, about 1/2 spoon), add boiled water. The mass should resemble a thick porridge. Cover the skin with an even layer and leave until slightly dry. Wash off with cool water.

Recipe 2

Refreshing face masks are suitable for tired skin. They perfectly tone up, smooth out fine wrinkles, eliminate flabbiness. One of the most effective recipes: mix equal proportions of rose water with cucumber juice, add a little cream and beat until light foam. Cover the skin with a mass, hold for about a quarter of an hour, then remove paper napkin... For the best effect, you can rub the skin with rose water.

Recipe 3

Cucumber juice even saves from puffiness and eye fatigue. The vegetable must first be placed in the freezer and taken out before the very beginning of the procedure. After cutting off a few thin slices, you need to put them on your eyelids. After 15 minutes, the swelling will subside, traces of fatigue will become less noticeable, and a fresh skin color will be restored.

Recipe 4

A cucumber and lemon mask will remove bags under the eyes, smooth crow's feet, and moisturize the skin. To prepare it, you need half a cucumber or one small vegetable, a few drops lemon juice... Citrus juice is added to the grated cucumber, kept in the cold for several minutes (you can in the freezer), after which cotton swabs are moistened in the resulting mixture and applied to the skin under the eyes. After a quarter of an hour, the eye area should be rinsed with cold water.

Recipe 5

The composition based on cucumber and parsley is effective both for the eye area and for the rest of the face. It has a whitening, tonic, rejuvenating effect. To obtain the mixture, you must first prepare the parsley infusion. For this, chopped greens are poured with boiling water for half an hour. 50 ml of the strained product is added to the grated cucumber and the whole skin of the face is smeared with gruel.

Recipe 6

The composition of cucumber and oatmeal moisturizes, soothes, tones, restores elasticity to the skin and gives it a wonderful healthy look. Finely grated cucumber is mixed with a glass of oatmeal and yogurt. You should get a homogeneous thick mass. After the procedure, you can cleanse your skin with cucumber lotion.

Recipe 7

A cucumber and sour cream mask is suitable for thoroughly moisturizing all skin types. Ingredients must be taken in equal proportions. The best result is obtained by adding a small amount of rose water to the mixture.

Recipe 8

Redness and dark spots can be eliminated using a product made from a mixture of cucumber and honey with parsley infusion.

Any woman, at least sometimes, makes toning and refreshing face masks from fresh cucumber. Fresh vegetable masks are effective remedy to relieve puffiness under the eyes, reduce wrinkles and fight pigmentation. One can only wonder how many advantages are hidden in a cute vegetable, which, along with vitamins, contains organic acids, which are successfully used by the beauty industry. The huge advantage of cucumber masks lies in their harmlessness - they are suitable even for very sensitive skin.

The magical properties of cucumber

The miraculous properties of the vegetable are due to its chemical composition, because cucumbers contain a large number of trace elements and vitamins:

  • vitamins A (retinol) and E (tocopherol) - nourish, moisturize and regenerate skin cells;
  • folic acid, biotin, phylloquinone - eliminate puffiness, bruising and redness under the eyes;
  • B vitamins - stimulate metabolic processes in cells;
  • ascorbic acid has an antioxidant effect and maintains tissue elasticity;

Cucumber masks are good for everyone

In all other cases, you can count on the unconditional benefit of cucumber masks and solve many problems:

  • and get rid of pigmentation;
  • stop inflammation in the form of pimples and acne;
  • remove puffiness under the eyes;
  • rejuvenate the skin, giving it freshness and elasticity.

Cucumber recipes for the skin around the eyes

The preparation of masks from a vegetable involves the use of only fresh product - green and elastic. Wash the cucumber and grate it, you can cut it into thin slices. can be applied for 15-20 minutes, after which the composition must be washed off with a warm herbal decoction and applied to the delicate area of ​​the eyelid skin with a nourishing cream.

Classic care

Cut the cucumber into thin slices and apply them over the face along the massage lines and under the eyes. For very dry skin, it is recommended to squeeze the juice from ½ a cucumber and mix it with fatty curd. If you do not have time and you need to tone your face, take a cucumber slice (preferably from the refrigerator) and wipe your face with it.

