Why are pregnant women prescribed chophytol. Why are pregnant women prescribed Hofitol? Hofitol instructions for use during pregnancy dosage

The body of a pregnant woman is mobilized for significant restructuring, and this increases the load on the internal organs. This is especially true for the heart, liver, kidneys.

It is from these considerations that doctors prescribe special medications that make their work easier. This is primarily chophytol and its analogs of artichoke extract, cholebil. This preparation is of 100% vegetable origin and is an extract from the field artichoke.

Instructions for the use of Chitofrol during pregnancy

Hofitol during pregnancy is absolutely safe for health. In this case, its antioxidant qualities are excellent, in addition, it has a choleretic and diuretic effect. Thanks to the artichoke, the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases, blood microcirculation improves not only in the internal organs of the expectant mother, but also in the placenta - this will not allow the fetus to experience a deficiency of oxygen and many useful substances. The tool, in addition, is an excellent hepatoprotector that protects the liver and improves the metabolism of fats in the woman's body. This drug is also effective for the prevention and treatment of histosis, as it promotes blood microcirculation in the placenta; in women, it reduces the likelihood of edema - the main symptom of preeclampsia.

Due to the plant origin of homitol, doctors boldly prescribe it during pregnancy - it does not have a toxic or allergic effect on the fetus. It is effective in placental insufficiency, improves the general condition of a pregnant woman with asthenic syndrome - relieves dizziness, drowsiness, weakness, mood swings.

Nevertheless, one should not forget that chophytol is still a drug, and, despite the obvious safety, it should only be taken as prescribed by a doctor who can determine whether the expectant mother has indications for use. And they are:

  • Elimination of oxygen starvation in the fetus.
  • Placental insufficiency therapy.
  • Relief of early toxicosis.
  • Treatment and prevention of gestosis.
Contraindications Hofitol is not prescribed during pregnancy if the patient has an individual intolerance to the constituents of the drug. This manifests itself in the form of nausea and vomiting. The most significant contraindication in this case is cholelithiasis. Chophytol has such a property - it has a slight choleretic effect, which is likely to activate the stones that are in the ducts, and this will cause blockage of the latter. If this happens, surgery will be required under general anesthesia, which is very harmful not only for the pregnant woman, but also for the baby. It is also dangerous.

Other contraindications for kriem hofitol:

  • Renal failure in chronic or acute form.
  • Pyelonephritis.
  • Acetonemia.
  • Nephritis is acute and chronic.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Cirrhosis.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Fatty hepatosis.
  • Acute and chronic intoxication.
Based on all of the above and taking into account a certain amount of caution, chophytol can have a good effect on the body and health of a pregnant woman and her baby.

If, due to problems with the gallbladder, for example, with dyskenesia, chophytol is also contraindicated, it expels bile. This problem often appears in many at the beginning of pregnancy - due to progesterone, which relaxes all muscles. In this case, chophytol can only aggravate the situation. As an alternative, we recommend Ivan-tea fermented, which cleanses the liver and kidneys, has a diuretic effect, balances acidity and does not contain caffeine.

The use of drugs during pregnancy requires caution. There are drugs that do not harm the woman and the fetus. The drug "Hofitol" has a hepaprotective, diuretic and choleretic effect. The drug cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, which is important for the expectant mother. The use of the medication chophytol during pregnancy helps to maintain the health of the woman in labor and contributes to the birth of a healthy child, and the indications for use cover many diseases.

pharmachologic effect

The drug reduces the amount of urea, has a diuretic effect. When taking the medication, the cholesterol level is lowered. The instruction for the medication indicates that it is also prescribed for the treatment of pregnancy pathologies. The preparation contains:

  • cynarin;
  • carotene;
  • phenolic acids;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamins B1 and B12;
  • inulin.

The drug also contains inactive elements.


Let's see why it is appointed. In the instruction "Hofitola" there are the following indications:

  • chronic cholecystitis;
  • dyskinesia of the gallbladder;
  • toxicosis;
  • renal failure and nephritis;
  • chronic hepatitis;
  • fatty hepatosis;
  • acetone in the blood;
  • constipation;
  • giardiasis;
  • dyspeptic symptoms (belching, nausea, flatulence);
  • atherosclerosis;
  • dyspepsia;
  • insufficient urine flow;
  • overweight.

