Bouquets can be made from dried flowers, or dry flowers can be dried.

1. Dried flowers

Are immortelle flowers with rigid petals, such as acroclinium, xerantum, statice, lonas, gelichrisum other. They must be torn at the beginning of flowering, otherwise they will crumble in winter. This also includes decorative cereals - haretail (lagurus), shaker (breeze) and many others, as well as wild herbs - spikelets, panicles, umbrellas, seed pods.

Many dried flowers are annuals, and you will have time to grow them this summer. To preserve them, it is enough to hang them upside down in a dry, dark place.

2. How to dry regular flowers

Some ordinary flowers are easy to dry too - hydrangea when its petals turn green and begin to rustle. Delphinium perennial and annual dry out, retaining color for a long time, it must be plucked at the beginning of flowering, flowering onions and others. All these flowers dry up while standing in a vase.

Some flowers can be dried in the sand. Non-double flowers dry very easily - chamomile, rudbeckia... Dry sifted sand should be poured into the box in a layer of 1-2 cm, put the flower head down and gently cover the petals with sand. The stems will stick up, and when they are dry, the flowers must be carefully removed from the sand. Double flowers should be placed in a thicker layer of sand, head up, and carefully pour the sand between the petals. The stem will have to be cut shortly and grown after drying.

3. How to save dandelions

Pluck (with a 3-5 cm piece of stem) the dandelion when it fades and looks like a bud with a white tip. At home, place the stem tube over straws or thin twigs. Be sure to put it on so that the straw sticks its tip a little into the flower, otherwise it will wilt. After a few hours, the dandelion begins to fluff up and turn into a ball. Now you need to take a can of hairspray and gently spray each ball from all sides. The dandelion will stay with you, without crumbling, all winter and even longer.

4. How to create a bouquet

To make the flowers stand beautifully in a vase, they are stuck into a special material - a floral sponge. Clip it into a vase and you can place flowers in any direction. The sponge is sold in departments that sell dried flowers. There is such a department, for example, in the OBI store in Moscow and in other flower shops.

5. About pictures of flowers

Everyone knows how to dry flowers: in a book or in a newspaper under pressure. Flowers should be taken persistent in color or slightly tinted with a semi-dry brush, for example, greenery. Excellent color retention delphiniums, chamomile, daisies, marigolds, tulip petals and others. But in the beautiful flowers of the acroclinium, the middle will soon turn black and ruin the whole bouquet. In general, experiment.

Success to you!


Roses, peonies, lily of the valley, lonas, etc.

Acroclinium and cinneraria.

Chamomile, shaker, timothy.