Masks for puffiness and circles under the eyes

Place a couple of chilled cucumber slices on your closed eyes and under the lower eyelids. Also, the procedure can be done in the form of compresses using cucumber juice. With edema, you can add a few drops of Vizin to it.

Whiten skin and remove bruises

With parsley juice

A rich vitamin mask made from grated cucumber and parsley juice. Combine the ingredients and apply the mixture over your closed eyes. You can add a couple of drops of vitamin E (tocopherol).


1 tbsp. l. grated cucumber mix with 1 tsp. liquid honey. The mask perfectly nourishes and tightens the delicate area around the eyes, fights pigmentation and redness of the eyelids.


Combine the grated cucumber with 10 ml of fresh lemon juice and gently apply under the eyes for 10 minutes. Remove the mask with cool water.

Anti-aging and moisturizing masks


  • cucumber, grated - 2 tbsp. l.
  • milk - 1 tbsp. l.
  • low-fat cottage cheese - 1 tbsp.
  • parsley juice - 1 tbsp. l.
  • olive or peach oil - 1 tablespoon

From potatoes

Mix the grated potatoes and cucumber in equal proportions. The mask copes well with puffiness and can be considered an express recovery.

From cosmetic clay

Mix the grated cucumber with white or blue clay, apply to the area of ​​the upper and lower eyelids and leave until the clay dries. The mask has a lifting effect and, with regular use, removes deep wrinkles and crow's feet.

Cucumber remedy for inflammation

Take egg white and beat until light foam. Mix the grated cucumber with the egg white and apply to your face. Important! The gruel should be applied immediately, before the protein settles. Wash off the composition after 20 minutes.

Cucumbers contain components that narrow pores and stimulate the work of the sebaceous glands. The mask can be applied not only under the eyes, but also on the entire skin of the street, including the décolleté.

Whitening cucumber mask


  • ½ cucumber;
  • 2 tbsp. l. aloe juice (available at the pharmacy);
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 30 g milk powder or infant formula.

Mix aloe juice with grated cucumber and honey. Add dry mixture to a thick porridge and apply on face until completely dry.

For sensitive skin prone to irritation

The caring composition is ideal for the delicate area of ​​the eyelids. Chill it in the refrigerator for maximum effect. So:

  • 20 g brewer's yeast;
  • 1 tbsp. l. oat flour;
  • small cucumber;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream or classic yogurt;
  • 1 tsp honey.

Combine yeast with flour and set aside. Grind the cucumber in a blender or grater, add honey and sour cream. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly with yeast and oat flour. Apply the mask under the eyes and on the skin of the face, leave to act for 15-20 minutes.

If you want your eyes to be clear and your skin youthful and firm, you shouldn't rely on a wonderful vegetable. Change your lifestyle - overwork, lack of sleep, smoking and improper nutrition promote early skin aging and the appearance of wrinkles and bags under the eyes. And homemade cucumber masks will help you stay attractive and young for a long time.

Bruises under the eyes are an annoying nuisance for many girls and women. And very often this problem is solved incorrectly. Black eye concealers such as concealers and pencils will only fix the problem for a while. And this is not a way out, because very often dark circles under the eyes are a manifestation of any problems either with the skin or with health in general. So it is very important to identify and eliminate the cause that caused this trouble. Below I will tell you about the remedies for bruises under the eyes.

The most common reasons that contribute to the appearance of under the eyes dark circles.

  1. Individual characteristics localization under the skin of a network of blood vessels;
  2. Features of local skin pigmentation;
  3. The presence of chronic diseases;
  4. Irreversible age-related changes;
  5. Too sharp loss of body weight;
  6. Improper and inadequate nutrition;
  7. Irrational work schedule.

Folk remedies for bruises under the eyes.

Many popular and proven recipes will come to the rescue in solving this problem, which are discussed in detail below.

Fresh cucumbers for dark circles under the eyes.

It will not be news to anyone that fresh cucumber has a good whitening effect. That is why this vegetable can be safely taken to eliminate dark circles. You can do it very simply - cut the cucumbers into thin slices and put them on your eyes for a certain period of time. But the most effective is cucumber pulp. You just need to peel the cucumber and chop it in a blender or grate it on a fine grater.