Indications during pregnancy are most often liver and kidney diseases. The medicine is prescribed if the blood flow in the placental system is disturbed. Pregnant women with a threat of miscarriage are shown to take this medication. If a woman is at risk, she may develop pathologies such as pro-eclampsia, eclampsia. This is also an indication for admission.

The drug has a positive effect on the digestive tract. "Hofitol" improves intestinal motility and kidney filtration capacity. The toxic substances that are in the body of the expectant mother are excreted, and the edema is reduced.

The use of the drug during pregnancy is possible only under the supervision of a physician.


There are contraindications in the instructions. The medicine should not be taken:

  • with obstruction of the biliary tract;
  • with sensitivity to drug components;
  • if there are acute kidney and liver diseases.

Taking the drug is dangerous for cholelithiasis, as it can lead to movement of the stone and blockage of the duct. The drug sometimes causes vomiting and diarrhea.

Application features

First trimester

"Hofitol" helps with toxicosis. During the period of fetal growth, due to the adaptation of the body, histosis occurs. It is important to take a remedy that will not harm the fetus and the expectant mother. The medicine clears out toxins, including heavy metal salts, alkaloids and nitro compounds. If there are chronic diseases, the remedy is prescribed in the early stages.

Second and third trimester

A pregnant woman is prescribed medication during this period to relieve swelling. The drug prevents late toxicosis.

Hofitol during pregnancy is one of the best remedies for the prevention of toxicosis. With gestosis, microcirculation in the placenta and other organs is disturbed. "Hofitol" relieves the expectant mother from this pathology. When taking the medicine, her general condition improves - weakness, dizziness, and drowsiness disappear.

How does the drug affect the fetus

You can take the medicine only under the supervision of a gynecologist, because there is not enough data on its harmlessness for a pregnant woman. In practice, "Hofitol" is used for prophylaxis. Good results are obtained in the treatment of toxicosis in the early stages.

Protection against edema

The drug relieves edema during pregnancy. He successfully fights various complications. The medication improves the functioning of small vessels, kidneys, but does not have an antiseptic and antibacterial effect. What is this drug for if it is not a gynecological agent? It makes it easier for the liver and kidneys. These properties of the drug are important during pregnancy.

Forms of the drug

On sale there are "Hofitol" products in the following form:

  • in tablets;
  • in vials;
  • in ampoules.

Biconvex coated tablets. One tablet contains 200 mg of the active substance of the extract from the leaves of the artichoke of the field. Tablets in tubes of 60 and 180 pieces. There is one tube in a cardboard box.

For internal use, the solution can be purchased in a dark bottle. 1 ml of solution contains 200 mg of active substance. The capacity of the bottle is 200 ml.

You can buy injection ampoules at the pharmacy. In total, the package contains 5 pieces of 5 ml. 1 ml contains 200 mg of active substance.


A gynecologist may prescribe "Hofitol" or its analogs during pregnancy for prophylactic purposes. This drug is prescribed directly as a medicine if there is an underlying medical condition.

Hofitol is well tolerated during pregnancy. The woman can take pills, or she is prescribed an oral solution. The required dosage will be determined by the doctor. In severe cases, intramuscular and intravenous injections are used.


On sale you can buy tablets "Hofitol" No. 180. Producer "ROSA-FITOFARMA" (France). The price in Moscow is 689 rubles, and in St. Petersburg - 713. You can buy tablets No. 60 at the following prices: 338 (in Moscow), and 320 rubles - in St. Petersburg. The cost of a 120 ml solution will be 387 rubles in St. Petersburg, and 362 rubles in the capital.


There are drugs with a similar effect. Among them, the following analogs can be distinguished:

  1. "Artichoke-extra" (30 capsules)
  2. "Artichoke extract" (20 tablets).
  3. "Artichoke 450" (90 capsules).
  4. "Artichoke extract" (60 tablets).
  5. Bitter artichoke (500 ml solution).