Before applying a cucumber mask to the area around the eyes, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin. For maximum effectiveness, the mask should be kept on the skin for about thirty minutes, and then thoroughly wash your face under running water. When drying your face, do not dry it with a towel. You can just dab your skin slightly, and then apply a regular moisturizer to it. To have a tangible result, the procedure must be carried out every day for at least two months. Cucumber is completely harmless to the skin and, in addition, has a tightening effect.

Black tea for bruises under the eyes.

Tea is an equally effective remedy for bruising under the eyes. The tea compress is prepared as follows: pour three tablespoons into 100 ml of boiling water. tea leaves and let it brew for an hour. Then strain the tea and place it in the refrigerator. Give yourself a compress every day before going to bed. To do this, soak two cotton pads in tea and place them in the area of ​​bruises under the eyes for about forty minutes. You may need to replace the cotton pads as they dry out fairly quickly. After the compress, wash with cold water, pat your skin terry towel and apply your usual moisturizer.

It usually takes one or two weeks to get rid of the bruises.

A potato mask will help remove dark circles under the eyes.

This is great for situations where bruising occurs along with swelling. Take one not very large potato and boil it in its jacket. Then mash with a fork in a puree, after peeling it off, and apply in the area under the eyes for twenty minutes. Most often, the effect becomes noticeable after the first use of the mask.

Parsley for bruising under the eyes.

Parsley is not in vain one of the best folk remedies to eliminate circles under the eyes. Moreover, it can be used in two forms. The first one is a lotion from a decoction, which must be prepared like this: chop two tablespoons of fresh parsley, put in an enamel container and pour a glass of water into it. Gradually bring the liquid to a boil, then turn the heat to the lowest and cook the parsley for half an hour. After the broth has completely cooled down (it usually takes about an hour), strain it through a gauze cloth and pour into a glass container. Before going to bed, apply compresses every day as described above for ten minutes. To achieve good results, you need to make compresses for ten to fourteen days.

The second way to use parsley: chop fifty grams of roots to the consistency of porridge and chill in the freezer. When this gruel is completely frozen, knead it thoroughly with a fork and apply over the area of ​​dark circles for fifteen minutes. In the vast majority of cases, bruises disappear after the first procedure. But never do more than five procedures in a row!

Eliminate dark circles under the eyes with a cottage cheese mask.

In addition to dark circles, cottage cheese can also eliminate real hematomas under the eyes. The effect is achieved due to the fact that curd at times enhances local blood circulation, contributing to the resorption of bruises. The recipe is quite simple: a small amount of cottage cheese should be wrapped in gauze, dipped in milk for a minute and applied to the skin around the eyes for twenty minutes. This should be done daily for three weeks.

Kefir with honey for bruises under the eyes.

Such a composition of the mask will not only eliminate dark circles under the eyes, but also make the skin soft and unusually velvety. So you can apply the mask not only to the area around the eyes, but also to the entire face. Do it remedy for bruises under the eyes simply, you just need to combine honey and low-fat kefir in equal proportions. You need to knead them until the mixture looks like a gel. Apply the mask before bed for fifteen or twenty minutes. To achieve good results, ten procedures will be enough for you. By the way, after this mask, the skin does not need additional moisturizing cream.

Milk and white bread as a remedy for bruises under the eyes.

Milk has a wide range of positive effects on the skin: moisturizes, whitens, tones up. And the B vitamins contained in bread yeast are an essential element in maintaining healthy skin.

To make a remedy for bruises under the eyes, you need to soak in small amount fresh milk a slice of bread made from white flour. When you have a mass of semi-liquid consistency, apply it evenly on the skin around the eyes and leave it on for twenty minutes.

Urgent measures against dark circles under the eyes.

It takes a lot of time for all of the above tools to work. But what about in emergency situations?

For example, ordinary ice from the freezer can come to the rescue. Better, of course, if it is made from a decoction of chamomile. About three hours before an important event, start rubbing ice cubes over the area around your eyes. The bruises will go away for at least a day.

Also, as an emergency remedy for bruises under the eyes, you can drink in one gulp a liter bottle of non-carbonated mineral water. This should be done about an hour before the crucial moment.

As you can see, there is a mass folk ways and remedies for bruises under the eyes. You just have to choose the one that suits you exclusively. However, see your doctor for advice before self-medication. This is a very important point, because, as mentioned above, bruises under the eyes can be a manifestation of any disease in your body.