The price of such an analogue as "Artichoke 450" is 1,760 rubles. The cost of tablets "Artichoke extract" in the amount of 20 pieces in a package - 109 rubles. The price of the Swiss analogue "Bitter Artichoke" (500 ml) will be 1800.

Drug analogues:

  1. "Heptral".
  2. "Hepafitol".
  3. "Rafacholin C".
  4. Flamin.
  5. Holyver.
  6. "Artihol".
  7. "Odeston".
  8. Tsinariks.
  9. Oxafenamide.
  10. "Hepatophyte".

Not all analogues can be used during pregnancy. Essentiale Forte and Gepabene have similar properties. "Gepabene" is not prescribed during pregnancy or only under strict supervision.

Hofitol is a dry or water extract from the juice or leaves of a field artichoke, a natural remedy. He

belong to herbal preparations, it does not include strong artificial components.

Hofitol action during pregnancy

If you have been prescribed Hofitol, the question arises: "Why are pregnant women prescribed Hofitol?" Hofitol contains a combination of beneficial properties for a woman's body during pregnancy.

  • Diuretic ... It intensively removes fluid from the body, without harming the fetus and mother, and prevents the formation of edema.
  • Choleretic. The outflow of bile is normalized in late pregnancy, which is disrupted due to the large size of the uterus.
  • Hepatoprotective... Vitamins that are part of the juice of artichoke leaves, minerals and trace elements normalize metabolism. Reduces the amount of toxins in the body, thereby protecting the liver.
  • Antioxidant. The woman's body, thanks to ascorbic acid and flavonoids contained in the leaves, is protected from the harmful effects of free radicals.
  • Detoxification. Appetite improves, nausea stops early.
  • Hypocholesterolemic... Improves uteroplacental circulation, lowers blood cholesterol, improves blood vessel walls.

Hofitol can be prescribed to a pregnant woman by an obstetrician-gynecologist, nephrologist, therapist, endocrinologist, hepatologist. Indications for use:

1) For the prevention of exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis.

2) A tendency to edema and fluid retention due to renal failure, metabolic disorders, obesity, malnutrition.

3) For nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy.

4) To improve the uteroplacental circulation during gestosis.

5) A large accumulation of acetone in the blood during toxicosis and diabetes mellitus.

6) In chronic hepatitis, prevention of exacerbation.

7) Fatty hepatosis, accompanied by jaundice.

8) With a slow discharge of bile.

Contraindications Hofitol during pregnancy and without:

1) Diseases that accompany a violation of the outflow of bile (obstruction of the bile ducts, cholelithiasis).

2) Acute inflammatory diseases of the liver, kidneys, biliary and urinary tract.

3) Allergic reaction to a component of the drug.

reviews: 6

  1. Yulia Kornilova : 15.08.2014

    Despite the fact that I was always wary of all the drugs that I was prescribed during pregnancy, chophytol did not cause any fears in me. And just in general, I conscientiously took all the medicines that the doctor gave me. Although our grandmothers at one time did not even closely know what hofitol, courantil and similar obligatory medications for pregnant women were, and they gave birth to healthier children than now. IMHO.

  2. Natalia Yablontseva: 28.08.2014

    It may sound strange, but this is the first time in my life that I hear the name of this drug. Maybe because I did not have all the symptoms listed in the article during pregnancy. Although I asked my friends yesterday, they also do not know what kind of medicine it is. Well, thank God, it means I was lucky. I agree that before they somehow managed without all this chemistry.

  3. Varvara Nikitina : 30.08.2014

    And I was prescribed Hofitol for toxicosis. I didn't really read the instructions for the drug, but now I understand why the swelling didn't bother me. But I wonder, is it impossible to replace this medicine with an artichoke? It's just that I have never seen this plant so effective during pregnancy. Even my grandmother, who knows a lot about herbs, has not heard of its such medicinal properties.

One of the most important human organs is the liver. It is the largest gland in all vertebrates and has many different functions. During pregnancy, the liver, like all organs of a woman, works with a double load. After all, now she needs to cleanse the waste products of the fetus. And then Hofitol comes to the aid of the expectant mother.

Hofitol during pregnancy: basic concepts

The period of pregnancy is not only the most wonderful time for waiting for a baby, but also the time of a crazy load on a woman's body. Therefore, during pregnancy, not only old diseases emerge, but new diseases emerge very quickly. And the liver is no exception.

Under the influence of toxicosis, liver resources are quickly depleted.

Changes in a woman's body during pregnancy can lead to impaired liver function. This is especially pronounced during the first trimester, when the level of hormones rises sharply. Then Hofitol is prescribed for the treatment or prevention of liver diseases.

Composition, principle of action and form of release of Hofitol

Hofitol is a herbal preparation based on artichoke extract.

In modern pharmacology, artichoke leaves and roots are used for the preparation of choleretic drugs

The artichoke is a perennial plant that includes many beneficial substances:

  • fiber;
  • folic acid;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • vitamins:

And the most important substance that is part of the artichoke is cynarin, which has the following properties.

Table: properties of an artichoke

Hofitol's medical indications are very diverse. It is prescribed for:

  • restoration of the metabolism of cholesterol and other fats in the liver;
  • a decrease in the content of urea in the blood;
  • restoration of the structure of liver cells;
  • removal of toxins from the liver and biliary tract;
  • increased urination;
  • normalization of digestion;
  • improving the general metabolism in all tissues and organs.

Hofitol is produced in three types:

  1. Pills.
  2. Solution for oral administration.
  3. Injection.

Hofitol is a herbal preparation actively used for the treatment of pregnant women.

The use of Hofitol in early and late pregnancy, the effect on the fetus

Due to the fact that Hofitol is a herbal preparation, and its active ingredient artichoke extract does not pose a threat to a pregnant woman and an unborn child, the drug is actively used to treat and prevent liver diseases in an expectant mother throughout pregnancy.

In the first trimester, Hofitol is used to combat toxicosis, in the second - with edema, in the third - with gestosis.

All medications for a pregnant woman can only be prescribed by a doctor.

The conducted studies of the drug did not reveal the negative effect of Hofitol on the health of the unborn child. Babies, whose mothers took Hofitol during pregnancy, were born healthy and developed.

Indications for appointment to expectant mothers

In addition to the diseases listed above, Hofitol is prescribed to pregnant women for the treatment of:

  • severe forms of toxicosis or gestosis;
  • placental insufficiency;
  • metabolic disorders in a woman's body;
  • impaired renal function;
  • excess acetone accumulated in the blood.

What to choose for a pregnant woman: tablets, oral solution or injection

In severe cases, when a woman needs urgent medical attention, she is prescribed intramuscular or intravenous injections of Hofitol. With injections, especially intravenous injections, the effect of the drug comes instantly.

In milder cases of the course of the disease or for prevention, a woman is prescribed a tablet form of the drug.

Hofitol solution for oral administration is not recommended for the treatment of pregnant women, since the base of the solution is alcohol. And alcohol-based medications are undesirable in the treatment of expectant mothers.

The final decision on the choice of the type of drug remains with the attending physician.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the numerous positive aspects of the drug, Hofitol still has a number of contraindications. It:

  • obstruction of bile along the bile ducts and ducts (anatomical deformities, stones, etc.);
  • Gallstone disease (gallstone disease, calculous cholecystitis);
  • acute inflammatory processes of the gallbladder, liver, genitourinary system;
  • allergy to Hofitol, its analogues and its components;
  • liver failure, severe course.

Side effects on taking Hofitol are extremely rare. This could be diarrhea, rash, or itching. If they occur, a pregnant woman should immediately seek medical help to adjust treatment.

Interaction with other medications

Studies on the interaction of Hofitol with other drugs have not been conducted.

With caution, use the Hofitol solution for oral administration due to the content of 96% ethanol in the preparation. With the simultaneous administration of several alcohol-containing drugs, nausea, a feeling of heat, and tachycardia may occur.


An overdose of Hofitol is manifested by an increase in side effects. To eliminate them, the use of the drug must be discontinued. Treatment is performed depending on the symptoms of the overdose.

Application features

The use of Hofitol depends on the form of release of the drug.

Table: method of application and dosage of Hofitol, depending on the form of release

The form of the drug and the frequency of administration are determined by the doctor after the examination and testing.

Self-medication in pregnant women is strictly prohibited.

The duration of treatment with Hofitol also depends on the form of release of the drug.

Table: duration of treatment with Hofitol, depending on the form of release

Only a specialist can assess the patient's condition and prescribe the correct treatment, as well as choose the right dosage and determine the duration of the medication.

Video: Hofitol application

Analogues allowed during pregnancy

There are a number of medicinal preparations in which the artichoke acts as an active substance: Extra artichoke, Artichoke extract, Bitter artichoke. However, not all drugs are approved for use during pregnancy and lactation.

For example, Holebil is a herbal preparation based on artichoke leaf extract. However, the composition of Holebil includes other excipients, not the same as in Hofitol, which does not allow the use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation.

A well-known analogue of Hofitol - Tsinariks

The active ingredient of the drug is the same as in Hofitol - artichoke leaf extract.

Cinarix is ​​produced only in the form of tablets of 12 pieces in a blister.

The main purpose of Cynarix is ​​to relieve dyspepsia symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • bloating;
  • belching;
  • flatulence.

There are also a number of contraindications:

  • severe hepatic dysfunction;
  • biliary stenosis;
  • hepatitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • acute diseases of the liver, kidneys, bile and urinary tract.

Only a doctor, having examined a pregnant woman, can give an appointment for the dosage and frequency of taking the drug.

In pharmacology, there are other drugs that help a pregnant woman fight liver diseases, but with a different active ingredient.


Allochol - an assistant to the biliary tract and liver

The composition of Allochol is completely different from that of Hofitol. Allohol's composition includes:

  • dry animal bile 80 mg;
  • dry garlic extract 40 mg;
  • dry nettle extract 5 mg;
  • activated carbon 25 mg.

The main indications for the use of Allohol:

  • chronic hepatitis;
  • cholangitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • atonic constipation.

Contraindications for use:

  • obstructive jaundice;
  • acute hepatitis;
  • liver dystrophy;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

Video: the use of Allohol

An analogue of Hofitol, which is prescribed to pregnant women - Essentiale forte.

The analogue of Hofitol, which is actively used for the treatment of pregnant women - Essentiale forte

Essentiale is a drug that has long been known in medicine for its hepatoprotective properties. It is actively used for various liver diseases.

The main active ingredient in the preparation is phospholipids from soybeans, which are also called essential phospholipids.

Essentiale forte is actively used to treat the following diseases:

  • fatty liver degeneration (also in diabetes);
  • acute and chronic hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis;
  • liver cell necrosis;
  • hepatic coma and precoma;
  • toxic liver damage, including pregnancy toxicosis;
  • pre- and postoperative treatment, especially during operations in the area of ​​the hepatobiliary zone;
  • psoriasis, neuromermitis;
  • radiation syndrome.

There are two forms of Essentiale release: capsules and injection.

Despite the fact that the instructions describe the use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation, it is not recommended to use it without consulting a doctor.

There are no contraindications, with the exception of a possible allergic reaction to the components of the drug.

If a woman develops any disease during pregnancy, then Hofitol is prescribed as an additional agent or for prevention: reviews from gynecologists and therapists about this drug are positive. It is recommended by doctors in the early stages of pregnancy and in the 2-3 trimesters. The instructions for use for this drug do not classify pregnancy as a contraindication. Chophytol will not harm the development of the fetus.

Why is Hofitol prescribed for pregnant women? In the early stages of pregnancy, a woman may suffer from toxicosis. If the symptoms of toxicosis do not harm the health of the woman and the developing embryo, then the doctor will advise you to walk more, avoid stress, eat salted nuts or drink tea with lemon. The body will soon get used to the new condition and the symptoms will subside. If the state of toxicosis is aggravated by frequent vomiting, dehydration, surges in blood pressure, diarrhea, then gynecologists prescribe treatment. It will be more effective if you take Hofitol.

Drug action

Why take Hofitol in the 1st trimester of pregnancy? During toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy, there is a violation of the functions of all internal organs. The liver is the first to suffer. Hofitol will make her work easier. It is a good choleretic agent. It is prescribed for biliary dyskinesia. The drug is a hepatoprotective agent. It restores liver function and protects it from negative effects. Reviews on women's portals say that during pregnancy, women are prescribed Hofitol if the first child had jaundice and increased bilirubin was noted.

With toxicosis, the kidneys are disrupted, which can lead to renal failure. Why is Hofitol prescribed in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy? Women in late pregnancy often find swelling in their legs, arms and under the eyes. The uterus grows in size and compresses the kidneys. They are not able to fulfill their functions in full. Liquid begins to accumulate in the body, a violation of the water-salt balance occurs, and nitrogenous compounds accumulate.

If a woman develops severe symptoms of renal failure, then Hofitol is prescribed. It will help normalize kidney function, protect cells from the effects of nitrite compounds. Reviews of women indicate that after taking the drug, they had edema, and the general condition of the body improved. Anxiety passed.

Why take Hofitol late in pregnancy? In the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, a woman may develop gestosis, in which all body systems are affected. Vascular spasm occurs: microcirculation worsens. A woman develops shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, vision deteriorates, microthrombus formation is possible. Gestosis will also affect the development of the fetus. Placental insufficiency and fetal hypoxia may occur. In severe cases, doctors resort to premature birth.

If the symptoms of gestosis are detected at an early stage, then Hofitol is prescribed as a prophylaxis. It will increase microcirculation, protect cell membranes from lack of oxygen. The internal organs of the expectant mother and the placenta will not suffer from the manifestation of preeclampsia. After preventive measures, the woman's condition is normalized. This is evidenced by numerous reviews on women's forums.

Hofitol is not prescribed if a woman has stones in the gallbladder or in the kidneys. The drug can provoke their movement, which will inevitably lead to surgical intervention. Any surgery during pregnancy is a big risk for the fetus.

What does the preparation consist of?

Chophytol is available as a tablet or liquid that is taken by mouth. The active ingredient is an extract from the leaves of the field artichoke. 1 tablet contains:

  • 200 mg artichoke extract;
  • 22 mg corn starch;
  • 12 mg - magnesium trisilicate;
  • 3 g talcum powder;
  • 3 g magnesium salt: food additive E 572.

The tablets are brown. There can be 12 or 30 pieces in a blister. In tubes - 180 pcs. Blister price 30 pcs. from 400 p. You can buy tablets in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

Chophytol is brown in liquid form. Available in dark colored bottles. A sediment may appear at the bottom of the bottle. It is recommended to shake the liquid before use. 100 ml of solution contains:

  • 20 g water extract of artichoke;
  • ethanol;
  • flavoring: more often orange;
  • purified water;
  • glycerol: it is used as an independent remedy for constipation;
  • additives E 214, E 216.

It is sold in a bottle - 120 ml. The price of the solution is from 400 rubles. For pregnant women, Hofitol tablets are prescribed, because ethanol and additives are present in the solution, which can adversely affect the development of the fetus.

The instructions for use determine the dosage of the drug: 2 tablets or 2.5 ml of liquid 3 times a day. The duration of treatment and dosage is prescribed individually for each woman. Self-treatment is unacceptable.

Analogues, prices

Instead of Hofitol, they can prescribe:

  • Artihol: 30 tab. - 150 rubles;
  • Artichoke extract: price for 30 capsules - from 200 rubles;
  • Hofitop: 60 tab. - from 350 p.

Artichoke extract will help to alleviate the state of toxicosis, relieve nervous tension and anxiety, improve the functioning of all organs and normalize microcirculation. Preparations with the extract are prescribed by the gynecologist. It can be used both when planning pregnancy and during the period of carrying a child.